112 research outputs found

    Validation and psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire

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    It has been demonstrated that nurturing and affiliative touch is essential for human emotional and physical well-being throughout our entire life. Within the last 30 years a system of low-threshold mechanosensitive C fibers innervating the hairy skin was discovered and described; this system is hypothesized to represent the neurobiological substrate for the affective and rewarding properties of touch. This discovery opens new perspectives for multidisciplinary research of the role of affiliative social touch in health and disease, and calls for establishing novel psychometric tools assessing individual differences in the domain of affective touch. The main objective of the study was to construct and validate a Russian version of the Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire (TEAQ), a self-report measure recently developed to quantify individual experience and attitude to social and affective touch. A pool of 117 items was translated into Russian and all the items were assessed for appropriateness for Russian culture (232 participants). After exploring the factor structure (468 participants), we composed a 37-item questionnaire (TEAQ-37 Rus) characterized by good reliability and a clear 5-factor structure, covering the aspects of attitude to intimate touch, attitude to friendly touch, attitude to self-care, current intimate touch experiences, and childhood touch experiences. Confirmatory factor analysis (551 participants) has demonstrated good consistency and reliability of the 5-factor structure of the TEAQ-37 Rus. Cross-validation research demonstrated moderate positive correlations between predisposition to social touch and emotional intelligence; positive correlations with extraversion and openness facets of the Big Five personality model were also found. As predicted, participants with higher TEAQ scores rated all observed kinds of touch as more pleasant, with a particular preference for slow touch. We anticipate that this questionnaire will be a valuable tool for researchers of social touch, touch perception abnormalities, and the importance of touch experiences for emotional and mental health

    A Positive Touch: C-tactile afferent targeted skin stimulation carries an appetitive motivational value.

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    The rewarding sensation of touch in affiliative interactions is hypothesised to be underpinned by an unmyelinated system of nerve fibres called C-tactile afferents (CTs). CTs are velocity tuned, responding optimally to slow, gentle touch, typical of a caress. Here we used evaluative conditioning to examine whether CT activation carries a positive affective value. A set of neutral faces were paired with robotically delivered touch to the forearm. With half the faces touch was delivered at a CT optimal velocity of 3cm/s (CT touch) and with the other half at a faster, Non-CT optimal velocity of 30cm/s (Control touch). Heart-rate and skin conductance responses (SCRs) were recorded throughout. Whilst rated equally approachable pre-conditioning, post-conditioning faces paired with CT touch were judged significantly more approachable than those paired with Control touch. CT touch also elicited significantly greater heart-rate deceleration and lower amplitude SCRs than Control touch. The results indicate CT touch carries a positive affective value, which can be acquired by socially relevant stimuli it is associated with

    Vicarious ratings of social touch reflect the anatomical distribution & velocity tuning of C-tactile afferents: A Hedonic Homunculus?

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    A subclass of C-fibres, C-tactile afferents (CTs), have been discovered which respond preferentially to low force/velocity stroking touch, that is typically perceived as pleasant. Molecular genetic visualization of these low-threshold mechanosensitive C-fibres (CLTMs) in mice revealed a denser distribution in dorsal than ventral thoracic sites, scattered distal limb innervation and a complete absence from glabrous paw skin (Liu et al., 2007). Here we used third-party ratings to examine whether affective responses to social touch reflect the anatomical distribution and velocity tuning of CTs. Participants viewed and rated a sequence of video clips depicting one individual being touched by another at different skin sites and at 3 different velocities (static, 3 cm/s, 30 cm/s). Immediately after viewing each clip participants were asked to rate how pleasant they perceived the touch to be. Vicarious preferences matched the previously reported anatomical innervation density of rodent CLTMs, with touch on the back being rated significantly more pleasant than any other location. Furthermore, in contrast to all other skin sites, CT optimal (3 cm/s) touch on the palm of the hand was not preferred to static touch, consistent with the anatomical absence of CTs in glabrous skin. Our findings demonstrate that humans recognise the specific rewarding value of CT optimal caressing touch and their preferences reflect the hypothesised anatomical distribution of CTs

    Depression severity is associated with reduced pleasantness of observed social touch and fewer current intimate touch experiences

