80 research outputs found

    Electron-hole localization in coupled quantum dots

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    We theoretically investigate correlated electron-hole states in vertically coupled quantum dots. Employing a prototypical double-dot confinement and a configuration-interaction description for the electron-hole states, it is shown that the few-particle ground state undergoes transitions between different quantum states as a function of the interdot distance, resulting in unexpected spatial correlations among carriers and in electron-hole localization. Such transitions provide a direct manifestations of inter- and intradot correlations, which can be directly monitored in experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures (eps), LaTeX 2e. To appear in PRB (Rapid Communication

    Universal quantum magnetometry with spin states at equilibrium

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    We address metrological protocols for the estimation of the intensity and the orientation of a magnetic field, and show that quantum-enhanced precision may be achieved by probing the field with an arbitrary spin at thermal equilibrium. We derive a general expression for the ultimate achievable precision, as given by the quantum Fisher information, and express this quantity in terms of common thermodynamic quantities. We also seek for the optimal observable, and show that it corresponds to the spin projection along a suitable direction, defined by a universal function of the spin temperature. Finally, we prove the robustness of our scheme against deviations of the measured spin projection from optimality.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Semiconductor quantum tubes: dielectric modulation and excitonic response

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    We study theoretically the optical properties of quantum tubes, one-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures where electrons and holes are confined to a cylindrical shell. In these structures, which bridge between 2D and 1D systems, the electron-hole interaction may be modulated by a dielectric substance outside the quantum tube and possibly inside its core. We use the exact Green's function for the appropriate dielectric configuration and exact diagonalization of the electron-hole interaction within an effective mass description to predict the evolution of the exciton binding energy and oscillator strength. Contrary to the homogeneous case, in dielectrically modulated tubes the exciton binding is a function of the tube diameter and can be tuned to a large extent by structure design and proper choice of the dielectric media.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, in print for Phys. Rev.

    Tunneling and Electric-Field Effects on Electron-Hole Localization in Artificial Molecules

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    We theoretically investigate the Stark shift of the exciton goundstate in two vertically coupled quantum dots as a function of the interdot distance. The coupling is shown to enhance the tuneability of the linear optical properties, including energy and oscillator strength, as well as the exciton polarizability. The coupling regime that maximizes these properties results from the detailed balance between the effects of the single-particle tunneling, of the electric field and of the carrier-carrier interaction. We discuss the relevance of these results to the possible implementation of quantum-information processing based on semiconductor quantum dots: in particular, we suggest the identification of the qubits with the exciton levels in coupled- rather than single-dots

    Hyperfine-induced decoherence in triangular spin-cluster qubits

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    We investigate hyperfine-induced decoherence in a triangular spin-cluster for different qubit encodings. Electrically controllable eigenstates of spin chirality (C_z) show decoherence times that approach milliseconds, two orders of magnitude longer than those estimated for the eigenstates of the total spin projection (S_z) and of the partial spin sum (S_{12}). The robustness of chirality is due to its decoupling from both the total- and individual-spin components in the cluster. This results in a suppression of the effective interaction between C_z and the nuclear spin bath
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