540 research outputs found

    A typology of marine and estuarine hazards and risks as vectors of change : a review for vulnerable coasts and their management

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    This paper illustrates a typology of 14 natural and anthropogenic hazards, the evidence for their causes and consequences for society and their role as vectors of change in estuaries, vulnerable coasts and marine areas. It uses hazard as the potential that there will be damage to the natural or human system and so is the product of an event which could occur and the probability of it occurring whereas the degree of risk then relates to the amount of assets, natural or societal, which may be affected. We give long- and short-term and large- and small-scale perspectives showing that the hazards leading to disasters for society will include flooding, erosion and tsunamis. Global examples include the effects of wetland loss and the exacerbation of problems by building on vulnerable coasts. Hence we emphasise the importance of considering hazard and risk on such coasts and consider the tools for assessing and managing the impacts of risk and hazard. These allow policy-makers to determine the consequences for natural and human systems. We separate locally-derived problems from large-scale effects (e.g. climate change, sea-level rise and isostatic rebound); we emphasise that the latter unmanaged exogenic pressures require a response to the consequences rather than the causes whereas within a management area there are endogenic managed pressures in which we address both to causes and consequences. The problems are put into context by assessing hazards and the conflicts between different uses and users and hence the management responses needed. We emphasise that integrated and sustainable management of the hazards and risk requires 10-tenets to be fulfilled

    Impact of Seed Inoculation with Trichoderma afroharzianum Strains on Plant Growth, Root Morphology, and Leaf Phenolic Content in Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) at Early Growth Stages

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    Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is receiving increasing attention for its multiple end-uses; therefore, an improvement in its production is needed to meet the increased demand. In the present study, the effect of seed inoculation with two Trichoderma afroharzianum strains, T-AA and T-22, on plant growth and root morphology of hemp plants at sixth-leaf (S6) and tenth-leaf (S10) stages was assessed for two consecutive years (2020 and 2021). In addition, the ability of the two strains to enhance the accumulation of phenolic compounds in hemp leaves was also evaluated. The results obtained revealed the ability of T-22 to improve the growth and root morphology of hemp plants both in 2020 and 2021, although with different impact, probably ascribable to the different weather conditions in the two years. In 2020, the positive effects of T-22 were detected at S10 stage with significant increases in the shoot and root length (38% and 17%, respectively) and dried biomass (35% and 30%, respectively) compared to untreated plants. The total root surface area and the number of tips, forks, and crossings also increased significantly (24–36%) at this stage. In 2021, significant increases in the shoot length and dried biomass (40% and 30%, respectively) were observed at S6 stage, whereas root length and dried biomass increased significantly at S6 (55% and 47%, respectively) and S10 stage (121% and 40%, respectively). Significant increases in the total surface area and volume, as well as in the number of tips, forks, and crossings were also observed at both S6 and S10 stage (50–63% and 105–187%, respectively). Interestingly, in both years and at both stages, the two strains induced significant increases in the leaf accumulation of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity, which were greater in T-22- compared to T-AA-treated plants (18–102% and 13–34%, respectively). The results are discussed in light of the potential practical applications of T-22 as a biostimulant of hemp plant growth under favorable and unfavorable environmental conditions, and of both strains as promising tools for the improvement of the leaves’ economic value as a source of health-promoting compounds

    Bovine leukemia virus can be classified into seven genotypes: evidence for the existence of two novel clades.

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    Previous studies have classified the env sequences of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) provirus from different locations worldwide into between two and four genetic groupings. These different studies gave unique names to the identified groups and no study has yet integrated all the available sequences. Thus, we hypothesized that many of the different groups previously identified actually correspond to a limited group of genotypes that are unevenly distributed worldwide. To examine this hypothesis, we sequenced the env gene from 28 BLV field strains and compared these sequences to 46 env sequences that represent all the genetic groupings already identified. By using phylogenetic analyses, we recovered six clades, or genotypes, that we have called genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Genotypes 1-5 have counterparts among the sequence groupings identified previously. One env sequence did not cluster with any of the others and was highly divergent when compared with the six genotypes identified here. Thus, an extra genotype, which we named 7, may exist. Similarity comparisons were highly congruent with phylogenetic analyses. Furthermore, our analyses confirmed the existence of geographical clusters