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    Depression is associated with loss of pleasure in previously enjoyed activities and withdrawal from social interactions. Depression alters the perception of social cues, but it is currently unclear whether this extends to social touch. In the current cross-sectional study, we explored the association between depression severity, perceived pleasantness of observed social touch, and general longing for touch. For observed touch, we contrasted videos of slow touch (1-10cm/s), which optimally activates C tactile afferent nerve fibres and generally feels pleasant, with ‘non-CT-optimal’ touch (i.e., outside the 1-10cm/s range, commonly rated more neutral). We predicted that greater depression severity would be related to lower pleasantness ratings specifically for CT-optimal touch, and less longing for touch. N = 226 adults completed self-report measures of depression severity and longing for touch, and rated touch pleasantness for six videos depicting social touch at three velocities (3cm/s in the CT-optimal range, 0.5 and 30cm/s outside this range) and at two locations varying in CT innervation (palm vs. arm). We controlled for general anhedonia and individual differences in touch experiences and attitudes. Across touch locations, greater depression severity was associated with lower perceived pleasantness of touch, especially for the fastest non-CT-optimal (rather than the CT-optimal) velocity, contrary to our prediction. However, when grouping participants into probable vs. no/minimal depression, the probable depression group rated both the fastest non-CT-optimal and the CT-optimal velocity as less pleasant than did the no/minimal depression group. Overall, while depression was associated with perceived pleasantness of observed touch, this was not specific to CT-optimal touch. Furthermore, touch longing was not associated with depression severity. Instead, variance in depression symptoms was better explained by reduced levels of current intimate touch. Though the direction of causality is unclear, greater depression severity is related to lower pleasantness of observed social touch, and lower levels of current intimate touch

    Effects of Acute Tryptophan Depletion on Human Taste Perception

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    Taste perception has been reported to vary with changes in affective state. Distortions of taste perception, including blunted recognition thresholds, intensity, and hedonic ratings have been identified in those suffering from depressive disorders. Serotonin is a key neurotransmitter implicated in the etiology of anxiety and depression; systemic and peripheral manipulations of serotonin signaling have previously been shown to modulate taste detection. However, the specific effects of central serotonin function on taste processing have not been widely investigated. Here, in a double-blind placebo-controlled study, acute tryptophan depletion was used to investigate the effect of reduced central serotonin function on taste perception. Twenty-five female participants aged 18–28 attended the laboratory on two occasions at least 1 week apart. On one visit, they received a tryptophan depleting drink and on the other, a control drink was administered. Approximately, 6 h after drink consumption, they completed a taste perception task which measured detection thresholds and supra-threshold perceptions of the intensity and pleasantness of four basic tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, and salt). While acutely reducing central levels of serotonin had no effect on the detection thresholds of sweet, bitter, or sour tastes, it significantly enhanced detection of salt. For supra-threshold stimuli, acutely reduced serotonin levels significantly enhanced the perceived intensity of both bitter and sour tastes and blunted pleasantness ratings of bitter quinine. These findings show manipulation of central serotonin levels can modulate taste perception and are consistent with previous reports that depletion of central serotonin levels enhances neural and behavioral responsiveness to aversive signals

    Role of medial prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex in self and other-directed vicarious social touch: a TMS study

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    Conflicting evidence points to the contribution of several key nodes of the 'social brain' to the processing of both discriminatory and affective qualities of interpersonal touch. Whether the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), two brain areas vital for tactile mirroring and affective mentalizing, play a functional role in shared representations of C-tactile (CT) targeted affective touch is still a matter of debate. Here, we used offline continuous theta-burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (cTBS) to mPFC, S1 and Vertex (control) prior to participants providing ratings of vicarious touch pleasantness for self and others delivered across several body sites at CT-targeted velocities. We found that S1-cTBS led to a significant increase in touch ratings to the self, with this effect being positively associated to levels of interoceptive awareness. Conversely, mPFC-cTBS reduced pleasantness ratings for touch to another person. These effects were not specific for CT-optimal (slow) stroking velocities, but rather they applied to all types of social touch. Overall, our findings challenge the causal role of the S1 and mPFC in vicarious affective touch and suggest that self- vs. other-directed vicarious touch responses might crucially depend on the specific involvement of key social networks in gentle tactile interactions

    Children's vicarious ratings of social touch are tuned to the velocity but not the location of a caress.

