19 research outputs found

    Application of the Three Aspects of Form model in pedagogical diagnosis

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    Barbara Trochimiak, Application of the Three Aspects of Form model in pedagogical diagnosis. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 24, Poznań 2019.Pp. 189-210. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.24.11 The article presents a model of conducting activities in pedagogical diagnostics in accordance with the assumptions of the author’s method, called Three Aspects of Form (TAF). The concept expands the paradigm of diagnostic activities with therapeutic elements. Universal analytical categories for use in the study of processes with active human involvement are described. The most important element of the TAF model is discussed – a set of four tasks for the pedagogue-diagnostician, under which a simplified version of the first stage of didactic therapy is implemented. The idea of categorical trio-action as a foundation of the Three Aspects of Form of method, its relation to the creation of cultural and mental development are also presented. The scales of phenomenological, missionary and cultural activity as well as the principles of their modification are presented as well.Barbara Trochimiak, Application of the Three Aspects of Form model in pedagogical diagnosis. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 24, Poznań 2019.Pp. 189-210. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.24.11 The article presents a model of conducting activities in pedagogical diagnostics in accordance with the assumptions of the author’s method, called Three Aspects of Form (TAF). The concept expands the paradigm of diagnostic activities with therapeutic elements. Universal analytical categories for use in the study of processes with active human involvement are described. The most important element of the TAF model is discussed – a set of four tasks for the pedagogue-diagnostician, under which a simplified version of the first stage of didactic therapy is implemented. The idea of categorical trio-action as a foundation of the Three Aspects of Form of method, its relation to the creation of cultural and mental development are also presented. The scales of phenomenological, missionary and cultural activity as well as the principles of their modification are presented as well


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    The aim of this paper is to describe the structure, production and function of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) as well as changes of its concentration caused by exercise of various intensity and duration. Immunoglobulin A is the main class of antibodies present in the body secreted fluids such as saliva, tears or mucus from the intestines. It is generally recognized that IgA, due to its dominance in the immune system of mucous membranes, is the first line of defence against harmful environmental factors. The secretion and composition of saliva depends on the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Physical activity, stimulating the autonomous nervous system, may reduce the amount of saliva and/or inhibit its secretion. The relationship between physical activity and the suppression of the immune system is not fully understood, but it is known that moderate intensity exercise can improve immune defences, while extreme effort can reduce them by creating an increased risk of upper respiratory tract inflammation (URTI). In athletes, the lowest risk of upper tract infection was connected with the case of moderate intensity exercise. It is now believed that the relationship between exercise volume and the risk of URTI has the shape of the letter “J”. This means that both too little and too much physical activity may increase the risk of upper respiratory tract infection. Training optimization and correct balance between exercise and rest periods may reduce the risk of adverse changes in the immune system and decrease the frequency of URTI

    The Effect of Wrestling Tournament on Immune and Endocrine Markers in Blood and Saliva of Male and Female Athletes

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of one-day wrestling tournament on magnitude and direction of changes in selected immunological and endocrine status indices. The participants of the study were male (n = 12) and female (n = 13) wrestlers. The earlobe blood samples and unstimulated saliva were collected at three time points: in the morning before the competition (1), immediately after the last match (2) and in the next morning (3). Total protein, IgA and cortisol concentration and α-amylase activity in saliva, as well as concentration of cortisol and interleukin-6 in serum were measured. Significantly lower ratio of sIgA/protein and significantly higher levels of salivary and serum cortisol, interleukin-6, and α-amylase activity were observed at the second time point compared with the first and the third in both groups of athletes. Regardless of the examined time point, concentrations of serum and saliva markers were similar in female and male wrestlers. However, a tendency to lower sAA activity on the next morning after the tournament compared to basal activity of this enzyme was seen in both examined groups. In general, the changes of examined markers were short-lived, except for α-amylase activity, showing that tournament-wrestling matches had no sustained negative effects on endocrine and immunological body systems

    Structural characterization of EnpA D,L-Endopeptidase from Enterococcus faecalis prophage provides insights into substrate specificity of M23 peptidases

