75 research outputs found

    Confessions And Law In India: A Legal Analysis

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    The evaluation of the laws pertaining to confession in India brings to the fore the fact that ‘confessions’ has not been defined in any law. This paper is an attempt to examine the embodiment of the provisions pertaining to ‘confession’ under various enactments. The critical discussion encompasses the substantive law as well as the adjective law. Keeping in mind the title of this paper, the provisions have been dealt with in chronological order. The first enactment, which contains provisions pertaining to the confession, is the Indian Penal Code, 1860

    Female Foeticide And Infanticide: A Legal Analysis

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    Women play a pivotal role in the development of the society. They are an integral part of the mainstream development. Nonetheless, the domination of a female continues in many forms from womb to tomb in the society.[1]  Declining sex ratio and gender discrimination of the girl-child has become a deep-rooted problem in the society. The main reason being the crime of female foeticide and female infanticide. ‘Female Foeticide’ is the destruction of the female foetus in the mother’s womb and ‘Female Infanticide’ is the killing of the girl-child after her birth. If a girl-foetus escapes foeticide then infanticide is waiting for her after birth. Both, foeticide and infanticide, are socially tolerated problems. The desire of having a male child in family has become anissue of gravest concern, leading to gender discrimination. This paper is an attempt to identify the issues, the Law and its application to come to a relevant conclusion

    Anti Dowry Laws In India: An Analytical Study

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    Indian constitution provides the right to equality to all the people of India including women. In spite of this, during her whole life violence in different forms is inflicted on her and she suffers gender discrimination.  The violence and heinous crimes against women occur within the four walls of the homes and at other places. There are so many crimes which are related to women and dowry is one of them. The Dowry system is an evil which is deeply and widely rooted in the minds and desires of many people. It is prevalent in almost every section of society and all parts of the country

    Mucormycosis: An Epidemic Associated with Pandemic- A Systematic Review

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    Different infections have been presenting danger to mankind every once in a while and in 2019 a serious respiratory illness (COVID-19) reported in Wuhan, Hubei province of China, became a threat to general wellbeing not only in China but all the nations throughout the world. COVID-19 disease which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is found to be associated with a wide range of opportunistic fungal and bacterial infections. Candidial and aspergillus infections leading to mucormycosis and orbital compartment syndrome have been reported to be the main co-infections in COVID-19 patients, which must be recognized and treated promptly to avoid any morbidity and mortality. Low oxygen environment, acidic medium, high glucose, decreased phagocytic activity and increased ferritin levels in addition to prolonged hospitalization with or without mechanical ventilators are considered as the main risk factors. Thus, the main aim of the article is to briefly survey and discuss about the types, causes, methods to prevent and treatment modalities of main co-morbidity of COVID 19 i.e. mucormycosis

    Pengaruh Thariqah Mubasyaroh terhadap Kemampuan Bahasa Arab Santri di Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Ulil Albaab Tegal

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang pengaruh Thariqah Mubasyarah pada keahlian di dalam berbahasa arab siswa Ponpes Modern Daarul Ulil Albaab Tegal. Thariqah Mubasyaroh termasuk cara yang banyak diterapkan dalam sistem belajar berbahasa arab. Thariqah Mubasyaroh  adalah cara yang diterapkan ketika menyampaikan pembelajaran bahasa asing, seorang pengajar secara langsung memakainya di dalam pengantar dan tidak memakai bahasa peserta didiknya ketika pembelajaran berlangsung. Terkait persoalan utama, hasil dan pembahasan bisa disimpulkan: Setelah melewati beberapa langkah analisis tentang Pengaruh Thariqah Mubasyaroh terhadap kemampuan berbahasa Arab Siswa Ponpes Modern Daaru Ulil Albaab Tegal, bisa diambil kesimpulan berupa: (1)Thariqah Mubasyaroh dalam pembelajaran berbahasa Arab di Ponpes Modern Daaru Ulil Albaab Tegal, berdasarkan hasil yang telah diuji dalam penelitian ini melalui hasil wawancara dan angket, dimana diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 49,47 yang berada pada interval 49-52 sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa penerapan Thariqah Mubasyaroh termasuk dalam kategori “Baikâ€. Kategori ini didasarkan pada pembagian klasifikasi kelas (interval) yang diperoleh dari data hasil angket pada variabel independen (X). (2) Keahlian berbahasa Arab siswa Ponpes Modern Daaru Ulil Albaab Tegal yang dilihat dari nilai Raport diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 85,15 yang berada pada interval 84-85 sehingga menunjukkan penguasaan berbahasa Arab santri berada termasuk kategori “Cukup Baikâ€.Kategori ini didasarkan pada pembagian klasifikasi kelas (interval) yang diperoleh dari data hasil dokumentasi pada variabel dependen (Y). (3) Berdasarkan uji hipotesis, bahwa antara Thariqah Mubasyaroh dengan kemampuan bahasa Arab Santri memiliki pengaruh “Rendah†dimana rhitung> rtabel, dengan menggunakan rumus r productmoment yakni rxy = 0,375 > rtabel = 0,312 pada taraf signifikan 5%, kemudian diinterpretasikan dengan Tabel Interpretasi Nilasi rxy = 0,375 berada pada rentang Nilai r= 0,200-0,400 yang termasuk dalam kategori Rendah. Sedangkan Thariqah Mubasyaroh memiliki pengaruh positif  terkait penguasaan berbahasa arab siswa Ponpes Modern Daaru Ulil Albaab Tegal, yang ditunjukkan dengan Pengaruh Thariqah Mubasyaroh terhadap kemampuan bahasa Arab santri sebesar r square 0,141 atau 14,1%, dimana nilai signifikansinya 0,017 kurang dari signifikansinya 0,05. Jadi dalam hal ini menolak Hodan menerima Ha
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