759 research outputs found

    Remaining Two Parcels 39 and 41 Principal Investigator Waldo Troell

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    The project field survey took place on September 23-24, 2013. The project’s area of potential effect (APE) encompasses a maximum of 122 acres including current right of way (ROW) [1.29 acres] and proposed ROW [120.71 acres]. A previous TxDOT pedestrian survey in September/October 2010 [permit # 5665] had covered approximately 117.52 acres where right of entry had been granted to TxDOT. At the time of the first survey no right of entry was granted for parcels 39 and 41. TxDOT has since purchased the entire APE and current survey covers the remaining two parcels 39 and 41 [4.48 acres]. No archeological sites were found during the survey of the remaining two parcels. One isolated lithic flake was found in shovel test #4. Whether the lithic flake was the result of natural or prehistoric/modern cultural origin could not be determined. No artifact were collected or curated from this survey

    The use of sodium hypobromite for the oxidation of organic matter in the mechanical analysis of soils

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    The A. S. Mann (41HE7/41AN201) and M. S. Roberts (41HE8) Sites in the Upper Neches River Basin, Henderson County, Texas

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    The upper Neches River basin in East Texas has been the scene of archaeological research since the early 1900s, with a particular focus on the post-A.D. 1000 archaeological record of the Caddo peoples in the region. The A. S. Mann (41HE7) and M. S. Roberts (41HE8) sites are ancestral Caddo sites located in the modern-day Pineywoods that were investigated by University of Texas (UT) archaeologists in the 1930s. I want to thank Waldo Troell for bringing these sites to my attention

    Forensic course development

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    In recent years, digital technology has experienced dramatic growth. Many of these advances have also provided malicious users with the ability to conceal their activities and destroy evidence of their actions. This has raised the need of developing specialists in computer digital forensics -- the preservation, identification, extraction and documentation of evidence stored in the form of digitally encoded information (data). In this paper, we present the procedures and rationale used in the development of forensic courses at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels. We also demonstrate our decision making process of selecting topics included in each course

    Computer forensics technologies for personally identifiable information detection and audits

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    Identity theft has become more prevalent in recent years; about 10 million incidents occur each year.1 IT professionals must understand the need for personally identifiable information (PII) discovery to protect themselves and their company from the civil, legal and financial liabilities caused by data loss. As documents migrate to digital form from hard copy, sensitive personal information gets stored in a variety of places digitally. National and international laws are in place requiring companies to search for confidential data to ensure compliance. Some US examples include the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). At the state level in the US, New York State’s Disposal of Personal Records Law (2006) requires businesses to “properly dispose of records containing personal information,” implying that this information must be unreadable and unrecoverable. International privacy laws, many of which are more stringent than those in the US, require similar activity.2 To comply with these laws, security professionals use a variety of sensitive information discovery tools to find and remove readily available information stored on end-point devices. While current PII discovery tools can find information that is readily available, they are not capable of discovering information that has been encrypted, obfuscated, hidden, deleted or is otherwise unrecoverable. It is critical to note that the content and metadata of deleted files can be easily recovered using standard forensics tools. This paper will introduce computer forensics techniques to reveal sensitive data that are likely to be missed by PII tools, including data in RAM memory, graphics files, registry information or files marked as deleted

    The Copenhagen cloudburst management plan : a role model?

