9 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Supply Chain Risk on Resilience: Mediation Role of Supply Chain Integration

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    This study aims to examine the effect of supply chain risk on supply chain resilience through the mediation of supply chain integration. A sample was collected by purposive sampling, and the data  was gathered by using an online survey for three company sectors: manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management in Java, Indonesia. The data were analyzed with Analysis of Moment Structure structural equation modeling (AMOS-SEM) using AMOS-24. The Result shows that SCR has impact to 3 dimension of integration but only Internal integration impact positively to SCRE whereas supplier and customer integration have not any impact on SCRE. Despite that, SCR still has an effect on SCRE, mediated by SCI. It’s suggest to improve the collaboration and coordination between Supplier and Customer Integration for Resilience of  supply chain

    The Effect of Supply Chain Responsiveness, Flexibility, & Quality on Customer Development

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    This study examines the impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on a firm’s ability to attract, satisfy and retain its customers. Moreover, mediating impact of logistics process responsiveness among operation system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, supply chain quality, and customer development is examined as well. For this study we have used the quantitative approach, a survey-based method for data collection with a total of 155 questionnaires distributed to FMCG firms in Jakarta with 119 usable responses retrieved. The effects of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). The result confirmed the positive impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development. The finding also showed that the operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and quality drive the logistics system responsiveness. Additionally, logistics process responsiveness partially mediated the effect of operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and supply chain quality on customer development

    The Effect of Logistics Collaboration on Logistics Performance in the Mro Industry in Indonesia

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    This study clarifies the effect of supplier selection and information sharing on logistics performance mediated by logistics collaboration in the MRO industry in Indonesia. The independent variables used in this study were supplier selection and information sharing. Meanwhile, the logistics collaboration variable is used as a mediation variable. And the dependent variable in this study is logistical performance. The sample in this study was 123 respondents from the logistics, procurement, and purchase of aircraft parts divisions at MRO companies in Indonesia using purposive sampling techniques. The data analysis model used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Therefore, this study examines supplier selection, information sharing, logistics collaboration, and logistics performance in the MRO industry in Indonesia. The result of this study is that there is a positive influence of supplier selection on logistics collaboration, there is a positive influence between information sharing and logistics collaboration, there is a positive influence between logistics collaboration and logistics performance, there is a positive influence between supplier selection and logistics performance, and there is no influence between information sharing and logistics performance. The indicators in this study are adjusted to the business criteria of the MRO industry itself

    The Effect Of Supply Chain Risk on Resilience: Mediation Role of Supply Chain Integration

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    This study aims to examine the effect of supply chain risk on supply chain resilience through the mediation of supply chain integration. A sample was collected by purposive sampling, and the data was gathered by using an online survey for three company sectors: manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management in Java, Indonesia. The data were analyzed with Analysis of Moment Structure structural equation modeling (AMOS-SEM) using AMOS-24. The Result shows that SCR has impact to 3 dimension of integration but only Internal integration impact positively to SCRE whereas supplier and customer integration have not any impact on SCRE. Despite that, SCR still has an effect on SCRE, mediated by SCI. It’s suggest to improve the collaboration and coordination between Supplier and Customer Integration for Resilience of supply chain

    The Effect of Supply Chain Responsiveness, Flexibility, & Quality on Customer Development

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    This study examines the impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on a firm’s ability to attract, satisfy and retain its customers. Moreover, mediating impact of logistics process responsiveness among operation system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, supply chain quality, and customer development is examined as well. For this study we have used the quantitative approach, a survey-based method for data collection with a total of 155 questionnaires distributed to FMCG firms in Jakarta with 119 usable responses retrieved. The effects of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). The result confirmed the positive impact of supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and quality on customer development. The finding also showed that the operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and quality drive the logistics system responsiveness. Additionally, logistics process responsiveness partially mediated the effect of operations system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, supply chain flexibility, and supply chain quality on customer development

    The Effect of Logistics Collaboration on Logistics Performance in the Mro Industry in Indonesia

