29 research outputs found

    Land conflicts connected with the using private roads in Estonia 2015 - 2017

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    Bakalaureusetöö Geodeesia ja maakorralduse erialalRahvastiku pidev kasv, kliimamuutused, keskkonnaseisundi halvenemine ning majanduslik globaliseerumine avaldavad maailmale aina suuremat survet. Järjest rohkem suureneb konkurents maa- ja loodusressurside kasutusele. Selline olukord aga soodustab maakonfliktide tekkimist. Maailmas on erinevaid maakonflikte. Eestis tekkisid erateedega seotud maakasutuskonfliktid peale maareformi läbiviimist, kui paljud avalikult kasutatavad teed muutusid erateedeks. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on välja selgitada, kas erateedega seotud kohtulahendid on sarnased varasemalt uuritud kohtulahenditega. Varasemalt on erateega seotud kohtu-lahendeid uurinud Krista Rebane 2013. aastal Eesti Maaülikoolis koostatud magistritöös „Erateede kasutamisega seotud maakonfliktid Eestis“ ja Karoliina Anier 2015. aastal Eesti Maaülikoolis koostatud bakalaureusetöös „Erateede kasutamisega seotud maakonfliktid Eestis 2010-2014.“ Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös kasutatakse kohtulahendite analüüsimisel Krista Rebase magistritöös välja töötatud metoodikat. Uuringuks kasutati Riigi Teataja andmebaasist jõustunuid kohtulahendeid, mille otsuse vastuvõtmise kuupäev jäi ajavahemikku 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2017. Antud perioodi kohta uuriti 41 kohtulahendit. Töö tulemusena selgus, et kohtusse pöördumise põhjused on jäänud enamasti samaks (maareform, halb planeering), kuid muutunud on põhjuste osatähtsus. Kui varasemal perioodil olid enamasti konfliktid kaasenud maareformi elluviimisega, siis perioodil 2015-2017 oli enim maakonflikte tingitud halvasti läbi viidud detailplaneeringutest. Samuti on kasvanud ringkonnakohtu lahendite arv viimase 7 aasta jooksul enam kui kaks korda. Sellest järeldatakse, et inimesed on esitanud rohkem kaebuseid maakohtute määruste peale. Antud teemat saab edasi uurida ka tulevikus. Maareform on lõpule jõudmas ning suurenema on hakanud detailplaneeringutest tingitud probleemid. Lisaks viiakse Eestis läbi erinevaid maakorralduslikke toiminguid ning toimuvad seaduse muudatused. Seega oleks tulevikus hea antud teemal uurimust korrata ning vaadata, kuidas erateedega seotud maakasutuskonfliktid on aja jooksul muutunud.Land conflicts are a widespread phenomenon in the world. Conflicts over land resources have increased, this is caused by competition for land and water. In addition, this is affected by environmental degradation, population growth and climate change. Land and natural resource management are essential for ever-growing humanity. In Estonia, conflicts related to private roads emerged after the land reform, as many publicly used roads became private roads. The aim of the Bachelor's thesis is to find out whether court rulings related to private roads are similar to the previous ones. Previously, private roads court decisions have been investigated by Krista Rebane in her Master's thesis in 2013 „Land conflicts connected with the using private roads in Estonia” and also Karoliina Anier in her Bachelor's thesis in 2015 „Land conflicts connected with the using private roads in Estonia 2010-2014.” The author follows the methodology developed in the work of Rebane (2013). The study used judicial decisions related to private roads published in the State Gazette's (Riigi Teataja) database. The dates of the decisions were between 01.01.2015 and 31.12.2017. The author of this bachelor`s thesis considers that the reasons for recourse to court have mostly remained the same (land reform, poor planning). While in the previous period the land reform was the most problematic then in this work the author found that in 2015-2017 most of the land conflicts were caused by poorly implemented detailed plan. Also, the number of circuit court (courts of appeal) decisions has increased more than twice in the last 7 years. The author concludes that people have filed more complaints against county court regulations. The author believes that this topic can be studied further in the future. Land reform has come to an end and the problems caused by detailed plans have started to increase. In addition, various land readjustment operations are carried out in Estonia and there are also legislative changes. Therefore, it would be good to repeat the topic of this research in the future and see how the problems have changed over time


