81 research outputs found

    Karte ledenih špilja: iskustva iz Rusije

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    The paper is devoted to the history of ice cave mapping in Russia starting in the eighteenth century. The plans of Kungur, Shulgan-Tash, Ik, Nizhneudinskaya and Abigi-dzhe Ice Caves are considered. The cartographic works are displayed with short descriptions of the ice formations. The differences from the European approach to ice cave mapping are discussed.U radu se opisuje povijest kartiranja ledenih špilja u Rusiji od 18. stoljeća. Govori se o kartama sljedećih ledenih špilja: Kungur, Šul'gan-Taš, Ik, Nižneudinskaja i Abigi-dzhe. Prikazani su kartografski radovi s kratkim opisima ledenih formacija. Raspravlja se o razlikama u odnosu na europski pristup kartiranju ledenih špilja

    Motivating students to learn English for Professional Purposes (non-linguisticuniversity)

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    The study aims to investigate the main motivation factors to learn English for Professional Purposes and how they enable the formation of students' English foreign language communicative competence (non-linguistic university). The importance of this subject is caused by the need of effective training professionals able to compete in the modern labor market. The paper suggests the survey of one hundred and fourteen Crimean Business Institute and Tomsk Polytechnic University students. The methods used in the research are a questionnaire and the survey that comprises fifteen items developed to achieve the aim of the study. Three types of survey questions are used to collect the data: open-ended, ordinal scale and multiple-choice questions. The findings reveal that instrumental motivation prevails among students who are learning English for Professional Purposes as they focus on personal or professional interests and contacts, as well as ambitions. The study suggests the list of the most important motivation factors to learn English for Professional Purposes

    Ice Cave Map Pioneering: Russian Experience

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    U radu se opisuje povijest kartiranja ledenih špilja u Rusiji od 18. stoljeća. Govori se o kartama sljedećih ledenih špilja: Kungur, Šul\u27gan-Taš, Ik, Nižneudinskaja i Abigi-dzhe. Prikazani su kartografski radovi s kratkim opisima ledenih formacija. Raspravlja se o razlikama u odnosu na europski pristup kartiranju ledenih špilja.The paper is devoted to the history of ice cave mapping in Russia starting in the eighteenth century. The plans of Kungur, Shulgan-Tash, Ik, Nizhneudinskaya and Abigi-dzhe Ice Caves are considered. The cartographic works are displayed with short descriptions of the ice formations. The differences from the European approach to ice cave mapping are discussed

    Гендерный подход к понятию национального в женской литературе. Проза современных российских писательниц

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    After drastic changes in the all fields of Russian life after 1991 there emerged attempts in Russian literature of the following decades to conceive the existing cultural situation and find new ideas and symbols. The prominent feature of this process was a radical change of women gender perception, greatly influenced by rapid modification of everyday life as well as a flood of information from the West. The women’s writings of the period demonstrate various genres, esthetical and ideological trends. It is interesting that the attempts of self-identification in new circumstances are connected with aspiration of some writers (T. Nabatnikova, L. Ulitskaya, E. Isayeva, S. Vasilenko, A. Marinina) to formulate basic concepts of what is called a new national idea. Their texts demonstrate attempts to destroy outdated myths and build up new ones, based on modern conceptions. Thus gender reconsideration in contemporary Russian literature gets wider socio-cultural and political measurement

    Modern Austrian Novel: Endless Wanderings in the Labyrinths of Kafka's Castle

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    The purpose of the article is to discuss the perception of Kafka's The Castle (Das Schloss, 1922) in the novels The Peaches Killers (Die Pfirsichtöter, 1972) by Alfred Kolleritsch, Among the Bieresch (Bei den Bieresch, 1979) by Klaus Hoffer and Into the Castle (Ins Schloss, 2004) by Marianne Gruber. The reference to the writers and their works is no coincidence; preference is given to the artists whose creative manner reflects the most fashionable trends in Western European literary process - from avant-garde to postmodernism. The authors of the article deliberately arrange the analysed works in chronological order to follow the stages in the development of German postmodernism which originates from modernist literature. The universal Kafkaesque discourse suggests the existence of direct and inverse connections between the author and the reader, the extra-textual tradition and reality. The article focuses on the narrative strategies of Austrian avant-garde (Kolleritsch), analyses postmodern discourse (Hoffer, Gruber) in the Austrian literature of the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries, reveals signs of typological similarity between the novels by Kafka, Kolleritsch, Hoffer, and Gruber, which seems productive for understanding the influence of modernist literature on the development of the postmodern paradigm in the German-language literary space. Austrian literature, to a greater extent, is fraught with the search for new forms of self-expression rather than with the artistic “overcoming the past” - the awareness of collective guilt.  It brought to the forefront the authors in whose works the age of change was reflected. Literary avant-garde has been replaced by authors who skillfully “play” with the previous culture and establish a dialogue with the present. The comparative methodology is to reveal the perception of "Kafkaesque discourse" in modern Austrian literature and to draw conclusions about the ways authors treat ontological questions


