119 research outputs found

    The utility of transcranial magnetic stimulation in assessing the corticotherapy efficiency in multiple sclerosis patients during relapse

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most frequent chronic neurologic pathology diagnosed in young adults. The demyelinating process leads to axonal myelin loss, causing axonal and glial neuronal dysfunctions, clinically manifested by relapse. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive method useful in assessing corticospinal tract dysfunctions in Multiple Sclerosis patients, by recording the prolonged central motor conduction time (CMCT), the increase of the motor threshold and also the reduction in amplitude of the motor evoked potential (MEP). Thus, stimulating the cortical motor area will determine a recordable response characteristic for the electrophysiological behavior of the pyramidal tract. We investigated 37 MS patients with relapse, manifesting by motor defi cit, performing TMS prior to receiving corticosteroids (1000 mg intravenous Methylprednisolone daily, for 5 days), 5 days afterwards and also after one month from the treatment. 26 patients presented both electrophysiological and clinical improvement after therapy, whereas 11 patients did not show any electrophysiological improvement, in spite of a slight amelioration of the symptoms. TMS proves to be a sensitive tool for investigating the relapse and the corticotherapy efficiency

    Multi-level governance and the management of European funds for regional development in Romania

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    Die im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojektes entstandene Analyse basiert auf einer von einer Multi-Level Governance (MLG) Methode. Sinn der Studie ist es zu versuchen, herauszufinden, (i) in welchem Ausmaß das rumänische System organisiert ist und wie es auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen der regionalen Entwicklungspolitik funktioniert, (ii) welche die wichtigsten involvierten Institutionen sind, (iii) auf welcher politischen Ebene all dies stattfindet (Planung, Gründung, Erfassung, Beurteilung, finanzielle Kontrolle, Überprüfung), und schließlich (iv) in welchem Ausmaß die in Rumänien vorhandenen regionalen Strukturen den Politik-Gestaltenden Prozess beeinflussen. The analysis carried out in the framework of this research project is based on a methodology derived from the Multi-Level Governance theory. This study aims to analyse the extent to which the Romanian regional development policy-making system is organised in and functions at several levels, which are the most significant institutions involved and at which policy-making stage, i.e. programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, financial management and control, audit; and, finally, to which extent the regional structures in place in Romania contribute to this policy-making process and occupy a strong position in this institutional architecture

    Les élections roumaines : le poids du passé

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    Depuis 1989, la Roumanie connaît les avatars de la redécouverte des dimensions locales et régionales de la construction territoriale. Le phénomène est très compliqué à cause de la complexité du territoire roumain, caractérisé par l’existence de tensions profondes dues à la jeunesse et à la rapidité de la construction de l’Etat moderne roumain. Cet article explore, à travers une analyse géographique des élections, la diminution des tensions ethniques et la lente émergence d’un comportement civique des habitants de la Roumanie. Le processus est caractérisé par un début d’affirmation des structures locales et régionales comme réaction aux tendances centralisatrices dues à l’héritage communiste.Since 1989 Romania has been experiencing the avatars of the rediscovery of the local and regional dimensions of the territorial building. The phenomenon is very complicated because Romania is a complex territory characterized by deep tensions determined by the quick and recent construction of the modern Romanian State. This paper explores, through a geographical analysis of the elections, the decrease of the ethnical tensions and demonstrates the slow emergence of a civic behaviour on the part of Romanian citizens. The process is characterized by a slow affirmation of local and regional structures as a reaction to centralizing trends inherited from communism

    Regulation of the Exception for Non-performance Under The New Civil Code

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    Synallagmatic contracts present certain specific effects among which the exception for non-performance. The New Civil Code, following the opinions formulated in the doctrine under the authority of the Civil Code from 1864, legislatively consecrates this institution, for the first time, under Art. 1556. Despite the clear specification of the indicated norm, recently, opinions following the French doctrine have been expressed, to which we do not acquiesc

    Variaţia coeficientului de adsorbţie a calciului ionic pe cationit cu grupări sulfonice

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    Determination of the adsorption coefficient is essential for all retention processes of ionic species on surfaces, to determine the process efficiency and influence of the various factors on the adsorption. Calcium ions are present in significant quantities in many natural waters, causing high values of hardness, implicitly restricting the possibilities of using these waters. Decreasing the content of ionic calcium from aqueous solutions can be done by retaining them on cation exchangers, soin the present paperwe chose a sulphonic resin -Dowex 50-to study the calcium adsorption from aqueous solutions of different concentrations. We determined both the values of the adsorption coefficient over time for each concentration in the dynamic process as well as the correlation between the amount of ion in the initial solution and that retained on the surface of the adsorbent, depending on the amount of resin used