    KAP1 targets actively transcribed genomic loci to exert pleomorphic effects on RNA polymerase II activity

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    KAP1 (KRAB-associated protein 1) is best known as a co-repressor responsible for inducing heterochromatin formation, notably at transposable elements. However, it has also been observed to bind the transcription start site of actively expressed genes. To address this paradox, we characterized the protein interactome of KAP1 in the human K562 erythro-leukaemia cell line. We found that the regulator can associate with a wide range of nucleic acid binding proteins, nucleosome remodellers, chromatin modifiers and other transcription modulators. We further determined that KAP1 is recruited at actively transcribed polymerase II promoters, where its depletion resulted in pleomorphic effects, whether expression of these genes was normally constitutive or inducible, consistent with the breadth of possible KAP1 interactors. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Crossroads between transposons and gene regulation'

    Impact of Chitosan-Based Foliar Application on the Phytochemical Content and the Antioxidant Activity in Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Inflorescences

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    In the present study, the phytochemical content and the antioxidant activity in the inflorescences of the monoecious hemp cultivar Codimono grown in southern Italy were assessed, and their elicitation was induced by foliar spray application of 50 mg/L and 250 mg/L of chitosan (CHT) at three different molecular weights (low, CHT L; medium, CHT M; high CHT H). The analysis of the phytochemical profile confirmed that cannabinoids were the most abundant class (54.2%), followed by flavonoids (40.3%), tocopherols (2.2%), phenolic acids (1.9%), and carotenoids (1.4%). Cannabinoids were represented almost exclusively by cannabidiol, whereas cannabigerol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol were detected at very low levels (the latter was below the legal limit of 0.3%). The most abundant flavonoids were orientin and vitexin, whereas tocopherols were mainly represented by α-tocopherol. The antioxidant activity was found to be positively correlated with flavonoids and tocopherols. Statistical analysis revealed that the CHT treatments significantly affected the phytochemical content and the antioxidant activity of hemp inflorescences. Notably, a significant increase in the total phenolic content (from +36% to +69%), the α-tocopherol (from +45% to +75%) and ÎČ+Îł-tocopherol (from +35% to +82%) contents, and the ABTS radical scavenging activity (from +12% to +28%) was induced by all the CHT treatments. In addition, treatments with CHT 50 solutions induced an increase in the total flavonoid content (from +12% to +27%), as well as in the vitexin (from +17% to +20%) and orientin (from +20% to +30%) contents. Treatment with CHT 50 L almost always resulted in the greatest increases. Overall, our findings indicated that CHT could be used as a low-cost and environmentally safe elicitor to improve the health benefits and the economic value of hemp inflorescences, thus promoting their employment in the food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmetic supply chains

    Cryo-EM structures and binding of mouse and human ACE2 to SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern indicate that mutations enabling immune escape could expand host range.

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    Investigation of potential hosts of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is crucial to understanding future risks of spillover and spillback. SARS-CoV-2 has been reported to be transmitted from humans to various animals after requiring relatively few mutations. There is significant interest in describing how the virus interacts with mice as they are well adapted to human environments, are used widely as infection models and can be infected. Structural and binding data of the mouse ACE2 receptor with the Spike protein of newly identified SARS-CoV-2 variants are needed to better understand the impact of immune system evading mutations present in variants of concern (VOC). Previous studies have developed mouse-adapted variants and identified residues critical for binding to heterologous ACE2 receptors. Here we report the cryo-EM structures of mouse ACE2 bound to trimeric Spike ectodomains of four different VOC: Beta, Omicron BA.1, Omicron BA.2.12.1 and Omicron BA.4/5. These variants represent the oldest to the newest variants known to bind the mouse ACE2 receptor. Our high-resolution structural data complemented with bio-layer interferometry (BLI) binding assays reveal a requirement for a combination of mutations in the Spike protein that enable binding to the mouse ACE2 receptor

