274 research outputs found


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    Manusia memiliki kecerdasan otak yang berbeda-beda bisa dilihat dari cara manusia berbicara, berpendapat, berpikir dan sebagainya. Dari situ pula muncul manusia yang cerdas yang bisa mengukur tingkat kecerdasan manusia dengan melakukan test kepribadian pada diri seorang manusia, namun yang bisa menguji atau membuat test tersebut hanya seorang psikolog yang handal yang bisa memahami jiwa seorang manusia. Tes kepribadian tersebut mulai diaplikasikan pada instansi-instansi pendidikan seperti di perguruan tinggi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta namun selama ini pelaksanaannya masih secara manual sehingga kurang efisien waktu dan biaya, Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk membantu Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dalam pelayanan simulasi tes kepribadian mahasiswa, dengan menggunakan aplikasi web berbasis ASP untuk bahasa pemrograman, Microsoft Access untuk database dan Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 untuk editor program. Berdasarkan kuesioner yang diujikan kepada 5 Mahasiswa, 1 Mahasiswa sebagai administrator di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, menunjukkan bahwa Aplikasi ini sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai keinginan penguna meliputi Dosen dan Mahasisw

    Generation of active protonic acid site from cyclohexane over Pt/SO42--Al2O3 catalyst

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    Generation of active protonic acid sites for isomerisation of cyclohexane over Pt/SO4 2--Al2O3 catalyst was studied. Pt/SO4 2--Al2O3 was synthesized and calcined at 823K. Characterization was carried out with XRD, BET ammonia-TPD, pyridine-preadsorbed IR spectroscopy, and FTIR. The XRD result showed that the addition of Pt and SO4 2- did not change the phase of ?-Al2O3. The specific surface area of Pt/SO4 2--Al2O3 was 163 m2/g. Pyridine-preadsorption study showed that Pt/SO4 2--Al2O3 consists of protonic acid and Lewis acid sites which appear at wavenumber of 1455 cm-1 and 1545 cm-1. The ratio of extinction coefficient,e1455/e1545 was 2.0. In the absence of hydrogen, isomerization of cyclohexane resulted 3% and 85% of conversion of cyclohexane and selectivity of methyl-cyclopentane, respectively. These results indicated that the isomerisation occurs although in the absence of hydrogen. Generation of protonic acid sites from cyclohexane was observed by pyridinepreadsorbed FTIR, where protonic acid sites were formed and Lewis acid sites were decreased in the heating of Pt/SO4 2--Al2O3 in cyclohexane. This phenomenon indicated that the formation of protonic acid sites induced by cyclohexane is a reversible process. Generation of active site from cyclohexane is widely applicable concept for active sites over Pt/SO4 2--Al2O3


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    Bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang kaya akan sejarah dan budaya. Tentu tidak sedikit bangunan bersejarah yang menyimpan cerita-cerita penting dan tersebar di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Bahkan hampir di setiap kota mempunyai bangunan bersejarah yang dijadikan sebagai identitas dari kota tersebut, salah satu upaya untuk mempertahankan identitas kota adalah melalui konservasi. Konservasi bangunan bersejarah merupakan upaya yang dapat menghidupkan kembali vitalitas lama yang telah pudar. Peningkatan nilai-nilai estetis dan historis dari sebuah bangunan bersejarah sangat penting untuk menarik kembali minat masyarakat untuk mengunjungi kawasan atau bangunan tersebut sebagai bukti sejarah dan peradaban dari masa ke masa. Upaya konservasi bangunan bersejarah dikatakan sangat penting. Selain untuk menjaga nilai kesejarahan dari bangunan, dapat pula menjaga bangunan tersebut untuk bisa dipersembahkan kepada generasi mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model pengelolaan yang tepat untuk bangunan-bangunan yang bernilai sejarah di kota Malang dengan menggunakan teori konservasi arsitektur. Sasaran yang akan dicapai adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Mengetahui bangunan-bangunan mana saja di kota Malang yang perlu dipertahankan sebagai elemen karakteristik dan identitas kota Malang. 2. Membuat model pengelolaan bangunan bersejarah yang tepat sesuai teori konservasi arsitektur untuk dapat dipertahankan sebagai ikon kota Malang. 3. Dapat menjadi pengetahuan bagi mahasiswa / mahasiswi kerja profesi tentang gaya bangunan kolonial Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metodologi kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif sedangkan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu: metode wawancara dan kajian visual. Kedua data yang terkumpul melalui dua metode tersebut akan dianalisis secara terpisah kemudian dilakukan analisis triangulasi

    Electrochemical strategy for grown ZnO nanoparticles deposited onto HY zeolite with enhanced photodecolorization of methylene blue: Effect of the formation of Si O Zn bonds

