2,026 research outputs found

    The Large, Oxygen-Rich Halos of Star-Forming Galaxies Are A Major Reservoir of Galactic Metals

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    The circumgalactic medium (CGM) is fed by galaxy outflows and accretion of intergalactic gas, but its mass, heavy element enrichment, and relation to galaxy properties are poorly constrained by observations. In a survey of the outskirts of 42 galaxies with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we detected ubiquitous, large (150 kiloparsec) halos of ionized oxygen surrounding star-forming galaxies, but we find much less ionized oxygen around galaxies with little or no star formation. This ionized CGM contains a substantial mass of heavy elements and gas, perhaps far exceeding the reservoirs of gas in the galaxies themselves. It is a basic component of nearly all star-forming galaxies that is removed or transformed during the quenching of star formation and the transition to passive evolution.Comment: This paper is part of a set of three papers on circumgalactic gas observed with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on HST, to be published in Science, together with related papers by Tripp et al. and Lehner & Howk, in the November 18, 2011 edition. This version has not undergone final copyediting. Please see Science online for the final printed versio

    Flow cytometric measurement of glutathione content of human cancer biopsies.

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    Rice et al. (1986) have described a flow cytometric method where the non-fluorescent probe monochlorobimane (mBCl) forms a fluorescent adduct with cellular glutathione (GSH) under the action of glutathione-S-transferase. We show here that for EMT6 carcinosarcoma cells there is a close correlation between mean cell fluorescence, expressed as a ratio to that of fluorescence calibration beads, and biochemically determined GSH content over the range 0.2-2.0 fmol cell-1. Single cell suspensions from 14 human cancers were prepared by 23-gauge needle aspiration or mechanical disaggregation of surgical specimens, stained using mBCl and examined by flow cytometry. There was a wide range in individual cell fluorescence, which in contrast to EMT6 cells was not strongly correlated with Coulter volume. By comparing tumour cell fluorescence to that of calibration beads, and assuming that the relationship with GSH content for EMT6 holds for other cells, a mean GSH content of 0.95 fmol cell-1 was derived for nine carcinomas, and 0.21 fmol cell-1 for five non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Although this semi-quantitation needs further validation, the method used here is rapid, gives an indication of heterogeneity of tumour cell GSH content, and can be applied to fine needle biopsy samples. It therefore shows promise as a means for studying prospectively the relationship of GSH content to clinical drug and radiation sensitivity, and for monitoring the effects of agents such as buthionine sulphoximine which are intended to improve treatment results through tumour cell GSH depletion

    Supernova type Ia luminosities, their dependence on second parameters, and the value of H_0

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    A sample of 35 SNe Ia with good to excellent photometry in B and V, minimum internal absorption, and 1200 < v < \approx 30000 km/s is compiled from the literature. As far as their spectra are known they are all Branch-normal. For 29 of the SNe Ia also peak magnitudes in I are known. The SNe Ia have uniform colors at maximum, i.e. =-0.012 mag (sigma=0.051) and =-0.276 mag (sigma=0.078). In the Hubble diagram they define a Hubble line with a scatter of σM\sigma_M=0.21-0.16 mag, decreasing with wavelength. The scatter is further reduced if the SNe Ia are corrected for differences in decline rate Delta_m_15 or color (B-V). A combined correction reduces the scatter to sigma<=0.13 mag. After the correction no significant dependence remains on Hubble type or galactocentric distance. The Hubble line suggests some curvature which can be differently interpreted. A consistent solution is obtained for a cosmological model with Omega_M=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0.7, which is indicated also by much more distant SNe Ia. Absolute magnitudes are available for eight equally blue (Branch-normal) SNe Ia in spirals, whose Cepheid distances are known. If their well defined mean values of M_B, M_V, and M_I are used to fit the Hubble line to the above sample of SNe Ia one obtains H_0=58.3 km/s/Mpc, or, after adjusting all SNe Ia to the average values of Delta_m_15 and (B-V), H_0=60.9 km/s/Mpc. Various systematic errors are discussed whose elimination tends to decrease H_0. The finally adopted value at the 90-percent level, including random and systematic errors, is H_0=58.5 +/- 6.3 km/s/Mpc. Several higher values of H_0 from SNe Ia, as suggested in the literature, are found to depend on large corrections for variations of the light curve parameter and/or on an unwarranted reduction of the Cepheid distances of the calibrating SNe Ia.Comment: 42 pages, including 9 figures; submitted to Ap

    The Deuterium, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Abundance Toward LSE 44

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    We present measurements of the column densities of interstellar DI, OI, NI, and H2 made with FUSE, and of HI made with IUE toward the sdO star LSE 44, at a distance of 554+/-66 pc. This target is among the seven most distant Galactic sight lines for which these abundance ratios have been measured. The column densities were estimated by profile fitting and curve of growth analyses. We find D/H = (2.24 +1.39 -1.32)E-5, D/O = (1.99 +1.30 -0.67)E-2, D/N = (2.75 +1.19 -0.89)E-1, and O/H = (1.13 +0.96 -0.71)E-3 (2 sigma). Of the most distant Galactic sight lines for which the deuterium abundance has been measured LSE 44 is one of the few with D/H higher than the Local Bubble value, but D/O toward all these targets is below the Local Bubble value and more uniform than the D/H distribution. (Abstract abridged.)Comment: 20 pages, including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Late glacial palaeoclimate investigations at King Arthur’s Cave and Sun Hole Cave.

