2,538 research outputs found

    Post heat treatment effects on double layer metal structures for VLSI applications

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    The realization of high yield double layer metal systems using wet chemistry processes and the ability to extend yields beyond that attainable with wet chemistry by means of post sintering processes at temperatures below 500 C for potential applications in very large scale integration structures were studied. Yields in excess of 98% and average total contact resistance of less than 150 ohms and 200 ohms were realized for a series of 560 vias of 0.5 X 0.5 mils and 0.2 X 0.2 mils in size, respectively

    A study of trends and techniques for space base electronics

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    The use of dry processing and alternate dielectrics for processing wafers is reported. A two dimensional modeling program was written for the simulation of short channel MOSFETs with nonuniform substrate doping. A key simplifying assumption used is that the majority carriers can be represented by a sheet charge at the silicon dioxide-silicon interface. In solving current continuity equation, the program does not converge. However, solving the two dimensional Poisson equation for the potential distribution was achieved. The status of other 2D MOSFET simulation programs are summarized

    Trends and Techniques for Space Base Electronics

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    Simulations of various phosphorus and boron diffusions in SOS were completed and a sputtering system, furnaces, and photolithography related equipment were set up. Double layer metal experiments initially utilized wet chemistry techniques. By incorporating ultrasonic etching of the vias, premetal cleaning a modified buffered HF, phosphorus doped vapox, and extended sintering, yields of 98% were obtained using the standard test pattern. A two dimensional modeling program was written for simulating short channel MOSFETs with nonuniform substrate doping. A key simplifying assumption used is that the majority carriers can be represented by a sheet charge at the silicon dioxide silicon interface. Although the program is incomplete, the two dimensional Poisson equation for the potential distribution was achieved. The status of other Z-D MOSFET simulation programs is summarized

    An evaluation of the first year experience from the mature students' perspective; a multi-institutional comparison

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    This study investigates the experiences of mature students across three higher education institutions in the UK. The issues arising are of relevance to academics who are involved in widening participation and in evaluating support in their own programmes for the diversity of students. The sample includes mature students from programmes in Health, where mature students form a majority, and in Business, where mature students formed a minority. Focus groups were used to gain access to student perspectives on expectations, motivations, sacrifices, transitions, induction, programmes and assessment. The findings include misleading information that did not acknowledge the particular concerns and needs of mature students, induction processes that were not experienced as inclusive by mature students, and varying experiences of support but overall the institutional context was significant

    Learning through research: the first year experience from the mature students perspective

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    This collaborative work from St Martin’s College, Salford and Middlesex Universities brings together experiences of mature students, (21+ years of age on entry), in a phenomenological piece of research identifying the different ways in which they feel supported in their undergraduate studies. There is particular value to the collaborative aspect of this research as it pulls together the differences in management and structures from a higher education college, a pre-1992 and post-1992 institutions. This paper aims to highlight the findings of the research at a point in time to feature the concerns of mature students on entering and the transition into HE, to demonstrate what mature students attribute to encouraging them to succeed and persist in their studies, learning ‘what works’ type strategies from the three institutions and devising new strategies to support not only this particular group of students, but all during their undergraduate studies

    A study of trends and techniques for space base electronics

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    A sputtering system was developed to deposit aluminum and aluminum alloys by the dc sputtering technique. This system is designed for a high level of cleanliness and for monitoring the deposition parameters during film preparation. This system is now ready for studying the deposition and annealing parameters upon double-level metal preparation. A technique recently applied for semiconductor analysis, the finite element method, was studied for use in the computer modeling of two dimensional MOS transistor structures. It was concluded that the method has not been sufficiently well developed for confident use at this time. An algorithm was developed for confident use at this time. An algorithm was developed for implementing a computer study which is based upon the finite difference method. The program which was developed was modified and used to calculate redistribution data for boron and phosphorous which had been predeposited by ion implantation with range and straggle conditions. Data were generated for 111 oriented SOS films with redistribution in N2, dry O2 and steam ambients

    Academic freedom in Canadian higher education: Universities, colleges, and institutes were not created equal

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    There has been substantial discussion, research, and debate about the role of academic freedom within higher education, primarily centered on the university model. Not as well documented or understood is the issue of academic freedom within colleges and institutes in Canada. In this paper, we examine the current state of academic freedom in colleges and institutes using a historical analysis of two Canadian provinces, British Columbia and Ontario. Beginning with an overview of academic freedom within universities, we then examine the development and evolution of colleges and institutes and discuss how or if academic freedom applies to them. We consider issues of collegiality, faculty engagement, and governance as they impact the concept and practice of academic freedom within these institutions. We also discuss the different origins, intents, roles, and governance models of universities in contrast to colleges and institutes, which are generally representative of the broader Canadian higher education landscape.  Le rĂŽle de la libertĂ© universitaire dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur a fait l’objet d’innombrables discussions, recherches et dĂ©bats, la plupart axĂ©s sur le modĂšle universitaire. Pourtant, cette mĂȘme notion est encore mal documentĂ©e et comprise dans l’enseignement dispensĂ© par les collĂšges et instituts, surtout au Canada. Cet exposĂ© examine l’état actuel de la libertĂ© universitaire dans ces Ă©tablissements, Ă  l’aide d’une analyse historique et comparative de deux provinces canadiennes : la Colombie-Britannique et l’Ontario. Il commence par un survol de la libertĂ© universitaire dans les universitĂ©s, puis examine le dĂ©veloppement et l’évolution de celle-ci dans les collĂšges et instituts et enfin, il se penche sur la façon dont on applique cette libertĂ©, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant. Cet exposĂ© traite Ă©galement des questions de collĂ©gialitĂ©, de la participation des membres du corps professoral et de la gouvernance, selon leur incidence sur le concept et la pratique de la libertĂ© universitaire. En outre, l’exposĂ© discute des diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments que sont les origines, intentions, rĂŽles et modĂšles de gouvernance d’universitĂ©s, habituellement reprĂ©sentatives du paysage canadien de l’enseignement supĂ©rieur dans son ensemble, en les comparant aux collĂšges et instituts

    Poster 449 Ketotic Hypoglycemia in RYR‐1 Central Core Myopathy: A Case Report

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147182/1/pmr2s344a.pd

    Small-scale, nature-based tourism as a pro-poor development intervention : two examples in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Tourism is widely acknowledged as a key economic sector that has the potential to contribute to national and local development and, more specifically, serve as a mechanism to promote poverty alleviation and pro-poor development within a particular locality. In countries of the global South, nature-based tourism initiatives can make a meaningful impact on the livelihoods of the poor, in particular the subsistence based rural poor. Taking two examples in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, where small-scale tourism initiatives were developed recently in response to existing natural attractions in the context of coping with local economic crises, this paper broadly assesses the modest benefits to date, as well as drawbacks, in improving conditions of life
