321 research outputs found

    Exponential and power law distribution of mass clusters in a (magnetic-like) deposition model of elongated grains in 2D piles

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    A generalized so called magnetically controlled ballistic rain-like deposition (MBD) model of granular piles has been numerically investigated in 2D. The grains are taken to be elongated disks whence characterized by a two-state scalar degree of freedom, called ''nip'', their interaction being described through a Hamiltonian. Results are discussed in order to search for the effect of nip flip (or grain rotation from vertical to horizontal and conversely) probability in building a granular pile. The characteristics of creation of + (or -) nip's clusters and clusters of holes (missing nips) are analyzed. Two different cluster-mass regimes have been identified, through the cluster-mass distribution function which can be exponential or have a power law form depending on whether the nip flip (or grain rotation) probability is large or small. Analytical forms of the exponent are empirically found in terms of the Hamiltonian parameters.Comment: submitted to Int.J. Mod. Phys. C; 16 figures; 79 reference

    Evaluating the implementation of the WHO Healthy Cities Programme across Germany (1999-2002)

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    The WHO Healthy Cities Project (1988) is a well-known example of the setting-based approach to health promotion. Developed as a framework for translating the key principles of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) into practice, it is best characterized as a process for successfully encouraging healthy public policy. In 2001, the German Healthy Cities Network (HCN) commissioned a survey of the 52 local Healthy Cities programme Coordinators (HCC) to monitor progress and identify strengths and weaknesses associated with its implementation. Most (90%; 47/52) HCC participated in the survey. Several positive aspects of the Health Cities Programmes (HCP) in Germany were identified: during the first 5 years, it expanded rapidly; project coordinators felt highly engaged, despite limited resources; a combination of traditional and innovative approaches was adopted and applauded; and almost 75% of HCC felt that their efforts had been beneficial. Nonetheless, the following shortcomings were identified: increased resources required; greater clarification of concepts and strategies at the local level; stronger commitment to the Nine-Point Programme of Action; greater integration within the national HCN and the local political administrative system (PAS); better programme documentation and evaluation. In conclusion, the HCN in Germany has expanded and developed since its inception 20 years ago. German HCP will only improve if professionalism and quality of local work are improved, particularly in terms of strengthening their influence on the local PAS and on public policies

    Barkhausen noise emission of AISI 304 stainless steel originating from strain induced martensite by shot peening

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    This study deals with magnetic Barkhausen noise emission produced by strain-induced martensite generated during shot peening of austenitic AISI 304 stainless steel. The transformation from the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic state and the corresponding birth of the magnetic domain structure are important with respect to irreversible motion of domain walls and the corresponding Barkhausen noise emission. Barkhausen noise is investigated and explained with respect to the residual stress state as well as the micro-structure expressed in terms of the martensite fraction, its crystallite size, preferred orientation, surface topography, and microhardness. The strength of the Barkhausen noise is mainly linked with the number of shot peening cycles, corresponding Almen intensity, and the associated volume fraction of strain-induced martensite as well as the extent of its depth. The role of the residual stress state in the martensite phase is minor. Surface strengthening expressed in terms of the microhardness in the near-surface region is very high for the medium shot peening intensity. A remarkable decrease in the near-surface microhardness as well as the presence of heavily thinned folds indicate over shot peen-ing and surface microcracking in the case of a longer shot peening time and the corre-sponding higher Almen intensity.Web of Science2076274

    Expressive and Instrumental Offending: Reconciling the Paradox of Specialisation and Versatility

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    Although previous research into specialisation has been dominated by the debate over the existence of specialisation versus versatility, it is suggested that research needs to move beyond the restrictions of this dispute. The current study explores the criminal careers of 200 offenders based on their criminal records, obtained from a police database in the North West of England, aiming to understand the patterns and nature of specialisation by determining the presence of differentiation within their general offending behaviours and examining whether the framework of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles can account for any specialised tendencies that emerge. Fifty-eight offences were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis. Results revealed that a model of criminal differentiation could be identified and that any specialisation is represented in terms of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles

    Upper critical field, lower critical field and critical current density of FeTe0.60Se0.40 single crystal

