159 research outputs found

    Systems Biology: A Therapeutic Target for Tumor Therapy

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    Tumor-related activities that seem to be operationally induced by the division of function, such as inflammation, neoangiogenesis, Warburg effect, immune response, extracellular matrix remodeling, cell proliferation rate, apoptosis, coagulation effects, present itself from a systems perspective as an enhancement of complexity. We hypothesized, that tumor systems-directed therapies might have the capability to use aggregated action effects, as adjustable sizes to therapeutically modulate the tumor systems’ stability, homeostasis, and robustness. We performed a retrospective analysis of recently published data on 224 patients with advanced and heavily pre-treated (10% to 63%) vascular sarcoma, melanoma, renal clear cell, cholangiocellular, carcinoma, hormone-refractory prostate cancer, and multivisceral Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis enrolled in nine multi-center phase II trials (11 centers). Each patient received a multi-targeted systems-directed therapy that consisted of metronomic low-dose chemotherapy, a COX-2 inhibitor, combined with one or two transcription modulators, pioglitazone +/− dexamethasone or IFN-alpha. These treatment schedules may attenuate the metastatic potential, tumor-associated inflammation, may exert site-specific activities, and induce long-term disease stabilization followed by prolonged objective response (3% to 48%) despite poor monoactivity of the respective drugs. Progression-free survival data are comparable with those of reductionist-designed standard first-line therapies. The differential response patterns indicate the therapies’ systems biological activity. Understanding systems biology as adjustable size may break through the barrier of complex tumor-stroma-interactions in a therapeutically relevant way: Comparatively high efficacy at moderate toxicity. Structured systems-directed therapies in metastatic cancer may get a source for detecting the topology of tumor-associated complex aggregated action effects as adjustable sizes available for targeted biomodulatory therapies

    Histone deacetylase controls adult stem cell aging by balancing the expression of polycomb genes and jumonji domain containing 3

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    Aging is linked to loss of the self-renewal capacity of adult stem cells. Here, we observed that human multipotent stem cells (MSCs) underwent cellular senescence in vitro. Decreased expression of histone deacetylases (HDACs), followed by downregulation of polycomb group genes (PcGs), such as BMI1, EZH2 and SUZ12, and by upregulation of jumonji domain containing 3 (JMJD3), was observed in senescent MSCs. Similarly, HDAC inhibitors induced cellular senescence through downregulation of PcGs and upregulation of JMJD3. Regulation of PcGs was associated with HDAC inhibitor-induced hypophosphorylation of RB, which causes RB to bind to and decrease the transcriptional activity of E2F. JMJD3 expression regulation was dependant on histone acetylation status at its promoter regions. A histone acetyltransferase (HAT) inhibitor prevented replicative senescence of MSCs. These results suggest that HDAC activity might be important for MSC self-renewal by balancing PcGs and JMJD3 expression, which govern cellular senescence by p16INK4A regulation

    Conditional mouse models demonstrate oncogene-dependent differences in tumor maintenance and recurrence

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    Diversity in the pathophysiology of breast cancer frustrates therapeutic progress. We need to understand how mechanisms activated by specific combinations of oncogenes, tumor suppressors, and hormonal signaling pathways govern response to therapy and prognosis. A recent series of investigations conducted by Chodosh and colleagues offers new insights into the similarities and differences between specific oncogenic pathways. Expression of three oncogenes relevant to pathways activated in human breast cancers (c-myc, activated neu and Wnt1) were targeted to murine mammary epithelial cells using the same transgenic tetracycline-responsive conditional gene expression system. While the individual transgenic lines demonstrate similarly high rates of tumor penetrance, rates of oncogene-independent tumor maintenance and recurrence following initial regression are significantly different, and are modifiable by mutations in specific cooperating oncogenes or loss of tumor suppressor gene expression. The experiments make three notable contributions. First, they illustrate that rates of tumor regression and recurrence following initial regression are dependent upon the pathways activated by the initiating oncogene. The experiments also demonstrate that altered expression or mutation of specific cooperating oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes results in different rates of tumor regression and recurrence. Finally, they exemplify the power of conditional mouse models for elucidating how specific molecular mechanisms give rise to the complexity of human cancer