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    Klimatet Ă€r i förĂ€ndring vilket resulterar i nya vĂ€derförhĂ„llanden och förutsĂ€ttningar. Fler intensiva regn förvĂ€ntas bli ett resultat av en ökad medeltemperatur. Det gör att stĂ€der behöver planeras och utformas för att klara av de förĂ€ndrade nederbördsmĂ€ngderna, vilket blir problematiskt dĂ„ ytan ofta Ă€r begrĂ€nsad i urbana miljöer. Med detta som utgĂ„ngspunkt och att Köpenhamn 2011 drabbades av ett extremt skyfall vĂ€xte ett intresse fram för stĂ€ders skyfallshantering som ett sĂ€tt att klimatanpassas. Att klimatanpassa stĂ€der Ă€r ett omfattande Ă€mne och i detta arbete kommer enbart anpassning till skyfall att undersökas. Skyfallet 2011 pĂ„verkade Köpenhamns kommun sĂ„ att kommunen tog ett helhetsperspektiv kring skyfallsproblematiken. Hur Köpenhamns stadslandskap pĂ„verkas av skyfallsplanen studeras i detta arbete utifrĂ„n forskning, officiella dokument och platsbesök för att undersöka skyfallshantering ifrĂ„n olika aspekter. Arbetet baseras pĂ„ en litteraturstudie för att förstĂ„ innebörden av en skyfallshantering ur ett stadsutvecklingsperspektiv. För att undersöka stadslandskapets pĂ„verkan av en skyfallsplan har ocksĂ„ en MervĂ€rdesmodell utvecklats. Grönska, vistelse och mobilitet har valts som parametrar för en inriktning mot landskapsarkitektur. Fyra platser som har omgestaltats för att skyfallssĂ€kras har besökts och observerats med hjĂ€lp av MervĂ€rdesmodellen. Arbetet indikerar att efter implementering av en skyfallsplan kan det i stadslandskapet utvecklas multifunktionella platser. Det kan vara av vikt att utvĂ€rdera platser som genomgĂ„tt skyfallsĂ„tgĂ€rder för att ta lĂ€rdom av tidigare erfarenheter. De gamles by och TĂ„singe Plads har uppnĂ„tt mervĂ€rden med en attraktiv, naturlik och rumsskapande grönska, trots deras begrĂ€nsade utrymme. Folehaven och Sankt AnnĂŠ Plads Ă€r tvĂ„ platser som inte uppnĂ„dde samma kvalitĂ©er som de tvĂ„ ovannĂ€mnda platserna. De hade istĂ€llet ett mer enformigt uttryck och bristande artrikedom. Att ha i beaktning Ă€r dock att de tvĂ„ sistnĂ€mnda platserna Ă€r trafikerade gator, vilket kan framhĂ€va vikten av att utvĂ€rdera varje enskild plats beroende pĂ„ platsens förutsĂ€ttningar. Sammanfattningsvis tyder arbetet pĂ„ att vatten kan ses som en resurs som blir synlig i stadslandskapet istĂ€llet för att enbart hanteras som ett problem. Detta Ă€r ett sĂ€tt att göra urbana miljöer resilienta mot framtida klimatstörningar, i detta arbete mot skyfall. Genom att göra om den traditionella vattenhanteringen som huvudsakligen bestĂ„r av underjordiska rörledningssystem dĂ€r spillvatten blandas med regnvatten omformas systemet för att anpassas sĂ„ att det kan hantera stora mĂ€ngder regn. Detta bland annat genom lokalt omhĂ€ndertagande av regnvatten och separata ledningssystem för regn- och spillvatten. Genom att göra om befintliga gator och platser i staden till skyfallsvĂ€gar, gröna vĂ€gar eller fördröjningsboulevarder/platser tillsammans med nedgrĂ€vda rörlösningar har Köpenhamn planerat för en infrastruktur som ska kunna avleda och fördröja regnvatten till recipienter, bort frĂ„n omrĂ„den dĂ€r vattnet inte riskerar att orsaka skada. PĂ„ grund av osĂ€kerheten kring klimatförĂ€ndringarnas pĂ„verkan föresprĂ„kar ett flertal forskare att flexibla lösningar som bestĂ„r av grönblĂ„ metoder Ă€r att föredra. GrönblĂ„ lösningar har dessutom potential till att bidra till mervĂ€rde och multifunktionella platser i urbana miljöer. En oro nĂ€mns dock i flera studier att dessa vĂ€rden försummas nĂ€r rörlösningar fĂ„r ta för mycket utrymme i skyfallsimplementeringarna och Köpenhamn nĂ€mns som ett exempel pĂ„ detta. Problematiken kring skyfallssĂ€kring beror dock pĂ„ svĂ„righeten i att göra om befintlig struktur, volymen vatten som ska hanteras vid skyfall och ekonomiska aspekter. Dessa faktorer tillsammans med visionen att mervĂ€rden ska inkorporeras med skyfallslösningar nĂ€r en plats görs om, och samtidigt ha kapacitet att skyfallssĂ€kra staden gör det hela komplext.Climate change with increasing global average temperatures will result in new weather conditions characterized by more frequent and intensive rains. This means that city planning and design preparing for this change in precipitation becomes necessary, due to lack of space in the urban environment such planning may be challenging. Our interest in the subject of city climate adaptation started from the extreme cloudbursts in Copenhagen in 2011, leading us to focus our work on the possibilities to prepare for similar events in the future. To make a city climate resilient is an extensive matter, and thereby this paper is limited to cloudburst management as an act of climate adaption. The cloudburst 2011 affected the city of Copenhagen and forced them to take a new holistic approach to the cloudburst plan. How Copenhagen’s urban landscape is influenced and affected by the cloudburst plan is studied through research, official documents and site visits to examine cloudburst. This to include various aspects for better understanding of this complex subject. A literature study was conducted to understand how the influence of a cloudburst management plan can affect urban development. Three parameters (Greenery, Residency and Mobility) were considered to be important for how the cloudburst implementations impact on the urban landscape, and thereby an Amenity value model has been developed. Four sites which have been redesigned to be able to handle cloudburst have been visited and observed through the Amenity value model. This paper indicates that in the city landscape, multifunctional spaces can be developed after cloudburst implementation. De gamles by and TĂ„singe Plads are two places that achieved amenity values with a more attractive, nature inspired design and space creating greenery, despite their limited space, after cloudburst implementation. Folehaven and Sankt AnnĂŠ Plads are both places that did not achieve the same qualities as the two earlier presented places. Instead, they had a more monotonous expression and a lack of species diversity. The fact that Folehaven is a busy road and Sankt AnnĂŠ Plads is a street placed in the central of Copenhagen are two parameters worth taking into consideration. Water can be seen as a resource that is worth making visible in the urban landscape, instead of exclusively being seen as a problem. That would be one way to make urban environments more resilient to future climate disturbances in terms of cloudburst. To transform the existing water system into a system that can handle the volume and intensity of future rainfall, the city has to redesign existing traditional water system, that today mainly are being composed of subsurface pipe systems where wastewater is mixed with rain water. This is accomplished by including local treatment of rainwater (LAR-solutions) and separated wastewater and rainwater pipe systems. By remaking existing streets, roads and places in the city to become cloudburst roads, green roads or delay/detain roads/places, the city of Copenhagen has planned for an infrastructure that is supposed to delay and divert rainwater to recipients, away from areas that are put to risk because of the damage the rainwater can cause. Because of the uncertainty regarding how the climate change will affect the future, flexible solutions that integrate green blue methods are preferred and many researchers argue for this being the best strategy. Furthermore, green-blue solutions have potential to add amenity values and multifunctional sites in the urban environment. One main concern is the risk that amenity values are neglected if pipe solutions are given too much space in cloudburst implementation. Copenhagen is mentioned as one example where this was the case. Another challenging task is to rebuild and change existing structure, cope with the massive volume of water and economic aspects that cloudburst implementation brings. This combined with the question of how amenity values are supposed to be incorporated with cloudburst solutions to improve the urban landscape and at the same time create a capacity that is enough to cloudburst secure the city makes the issue very complex

