2,811 research outputs found

    Laboratory modeling and analysis of aircraft-lightning interactions

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    Modeling studies of the interaction of a delta wing aircraft with direct lightning strikes were carried out using an approximate scale model of an F-106B. The model, which is three feet in length, is subjected to direct injection of fast current pulses supplied by wires, which simulate the lightning channel and are attached at various locations on the model. Measurements are made of the resulting transient electromagnetic fields using time derivative sensors. The sensor outputs are sampled and digitized by computer. The noise level is reduced by averaging the sensor output from ten input pulses at each sample time. Computer analysis of the measured fields includes Fourier transformation and the computation of transfer functions for the model. Prony analysis is also used to determine the natural frequencies of the model. Comparisons of model natural frequencies extracted by Prony analysis with those for in flight direct strike data usually show lower damping in the in flight case. This is indicative of either a lightning channel with a higher impedance than the wires on the model, only one attachment point, or short streamers instead of a long channel

    Electromagnetic resonances of cylinders and aircraft model with resistive wires

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    The natural frequencies of the electromagnetic resonances of conducting bodies with attached wires were determined. The bodies included twp cylinders and an approximate scale model of the NASA F-106B aircraft. All were three feet in length. Time domain waveforms of B-dot and D-dot were obtained from a sampling oscilloscope, and Prony analysis was used to extract the natural frequencies. The first four natural frequencies of the cylinders (and wires) were determined, and a comparison with calculated results of other investigators shows reasonable agreement. Seven natural frequencies were determined for the F-106B model (with wires), and these were compared with results obtained by NASA in 1982 during direct lightning strikes to the aircraft. The agreement between the corresponding natural frequencies of the model and the aircraft is fairly good and is better than that obtained in the previous work using wires with less resistance. The frequencies lie between 6.5 MHz and 41 MHz, and all of the normalized damping rates are between 0.14 and 0.27

    Electromagnetic resonances of cylinders and aircraft model with resistive wires

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    Laboratory experiments were done to determine the natural frequencies of the electromagnetic resonances of conducting bodies with attached wires. The bodies include two cylinders and an approximate scale model of the NASA F-106B aircraft. All are three feet in length. Time-domain waveforms of B-dot and D-dot were obtained from a sampling oscilloscope, and Prony analysis was used to extract the natural frequencies. This work is an extension of previous work, but smaller, more resistive wires have been used. The first four natural frequencies of the cylinders (and wires) were determined, and a comparison with calculated results of other investigators show reasonable agreement. Seven natural frequencies were determined for the F-106B model (wire wires), and these have been compared with results obtained by NASA in 1982 during direct lightning strikes to the aircraft. The agreement between the corresponding natural frequencies of the model and the aircraft is fairly good and is better than that obtained in the previous work using wires with less resistance. The frequencies lie between 6.5 MHz and 41 MHz, and all of the normalized damping rates are between 0.14 and 0.27

    Photosynthetic reaction center complexes from heliobacteria

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    The goal of this project is to understand the early evolutionary development of photosynthesis by examining the properties of reaction centers isolated from certain contemporary organisms that appear to contain the simplest photosynthetic reaction centers. The major focus of this project is the family of newly discovered strictly anaerobic photosynthetic organisms known as Heliobacteria. These organisms are the only known photosynthetic organisms that are grouped with the gram-positive phylum of bacteria. The properties of these reaction centers suggest that they might be the decendants of an ancestor that also gave rise to Photosystem 1 found in oxygen-evolving photosynthetic organisms. Photoactive reaction center-core antenna complexes have been isolated from the photosynthetic bacteria Heliobacillus mobilis and Heliobacterium gestii. The absorption and fluorescence properties of membranes and reaction centers are almost identical, suggesting that a single pigment-protein complex serves as both antenna and reaction center. Experiments in progress include sequence determination of the 48,000 Mr reaction center protein, and evolutionary comparisons with other reaction center proteins

    Breakdown characteristics of an isolated conducting object in a uniform electric field

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    A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the physical processes involved in the electrical breakdown of a particular spark gap arrangement. The gap consists of an isolated conducting ellipsoid located midway between two large flat electrodes. Gradual increase of the applied electric field, E, in the gap produces corona on the ellipsoid tips followed by flashover in a leader-arc sequence. The leader phase consists of the abrupt formation of ionized channels which partially bridge the gap and then decay prior to the arc. Measurements of dE/dt and of current were made, and photographs were taken with an image converter. Experimental parameters are listed

    The hollow cathode discharge applied to laser design

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    Possibility of laser action in sputtered metallic vapor of iron and copper hollow cathode gas discharge tube

