17 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPendahuluan : Diare adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan BAB lebih dari biasa atau lebih dari 3 kali dalam sehari disertai perubahan konsistensi tinja menjadi cair dengan atau tanpa lendir dan darah. Metodologi Penulisan ini menggunakan metode yang menjelaskan proses dari asuhan keperawatan yang di mulai dengan cara mengkaji pasien dengan cara wawancara, setelah melakukan pengkajian di lanjutkan menentukan intervensi dengan fokus klien diare akut dehidrasi sedang (DADS) yang berfokus pada studi defisiensi volume cairan. Hasil perawatan yang didapatkan selama 3x24 jam kekurangan volume cairan pada An. S teratasi yang ditandai dengan An. S mengalami BAB sebanyak 6 kali sehari hingga 1 kali sehari, yang tadinya muntah 1 kali sehari menjadi tidak dan yang tadi nya sering merasa mual jadi tidak merasa ingin mual serta bibir sudah tidak kering. Kesimpulan yang di peroleh dari asuhan keperawatan pada An. S mengalami peningkatan setelah diberi tindakan selama 3x24 jam yang ditandai dengan yang awalnya BAB sebanyak 6 kali menjadi 1 kali , klien tidak merasakan ingin muntah maupun mual serta bibir klien tidak kering. Kata kunci : Diare Akut, Dehidrasi Sedang, Kekurangan Volume CairanABSTRACK Introduction : Diarrhea is a disease characterized by defecating more than usual or more than 3 times a day accompanied by a change in the consistency of the stool to become liquid with or without mucus and blood.Method : This writing uses a method that describes the process of nursing care which begins by assessing the patient by means of interviews, after conducting the assessment, it continues to determine the intervention with a client focus on moderate acute diarrhea (DADS) which focuses on the study of fluid volume deficiency.Discussion/Conclusion : Obtained from nursing care in An. S experienced an increase after being given the action for 3x24 hours which was marked by initially defecating 6 times to 1 time, the client did not feel like vomiting or nausea and the client's lips were not dry.Keywords : Acute Diarrhea, Moderate Dehydration, Lack of Fluid Volum

    Effectiveness of Gymnastic Fantasy Stories and Method of Development of Motor Musical Accompaniment Rough

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    Background: Physical activity by optimizing physical education in schools to improve the gross motor skills of children (Burns, 2017). Gymnastics fantasy deemed appropriate, interesting and enjoyable in accordance with the age of the child and the child's world kindergarten - a child who likes to imitate everything he sees (Aini, 2016). Gymnastics fantasy able to develop gross motor skills and social skills - emotional child. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of methods gymnastic fantasy stories as well as musical accompaniment to the development of gross motor kindergarten children in group B.Methods: This was a comparative study used pretest and posttest. The subjects were thirty children in group one and thirty children in groups of two. The object of research was a gross motor skills. Data collection techniques in this study was the observation. Data analysis technique used paired t-test and independent t-test. This study was conducted over three weeks to nine times with a population of 79 children with sampling technique sampling kuotaResults: The results used paired t-test showed Sig (2-tailed), namely that there were significant 0,001. Gymnastics fantasy stories and musical accompaniment to the development of gross motor kindergarten children in group B and the results of 0001, indicating the significance hypothesis testing more effective than the method of story accompanimentConclusion: The increase in the gross motor skills of kindergarten children can do with more teaching exploration stories and integrated gymnastic movements to the accompaniment of musi


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    Introduction: Acute bronchitis is a lower respiratory tract infection with the main complaint being cough with the accumulation of phlegm. Obstruction of the airway due to phlegm or sputum that cannot be expelled interferes with the ventilation process. Management that can be done is to maintain pulmonary ventilation and ease of sputum production. The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to describe the ineffectiveness of airway clearance in children with acute bronchitis at Harapan Hospital, Magelang City. Method: This study uses a descriptive method with a case study approach that uses one client as the research subject. Results: The results of this study showed that the problem of ineffective airway clearance was related to airway obstruction (increased production of secretions) characterized by additional breath sounds of crackles. Conclusion: After nursing actions for 3x8 hours the problem of ineffective airway clearance was resolved with a nursing evaluation following the expected results including respiratory frequency within normal limits (20-30 x/minute), increased ability to expel secretions, no additional breath sounds, coughing. reduce.Keywords: acute bronchitis; ineffective airway clearance; nebulize