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    Nanoparticles of electrogenerated zinc-supported HY zeolite (EGZnO/HY) catalyst were prepared by a simple electrochemical method. The interaction between zinc species and HY support during the electrolysis was found to affect the EGZnO/HY structure. In addition to the formation of EGZnO nanoparticles (<30 nm in size) that distributed on the surface of HY support, an isomorphous substitution of Al with Zn also occurred in the aluminosilicate framework to result in a Si O Zn bonds. The photoactivity of EGZnO/HY was tested on the decolorization of methylene blue (MB). An amount of 0.375 g L−1 of 1 wt% EGZnO/HY was found to be the optimum dosage for 10 mg L−1 MB, which resulted in 80% of maximum decolorization after 6 h of contact time at pH 3 under fluorescent light (420 nm). Increasing the EGZnO loading led to additional formation of Si O Zn bonds and lessened the number of EGZnO nanoparticles, which then reduced the photodecolorization percentage of MB.The photocatalytic reaction was follows the first-order Langmuir–Hinshelwood model, and gives partially mineralization. The photocatalyst was still stable after five cycling runs with no Zn leaching

    Efficient biosorption of Hg(II) over treated banana stems fibre

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    The potential of banana stem fiber (BSF) as a low cost biosorbent for Hg(II) removal was studied. HCl treatment increased the cellulose accessibility which led to an enhanced interaction of Hg(II) and BSF. Activation of BSF-HCl in vacuo at 373 K increased the maximum biosorption capacity from 28 to 372 mg/g and altered the activation energy from 3.5 to 76.9 kJ mol -1 showing an increase in Hg(II) chemisorption. FTIR and ESR results confirmed the large amount of structural defects on the activated BSF-HCl which led to the increase in Hg(II) uptake. Batch biosorption models showed that the kinetics follow pseudosecond- order and the equilibrium uptake fitted to all three-parameter models showing the Hg(II) biosorption behaves as a Langmuir isotherm. The non-linear regression method exhibited higher coefficient of determination values for isotherm and kinetic analyses compared to the linear method. The thermodynamic functions indicated that the nature of Hg(II) biosorption is an exothermic and non-spontaneous process

    Synthesis gas production from CO2 reforming of CH4 over Ni/MSN

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    Catalytic reforming of CH4 with CO2 has recently attracted considerable attention due to simultaneous utilization and reduction of two types of greenhouse gases, CO2 and CH4 [1]. Catalysts for the CO2 reforming of CH4had been extensively investigated. Nevertheless, the commercialization of CO2 reforming of CH4 has not been established yet due to the lack of an effective and stable catalyst. Ni-based catalysts are desirable due to their relative economic feasibility and availability [2]. However, Ni-based catalysts usually deactivated because of metal sintering and/or carbon deposition [3]. To improve its catalytic performance, the highly dispersed supported Ni-based catalysts have been investigated as they may provide efficient CH4 and CO2 conversion [4]. To date, Ni supported on mesoporous silica has been investigated for heterogeneous catalysis due to its high surface area and its ability to facilitate high metal dispersion [5]. In this work, a series of Ni incorporated mesostructured silica nanoparticles (MSN) were prepared by physical mixing method. Electrolyzed nickel oxide was used as the Ni precursor. The structural properties of Ni/MSN catalysts were characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and N2 physisorption. The catalytic properties of the catalysts were studied for the reforming of CH4 with CO2. The 10Ni/MSN catalyst showed the highest CH4 and CO2 conversion with 63.4% and 87.2 %, respectively. The results indicated that the presence a suitable amount of Ni in MSN was beneficial to achieve high catalytic activity. This behavior is closely related with both amount of active centers on the pore wall surface and the stabilized dispersion of the active sites by silica matrix. Thus, the Ni/MSN catalyst prepared by electrochemical method and physical mixing synthesis has a potential to be utilized in CO2 reforming of CH4

    Effect of support on molybdenum oxide acidity for n-heptane isomerization

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    Skeletal isomerization of alkanes into the corresponding branched isomers has attracted many attentions as a reaction to produce clean fuel with high octane quality. In this study, molybdenum oxide (MoO3) catalyst supported on mesostructured silica nanoparticles (MSN), HZSM-5 and MCM-41 activity were being tested towards n-heptane isomerization at 623 K. The catalyst acidity was characterized by using FTIR pre-adsorb pyridine. The results showed that MoO3-MSN possesses highest Lewis acid and lowest Brönsted acid concentrations. The catalytic testing towards n-heptane isomerization showed that MoO3-MSN exhibited the highest n-heptane conversion of 18.7 % at 623 K. It was suggested that the high Lewis acid in the MoO3-MSN may facilitate the formation of active protonic acid sites from molecular hydrogen through hydrogen spillover mechanism and hence improves the n-heptane conversion