    Interpretation of F-106B in-flight lightning signatures

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    Various characteristics of the electromagnetic data obtained on a NASA F-106B aircraft during direct lightning strikes are presented. Time scales of interest range from 10 ns to 400 microsecond. The following topics are discussed: (1) Lightning current, I, measured directly versus I obtained from computer integration of measured I-dot; (2) A method of compensation for the low frequency cutoff of the current transformer used to measure I; (3) Properties of fast pulses observed in the lightning time-derivative waveforms; (4) The characteristic D-dot signature of the F-106B aircraft; (5) An RC-discharge interpretation for some lightning waveforms; (6) A method for inferring the locations of lightning channel attachment points on the aircraft by using B-dot data; (7) Simple, approximate relationships between D-dot and I-dot and between B and I; and (8) Estimates of energy, charge, voltage, and resistance for a particular lightning event

    Vector coherent states and intertwining operators

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    In this paper we discuss a general strategy to construct vector coherent states of the Gazeau-Klauder type and we use them to built up examples of isospectral hamiltonians. For that we use a general strategy recently proposed by the author and which extends well known facts on intertwining operators. We also discuss the possibility of constructing non-isospectral hamiltonians with related eigenstates

    Fresnel diffractograms from pure-phase wave fields under perfect spatio-temporal coherence: Non-linear/non-local aspects and far-field behavior

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    Recently, the diffractogram, that is, the Fourier transform of the intensity contrast induced by Fresnel free-space propagation of a given (exit) wave field, was investigated non-perturbatively in the phase-scaling factor S (controlling the strength of phase variation) for the special case of a Gaussian phase of width √w. Surprisingly, an additional low-frequency zero σ* = σ*(S, F) >0 emerges critically at small Fresnel number F (σ proportional to square of 2D spatial frequency). Here, we study the S-scaling behavior of the entire diffractogram. We identify a valley of maximum S-scaling linearity in the F − σ plane corresponding to a nearly universal physical frequency ξml = (0:143 ± 0.001)w−1/2. Large values of F (near field) are shown to imply S-scaling linearity for low σ but nowhere else (overdamped non-oscillatory). In contrast, small F values (far field) entail distinct, sizable s-bands of good S-scaling linearity (damped oscillatory). These bands also occur in simulated diffractograms induced by a complex phase map (Lena). The transition from damped oscillatory to overdamped non-oscillatory diffractograms is shown to be a critical phenomenon for the Gaussian case. We also give evidence for the occurrence of this transition in an X-ray imaging experiment. Finally, we show that the extreme far-field limit generates a σ-universal diffractogram under certain requirements on the phase map: information on phase shape then is solely encoded in S-scaling behavior

    Scope and Mechanistic Study of the Coupling Reaction of α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds with Alkenes: Uncovering Electronic Effects on Alkene Insertion vs Oxidative Coupling Pathways

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    The cationic ruthenium-hydride complex [(C6H6)(PCy3)(CO)RuH]+BF4– (1) was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the intermolecular conjugate addition of simple alkenes to α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds to give (Z)-selective tetrasubstituted olefin products. The analogous coupling reaction of cinnamides with electron-deficient olefins led to the oxidative coupling of two olefinic C–H bonds in forming (E)-selective diene products. The intramolecular version of the coupling reaction efficiently produced indene and bicyclic fulvene derivatives. The empirical rate law for the coupling reaction of ethyl cinnamate with propene was determined as follows: rate = k[1]1[propene]0[cinnamate]−1. A negligible deuterium kinetic isotope effect (kH/kD = 1.1 ± 0.1) was measured from both (E)-C6H5CH═C(CH3)CONHCH3 and (E)-C6H5CD═C(CH3)CONHCH3 with styrene. In contrast, a significant normal isotope effect (kH/kD = 1.7 ± 0.1) was observed from the reaction of (E)-C6H5CH═C(CH3)CONHCH3 with styrene and styrene-d8. A pronounced carbon isotope effect was measured from the coupling reaction of (E)-C6H5CH═CHCO2Et with propene (13C(recovered)/13C(virgin) at Cβ = 1.019(6)), while a negligible carbon isotope effect (13C(recovered)/13C(virgin) at Cβ = 0.999(4)) was obtained from the reaction of (E)-C6H5CH═C(CH3)CONHCH3 with styrene. Hammett plots from the correlation of para-substituted p-X-C6H4CH═CHCO2Et (X = OCH3, CH3, H, F, Cl, CO2Me, CF3) with propene and from the treatment of (E)-C6H5CH═CHCO2Et with a series of para-substituted styrenes p-Y-C6H4CH═CH2 (Y = OCH3, CH3, H, F, Cl, CF3) gave the positive slopes for both cases (ρ = +1.1 ± 0.1 and +1.5 ± 0.1, respectively). Eyring analysis of the coupling reaction led to the thermodynamic parameters, ΔH⧧ = 20 ± 2 kcal mol–1 and ΔS⧧ = −42 ± 5 eu. Two separate mechanistic pathways for the coupling reaction have been proposed on the basis of these kinetic and spectroscopic studies