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    Abstrak Kejadian fraktur tulang panjang di RST dr. Soedjono Kota Magelang pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 159 orang, 45 orang (28,3%) diantaranya berusia remaja. Salah satu penanganan fraktur yaitu dengan tindakan operatif. Tindakan operasi merupakan ancaman potensial yang menyebabkan kecemasan. Kecemasan dapat ditangani dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya psikoedukasi. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh psikoedukasi terhadap kecemasan pasien pre operasi fraktur usia remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one grup pre test post test yang mana penelitian ini tidak menggunakan kelompok pembanding (kontrol). Besar sampel adalah 30 responden dengan tehnik total sampling. Instrumen penelitian yaitu lembar demografi dan lembar observasi kecemasan (HARs-A). Uji normalitas menggunakan Shapiro-Wilk Test dan analisis data menggunakan Paired t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rerata tingkat kecemasan pasien pre operasi fraktur usia remaja di Kota Magelang sebelum dilakukan psikoedukasi adalah 21,23 dan setelah dilakukan psikoedukasi rerata tingkat kecemasan pasien menurun, yaitu 14,83. Hal ini menunjukan adanya perbedaan rerata tingkat kecemasan responden sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan psikoedukasi dengan selisih 4,6 (p value 0,000). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ada pengaruh psikoedukasi terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pasien pre operasi fraktur usia remaja di Kota Magelang. Saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya adalah agar lebih mengembangkan sesi dalam psikoedukasi menjadi 5 sesi.Abstrack [PSYCHOEDUCATION OF ANXIETY LEVELS IN PRE-FRACTURE PATIENTS OF YOUTH] The incidence of long bone fractures in RST Soedjono City of Magelang in 2017 as many as 159 people, 45 people (28.3%) of whom were teenagers. One of ways in handling fracture is through operative action. Surgery is a potential threat which causes anxiety. Anxiety can be handled in various ways, one of them is through psychoeducation. To Determine The Effect Of Psychoeducation  To The Anxiety Level Of Fracture  Pre Operating Patient For  Adolescence. This research used pre-experimental method using one group pretest-posttest design which did not use comparing group (control). The sample for this research is 30 respondents using sampling total technique. The tools used to collect data are respondent demographic sheet and the patient’s anxiety observation sheet (HARs-A). Normality test used is the Shapiro-Wilk Test and test hypothesis using a Paired t-test. The results showed that the average anxiety level of patients pre-fracture surgery in Magelang City before psychoeducation was 21,23 and after psychoeducation, the mean anxiety level of patients decreased ie 1,.83. This shows that there is a difference in the average anxiety level of respondents before and after psychoeducation with a difference of 4.6 (p-value 0,000). The conclusion of this study showed that there is the influence of psychoeducation towards the anxiety level decreasing of fracture preoperating patient for adolescence in Magelang City The recommendation for the next researcher is to add more sessions of psychoeducation into 5 sessions.</p


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    Background: Indonesia's elderly population is increasing with increasing life expectancy. Changes in mental health that usually becomes a problem in the elderly is depression. Depression in the elderly need to be addressed, one with creative therapy. Creative types of therapy that can influence the elderly depression is like Brain Gym and elderly gymnastics. These activities can be carried out in the elderly in the community with ease because it is their neighborhood health center and also does not require music.Purpose: This study was conducted to determine differences in the effect of brain gym and gymnastics elderly to depression in elderly Posyandu Elderly Patent Canyons, Rejowinangun North, Central Magelang, Magelang CityMethod: The approach in this study is quantitative research design with two non-equivalent group pretest posttest design. The sampling technique used is saturated samples involving all the elderly who experience depression as a sample with 56 elderly measured by GDS 15-Items. The intervention is done 2 times a week for 1 month with a time of 30 minutes.Results: The results showed that there were no differences influence of Brain Gym and exercise the elderly to depression in the elderly due to results obtained Mann Whitney test p value 0.051 (p 0.05).Conclusion: No difference elderly Brain Gym and exercise for depression in the elderly, but these activities can be applied to the activity of the elderly in reducing and preventing depression in the elderly due to the activity can lower GDS scores 15-Items