    Recent translational research: stem cells as the roots of breast cancer

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    Common phenotypes of cancer and stem cells suggest that breast cancers arise from stem cells. Breast epithelial cells with stem cell phenotypes have been shown to be more susceptible to immortalization and neoplastic transformation. Breast tumor stem cells with CD44(+)/CD24(-/low)Lineage(- )markers have been isolated. The role of these cells in tumor progression and clinical outcome is not clear. The relationship between breast stem cell and tumor stem cell may be elucidated by further studies of carcinogenesis of nonadherent mammosphere cells with stem cell features and by derivation of CD44(+)/CD24(-/low )cells from an adherent breast epithelial stem cell type

    Principles of Modular Tumor Therapy

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    Nature is interwoven with communication and is represented and reproduced through communication acts. The central question is how may multimodal modularly acting and less toxic therapy approaches, defined as modular therapies, induce an objective response or even a continuous complete remission, although single stimulatory or inhibitingly acting drugs neither exert mono-activity in the respective metastatic tumor type nor are they directed to potentially ‘tumor-specific’ targets. Modularity in the present context is a formal pragmatic communicative systems concept, describing the degree to which systems objects (cells, pathways etc.) may be communicatively separated in a virtual continuum, and recombined and rededicated to alter validity and denotation of communication processes in the tumor. Intentional knowledge, discharging in reductionist therapies, disregards the risk-absorbing background knowledge of the tumor’s living world including the holistic communication processes, which we rely on in every therapy. At first, this knowledge constitutes the validity of informative intercellular processes, which is the prerequisite for therapeutic success. All communication-relevant steps, such as intentions, understandings, and the appreciation of messages, may be modulated simultaneously, even with a high grade of specificity. Thus, modular therapy approaches including risk-absorbing and validity-modifying background knowledge may overcome reductionist idealizations. Modular therapies show modular events assembled by the tumor’s living world as an additional evolution-constituting dimension. This way, modular knowledge may be acquired from the environment, either incidentally or constitutionally. The new communicatively defined modular coherency of environment, i.e. the tumor-associated microenvironment, and tumor cells open novel ways for the scientific community in ‘translational medicine’

    Metformin Represses Self-Renewal of the Human Breast Carcinoma Stem Cells via Inhibition of Estrogen Receptor-Mediated OCT4 Expression

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    Metformin, a Type II diabetic treatment drug, which inhibits transcription of gluconeogenesis genes, has recently been shown to lower the risk of some diabetes-related tumors, including breast cancer. Recently, “cancer stem cells” have been demonstrated to sustain the growth of tumors and are resistant to therapy. To test the hypothesis that metformin might be reducing the risk to breast cancers, the human breast carcinoma cell line, MCF-7, grown in 3-dimensional mammospheres which represent human breast cancer stem cell population, were treated with various known and suspected breast cancer chemicals with and without non-cytotoxic concentrations of metformin. Using OCT4 expression as a marker for the cancer stem cells, the number and size were measured in these cells. Results demonstrated that TCDD (100 nM) and bisphenol A (10 µM) increased the number and size of the mammospheres, as did estrogen (10 nM E2). By monitoring a cancer stem cell marker, OCT4, the stimulation by these chemicals was correlated with the increased expression of OCT4. On the other hand, metformin at 1 and 10 mM concentration dramatically reduced the size and number of mammospheres. Results also demonstrated the metformin reduced the expression of OCT4 in E2 & TCDD mammospheres but not in the bisphenol A mammospheres, suggesting different mechanisms of action of the bisphenol A on human breast carcinoma cells. In addition, these results support the use of 3-dimensional human breast cancer stem cells as a means to screen for potential human breast tumor promoters and breast chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents

