4,340 research outputs found

    Supergravity with Self-dual B fields and Instantons in Noncommutative Gauge Theory

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    We study Type IIB supergravity in the presence of (euclidean) D3 branes and nonzero self-dual B-fields. We point out that the Einstein frame metric is identical to the full geometry for D3 branes without B fields turned on. Furthermore, in a decoupling limit in which the theory is conjectured to be dual to noncommutative Yang-Mills theory, the entire Einstein metric remains intact, and in particular, is asymptotically flat. We construct D-instanton solutions in this geometry. We show that in the decoupling limit the D-instanton action agrees with the action of the corresponding instanton in the noncommutative Yang-Mills theory and is expressed in terms of the open string coupling. Some other aspects of this correspondence, which have unusual features because the underlying metric is asymptotically flat, are explored.Comment: 25 pages, harvma

    Radiative interactions in laminar duct flows

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    Analyses and numerical procedures are presented for infrared radiative energy transfer in gases when other modes of energy transfer occur simultaneously. Two types of geometries are considered, a parallel plate duct and a circular duct. Fully developed laminar incompressible flows of absorbing-emitting species in black surfaced ducts are considered under the conditions of uniform wall heat flux. The participating species considered are OH, CO, CO2, and H2O. Nongray as well as gray formulations are developed for both geometries. Appropriate limiting solutions of the governing equations are obtained and conduction-radiation interaction parameters are evaluated. Tien and Lowder's wide band model correlation was used in nongray formulation. Numerical procedures are presented to solve the integro-differential equations for both geometries. The range of physical variables considered are 300 to 2000 K for temperature, 0.1 to 100.0 atm for pressure, and 0.1 to 100 cm spacings between plates/radius of the tube. An extensive parametric study based on nongray formulation is presented. Results obtained for different flow conditions indicate that the radiative interactions can be quite significant in fully developed incompressible flows

    Antiferromagnetism and phase separation in the t-J model at low doping: a variational study

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    Using Gutzwiller-projected wave functions, I estimate the ground-state energy of the t-J model for several variational states relevant for high-temperature cuprate superconductors. The results indicate antiferromagnetism and phase separation at low doping both in the superconducting state and in the staggered-flux normal state proposed for the vortex cores. While phase separation in the underdoped superconducting state may be relevant for the stripe formation mechanism, the results for the normal state suggest that similar charge inhomogeneities may also appear in vortex cores up to relatively high doping values.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, reference adde

    Supergravity couplings to Noncommutative Branes, Open Wilson Lines and Generalised Star Products

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    Noncommutative gauge theories can be constructed from ordinary U(∞)U(\infty) gauge theories in lower dimensions. Using this construction we identify the operators on noncommutative D-branes which couple to linearized supergravity backgrounds, from a knowledge of such couplings to lower dimensional D-branes with no BB field. These operators belong to a class of gauge invariant observables involving open Wilson lines. Assuming a DBI form of the coupling we show, to second order in the gauge potential but to all orders of the noncommutativity parameter, that our proposal agrees with the operator obtained in terms of ordinary gauge fields by considering brane actions in backgrounds and then using the Seiberg-Witten map to rewrite this in terms of noncommutative gauge fields. Our result clarify why a certain {\it commutative} but {\it non-associative} ``generalized star product'' appears both in the expansion of the open Wilson line, as well as in string amplitude computations of open string - closed string couplings. We outline how our procedure can be used to obtain operators in the noncommutative theory which are holographically dual to supergravity modes.Comment: 23 pages, no figures, harvmac, typos in equations corrected, some discussion revised, acknowledgement adde

    Magnetic Moments of Branes and Giant Gravitons

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    We study the magnetic analogue of Myers' Dielectric Effect and, in some cases, relate it to the blowing up of particles into branes, first investigated by Greevy, Susskind and Toumbas. We show that D0D0 branes or gravitons in M theory, moving in a magnetic four-form field strength background expand into a non-commutative two sphere. Both examples of constant magnetic field and non-constant fields in curved backgrounds generated by branes are considered. We find, in all cases, another solution, consisting of a two-brane wrapping a classical two-sphere, which has all the quantum numbers of the D0D0 branes. Motivated by this, we investigate the blowing up of gravitons into branes in backgrounds different from AdSm×SnAdS_m \times S^n. We find the phenomenon is quite general. In many cases with less or even no supersymmetry we find a brane configuration which has the same quantum numbers and the same energy as a massless particle in supergravity.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, harvma

    Gaussian Neighborhood-prime Labeling of Graphs Containing Hamiltonian Cycle

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    In this paper, we examine Gaussian neighborhood-prime labeling of generalized Peterson graph and graphs which contain Hamiltonian cycle

    Axions as Quintessence in String Theory

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    We construct a model of quintessence in string theory based on the idea of axion monodromy as discussed by McAllister, Silverstein and Westphal arXiv:0808.0706. In the model, the quintessence field is an axion whose shift symmetry is broken by the presence of 5-branes which are placed in highly warped throats. This gives rise to a potential for the axion field which is slowly varying, even after incorporating the effects of moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking. We find that the resulting time dependence in the equation of state of Dark Energy is potentially detectable, depending on the initial conditions. The model has many very light extra particles which live in the highly warped throats, but these are hard to detect. A signal in the rotation of the CMB polarization can also possibly arise.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, v2: references adde
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