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    This study clarifies the effect of supplier selection and information sharing on logistics performance mediated by logistics collaboration in the MRO industry in Indonesia. The independent variables used in this study were supplier selection and information sharing. Meanwhile, the logistics collaboration variable is used as a mediation variable. And the dependent variable in this study is logistical performance. The sample in this study was 123 respondents from the logistics, procurement, and purchase of aircraft parts divisions at MRO companies in Indonesia using purposive sampling techniques. The data analysis model used is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Therefore, this study examines supplier selection, information sharing, logistics collaboration, and logistics performance in the MRO industry in Indonesia. The result of this study is that there is a positive influence of supplier selection on logistics collaboration, there is a positive influence between information sharing and logistics collaboration, there is a positive influence between logistics collaboration and logistics performance, there is a positive influence between supplier selection and logistics performance, and there is no influence between information sharing and logistics performance. The indicators in this study are adjusted to the business criteria of the MRO industry itself

    Impact of Collaborative Choice Making and Quality Administration On Coordinations Execution On Holder Shipping With PLS – SEM Strategy Adaptation 3.00

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    Globalization encourages companies to outsource coordination exercises to third parties. Given the energetic advertising, organizational data prepares the hypothesis that ownership of data prepared capabilities can offer help organizations adapt to natural vulnerabilities. PT Pelayaran Nasional Company is locked in the administration of shipping transportation. The problem is to build collaborative options to make the marine chain show and pay attention to quality and observations on the implementation of the administration of the holder's administration. The purpose of this study is to apply the organization data compilation hypothesis (OIPT) to make collaborative decisions on marine supply chain shows and see their effect on the benefits of coordination. To determine the effect of administrative quality of coordination on the implementation of the benefits of coordination for administrative use. The method of collecting information in this consideration is using a questionnaire. Surveys can be an information gathering strategy carried out by giving a series of questions to respondents. It considers jobs using a computer delivery overview job with Google forms. Results of collaborative decision making from the OIPT point of view. It also illustrates an important part of data integration to encourage shared decision making, which in turn enhances the implementation of coordination benefits. This reflection essentially looks at the issue of collaborative choice making and quality administration from the point of view of the holding shipping compan


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    Green supply chain management (GSCM) is an initiative that is growing in popularity across organizations. The e-commerce industry, which is currently growing rapidly, has triggered the activities of the logistics industry to also grow and have an impact on the environment. This study aims to study the role of lean practices, innovation management strategies and environmental orientation on organizational sustainability through green supply chain management in the e-commerce industry in Indonesia. This study uses a sample of 115 respondents with managerial level from the four largest e-commerce companies in Indonesia with the assumption that a population of 362 people is processed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study indicate that directly, innovation performance has no significant effect on green supply chain (0.309 < 1.65), lean practices have a significant and positive effect on green supply chain (2.497 > 1.65), environmental orientation has a significant and positive effect on green supply chain (2.757 < 1.65), and green supply chain have a significant and positive effect on sustainability performance (10.393 < 1.65). Indirectly, it can be seen that innovation performance has no significant effect on sustainable performance through green supply chains (0.298 < 1.65), lean practices have a significant and positive effect on sustainable performance through green supply chains (2.123 > 1.65), and orientation the environment has a significant and positive effect on sustainable performance through green supply chains (2.376 < 1.65) in the e-commerce industry in Indonesia.Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak: Manajemen rantai pasokan hijau (GSCM) adalah inisiatif yang semakin populer di berbagai organisasi. Industri e-commerce yang saat ini sedang bertumbuh pesat memicu aktivitas industri logistik yang juga bertumbuh dan turut memberi dampak terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari peran dari praktik lean, strategi manajemen inovasi dan orientasi lingkungan pada keberlanjutan organisasi melalui manajemen rantai pasok hijau pada industri e-commerce di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel 115 responden di level manajerial dari empat perusahaan e-commerce terbesar di Indonesia dengan asumsi jumlah populasi 362 orang yang diolah dengan piranti lunak Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara langsung, kinerja inovasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap rantai pasok hijau (0,309 < 1,65), praktik lean berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap rantai pasok hijau (2,497 > 1,65), orientasi lingkungan berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap rantai pasok hijau (2,757 < 1,65), dan rantai pasok hijau berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja keberlanjutan (10,393 < 1,65). Secara tidak langsung, dapat dilihat bahwa kinerja inovasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja berkelanjutan melalui rantai pasok hijau (0,298 < 1,65), praktik lean berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja berkelanjutan melalui rantai pasok hijau (2,123 > 1,65), dan orientasi lingkungan berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja berkelanjutan melalui rantai pasok hijau (2,376 < 1,65) pada industri e-commerce di Indonesia