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    Distribution of resting cysts of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax in recently-deposited sediment within Bizerte Lagoon (Mediterranean coast, Tunisia)

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    This study investigated the spatial distribution of Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax resting cysts in recently deposited sediment of Bizerte lagoon (South-Western Mediterranean, Tunisia). This lagoon is the subject of many anthropogenic impacts, such as holding important fishing and aquaculture activities. A. pseudogonyaulax has been shown to produce Goniodomin A, which is a biologically-active compound. We showed that this dinoflagellate produces two types of resting cysts, which could be distinguished by the presence or the absence of a paratabulate wall. The average cyst density across the whole lagoon was rather high, reaching 639 cysts g1 of dry sediment (DS). Cyst densities varied widely among the sampled stations, with the highest density of 1685 cyst g1 DS being recorded at station 51 near a mussel farm. With respect to sediment characteristics, the highest cyst densities were found within silty sediments with high water content values. The distribution of A. pseudongoyaulax cysts in Bizerte lagoon appears to be related to hydrodynamic factors.peer-reviewe

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    M2M communication performance for a noisy channel based on latency-aware source-based LTE network measurements

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    The phrase ''Machine-to-Machine'' (M2M) communication has gained widespread usage owing to the growing understanding of the Internet of Things. In the upcoming years, it is anticipated that the number of M2M devices would rise significantly due to the growth in M2M applications. Enhancing cellular networks to manage M2M and human-to-human (H2H) conversations is an ongoing endeavor. Integrating M2M communication into regular H2H communication is a key objective because of the steady increase in the number of M2M devices that exhibit the unique properties of M2M traffic. It is anticipated that H2H and M2M communications will make use of the same LTE resource in order to maximize its efficiency. Therefore, in order to manage an LTE network system that includes M2M devices and H2H users, an effective resource scheduler is required. Using a priority queuing model, this study develops analytical formulas to assess the suggested programs' performance based on average waiting times, average system delays, and average system numbers for M2M and H2H users. Based on the data analysis, it is feasible to maintain suitable levels of quality of service (QoS) for H2H clients while providing good QoS to M2M consumers. Users in the M2M queue have their demands addressed by using a relaxation strategy. Quality of Service for H2H consumers' delay-sensitive traffic a system is utilized to classify H2H traffic into two basic types. Only Level 2 H2H should apply the relax technique. The findings demonstrate that the suggested solutions improve M2M performance and efficiently manage QoS for H2H services

    Increasing efficiency for routing in internet of things using Binary Gray Wolf Optimization and fuzzy logic

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    In the field of information and communication technology, the Internet of Things is regarded as a brand-new and important technology. The introduction of new protocols in this area is caused by the presence of devices in these networks with constrained resources and relatively low computing power. One of the most well-known routing protocols for low-power devices is the RPL protocol. This algorithm cannot take into account all of the required routing goals at once. This article introduces a proposed data-oriented RPL algorithm that divides data during routing according to their content. This can decrease the amount of duplicate data transferred through the network, shorten the communication system's delay, conserve the node's limited energy, and prolong the network's lifespan. The effectiveness of RPL can be increased by selecting the best route utilizing the Binary Gray Wolf Optimization. The best parent node in the routing procedure is chosen using an objective function during the tree construction phase. This objective function is built using fuzzy logic and the Binary Gray Wolf Optimization in the suggested technique. The results of Matlab 2022a and OMNET environment tests have shown that the proposed method has increased the efficiency of energy consumption and reduced the period of instability and end-to-end delay. that the ratio of the instability period in the proposed method is much less than the other three methods, so that the ratio of the instability period is 57% for the proposed method in the ORPL and Qos RPL methods, it is equal to 80%, and in the RPL method it is equal to 89%. This problem shows that the proposed method is more stable, or, in other words, it has been active for a longer period of time with the maximum number of nodes