8 research outputs found

    Polycomb Protein SCML2 Regulates the Cell Cycle by Binding and Modulating CDK/CYCLIN/p21 Complexes

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    Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are transcriptional repressors of genes involved in development and differentiation, and also maintain repression of key genes involved in the cell cycle, indirectly regulating cell proliferation. The human SCML2 gene, a mammalian homologue of the Drosophila PcG protein SCM, encodes two protein isoforms: SCML2A that is bound to chromatin and SCML2B that is predominantly nucleoplasmic. Here, we purified SCML2B and found that it forms a stable complex with CDK/CYCLIN/p21 and p27, enhancing the inhibitory effect of p21/p27. SCML2B participates in the G1/S checkpoint by stabilizing p21 and favoring its interaction with CDK2/CYCE, resulting in decreased kinase activity and inhibited progression through G1. In turn, CDK/CYCLIN complexes phosphorylate SCML2, and the interaction of SCML2B with CDK2 is regulated through the cell cycle. These findings highlight a direct crosstalk between the Polycomb system of cellular memory and the cell-cycle machinery in mammals

    The Polycomb complex PRC2 and its mark in life

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    Polycomb group proteins maintain the gene-expression pattern of different cells that is set during early development by regulating chromatin structure. In mammals, two main Polycomb group complexes exist — Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) and 2 (PRC2). PRC1 compacts chromatin and catalyses the monoubiquitylation of histone H2A. PRC2 also contributes to chromatin compaction, and catalyses the methylation of histone H3 at lysine 27. PRC2 is involved in various biological processes, including differentiation, maintaining cell identity and proliferation, and stem-cell plasticity. Recent studies of PRC2 have expanded our perspectives on its function and regulation, and uncovered a role for non-coding RNA in the recruitment of PRC2 to target genes

    Chromatin structure and the inheritance of epigenetic information

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    Although it is widely accepted that the regulation of the chromatin landscape is pivotal to conveying epigenetic phenomena, it is still unclear how a defined chromatin domain is reproduced following replication and transmitted from one generation to another. Here we review multiple mechanisms that contribute to the inheritance of epigenetic information with emphasis on the recycling of old histones following replication, the requirement for a positive feedback loop, long-range gene interactions, and the complex network of trans-acting factors

    Parental nucleosome segregation and the inheritance of cellular identity

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    Gene expression programmes conferring cellular identity are achieved through the organization of chromatin structures that either facilitate or impede transcription. Among the key determinants of chromatin organization are the histone modifications that correlate with a given transcriptional status and chromatin state. Until recently, the details for the segregation of nucleosomes on DNA replication and their implications in re-establishing heritable chromatin domains remained unclear. Here, we review recent findings detailing the local segregation of parental nucleosomes and highlight important advances as to how histone methyltransferases associated with the establishment of repressive chromatin domains facilitate epigenetic inheritance. Maintenance of cell-type identity requires the faithful inheritance of chromatin states through cell division, despite the challenges posed by the disruptive passage of the DNA replication fork and the dilution of nucleosome components in complex with the daughter DNA strands. In this Review, Escobar, Loyola and Reinberg discuss how methodological advances are providing unprecedented mechanistic insights into the segregation of parental nucleosomes, how these mechanisms maintain gene expression programmes and how non-faithful nucleosome segregation is linked to differentiation and disease

    Into the chromatin world: Role of nuclear architecture in epigenome regulation

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