    Fresh fruit, vegetables, and mushrooms as transmission vehicles for <i>Echinococcus multilocularis</i> in Europe:inferences and concerns from sample analysis data from Poland

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    Fresh fruit, vegetables, mushrooms, and other fresh produce are recognised as important vehicles of infection for several foodborne parasites, particularly those with a faecal-oral transmission route and robust environmental transmission stages. Nevertheless, analysis of such foods for parasite transmission stages, even during outbreaks, tends to show only low contamination. Echinococcus multilocularis is considered one of the most important foodborne parasites, but there are few studies in which fresh produce or like foods collected in their natural habitat is analysed for contamination with E. multilocularis eggs. In this article, we question a recent study from Poland reporting over 23 % of fresh berries, vegetables, and mushroom being highly contaminated with E. multilocularis eggs. In particular, it appears unlikely that 20 % of raspberries, which are elevated from ground level, should be exposed to faecal contamination. Additionally, the similar egg contamination of vegetation in forest and plantation environments is surprising considering the preference of the parasite’s most competent intermediate hosts for the latter environment. Furthermore, a lack of specific temporal information is concerning due to the varying infection pressure (and therefore environmental contamination) occurring in definitive hosts over the course of the year. Several important aspects of the study seem to us to have been neglected, and we are concerned that the published data might, if not questioned, lead to incorrect interpretation, and unnecessary losses in the agricultural sector

    Converged vs. Dedicated IPSec Encryption Testing in Gigabit Ethernet Networks

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    In January, 2005, Safenet, Inc. contacted the networking group to investigate the possibility of using our students for the purpose of comparing the performance of dedicated encryption device to an integrated encrypting device. The tests would also include a performance comparison between Data Link Layer (Layer 2) devices and Network Layer (Layer 3) devices. It was decided that the tests would consist of throughput, frame loss, and network latency. Two network topologies were used for the experiments: gigabit Ethernet and SONET OC-48. The equipment to be tested was Safenet’s High Assurance 4000 Gateway (HA4000) for the gigabit Ethernet topology and the SafeNet SSE Encryptor for the SONET topology. The Cisco Catalyst 6509 equipped with the Cisco VPN Accelerator was used for both topologies. An IXIA400T was used to generate the traffic for the performance tests. The procedure was straight forward. Baselines for each of the criteria (throughput, frame loss, and latency) by connecting the Cisco 6509’s back to back for each of the topologies to be tested. Once the baselines were established, the performance tests were performed for each of the encryption technologies and data was collected for each of the criteria