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja Bidan Desa dalam Penanganan Asfiksia Neonatorum di Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2012

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    Universitas Diponegoro Program Pascasarjana Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2012 ABSTRAK Hermani Triredjeki Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kinerja Bidan Desa dalam Penanganan Asfiksia Neonatorum di Wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2012 Angka kematian bayi di wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang meningkat pada tahun 2009-2010 dari 6,34/1000 KH menjadi 7,38/1000 KH dengan rincian penyebab kematian karena asfiksia neonatorum 27%. Dalam penanganan asfiksia neonatorum diperlukan peranan bidan desa untuk membantu menurunkan angka kematian bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja bidan dalam pelayanan penanganan asfiksia neonatorum di wilayah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional yang bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya . Populasi adalah seluruh bidan desa di Kabupaten Magelang. Enam puluh lima responden dipilih secara purposive dengan criteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square dan regresi logistik berganda. Rata-rata usia responden 38 tahun, termuda 23 tahun dan tertua 54 tahun, 96,9% responden berpendidikan Diploma III Kebidanan. Sebagian besar responden (72,3%) memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang, 55,4% memiliki sikap yang kurang, 50,8 % memiliki motivasi kurang. Dukungan sumber daya (dana, sarana, prasarana) sebagian besar (80%) baik. Persepsi responden terhadap supervisi (52,3%) baik. Sebagian besar responden (60%) mempunyai kinerja yang kurang dalam penanganan asfiksia neonatorum. Hasil Analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan (p = 0,001), sikap (p = 0,0001), motivasi (p = 0,0001), persepsi supervisi (p = 0,0001) berhubungan dengan kinerja bidan desa. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan bersama-sama antara pengetahuan (Exp.(B) 7,723) dan motivasi (Exp.(B) 8,324) dengan kinerja bidan desa dalam penanganan asfiksia neonatorum. Dinas Kesehatan perlu memberikan bimbingan tehnis secara rutin dalam penanganan asfiksia neonatorum dan meningkatkan motivasi dengan memberikan penghargaan pada bidan yang bekerja dengan baik dalam pelayanan penanganan asfiksia neonatorum. Kata Kunci : Asfiksia Neonatorum, Kinerja, Bidan desa, Motivasi Kepustakaan : 48 (1990-2012) Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2012 ABSTRACT Hermani Triredjeki Analysis on Factors Associated to Village Midwives' Work Performance on Neonatal Asphyxia Management in Magelang District Infant mortality rate in the area of Magelang district health office increased during the period of 2009-2010 from 6.34/1000 live birth to 7.38/1000 live birth. One of causes of infant death was neonatorum asphyxia (27%). The role of village midwives was needed in the management of neonatorum asphyxia in order to reduce infant mortality rate. Objective of this study was to identify factors affecting work performance of midwives in the management of neonatorum asphyxia in the area of Magelang district health office. This was an observational and analytical study with cross sectional approach. Data were collected through interview using structured questionnaire that had been tested for its validity and reliability. Study population was all midwives in Magelang district. Sixty five respondents were purposively selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Chi square test and multiple logistic regressions were applied in the data analysis. The average age of respondents was 38 years old, the youngest respondent was 23 years old and the oldest respondent was 54 years old. Majority of respondent’s level of education (96.9%) were in D3 of midwifery. Most of respondent’s knowledge (72.3%), attitude (55.4%), and motivation (50.8%) were insufficient (72.3%). Resources support (financial, facilities) was mostly good (80%). Respondent’s perception on supervision was good (52.3%). Majority of respondent’s work performance in the management of neonatorum asphyxia was insufficient (60%). Results of bivariate analysis showed that knowledge (p= 0.001), attitude (p= 0.0001), motivation (p= 0.0001), perception on supervision (p= 0.0001) were associated with work performance of village midwives. Multivariate analysis indicated that knowledge (Exp B= 7.723), and motivation (Exp B= 8.324) were factors that jointly associated with work performance of village midwives in the management of asphyxia neonatorum. District health office is required to provide routine technical assistance in the management of neonatorum asphyxia, and to improve motivation by giving rewards to midwives who work well in the management of neonatorum asphyxia. Key words : neonatorum asphyxia, work performance, village midwives, motivation Bibliography : 48 (1990-2012