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    The best-characterized members of the M23 family are glycyl-glycine hydrolases, such as lysostaphin (Lss) from Staphylococcus simulans or LytM from Staphylococcus aureus. Recently, enzymes with broad specificities were reported, such as EnpACD from Enterococcus faecalis, that cleaves D,L peptide bond between the stem peptide and a cross-bridge. Previously, the activity of EnpACD was demonstrated only on isolated peptidoglycan fragments. Herein we report conditions in which EnpACD lyses bacterial cells live with very high efficiency demonstrating great bacteriolytic potential, though limited to a low ionic strength environment. We have solved the structure of the EnpACD H109A inactive variant and analyzed it in the context of related peptidoglycan hydrolases structures to reveal the bases for the specificity determination. All M23 structures share a very conserved β-sheet core which constitutes the rigid bottom of the substrate-binding groove and active site, while variable loops create the walls of the deep and narrow binding cleft. A detailed analysis of the binding groove architecture, specificity of M23 enzymes and D,L peptidases demonstrates that the substrate groove, which is particularly deep and narrow, is accessible preferably for peptides composed of amino acids with short side chains or subsequent L and D-isomers. As a result, the bottom of the groove is involved in interactions with the main chain of the substrate while the side chains are protruding in one plane towards the groove opening. We concluded that the selectivity of the substrates is based on their conformations allowed only for polyglycine chains and alternating chirality of the amino acids

    The effect of swimming on oral health status: competitive versus non-competitive athletes

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    ABSTRACT Young swimmers are particularly susceptible to the onset of oral diseases. Objective To evaluate the oral health status in young competitive and non-competitive swimmers, involving an assessment of salivary cariogenic bacteria and secretory IgA (S-IgA) concentration. Material and Methods Before training sessions (T1), 54 competitive and 69 non-competitive swimmers had the following parameters assessed: decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT), Plaque Index (PlI), and Gingival Index (GI). At T1 and after training sessions (T2), stimulated saliva was collected and microbiological and immunological analyses were performed. Results Competitive swimmers trained 2.02±0.09 hours 5 times a week, while non-competitive swimmers trained 2.03±0.18 hours a week. A total of 14.7% of competitive swimmers suffered dental trauma related to sports. Only 11.76% of the competitive swimmers took a daily dose of fluoride, against 32.65% of non-competitive swimmers (p=0.029). Neither group followed an established diet or presented statistically significant differences in terms of nutritional supplement drink and chocolate intake. There were statistically significant differences in terms of oral hygiene. No significant difference in clinical indexes (DMFT, PlI, and GI) was present. S. mutans was harbored by 18.6% of competitive and the 32.2% of non-competitive swimmers. S. sobrinus was detected in 22.03% of competitive and 91.6% of non-competitive swimmers (p<0.05). S. sanguinis was found only in the saliva of competitive swimmers. The average S-IgA of competitive swimmers decreased significantly at T2 (p<0.05). The pool water had a daily average pH of 7.22. Conclusions Microbial markers, immune status and sporting characteristics are important for establishing guidelines for management of training load in order to minimize physical stress and the risk of oral infection

    The resting salivary antimicrobial proteins and cortisol concentration in wrestlers during 12-week training

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    Study aim: the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of 12-week training on saliva immunoendocrine response in collegiate male and female wrestlers

    Analiza porównawcza farmakoterapii stosowanej przez zespoły ratownictwa medycznego w Polsce