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    Background. Bottom sediments (BS) of the Yenisei River contain xenobiotics of the chemical and radiation origins, which may adversely affect life functions of aquatic organisms. Previous assays of BS samples using the Allium test showed contradictory responses of the endpoints of onion bulbs (stimulation and inhibition) to the chemical and radionuclide composition of the BS. The Allium test with germinated seeds has not been used so far to test samples of the Yenisei BS, although previous studies showed sensitivity of this test object to exposure to low-dose gamma radiation. Purpose. The purpose of the study was to assess the possibility of using two modifications of the Allium test (A. cepa bulbs and seeds) to evaluate toxicity of samples of the Yenisei River BS containing relatively high activity concentrations of artificial radionuclides. Material and Methods. Toxicological laboratory experiments were conducted using three samples of the Yenisei BS containing high activity concentrations of the artificial radionuclide 137Cs; artificial BS prepared according to the standard protocol were used as the control. Activity concentrations of BS radionuclides were measured using a gamma-spectrometer coupled to a hyper-pure germanium detector (Canberra, U.S.). The test object was onion Allium cepa L. cv. Stuttgarter Riesen (bulbs and seeds). Root growth was chosen as the endpoint to determine BS toxicity.  Results. Experiments with radioactive BS from the Yenisei River demonstrated significant stimulation of root growth in the modification with onion bulbs and inhibition of root growth in the modification with onion seeds. In previous research, stimulation of root growth was observed in onion bulbs exposed to Yenisei BS containing lower activity concentrations of 137Cs. For the first time, inhibition of root growth of onion seedlings was observed in assays with BS containing a wide range of 137Cs activity concentrations.  Conclusion. Comparison of two modifications of the Allium test (bulbs and seeds) for assessing the toxicity of BS showed that only the growth of onion seedling roots used as an endpoint has sufficient sensitivity to the content of the artificial radionuclide 137Cs in BS and makes it possible to evaluate the biological effects of radioactivity. Funding. The study was funded by State Assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project No. 0287-2021-0019)

    Deuterated molecules in regions of high-mass star formation

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    We present the results of our studies of deuterated molecules (DCN, DNC, DCO+^+, N2_2D+^+ and NH2_2D) in regions of high-mass star formation, which include a survey of such regions with the 20-m Onsala radio telescope and mapping of several objects in various lines with the 30-m IRAM and 100-m MPIfR radio telescopes. The deuteration degree reaches \sim102^{-2} in these objects. We discuss its dependencies on the gas temperature and velocity dispersion, as well as spatial distributions of deuterated molecules. We show that the H13^{13}CN/HN13^{13}C intensity ratio may be a good indicator of the gas kinetic temperature and estimate densities of the investigated objects.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Proceedings of Science (Proceedings of the conference "The Multifaceted Universe: Theory and Observations - 2022", 23-27 May 2022, SAO RAS, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia

    Audiovisual content analysis in the translation process

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    The article presents a comprehensive approach to the process of audiovisual translation that includes application of multimodal analysis of semiotic codes present in audiovisual productions. The article dwells on how the proposed approach can be applied to analyzing audiovisual productions for different types of audiovisual translation. Due to its multimodal nature, an audiovisual production is understood by the authors as an audiovisual text that combines image, sound and verbal means, that is, different modes conveying meaning. The means of conveying meaning in an audiovisual production include the visual non-verbal elements, visual verbal elements as well as audio non-verbal and verbal elements. The priority of these means of meaning transfer and their interaction in meaning generation differ significantly depending on the genre of audiovisual productions and the specifics of the process of its creation