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    King Arthur’s Cave (Wye Valley) and Sun Hole Cave (Cheddar Gorge) currently provide the earliest dates for a human presence in the British Isles after the Last Glacial Maximum. The earliest phase of activity at these sites has been dated to c. 15.2 to 14.6 thousand years cal. BP, which spans the onset of the Late Glacial Interstadial, a major global climate transition characterised by rapidly warming temperatures. Here we present stable isotope data from horse (Equus ferus) teeth found in the zooarchaeological assemblages at the sites. We also report two new radiocarbon dates on specimens from King Arthur’s Cave. The Equus tooth enamel provides a record of climatic conditions during the animals’ tooth formation. Evidence of human modification of the teeth (cut marks and fractures) chronologically tie these palaeoclimatic records to the earliest post-LGM archaeology at the two sites, thus informing on the climatic and environmental context under which human activity in these areas took place. Results indicate that people were present at the two sites during a period of climatic warming, with temperatures perhaps only marginally colder than present day conditions. However, suboptimal environmental conditions are suggested and may indicate changing vegetation dynamics within the local landscape

    Multi-phase High-Velocity Clouds toward HE 0226-4110 and PG 0953+414

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    We study the physical conditions, elemental abundances, and kinematics of the high-velocity clouds (HVCs) along the sight lines toward active galaxies HE0226-4110 and PG0953+414 using Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer data. Our observations reveal multiple components of HVC absorption in lines of HI, CII, CIII, CIV, OVI, SiII, SiIII, and SiIV in both directions. We investigate whether photoionization by the extragalactic background radiation or by escaping Milky Way radiation can explain the observed ionization pattern. We find that photoionization is a good explanation for the CII, CIII, SiII, and SiIII features, but not for the OVI or CIV associated with the HVCs, suggesting that two principal phases exist: a warm (T~10^4K), photoionized phase and a hotter (T=1-3x10^5K), collisionally-ionized phase. The warm HVCs toward HE0226-4110 have high levels of ionization (97-99%), and metallicities ([Z/H] between -0.9 and -0.4) close to those in the Magellanic Stream, which lies eleven degrees away on the sky at similar velocities. These HVCs have thermal pressures that would place them close to equilibrium in a fully ionized 10^6 K Galactic corona with n_H=4-9x10^{-5}cm^{-3} at 50 kpc. A mini-survey of the hot, collisionally ionized HVC components seen here and in five other sight lines finds that in 11/12 cases, the high ions have kinematics and ionic ratios that are consistent with an origin in conductive interfaces. However, the broad absorption wing on the OVI profile toward PG0953+414 is not completely explained by the interface scenario, and may be tracing the outflow of hot gas into the Milky Way halo as part of a Galactic fountain or wind.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures (9 in color), accepted for publication in Ap

    Spatial Variability in the Ratio of Interstellar Atomic Deuterium to Hydrogen. I. Observations toward delta Orionis by the Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph

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    Studies of the abundances of deuterium in different astrophysical sites are of fundamental importance to answering the question about how much deuterium was produced during big bang nucleosynthesis and what fraction of it was destroyed later. With this in mind, we used the Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph (IMAPS) on the ORFEUS-SPAS II mission to observe at a wavelength resolution of 4 km/s (FWHM) the L-delta and L-epsilon absorption features produced by interstellar atomic deuterium in the spectrum of delta Ori A. A chi-square analysis indicated that 0.96 < N(D I)< 1.45e15 cm^{-2} at a 90% level of confidence, and the gas is at a temperature of about 6000K. To obtain an accurate value of N(H I) needed for a determination of the atomic ratio of D to H, we measured the L-alpha absorption features in 57 spectra of delta Ori in the IUE archive. From our measurement of N(H I)= 1.56e20 cm^{-2}, we found that N(D I)/N(H I)= 7.4(+1.9,-1.3)e-6 (90% confidence). Our result for D/H contrasts with the more general finding along other lines of sight that D/H is approximately 1.5e-5. The underabundance of D toward delta Ori A is not accompanied by an overabundance of N or O relative to H, as one might expect if the gas were subjected to more stellar processing than usual.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Cepheid Calibration of the Peak Brightness of SNe Ia. X. SN 1991T in NGC 4527

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    Repeated imaging observations have been made of NGC 4527 with the Hubble Space Telescope between April and June 1999, over an interval of 69 days. Images were obtained on 12 epochs in the F555W band and on five epochs in the F814W band. The galaxy hosted the type Ia supernova SN1991T, which showed relatively unusual behavior by having both an abnormal spectrum near light maximum, and a slower declining light curve than the proto-typical Branch normal SNe Ia. A total of 86 variables that are putative Cepheids have been found, with periods ranging from 7.4 days to over 70 days. From photometry with the DoPHOT program, the de-reddened distance modulus is determined to be (m-M)_0 = 30.67 +/- 0.12 (internal uncertainty) using a subset of the Cepheid data whose reddening and error parameters are secure. A parallel analysis of the Cepheids using photometry with ROMAFOT yields (m -M)_0 =30.82 +/- 0.11. The final adopted modulus is (m -M)_0 =30.74 +/- 0.12 +/- 0.12 (d=14.1 +/- 0.8 +/- 0.8 Mpc). The photometric data for SN1991T are used in combination with the Cepheid distance to NGC 4527 to obtain the absolute magnitude for this supernova of M_V^0(max) = -19.85 +/- 0.29. The relatively large uncertainty is a result of the range in estimates of the reddening to the supernova. Thus SN1991T is seen to be only moderately brighter (by ~ 0.3 mag) than the mean for spectroscopically normal supernovae, although magnitude differences of up to 0.6 mag cannot be ruled out.Comment: 46 pages, LATEX using aaspp4.sty, including 9 embedded tables, 19 figures (gif and jpg files), a full-resolution version (ps files) is available at http://www.astro.unibas.ch/forschung/ll/cepheid.shtml, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