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    INTRODUCTION: Pharmacotherapy is essential during emergency medical services (EMS). Medication administered in pre-hospital conditions enables i.a.: sedation, analgesia, treatment of arrhythmias, and resuscitation. The equipment of the paramedic’s box (Drug Kit) in an ambulance depends on the Rescue System in a given country. In Poland, since several years, there has been a standardized list of medications available in the emergency medical services. The authors attempt to assess the indication of pharmaceuticals that are most commonly used and those that may turn out to be unnecessary in pre-hospital care. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The interventions of two emergency medical teams (specialized "SEMS" and basic "BEMS") from 2019 were analyzed. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov variable distribution normality test was used for statistical analysis; Pearson correlation and Chi squared independence tests. All results were considered significant at p <0.05. RESULTS: The teams intervened 4,530 times in the analyzed period. Medications were used in 1742 cases, which accounts for 38.45% of all interventions (BEMS - 1429; 82.03% vs. SEMS: 313; 17.97%). The most commonly administered were: Natrii chloridum 0.9%, Captoprilum, Ephinephrinum and Hydroxyzinum. Drugs such as: Flumazenilum, HES - hydroxyethyl starch, Isosorbidi mononitrans, Lidocaini hydrochloridum, Urapidilum were not administered. Comparing the total amount of drugs used between the teams, a statistically strong correlation was demonstrated (χ2 = 402.41; p = 0.000), point out more frequent use of drugs by BEMS staff. CONCLUSIONS: There is a group of drugs that are not used in the emergency medical service. The equipment of the paramedic’s box in the BEMS can be considered as sufficient because drugs from the SEMS were used occasionally. Due to the significant differences in the frequency of administration of individual drugs, a modification of the list of medicines in the emergency medical service in Poland should be considered.WSTĘP: Farmakoterapia jest niezbędna w pracy zespołów ratownictwa medycznego (EMS). Podane leki w warunkach przedszpitalnych umożliwiają m.in .: sedację, znieczulenie, leczenie arytmii i resuscytację. Wyposażenie ampularium ratownika medycznego w karetce zależy od systemu ratownictwa w danym kraju. W Polsce od od kilku lat istnieje ujednolicona lista leków dostępnych dla ratowników medycznych. Autorzy pracy podejmują próbę wskazania leków, które są najczęściej stosowane i tych, które mogą się okazać zbędne w opiece przedszpitalnej. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Przeanalizowano interwencje dwóch zespołów ratownictwa medycznego (specjalistyczny "SEMS" i podstawowy "BEMS") z 2019 roku. Do celów statystycznych zastosowano test normalności rozkładu zmiennej Kołmogorowa-Smirnowa, testy korelacji Pearsona i niezależności Chi-kwadrat. Wszystkie wyniki uznano za istotne przy p <0.05. WYNIKI: Zespoły w analizowanym okresie interweniowały 4530 razy. Leki były używane w 1742 przypadkach, co stanowi 38.45% wszystkich interwencji (BEMS - 1429; 82.03% vs. SEMS: 313; 17.97%). Najczęściej podawano: Natrii chloridum 0.9%, Captoprilum, Ephinephrinum i Hydroxyzinum. Leki takie jak: Flumazenilum, HES - hydroksyetyloskrobia, Isosorbidi mononitrans, Lidocaini hydrochloridum, Urapidilum - nie były podawane. Porównując całkowitą ilość leków narkotycznych stosowanych w zespołach, stwierdzono statystycznie silną korelację (χ2 = 402.41; p = 0.000), wskazując na ich częstsze używanie przez personel zespołów podstawowych. WNIOSKI: Istnieje grupa leków, które nie są stosowane w ratownictwie medycznym. Wyposażenie ampularium ratownika medycznego w podstawowych zespołach ratownictwa medycznego można uznać za wystarczające, ponieważ sporadycznie używano leków z ampularium zespołu specjalistycznego. Ze względu na istotne różnice w częstości podawania poszczególnych leków należy rozważyć modyfikację leków stosowanych w pogotowiu ratunkowym w Polsce

    Analiza przyczyn uszkodzenia stropu

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    Analysis ol the cause of damage of a reinforced concrete floor above a garage of a multi-storey residential building. Undertaking an accurate assessment of the effects of concrete shrinkage and required minimum shrinkage reinforcement of complex reinforced concrete constructions emphasizes the fact of being an exceedingly difficult issue to consider. The analysis below broaches this matter basing on the example of a fragment of a building characterized by a rare construction system. Since the shrinkage aspects have not been taken into account, the applied reinforcement concerns only bending. Indeed, this fact, as well as the peculiarity of a shape of the building, affected the ceiling surface causing the emergence of a crack across its length and thus, plenty of leaks. The study of the above-mentioned case attempts to specify the quantity of required reinforcement by comparing results obtained from various methods adopted for this purpose

    The Effect of Addition of Germanium to the Surface Phenomena in Silver Alloys

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    The article describes the impact of germanium on the course of surface phenomena in casting alloys of silver used in gold smithing. The aim of this works is to describe the assessment of resulting alloys, comparing the area of raw castings and the impact of the addition content of the alloy on the hardness of the samples. The evaluation also was subject to corrosion resistance of giving a comparison of their use in relations to traditional silver alloys