    Non-Invasive Exploration of Neonatal Gastric Epithelium by Using Exfoliated Epithelial Cells

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    Background & Aims: In preterm infants, exfoliated gastric epithelial cells can be retrieved from aspirates sampled through the naso-gastric feeding tube. Our aims were to determine (1) whether the recovery of exfoliated cells is feasible at any time from birth through the removal of the nasogastric tube, (2) whether they can be grown in culture in vitro, and (3) whether the physiological state of exfoliated cells expressing H+/K+-ATPases reflects that of their counterparts remaining in situ at the surface of the gastric epithelium in neonatal rat pups. Methods: In infants, gastric fluid aspirates were collected weekly after birth or every 3 hours over 24-h periods, and related to clinical parameters (Biocollection PROG/09/18). In rat pups submitted to a single fasting/refeeding cycle, we explored circadian exfoliation with the cellular counter-parts in the gland. All samples were analyzed by confocal imaging and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Results: Epithelial cells were identified by microscopy using membrane-bound anti-H+/K+ ATPases antibody, assessed for nucleus integrity, and the expression of selected proteins (autophagy, circadian clock). On 34 infants, the H+/K+-ATPasepositive cells were consistently found quiescent, regardless of gestational age and feeding schedule from day-5 of life to the day of removal of the naso-gastric tube. By logistic regression analysis, we did find a positive correlation between the intensity of exfoliation (cellular loss per sample) and the postnatal age (p,0.001). The H+/K+ ATPase-positive cell

    Bioelectrical signals and ion channels in the modeling of multicellular patterns and cancer biophysics

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    Bioelectrical signals and ion channels are central to spatial patterns in cell ensembles, a problem of fundamental interest in positional information and cancer processes. We propose a model for electrically connected cells based on simple biological concepts: i) the membrane potential of a single cell characterizes its electrical state; ii) the long-range electrical coupling of the multicellular ensemble is realized by a network of gap junction channels between neighboring cells; and iii) the spatial distribution of an external biochemical agent can modify the conductances of the ion channels in a cell membrane and the multicellular electrical state. We focus on electrical effects in small multicellular ensembles, ignoring slow diffusional processes. The spatio-temporal patterns obtained for the local map of cell electric potentials illustrate the normalization of regions with abnormal cell electrical states. The effects of intercellular coupling and blocking of specific channels on the electrical patterns are described. These patterns can regulate the electrically-induced redistribution of charged nanoparticles over small regions of a model tissue. The inclusion of bioelectrical signals provides new insights for the modeling of cancer biophysics because collective multicellular states show electrical coupling mechanisms that are not readily deduced from biochemical descriptions at the individual cell level

    The Phenotypic Radiation Resistance of CD44+/CD24−or low Breast Cancer Cells Is Mediated through the Enhanced Activation of ATM Signaling

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    Cancer initiating cells (CIC) are stem-like cells. CIC may contribute not only to the initiation of cancer but also to cancer recurrence because of the resistance of CIC both to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. From the MCF-7 and MDA-MB231 breast cancer cell lines and primary culture of patient breast cancer cells, we isolated by flow cytometry a CIC subset of cells with the CD44+/CD24−or low phenotype. The CD44+/CD24−or low subset showed increased sphere formation and resistance to radiation compared to the non- CD44+/CD24−or low subset. The increased radiation resistance was not dependent on the result of altered non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) DNA repair activity as both NHEJ activity and expression of the various proteins involved in NHEJ were not significantly different between the CD44+/CD24−or low and non- CD44+/CD24−or low subsets. However, activation of ATM signaling was significantly increased in CD44+/CD24−or low cells compared to non- CD44+/CD24−or low cells in both from breast cancer cell lines and primary human breast cancer cells. Application of an ATM inhibitor effectively decreased the radiation resistance of CD44+/CD24−or low subset, suggesting that targeting ATM signaling may provide a new tool to eradicate stem-like CIC and abolish the radiation resistance of breast cancer