244 research outputs found

    New constraints on the major neutron source in low-mass AGB stars

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    We compare updated Torino postprocessing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) nucleosynthesis model calculations with isotopic compositions of mainstream SiC dust grains from low-mass AGB stars. Based on the data-model comparison, we provide new constraints on the major neutron source, 13C({\alpha},n)16O in the He-intershell, for the s-process. We show that the literature Ni, Sr, and Ba grain data can only be consistently explained by the Torino model calculations that adopt the recently proposed magnetic-buoyancy-induced 13C-pocket. This observation provides strong support to the suggestion of deep mixing of H into the He-intershell at low 13C concentrations as a result of efficient transport of H through magnetic tubes.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Isotope Anomalies in the Fe-group Elements in Meteorites and Connection to Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars

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    We study the effects of neutron captures in AGB stars on \oq Fe-group\cqb elements, with an emphasis on Cr, Fe, and Ni. These elements show anomalies in 54^{54}Cr, 58^{58}Fe, and 64^{64}Ni in solar-system materials, which are commonly attributed to SNe. However, as large fractions of the interstellar medium (ISM) were reprocessed in AGB stars, these elements were reprocessed, too. We calculate the effects of such reprocessing on Cr, Fe, and Ni through 1.5\msb and 3\msb AGB models, adopting solar and 1/3 solar metallicities. All cases produce excesses of 54^{54}Cr, 58^{58}Fe, and 64^{64}Ni, while the other isotopes are little altered; hence, the observations may be explained by AGB processing. The results are robust and not dependent on the detailed initial isotopic composition. Consequences for other \oq Fe group\cqb elements are then explored. They include 50^{50}Ti excesses, and some production of 46,47,49^{46,47,49}Ti. In many circumstellar condensates, Ti quantitatively reflects these effects of AGB neutron captures. Scatter in the data results from small variations (granularity) in the isotopic composition of the local ISM. For Si, the main effects are instead due to variations in the local ISM from different SNe sources. The problem of Ca is discussed, particularly with regard to 48^{48}Ca. The measured data are usually represented assuming terrestrial values for 42^{42}Ca/44^{44}Ca. Materials processed in AGB stars or sources with variable initial 42^{42}Ca/44^{44}Ca ratios can give apparent 48^{48}Ca excesses/deficiencies, attributed to SNe. The broader issue of Galactic Chemical Evolution is also discussed in view of the isotopic granularity in the ISM. \end{abstract

    On the Origin of the Early Solar System Radioactivities. Problems with the AGB and Massive Star Scenarios

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    Recent improvements in stellar models for intermediate-mass and massive stars are recalled, together with their expectations for the synthesis of radioactive nuclei of lifetime τ≲25\tau \lesssim 25 Myr, in order to re-examine the origins of now extinct radioactivities, which were alive in the solar nebula. The Galactic inheritance broadly explains most of them, especially if rr-process nuclei are produced by neutron star merging according to recent models. Instead, 26^{26}Al, 41^{41}Ca, 135^{135}Cs and possibly 60^{60}Fe require nucleosynthesis events close to the solar formation. We outline the persisting difficulties to account for these nuclei by Intermediate Mass Stars (2 ≲\lesssim M/M⊙≲7−8_\odot \lesssim 7 - 8). Models of their final stages now predict the ubiquitous formation of a 13^{13}C reservoir as a neutron capture source; hence, even in presence of 26^{26}Al production from Deep Mixing or Hot Bottom Burning, the ratio 26^{26}Al/107^{107}Pd remains incompatible with measured data, with a large excess in 107^{107}Pd. This is shown for two recent approaches to Deep Mixing. Even a late contamination by a Massive Star meets problems. In fact, inhomogeneous addition of Supernova debris predicts non-measured excesses on stable isotopes. Revisions invoking specific low-mass supernovae and/or the sequential contamination of the pre-solar molecular cloud might be affected by similar problems, although our conclusions here are weakened by our schematic approach to the addition of SN ejecta. The limited parameter space remaining to be explored for solving this puzzle is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    On the need of the Light Elements Primary Process (LEPP)

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    Extant chemical evolution models underestimate the Galactic production of Sr, Y and Zr as well as the Solar System abundances of s-only isotopes with 90<A<130. To solve this problem, an additional (unknown) process has been invoked, the so-called LEPP (Light Element Primary Process). In this paper we investigate possible alternative solutions. Basing on Full Network Stellar evolutionary calculations, we investigate the effects on the Solar System s-only distribution induced by the inclusion of some commonly ignored physical processes (e.g. rotation) or by the variation of the treatment of convective overshoot, mass-loss and the efficiency of nuclear processes. Our main findings are: 1) at the epoch of the formation of the Solar System, our reference model produces super-solar abundances for the whole s-only distribution, even in the range 90<A<130; 2) within errors, the s-only distribution relative to 150Sm is flat; 3) the s-process contribution of the less massive AGB stars (M<1.5 M_SUN) as well as of the more massive ones (M>4.0 M_SUN) are negligible; 4) the inclusion of rotation implies a downward shift of the whole distribution with an higher efficiency for the heavy s-only isotopes, leading to a flatter s-only distribution; 5) different prescriptions on convection or mass-loss produce nearly rigid shifts of the whole distribution. In summary, a variation of the standard paradigm of AGB nucleosynthesis would allow to reconcile models predictions with Solar System s-only abundances. Nonetheless, the LEPP cannot be definitely ruled out, because of the uncertainties still affecting stellar and Galactic chemical evolution models.Comment: Accepted for publication on Ap