    Ectopic expression of the beta-cell specific transcription factor Pdx1 inhibits glucagon gene transcription

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    Aims/hypothesis: The transcription factor Pdx1 is required for the development and differentiation of all pancreatic cells. Beta-cell specific inactivation of Pdx1 in developing or adult mice leads to an increase in glucagon-expressing cells, suggesting that absence of Pdx1could favour glucagon gene expression by a default mechanism. Method: We investigated the inhibitory role of Pdx1 on glucagon gene expression in vitro. The glucagonoma cell line InR1G9 was transduced with a Pdx1-encoding lentiviral vector and insulin and glucagon mRNA levels were analysed by northern blot and real-time PCR. To understand the mechanism by which Pdx1 inhibits glucagon gene expression, we studied its effect on glucagon promoter activity in non-islet cells using transient transfections and gel-shift analysis. Results: In glucagonoma cells transduced with a Pdx1-encoding lentiviral vector, insulin gene expression was induced while glucagon mRNA levels were reduced by 50 to 60%. In the heterologous cell line BHK-21, Pdx1 inhibited by 60 to 80% the activation of the α-cell specific element G1 conferred by Pax-6 and/or Cdx-2/3. Although Pdx1 could bind three AT-rich motifs within G1, two of which are binding sites for Pax-6 and Cdx-2/3, the affinity of Pdx1 for G1 was much lower as compared to Pax-6. In addition, Pdx1 inhibited Pax-6 mediated activation through G3, to which Pdx1 was unable to bind. Moreover, a mutation impairing DNA binding of Pdx1 had no effect on its inhibition on Cdx-2/3. Since Pdx1 interacts directly with Pax-6 and Cdx-2/3 forming heterodimers, we suggest that Pdx1 inhibits glucagon gene transcription through protein to protein interactions with Pax-6 and Cdx-2/3. Conclusion/interpretation: Cell-specific expression of the glucagon gene can only occur when Pdx1 expression extinguishes from the early α cell precurso

    Changes in SARS-CoV-2 Spike versus Nucleoprotein Antibody Responses Impact the Estimates of Infections in Population-Based Seroprevalence Studies.

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-specific antibody responses to the spike (S) protein monomer, S protein native trimeric form, or the nucleocapsid (N) proteins were evaluated in cohorts of individuals with acute infection (n = 93) and in individuals enrolled in a postinfection seroprevalence population study (n = 578) in Switzerland. Commercial assays specific for the S1 monomer, for the N protein, or within a newly developed Luminex assay using the S protein trimer were found to be equally sensitive in antibody detection in the acute-infection-phase samples. Interestingly, compared to anti-S antibody responses, those against the N protein appear to wane in the postinfection cohort. Seroprevalence in a "positive patient contacts" group (n = 177) was underestimated by N protein assays by 10.9 to 32.2%, while the "randomly selected" general population group (n = 311) was reduced by up to 45% relative to the S protein assays. The overall reduction in seroprevalence targeting only anti-N antibodies for the total cohort ranged from 9.4 to 31%. Of note, the use of the S protein in its native trimer form was significantly more sensitive compared to monomeric S proteins. These results indicate that the assessment of anti-S IgG antibody responses against the native trimeric S protein should be implemented to estimate SARS-CoV-2 infections in population-based seroprevalence studies.IMPORTANCE In the present study, we have determined SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses in sera of acute and postinfection phase subjects. Our results indicate that antibody responses against viral S and N proteins were equally sensitive in the acute phase of infection, but that responses against N appear to wane in the postinfection phase where those against the S protein persist over time. The most sensitive serological assay in both acute and postinfection phases used the native S protein trimer as the binding antigen, which has significantly greater conformational epitopes for antibody binding compared to the S1 monomer protein used in other assays. We believe these results are extremely important in order to generate correct estimates of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the general population. Furthermore, the assessment of antibody responses against the trimeric S protein will be critical to evaluate the durability of the antibody response and for the characterization of a vaccine-induced antibody response
