2,950 research outputs found

    A comparative study of canal wall up tympanomastoidectomy in dry and wet ear

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    Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media is a common condition seen in patients attending otorhinolaryngology clinic. The discharging ear presents the otologist with the dilemma of operating on it or not. This is due to the widespread belief that the success rate while doing tympanoplasty on wet ear is decidedly inferior. Here with a study is under taken to compare surgical outcome of canal wallup tympanomastoidectomy in dry and wet ear. Objectives: To compare the success of graft uptake in dry and wet ears. To compare the post-operative hearing improvement in dry and wet ear following canal wall up tympanomastoidectomy. Methods:The comparative study was carried out on total 60 patients with chronic otitis media with central perforation. Of these 30 patients belong to dry ear group and 30 patients with mild, mucoid discharge as wet ear group. All patients underwent canalwall up tympanomastoidectomy under generalanesthesia. Post- operativelyall patientswere evaluatedfor graftuptakeand hearing improvement by pure tone audiometry at 3rd month follow-up. Results: In our study, the successful graft uptake was seen in 76.7% in dry ear and 80% in wet ear, statistically p-value is 0.75 (p>0.05) which is insignificant. Postoperatively hearing gain was (0-5 dB) in 2 patients with dry ear and 1 patient  with wet ear; ( 6-10 dB) in 5 patients with dry ear and 10 patients with wet ear; more than 10 dB in 12 patients with dry ear and 8 patients with wet ear, statistically p-value is 0.55 (p>0.05) which isinsignificant. Conclusion: The very fact that the p-value is insignificant in both,thegraftup taker ate and hearing improvement,shows that the presence of discharge in the ear at the time of operation does not interfere with the result of canal wall up tympanomastoidectomy. Keywords: canal wall up tympanomastoidectomy, dry ear, wet ear

    Performance evaluation of furrow openers for sugarcane planting in sub-tropical India

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    The research was conducted to evaluate the effects of different types of furrow opener, depth and speed of operation on soil properties, draft force, soil disturbance and germination percentage and to select the best furrow openers for establishment of sugarcane crop. The experiment was conducted on a silt loam textured soil using three furrow openers viz. IISR furrower, IISR deep furrower and conventional type ridger operated at three average speeds of 0.96, 1.46 and 3.7 km h-1 and three depths of furrows 100, 150 and 250 mm. The parameters like draft force, soil penetration resistance, ridge height, volume of soil disturbed and germination percentage were determined. Soil penetration resistance decreased with increasing operational speeds of each furrow openers type and depth of furrow. Soil disturbance characteristics and draft force requirements increased with increase in the speeds and depth of operation. The mean germination percentage was 12.9% to 41.6% at 30 and 45 DAP based on type of furrow opener, speed and depth. The lowest soil penetration resistance, clear furrow and better germination were found with IISR deep furrower.

    Pharmacognostic evaluation of Bilva [Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa] root bark

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    670-676Aegle marmelos L., family Rutaceae, is a sacred plant mentioned in various Hindu scriptures. It has both medicinal as well as cultural importance. In the present investigation, macroscopy, microscopy, and powder microscopy studies, physicochemical analysis, detection of heavy metals, analysis of aflatoxins, screening of microbiological parameters and High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) fingerprint profile of methanolic extract were performed. Analysis of 04 aflatoxins (A1, B1, A2, and B2) was performed and found that no aflatoxins were present, authenticated by comparing the Rf value and colour of the standards spot with sample on TLC plate. Qualitative microbiological analysis of pathogenic bacteria, i.e., Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp., Pseudomonasaeruginosa and Escherichia coli were done and found that no bacterial pathogens are present in the Aegle marmelos root bark extract. HPTLC chromatographic fingerprint of Aegle marmelos root bark was done by using mobile phase toluene: ethyl acetate: formic acid (7.5: 2.5: 0.4). TLC plate was derivatized by using derivatizing reagent 5% Methanolic - sulphuric acid reagent and plate was heated at 105°C till the bands are clearly visible. Major spots Rf values and colour were noted at 254 nm, 366 nm, after derivatization 366 nm and UV light. Therefore, established parameters may be used as a reference tool for proper recognition and confirmation of right plant material and monitoring of batch to batch consistency of finished herbal products using Aegle marmelos as an ingredient. This study may also helpful in the preparation of Aegle marmelos root bark monograph

    Waterlogging tolerance in black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] is associated with chlorophyll content and membrane integrity

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    Black gram (Vigna mungo L.) is waterlogging sensitive legume crop. We studied the effect of waterlogging stress on membrane stability index (MSI), lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence in four Vigna genotypes namely (Uttara, T-44, IC530491, IC519330). Stress was imposed for 10 days at vegetative stage (30 days after sowing). Thereafter, excess water was drained to allow recovery in stressed plants. Waterlogging treatment significantly increased lipid peroxidation and SOD activity in all the genotypes, which showed the oxidative injury posed by stress conditions. Chlorophyll content and fluorescence reduced under stress conditions. SOD activity, MSI and chlorophyll content was more in IC530491 and IC519330, T44 as compared to Uttara. Lipid peroxidation was high in Uttara. Though chlorophyll fluorescence reduced in all the genotypes under waterlogging, genotypic differences were non-significant. More efficient antioxidative scavenging to maintain membrane stability and chlorophyll content in black gram was found to be associated with tolerance to waterlogging

    Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Nutrient Content and Seedling Quality of Important Fodder Tree Species of Central India

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    Acacia nilotica, Albizia procera, Dalbergia sissoo and Leucaena leucocephala are important multipurpose tree species (MPTs). These are being utilized in agroforestry systems at ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute (ICARCAFRI), Jhansi and are also being utilized in reforestation programme in Central India. The success of any agroforestry model and/or reforestation programme depends upon the quality seedling materials. Nursery-produced seedlings can be an effective means of ensuring successful establishment of agroforestry models and/or reforestation programme. However, such seedlings sometimes fail to establish themselves in the fields. The poor performance of planted seedlings is often associated with transplant shocks and low seedling quality. The preconditioning of young seedlings with efficient arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), an important soil microorganism improves plant health and helps in their establishment in fields (Jha et al., 2014). However, before utilizing these fungi for inoculation purpose, the suitable AMF species must be identified. Therefore, to find out the efficient AMF species for inoculations of above mentioned plant species, present study was carried out

    Habitat suitability modeling of Asian Elephant Elephas maximus (Mammalia: Proboscidea: Elephantidae) in Parsa National Park, Nepal and its buffer zone

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    Asian Elephants Elephas maximus in Nepal are known to have habitats and movement corridors in Parsa National Park (PNP) and its buffer zone (BZ), located east of Chitwan National Park. A study was conducted in this area to assess the suitability of PNP and BZ as elephant use areas, and to determine factors relevant to the presence of elephants in PNP. Field measurements were carried out in 67 plots for vegetation analysis. Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) analysis was used to examine the relationship of habitat suitability and variables including topography (slope, aspect, altitude), climate (precipitation, temperature), habitat preference, ground cover and crown cover. The results indicate that elephant habitat suitability is mainly determined by the dominant plant species, temperature, altitude, habitat preference and precipitation. Slope, ground cover, crown cover and substrate have lesser effects. Elephants were recorded up to 400m in the northeast and southeast aspects of the study area. Most suitable habitats were low slope forest dominated by Acacia catechu and Myrsine semicerate that received 300mm annual precipitation. The model emphasizes environmental suitability, and contributes to knowledge for conservation of elephants in PNP and BZ by delineating sites that require specific planning and management.Peer reviewe

    A Method: Fornix Depth Measurement in Ophthalmic Socket

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    Several methods have been publicized to measure the fornix depth but the error in the measurement makes them inconvenient for the correct diagnosis of fornix depth in the eye. In view of the cruelty of disease the precise method is needed to correctly evaluate the fornix depth measurement. In this report, a novel approach is being addressed, to solve the depth measuring issue with the logical experimental design. The explanation with the proposed hypothesis is described here with the relevant scientific approach, the emphasis of certain advantages of the present invention over the conventional measurement approaches. In this case the diagnosis and the process of diagnosis should be accurate, but in the field of ophthalmology an accurate measurement of fornix depth without committing any error was a challenging task. So far in the development of the measurement of fornix depth is concern. Currently, we discussed a novel method for the measurements of fornix depth in ophthalmic eye, which will be beneficial to get the accurate value, however it was not possible in the previously reported methods. It will have many advantages over the existing methods

    Vegetative propagation of Azadirachta indica: effect of auxin and rooting media on adventitious root induction in mini-cuttings

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    Azadirachta indica (Neem), a prodigious multipurpose tree, has immense potential to benefit mankind and to protect the environment. In order to investigate the effects of the auxins hormone and rooting media on root formation in mini-cuttings of A. indica, an experiment was conducted using mist system in poly house in summer 2012. The experiment was established on three different rooting media: sand, vermiculite and soil assembled with six concentrations (100; 250; 500; 750; 1,000 and 1,500 mg L-1) of the auxins IBA (indole-3-butyric acid), IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and NAA (α-naphthalene acetic acid) with randomized block design, each block containing four replicates. The basal long soak methods were used for treating cuttings. The data revealed significant effect of different auxins and rooting media on the Neem establishment. The rooted mini-cuttings were assessed for rooting percent, number of roots, root length and number of leaves. In present finding among all the auxins and rooting media, , IBA (250 mg L-1) showed better results with sand in terms of rooting percent (80%), number of roots (70.63), root length (11.13) and number of leaves (5.25) per rooted mini-cuttings. The formation of healthy plants after hardening under outdoor conditions showed that A. indica could be successfully propagated by mini-cuttings techniques

    Role of Organochlorine Pesticides in Chronic Kidney Diseases of Unknown Etiology

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) contributes to a significant burden on the healthcare system and economy worldwide. In the last two decades, a new form of CKD: chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in which the disease is not attributed to known causes has emerged as a major health issue in different geographical areas over the world mainly from farming community and has become a global concern today. Despite intense and numerous research works dedicated to CKDu, very little is known with certainty regarding its etiology and the pathophysiology behind its development. Recent evidences are emerging in favor of possible role of agrochemicals and pesticides in the pathogenesis of CKDu. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) due to their longer half-life and lipophilic nature persist long in the environment and are known to be biomagnified through food chain. Some study reports by the authors and a few others constitute the important body of evidences depicting the association between chronic exposures to OCPs and occurrence of CKDu through environmental contamination in farming as well as non-farming communities in different geographical areas around the globe