1,291 research outputs found

    Optimal control over geomorphological systems

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    The method presented can be used for the planning of shore protection measures without seawalls or other cliff-protecting structures; it is particularly appropriate in cases where the system is eventually to control itself by adjustment to a dynamic equilibrium regim

    Methods of predicting relapsing hemorrhage.

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    In this article the authors presented their own original methods for predicting ulcerous gastroduodenal bleeding defended by Patent of Ukraine. The implementation of these procedures led to substantial lowing of recurrent hamorrhage rate – more than twice. All methods have pathogenetic foundation and are based on ulcerogenesis mechanisms revealed during the longlasting complex clinical and experimental research. In such a way surgeons obtain some possibilities of early diagnostics of bleeding relapses and adequate treatment and effective hemorrhage prevention accordingly.

    Modern metods of predicting the start of the reccurent hemorrhage

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    Scattering of neutrinos on a polarized electron target as a test for new physics beyond the Standard Model

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    In this paper, we analyze the scattering of the neutrino beam on the polarized electron target, and predict the effects of two theoretically possible scenarios beyond the Standard Model. In both scenarios, Dirac neutrinos are assumed to be massive. First, we consider how the existence of CP violation phase between the complex vector V and axial A couplings of the Left-handed neutrinos affects the azimuthal dependence of the differential cross section. The future superbeam and neutrino factory experiments will provide the unique opportunity for the leptonic CP violation studies, if the large magnetized sampling calorimeters with good event reconstruction capabilities are build. Next, we take into account a scenario with the participation of the exotic scalar S coupling of the Right-handed neutrinos in addition to the standard vector V and axial A couplings of the Left-handed neutrinos. The main goal is to show how the presence of the R-handed neutrinos, in the above process changes the spectrum of recoil electrons in relation to the expected Standard Model prediction, using the current limits on the non-standard couplings. The interference terms between the standard and exotic couplings in the differential cross section depend on the angle α\alpha between the transverse incoming neutrino polarization and the transverse electron polarization of the target, and do not vanish in the limit of massless neutrino. The detection of the dependence on this angle in the energy spectrum of recoil electrons would be a signature of the presence of the R-handed neutrinos in the neutrino-electron scattering. To make this test feasible, the polarized artificial neutrino source needs to be identified.Comment: 11 pages, 3 eps figures, revtex, submitted to publicatio

    Sensitivities of Low Energy Reactor Neutrino Experiments

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    The low energy part of the reactor neutrino spectra has not been experimentally measured. Its uncertainties limit the sensitivities in certain reactor neutrino experiments. The origin of these uncertainties are discussed, and the effects on measurements of neutrino interactions with electrons and nuclei are studied. Comparisons are made with existing results. In particular, the discrepancies between previous measurements with Standard Model expectations can be explained by an under-estimation of the low energy reactor neutrino spectra. To optimize the experimental sensitivities, measurements for \nuebar-e cross-sections should focus on events with large (>>1.5 MeV) recoil energy while those for neutrino magnetic moment searches should be based on events <<100 keV. The merits and attainable accuracies for neutrino-electron scattering experiments using artificial neutrino sources are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    A nonstationary form of the range refraction parabolic equation and its application as an artificial boundary condition for the wave equation in a waveguide

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    The time-dependent form of Tappert's range refraction parabolic equation is derived using Daletskiy-Krein formula form noncommutative analysis and proposed as an artificial boundary condition for the wave equation in a waveguide. The numerical comparison with Higdon's absorbing boundary conditions shows sufficiently good quality of the new boundary condition at low computational cost.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Probing Low Energy Neutrino Backgrounds with Neutrino Capture on Beta Decaying Nuclei

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    We study the interaction of low energy neutrinos on nuclei that spontaneously undergo beta decay showing that the product of the cross section times neutrino velocity takes values as high as 10^{-42} cm^2 c for some specific nuclei that decay via allowed transitions. The absence of energy threshold and the value of the cross section single out these processes as a promising though very demanding approach for future experiments aimed at a direct detection of low energy neutrino backgrounds such as the cosmological relic neutrinos.Comment: Includes a discussion of local relic neutrino density effect on neutrino capture rate. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Développement évolutionnaire de la «clip thinking» chezles étudiants médicaux et leur intégration dans l'enseignement médical supérieur

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    L'éducationmédicalemodernenécessite la formation d'unenouvelle approchequalitativement nouvelle du processuséducatif, qui sera baséesurla formation et le développement de la penséeclinique, en tenant compte descaractéristiquespsychologiques de la jeunessemoderne. La manière «clip» detravailler avec l'informationajoute du dynamisme aux activitésd'apprentissagecognitif, ce qui permetdans le volume croissant de matérielpédagogiqued'avoir letemps, parfois au moinsformellement, pour effectuer les tâchesnécessaires. Lecomportement «clip» vouspermet de voir la polyvalence, la diversité, l'ambiguïté desapprochesd'analyseou de solution de problèmeset de tâchesspécifiques (unetelleréflexion aide le public à mieuxcomprendre et comprendre les différentesconnexionsentre les phénomènes et les événements). Cependant, les conséquencesnégatives deceprocessus ne peuventêtreignorées. La construction du processuséducatifconformément aux besoins du programmedevraitprendre en compteleursproprestâchesdans le contexte de changementsprogressifsdans la pensée des jeunes. Lesrésultats ne doivent pas êtredéfinitifs, maisilsindiquent des tendances positives dansla croissanceévolutive de la capacité à «couper la pensée» dans les groupesd'âgesuivants des élèves. Les résultatsobtenuscoïncident avec le fait que la formationprofessionnelle des étudiants qui maîtrisent à peine les disciplines de base et desstagiaires qui ontterminé le cursus de base donne des donnéessimilaires, mais enmême temps différentes, issues de la mêmeenquête. Ilestimpossible de déterminerdéfinitivementdansquelgroupe le niveau de "clip thinking" prédomine. Cependant,ce fait indiquel'irréversibilité des changementsdans la «nouvelle pensée», dontilfauttenircomptedansl'enseignement