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    Affective sharing is a bottom-up process involving automatic processing of sensory inputs that facilitate vicarious experience of another's emotional state. It is grounded directly in the prior experiences of the perceiver. In adults, vicarious ratings of affective touch match the known velocity tuning and hypothesised anatomical distribution of C-tactile afferents (CT), a subclass of C-fibre which respond preferentially to low force/velocity stroking touch, typically perceived as pleasant. Given the centrality of touch to early nurturing interactions, here we examined whether primary school aged children's vicarious ratings of affective touch show the same anatomical and velocity specific patterns reported in adults. Forty-four children aged between 8 and 11 (mean age 9, 24 male) rated a sequence of video clips depicting one individual being touched by another on 5 different upper-body sites (palm, dorsal forearm, ventral forearm, upper-arm and back) at 3 different velocities (static, CT optimal, slow stroking and non-CT optimal, fast stroking). Immediately after viewing each clip, participants were asked to rate how pleasant they perceived the touch to be. While children rated the CT optimal velocity significantly higher than static or non-CT optimal touch, unlike adults their ratings did not vary across skin sites. This difference may reflect the fact children's ratings are grounded in bottom-up affective resonance while adults also draw on top-down cognitive evaluation of the broader social context when rating the stimuli

    Vicarious ratings of social touch the effect of age and autistic traits.

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    Tactile sensitivities are common in Autism Spectrum Conditions (autism). Psychophysically, slow, gentle stroking touch is typically rated as more pleasant than faster or slower touch. Vicarious ratings of social touch results in a similar pattern of velocity dependent hedonic ratings as directly felt touch. Here we investigated whether adults and children's vicarious ratings vary according to autism diagnosis and self-reported autistic traits. Adults' scoring high on the AQ rated stroking touch on the palm as less pleasant than a Low AQ group. However, in contrast to our hypothesis, we did not find any effect of autism diagnosis on children's touch ratings despite parental reports highlighting significant somatosensory sensitivities. These results are discussed in terms of underpinning sensory and cognitive factors

    Affective touch topography and body image.

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    Recent evidence suggests that altered responses to affective touch-a pleasant interoceptive stimulus associated with activation of the C-Tactile (CT) system-may contribute to the aetiology and maintenance of mental conditions characterised by body image disturbances (e.g., Anorexia Nervosa). Here, we investigated whether tactile pleasantness and intensity differ across body sites, and if individual differences in dysmorphic appearance concerns and body and emotional awareness might be associated with touch perceptions across body sites. To this end, we measured perceived pleasantness and intensity of gentle, dynamic stroking touches applied to the palm, forearm, face, abdomen and back of 30 female participants (mean age: 25.87±1.17yrs) using CT-optimal (3 cm/s) and non-CT optimal (0.3 and 30 cm/s) stroking touch. As expected, participants rated CT-targeted touch as more pleasant compared to the two non-CT optimal stroking touch at all body sites. Regardless of stroking velocity, touch applied to the abdomen elicited the lowest pleasantness ratings. Lower levels of emotional awareness, greater levels of interoceptive sensibility and of dysmorphic concerns were associated with lower preference for CT-optimal stroking touch applied to the forearm and the back. These findings begin to elucidate the link between CT sensitivity, dysmorphic appearance concerns and body and emotional awareness, which may have implications for future research looking to inform early interventions. Addressing impaired processing of affective interoceptive stimuli, such as CT-targeted touch, may be the key to current treatment approaches available for those populations at risk of disorders characterised by body image disturbance

    Translation, validity, and reliability of the European Portuguese version of the Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire

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    Background. Positive touch experiences have proved to be extremely important throughout our lifespan, with cascading effects on our social life. However, few questionnaires are available to measure attitudes and experiences of touch in the Portuguese population. This study aimed to translate and validate the European Portuguese version of the Touch Experiences and Attitudes Questionnaire (TEAQ), as a reliable and valid instrument to measure different aspects of affective touch experiences and attitudes. Methods. Therefore, an online sample of 384 (299 females and 85 males) participants, aged between 18 and 75 years (M = 24.59; SD = 9.56) was collected. Multidimensional Rasch model and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out, and also reliability and convergent and discriminant validity were determined. In addition, we examined sex differences in attitudes and experiences of touch. Results. Results showed good fit indexes for the 52-item six-factor model structure (friends and family touch, current intimate touch, childhood touch, attitudes to self-care, attitudes to intimate touch, and attitudes to unfamiliar touch). This instrument also showed good reliability and acceptable convergent and discriminant validity. Significant sex differences were found, with female participants reporting more positive touch experiences (including childhood touch, friends and family touch, and current intimate touch) and a more favourable attitude to self-care, with males showing a more positive attitude towards unfamiliar touch. Regarding attitudes towards the intimate touch, scores for both groups were comparable. Conclusion. Overall, the European Portuguese version of the TEAQ presented good psychometric properties and appears to be a reliable and valid self-report measure, being a useful and beneficial instrument in research and clinical settings
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