    Photoisomerization of n-pentane over nano ZnO/MoO3-ZrO2

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    A series of nano ZnO/MoO3-ZrO2 catalysts with different ZnO loading (1.0, 2.5, 5.0 wt%) were prepared by impregnation method for n-pentane photoisomerization under hydrogen or nitrogen atmosphere. The properties of the catalysts were characterized with X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), Transmission Electron microscope (TEM) and FTIR. The XRD result showed that the fraction of tetragonal phase of ZnO/MoO3-ZrO2 was about 0.67 for all samples. While, the specific BET surface area was about 24 m2 /g. Pyridine adsorbed FTIR results showed that all samples possessed high concentration of strong Lewis acid sites and small concentration of weak Bronsted acid sites. The interaction of hydrogen and surface samples at 298-523 K formed protonic acid sites with the concomitant of the partial elimination of Lewis acid sites. Whereas no changes of the concentration of acid sites were observed in the presence of nitrogen atmosphere. The activity of all samples in the n-pentane photoisomerization was strongly determined by the presence of hydrogen gas. In fact no activity was observed in the absence of hydroge

    Basic surface sites of various Ni-supported catalysts for methanation of CO2

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered to be a major factor in the greenhouse effect and its concentration in the atmosphere is increasing. Thus, decrease of CO2 in the atmosphere is very important. Many techniques for CO2 reduction and fixation have been developed and studied over the last decade. In these techniques, the process of CO2 methanation is a practical approach to effectively decrease CO2, because CO2 is converted into reusable chemicals and an appropriate catalyst can promote the reaction under relatively moderate conditions at ambient pressure. Extensive studies have been carried out on the methanation reaction under various catalytic systems1-3. In this study, the catalysts containing 0.5 wt% Ni supported on Mesostructured silica nanoparticles (MSN), Silica, MCM-41 (Mobile Crystalline Material), HY (protonated Y zeolite) and ?-Al2O3 were prepared by impregnation method for the methanation of CO2. Catalytic testing was conducted in the temperature range of 423-723 K under atmospheric pressure in the presence of H2. The activity of CO2 methanation followed the order: Ni/MSN > Ni/MCM-41 > Ni/HY > Ni/SiO2 > Ni/?-Al2O3. The high activity of Ni/MSN is due to the presence of both intra- and interparticle porosity which led to the high concentration of basic sites evidenced by N2 isotherm and pyrrole adsorbed IR spectroscopy results. The methanation activities were found to be correlated to the concentration of basic sites as the basic sites were determined from the IR peak intensity of FTIR pyrrole adsoprtion (Figure 1). Therefore, high basic sites is essential for high carbon dioxide adsorption on the catalyst to form carbon species, while Ni sites dissociated hydrogen to form atomic hydrogen. The surface carbon species then interacted with atomic hydrogen to form methane

    n-Heptane isomerization over molybdenum oxide supported catalysts

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    Concern over the negative effects of fuel and oil usage on the environment has caused changes in regulations with severe impacts on gasoline, other jet fuels and lubricating oils. In order to improve the octane quality of a gasoline fraction, the refinery industry uses some high-octane rating components that are paraffinic in nature. The octane index is improved by increasing the degree of iso-alkane branching. Since the highly branched isomers have a relatively low environmental impact, the skeletal isomerization of n-alkane can be a key technology for production of high quality gasoline [1]. However, the practical application of this process has only been confined to short chain alkanes, because the isomerization of long-chain alkanes is usually accompanied by undesirable cracking. Thus, catalysts with a sufficiently good balance of metal and acid functions under suitable reaction conditions are generally needed to suppress cracking in order to achieve high isomerization selectivity for long-chain alkanes [2]. Molybdenum oxide (MoO3) supported catalysts have been extensively studied in recent years due to their possible potential to catalyze the isomerization of linear alkanes [3]. Based on previous study, catalyst support is one of the crucial factors that influence the catalyst acidity [4]. Therefore, in this study, a series of MoO3 catalyst supported by HZSM-5, MCM-41, SiO2and ZrO2was prepared by impregnation method. Their structural property was characterized using nitrogen physisorption analysis and the acidic property was determined by pyridine adsorbed IR spectroscopy. The catalytic property of all catalyst was evaluated over n-heptane isomerization at 623 K. The result showed that MoO3-ZrO2catalyst exhibits the highest catalytic activity with 33.9 % conversion. The result was attributed from the Lewis acid property of the catalyst which was crucial in the n-heptane isomerization. Comparison between all the catalyst acidic property and their catalytic activity is discussed