9 research outputs found

    Foreigners in Wrocław

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    The article adresses the problem of increasing cultural diversity of Wroclaw’s inhabitants which is a result of intensive migration of citizens of other countries to the city. For the majority of Wroclaw inhabitants experiencing cultural diversity is a new experience started in 1990’s . Based on the empirical data we try to present opinion of foreigners about their relationships with Polish inhabitants of Wroclaw as well as the attitude of Polish inhabitants of Wroclaw towards foreingers who in the growing numbers live in Wroclaw. In the light of the research data, secondary data and the review of literature one can pose a thesis about transformation of relatively ethnically and culturally homogenous Wroclaw community into multicultural community that is characterized by a positive and negative effects of thereof.Artykuł podnosi problem zwiększonej różnorodności kulturowej mieszkańców Wrocławia, która jest rezultatem intensywnej migracji do miasta obywateli innych państw. Dla większości mieszkańców Wrocławia doświadczanie kulturowej i etnicznej różnorodności jest no­wym doświadczeniem, zapoczątkowanym w latach 90. XX wieku. Na podstawie danych empirycz­nych staramy się zaprezentować opinie obcokrajowców o ich relacjach z polskimi mieszkańcami Wrocławia, jak również stosunek polskich mieszkańców Wrocławia do obcokrajowców, którzy co­raz liczniej zamieszkują Wrocław. W świetle danych empirycznych, danych wtórnych i przeglądu literatury można postawić tezę o transformacji względnie jednorodnej etnicznie i kulturalnie spo­łeczności Wrocławia w wielokulturową społeczność charakteryzującą się zarówno pozytywnymi, jak i negatywnymi konsekwencjami owej wielokulturowości

    Pamięć wrocławian o prusko-niemieckim dziedzictwie materialnym

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     The residents of Wrocław remembering the city’s Prussian-German material heritageThe problem of what people living in old, pre-war houses in Wrocław know about their former German or Jewish inhabitants and about their material legacy. The article is part of the discussion concerning the revival of the memory of the German city launched in the 1990s. Some political and intellectual elites of Wrocław believe that reviving the memory of the Prussian-German cultural heritage encoded in the city’s material substance, in the organisation of its functional and symbolic space is an essential component of the identity of the city and its residents. What still remains unanswered are two major questions of the proposed historical policy: to what extent the city residents themselves remember and want to remember its Prussian-German heritage, and to what extent the current policy of remembrance can erase and soft en the negative attitude of Wrocław residents towards the Germans shaped by the experiences of their families and cultivated with great care in the post-war period. Acceptance of the reconstruction of the material substance does not apply, however, if it is to concern purely symbolic structures which, in addition, symbolise the power of German or Prussian militarism monuments. The aversion to symbolism with German connotations is clearly of greater significance than the common aversion to Jews. The residents of Wrocław remembering the city’s Prussian-German material heritageThe problem of what people living in old, pre-war houses in Wrocław know about their former German or Jewish inhabitants and about their material legacy. The article is part of the discussion concerning the revival of the memory of the German city launched in the 1990s. Some political and intellectual elites of Wrocław believe that reviving the memory of the Prussian-German cultural heritage encoded in the city’s material substance, in the organisation of its functional and symbolic space is an essential component of the identity of the city and its residents. What still remains unanswered are two major questions of the proposed historical policy: to what extent the city residents themselves remember and want to remember its Prussian-German heritage, and to what extent the current policy of remembrance can erase and soft en the negative attitude of Wrocław residents towards the Germans shaped by the experiences of their families and cultivated with great care in the post-war period. Acceptance of the reconstruction of the material substance does not apply, however, if it is to concern purely symbolic structures which, in addition, symbolise the power of German or Prussian militarism monuments. The aversion to symbolism with German connotations is clearly of greater significance than the common aversion to Jews

    Wielokulturowy Wrocław lat 1871–1939

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     Multicultural Wrocław 1871–1939An analysis of the problem of multiculturalism and the myth of multiculturalism of Wrocław used by the city authorities to pursue specific objectives. Wrocław is said to have a multicultural past, as, like many other European cities, it has long been an attractive place to live for an ethnically, linguistically and culturally diverse population. What is controversial, however, is the focus of the local authorities in their historical policy on the Prussian and inter-war period in the history of Wrocław. Paradoxically, it was precisely in this period that the cultural unification of Wrocław’s urban population was at its strongest. Wrocław was culturally fairly uniform; minority groups were either too small and economically and culturally too weak, or differed from the Germans primarily in terms of their religion. Eastern Jews did not have full citizen rights in Germany. The reference to the multicultural Wrocław of 1871–1939 in local historical policy is not very well justified in the light of the historical data and literature on the subject commenting on the functioning of ethnic minorities in German Wrocław. It would be more correct to point out the city’s cultural diversity in its marketing strategies at most, but marketing values of such a message would be much lower. Multicultural Wrocław 1871–1939An analysis of the problem of multiculturalism and the myth of multiculturalism of Wrocław used by the city authorities to pursue specific objectives. Wrocław is said to have a multicultural past, as, like many other European cities, it has long been an attractive place to live for an ethnically, linguistically and culturally diverse population. What is controversial, however, is the focus of the local authorities in their historical policy on the Prussian and inter-war period in the history of Wrocław. Paradoxically, it was precisely in this period that the cultural unification of Wrocław’s urban population was at its strongest. Wrocław was culturally fairly uniform; minority groups were either too small and economically and culturally too weak, or differed from the Germans primarily in terms of their religion. Eastern Jews did not have full citizen rights in Germany. The reference to the multicultural Wrocław of 1871–1939 in local historical policy is not very well justified in the light of the historical data and literature on the subject commenting on the functioning of ethnic minorities in German Wrocław. It would be more correct to point out the city’s cultural diversity in its marketing strategies at most, but marketing values of such a message would be much lower

    Heat generation by eddy currents in a shell of superconducting bus-bars for SIS100 particle accelerator at FAIR

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    Superconducting magnets in the SIS100 particle accelerator require the supply of liquid helium and electric current. Both are transported with by-pass lines designed at Wrocław University of Technology. Bus-bars used to transfer an electric current between the sections of the accelerator will be encased in a steel shell. Eddy currents are expected to appear in the shell during fast-ramp operation of magnets. Heat generation, which should be limited in any cryogenic system, will appear in the shell. In this work the amount of heat generated is assessed depending on the geometry of an assembly of the bus-bars and the shell. Numerical and analytical calculations are described. It was found that heat generation in the shell is relatively small when compared to other sources present in the accelerator and its value strongly depends on the geometry of the shell. The distribution of eddy currents and generated heat for different geometrical options are presented. Based on the results of the calculations the optimal design is proposed

    Calculation of inductances and induced currents in cryogenic by-pass line for SIS100 particle accelerator at FAIR

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    Quality of electric current delivered to the magnets of a particle accelerator is essential for safety and reliability of its operation. Even small discrepancies strongly affect the properties of particle beams. One of the sources of the disturbances is the appearance of induced currents caused by the electromagnetic interactions between the elements of the machine. In this paper the calculations of induced currents in by-pass lines of a SIS100 particle accelerator are presented. In order to find the values of the currents the self-inductances and mutual inductances of the by-pass lines are found. Due to the complex geometry of the line, especially of Ω-shaped dilatations, the numerical approach was employed. The calculations show that the size of induced currents increases with the distance between the cables in an individual bus-bar. The maximum discrepancy of the magnetic field in a dipole magnet is found to be 7.7 μT. The decrease of distance between the cables allows one to obtain a discrepancy of 1.2 μT