    Partial mixing and the formation of 13C pockets in AGB stars: effects on the s-process elements

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    The production of the elements heavier than iron via slow neutron captures (the s process) is a main feature of the contribution of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of low mass (< 5 Msun) to the chemistry of the cosmos. However, our understanding of the main neutron source, the 13C(alpha,n)16O reaction, is still incomplete. It is commonly assumed that in AGB stars mixing beyond convective borders drives the formation of 13C pockets. However, there is no agreement on the nature of such mixing and free parameters are present. By means of a parametric model we investigate the impact of different mixing functions on the final s-process abundances in low-mass AGB models. Typically, changing the shape of the mixing function or the mass extent of the region affected by the mixing produce the same results. Variations in the relative abundance distribution of the three s-process peaks (Sr, Ba, and Pb) are generally within +/-0.2 dex, similar to the observational error bars. We conclude that other stellar uncertainties - the effect of rotation and of overshoot into the C-O core - play a more important role than the details of the mixing function. The exception is at low metallicity, where the Pb abundance is significantly affected. In relation to the composition observed in stardust SiC grains from AGB stars, the models are relatively close to the data only when assuming the most extreme variation in the mixing profile.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publications on Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains of Types Y and Z: Their Molybdenum Isotopic Compositions and Stellar Origins

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    We report Mo isotopic compositions of 37 presolar SiC grains of types Y (19) and Z (18), rare types commonly argued to have formed in lower-than-solar metallicity asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. Direct comparison of the Y and Z grain data with data for mainstream grains from AGB stars of close-to-solar metallicity demonstrates that the three types of grains have indistinguishable Mo isotopic compositions. We show that the Mo isotope data can be used to constrain the maximum stellar temperatures (TMAX) during thermal pulses in AGB stars. Comparison of FRUITY Torino AGB nucleosynthesis model calculations with the grain data for Mo isotopes points to an origin from low-mass (~1.5-3 Msun) rather than intermediate-mass (>3-~9 Msun) AGB stars. Because of the low efficiency of 22Ne({\alpha},n)25Mg at the low TMAX values attained in low-mass AGB stars, model calculations cannot explain the large 30Si excesses of Z grains as arising from neutron capture, so these excesses remain a puzzle at the moment.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal (Accepted

    Magnetic-buoyancy Induced Mixing in AGB Stars: Presolar SiC Grains

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    Isotope ratios can be measured in presolar SiC grains from ancient Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars at permil-level (0.1\%) precision. Such precise grain data permit derivation of more stringent constraints and calibrations on mixing efficiency in AGB models than traditional spectroscopic observations. In this paper we compare SiC heavy-element isotope ratios to a new series of FRUITY models that include the effects of mixing triggered by magnetic fields. Based on 2D and 3D simulations available in the literature, we propose a new formulation, upon which the general features of mixing induced by magnetic fields can be derived. The efficiency of such a mixing, on the other hand, relies on physical quantities whose values are poorly constrained. We present here our calibration by comparing our model results with the heavy-element isotope data of presolar SiC grains from AGB stars. We demonstrate that the isotopic compositions of all measured elements (Ni, Sr, Zr, Mo, Ba) can be simultaneously fitted by adopting a single magnetic field configuration in our new FRUITY models.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication on ApJ

    Magnetic-buoyancy-induced mixing in AGB stars: Fluorine nucleosynthesis at different metallicities

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    DV and SC acknowledge S. Bagnulo for fruitful discussions. DV acknowledges financial support from the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF No. I-1500-303.7/2019). CA acknowledges financial support from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through the FEDER founds projects PGC2018-095317-B-C2.Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are considered to be among the most significant contributors to the fluorine budget in our Galaxy. While observations and theory agree at close-to-solar metallicity, stellar models at lower metallicities overestimate the fluorine production with respect to that of heavy elements. We present F-19 nucleosynthesis results for a set of AGB models with different masses and metallicities in which magnetic buoyancy acts as the driving process for the formation of the C-13 neutron source (the so-called C-13 pocket). We find that F-19 is mainly produced as a result of nucleosynthesis involving secondary N-14 during convective thermal pulses, with a negligible contribution from the N-14 present in the C-13 pocket region. A large F-19 production is thus prevented, resulting in lower fluorine surface abundances. As a consequence, AGB stellar models with mixing induced by magnetic buoyancy at the base of the convective envelope agree well with available fluorine spectroscopic measurements at low and close-to-solar metallicity.German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development I-1500-303.7/2019Agencia Estatal de Investigacion of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through the FEDER founds projects PGC2018-095317-B-C
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