    gambaran pelaksanaan discharge Planning di RSU Tidar dan temanggung

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    RINGKASANHasil penelitian ini akan sangat efektif untuk petugas bidang kesehatan dalam memberrikan pelayanan kepada pasien dalam mengurangi ketidakpatuhan dan kakambuhan penyakit Diabetes Melitus dengan menerapkan Discharge Planning sebagai prosedur tetap di palayanan kesehatan baik rawat inap maupun rawat jalan. Penelitian ini juga sebagai modal yang harus dimiliki oleh institusi pendidikan keperawatan dalam memberikan bekal kepada mahasiswa yang terjun di lahan praktik agar dapat menerapkan prosedur Discharge Planning Metode penelitian adalah quasi experimental studi dengan desain penelitian one-group post-test only untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan discharge planning terhadap kesiapan kepulangan pasien dengan Diabetes mellitus di RSUD Temanggung.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengisian angket yang berupa kuesioner dengan check list, sebelum kuesioner diberikan kepada responden maka terlebih dahulu peneliti memberikan pelatihan kepada pelaksana penelitian (interviewer) sehingga diharapkan mempunyai persepsi yang sama sehingga dapat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Setelah pelaksana memahami dengan jelas petunjuk pengisian angket tersebut maka selanjutnya pelaksana penelitian melaksanakan penelitian dengan memberikan kuesioner kepada responden tentang tingkat kesiapan pasien dengan Diabetes Mellitus menghadapi pemulangan sebelum dilakukan discharge planning dan setelah dilakukan discharge planning2


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    Backgrounds: The preparation of final examination among nursing students for onesemester were not maximized. They tend to learn overnight and memorize thingsquickly in a short amount of time. A new strategy was done using posttest evaluationevery week for one semester. The aims of this study was to assess the impact of usingposttest evaluation on basic concept of psychiatric nursing.Methods: Focus groups were used as a research method and a form of interview usedin qualitative study. to explore the impact for nursing students using posttest evaluationin basic concept of psychiatric nursing. We divided four focus groups, consisting of 10participants. We interviewed nursing in the academic year 2016-17 who had learningevaluation in basic concept of psychiatric nursing.Results: The finding show that there are three themes due to impact of using posttestevaluation in basic concept of psychiatric nursing. The impact were helping nursingstudents in learning performance, self motivation and behavioral changes.Conclusions: Students learned the material over the semester as indicated by the overallhelp increase in student learning ability. Posttest has impact on learning performance,self motivation and behavioral changes. When used posttest strategy continually, couldimproved student learning. A quantitative studyusing quasi experimental method canbecarried out to identify the effect of using posttest evaluation on learning performance,self motivation and learning behavior

    Persepsi dan hambatan mahasiswa perawat dalam pembelajaran klinik melalui metode preceptorship

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    Latar Belakang: Pembelajaran klinik keperawatan merupakan proses yang dilalui mahasiswa perawat dalampencapaian kompetensi. Metode preceptorship mampu meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan meningkatkankompetensi klinik pada mahasiswa.Namun belum pernah ada penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahuipersepsi dan hambatan yang dialami mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran klinikmenggunakan metode preceptorship.Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untukmengetahui gambaran persepsi dan hambatan mahasiswa dalampembelajaran klinik menggunakanmetode preceptorship.Metode:Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Pengambilan data menggunakan focus group discussion(FGD) untuk mengumpulkan data persepsi dan hambatan mahasiswa dalam bimbingan pembelajaran klinikmenggunakan metode preceptorship pada 5 kelompok yang masing masing kelompok terdiri dari 10 responden.Hasil: Terdapat 3 persepsi mahasiswa sebagai input, proses dan output dalam pembelajaran klinik menggunakanmetode preceptorship. Inputnya adalah preceptor sebagai rolemodel dalam praktek menjadi perawat professional,Persepsi dalam prosesnya adalah pengalaman menyenangkan selama bimbingan, Persepsi outputnya adalahmetode preceptorship membantu pencapaian kompetensi. Adapun hambatan yang dialami mahasiswa adalahketerbatasan waktu bimbingan dan kesenjangan teori dan praktik.Kesimpulan/Saran: Metode preceptorship membantu mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran klinik namun diperlukanpenanganan untuk hambatan yang dialami mahasiswa baik dari klinik maupun institusi pendidikan keperawatan