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    The transport and magnetic studies are performed on high quality FeTe0.60Se0.40 single crystals to determine the upper critical fields (Hc2), lower critical field (Hc1) and the Critical current density (Jc). The value of upper critical field Hc2 are very large, whereas the activation energy as determined from the slope of the Arrhenius plots are was found to be lower than that in the FeAs122 superconductor. The lower critical field was determined in ab direction and c direction of the crystal, and was found to have a anisotropy of 'gamma'{=(Hc1//c) / (Hc1//b)} ~ 4. The magnetic isotherms measured up to 12 Tesla shows the presence of fishtail behavior. The critical current densities at 1.8K of the single crystal was found to almost same in both ab and c direction as 1X105 Amp/cm2 in low field regime.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Are German patients burdened by the practice charge for physician visits ('Praxisgebuehr')? A cross sectional analysis of socio-economic and health related factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 2004, a practice charge for physician visits ('Praxisgebuehr') was implemented in the German health care system, mainly in order to reduce expenditures of sickness funds by reducing outpatient physician visits. In the statutory sickness funds, all adults now have to pay € 10 at their first physician visit in each 3 month period, except for vaccinations and preventive services. This study looks at the effect of this new patient fee on delaying or avoiding physician visits, with a special emphasis on different income groups.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six representative surveys (conducted between 2004 and 2006) of the Bertelsmann Healthcare Monitor were analysed, comprising 7,769 women and men aged 18 to 79 years. The analyses are based on stratified analyses and logistic regression models, including a focus on the subgroup having a chronic disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two results can be highlighted. First, avoiding or delaying a physician visit due to this fee is seen most often among younger and healthier adults. Second, those in the lowest income group are much more affected in this way than the better of. The multivariate analysis in the subgroup of respondents having a chronic disease shows, for example, that this reaction is reported 2.45 times more often in the lowest income group than in the highest income group (95% CI: 1.90–3.15).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The analyses indicate that the effects of the practice charge differ by socio-economic group. It would be important to assess these effects in more detail, especially the effects on health care quality and health outcomes. It can be assumed, however, that avoiding or delaying physician visits jeopardizes both, and that health inequalities are increasing due to the practice charge.</p

    Midkine is a NF-κB-inducible gene that supports prostate cancer cell survival

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    BackgroundMidkine is a heparin-binding growth factor that is over-expressed in various human cancers and plays important roles in cell transformation, growth, survival, migration, and angiogenesis. However, little is known about the upstream factors and signaling mechanisms that regulate midkine gene expression.MethodsTwo prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP and PC3 were studied for their expression of midkine. Induction of midkine expression in LNCaP cells by serum, growth factors and cytokines was determined by Western blot analysis and/or real-time quantitative reverse-transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The cell viability was determined by the trypan blue exclusion assay when the LNCaP cells were treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) and/or recombinant midkine. When the LNCaP cells were treated with recombinant midkine, activation of intracellular signalling pathways was determined by Western blot analysis. Prostate tissue microarray slides containing 129 cases (18 normal prostate tissues, 40 early stage cancers, and 71 late stage cancers) were assessed for midkine expression by immunohistochemical staining.ResultsWe identified that fetal bovine serum, some growth factors (epidermal growth factor, androgen, insulin-like growth factor-I, and hepatocyte growth factor) and cytokines (TNFalpha and interleukin-1beta) induced midkine expression in a human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP cells. TNFalpha also induced midkine expression in PC3 cells. TNFalpha was the strongest inducer of midkine expression via nuclear factor-kappa B pathway. Midkine partially inhibited TNFalpha-induced apoptosis in LNCaP cells. Knockdown of endogenous midkine expression by small interfering RNA enhanced TNFalpha-induced apoptosis in LNCaP cells. Midkine activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in LNCaP cells. Furthermore, midkine expression was significantly increased in late stage prostate cancer, which coincides with previously reported high serum levels of TNFalpha in advanced prostate cancer.ConclusionThese findings provide the first demonstration that midkine expression is induced by certain growth factors and cytokines, particularly TNFalpha, which offers new insight into understanding how midkine expression is increased in the late stage prostate cancer

    \u3cem\u3eRPGRIP1\u3c/em\u3e and Cone-Rod Dystrophy in Dogs

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    Cone–rod dystrophies (crd) represent a group of progressive inherited blinding diseases characterized by primary dysfunction and loss of cone photoreceptors accompanying or preceding rod death. Recessive crd type 1 was described in dogs associated with an RPGRIP1 exon 2 mutation, but with lack of complete concordance between genotype and phenotype. This review highlights role of the RPGRIP1, a component of complex protein networks, and its function in the primary cilium, and discusses the potential mechanisms of genotype–phenotype discordance observed in dogs with the RPGRIP1 mutation

    Viability analysis and apoptosis induction of breast cancer cells in a microfluidic device: effect of cytostatic drugs

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among non-smoking women worldwide. At the moment the treatment regime is such that patients receive different chemotherapeutic and/or hormonal treatments dependent on the hormone receptor status, the menopausal status and age. However, in vitro sensitivity testing of tumor biopsies could rationalize and improve the choice of chemo- and hormone therapy. Lab-on-a-Chip devices, using microfluidic techniques, make detailed cellular analysis possible using fewer cells, enabling working with a patients’ own cells and performing chemo- and hormone sensitivity testing in an ex vivo setting. This article describes the development of two microfluidic devices made in poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) to validate the cell culture properties and analyze the chemosensitivity of MCF-7 cells (estrogen receptor positive human breast cancer cells) in response to the drug staurosporine (SSP). In both cases, cell viability was assessed using the life-stain Calcein-AM (CAAM) and the death dye propidium iodide (PI). MCF-7 cells could be statically cultured for up to 7 days in the microfluidic chip. A 30 min flow with SSP and a subsequent 24 h static incubation in the incubator induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells, as shown by a disappearance of the aggregate-like morphology, a decrease in CAAM staining and an increase in PI staining. This work provides valuable leads to develop a microfluidic chip to test the chemosensitivity of tumor cells in response to therapeutics and in this way improve cancer treatment towards personalized medicine