72 research outputs found

    A molecular circuit composed of CPEB-1 and c-Jun controls growth hormone-mediated synaptic plasticity in the mouse hippocampus

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    Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1 (CPEB-1) resides at postsynaptic sites in hippocampal neurons in which it controls polyadenylation-induced translation. CPEB-1 knock-out (KO) mice display defects in some forms of synaptic plasticity and hippocampal-dependent memories. To identify CPEB-1-regulated mRNAs, we used proteomics to compare polypeptides in wild-type (WT) and CPEB-1 KO hippocampus. Growth hormone (GH) was reduced in the KO hippocampus, as were the GH signaling molecules phospho-JAK2 and phospho-STAT3. GH mRNA and pre-mRNA were reduced in the KO hippocampus, suggesting that CPEB-1 controls GH transcription. The transcription factor c-Jun, which binds the GH promoter, was also reduced in the KO hippocampus, as was its ability to coimmunoprecipitate chromatin containing the GH promoter. CPEB-1 binds c-Jun 3\u27 untranslated region CPEs in vitro and coimmunoprecipitates c-Jun RNA in vivo. GH induces long-term potentiation (LTP) when applied to hippocampal slices from WT and CPEB-1 KO mice, but the magnitude of LTP induced by GH in KO mice is reduced. Pretreatment with GH did not reverse the LTP deficit observed in KO mice after theta-burst stimulation (TBS). Cordycepin, an inhibitor of polyadenylation, disrupted LTP induced by either GH application or TBS. Finally, GH application to hippocampal slices induced JAK2 phosphorylation in WT but not KO animals. These results indicate that CPEB-1 control of c-Jun mRNA translation regulates GH gene expression and resulting downstream signaling events (e.g., synaptic plasticity) in the mouse hippocampus

    Modulation and functions of dopamine receptor heteromers in drugs of abuse-induced adaptations

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    Drug addiction is a chronic and relapsing disorder that leads to compulsive drug intake despite deleterious consequences. By increasing dopamine (DA) in the mesolimbic system, drugs of abuse hijack the brain reward circuitry, which is critical for the development of enduring behavioral alterations. DA mainly acts onto DA D1 (D1R) and D2 (D2R) receptor subtypes, which are positively and negatively coupled to adenylyl cyclase, respectively. Extensive research has aimed at targeting these receptors for the treatment of addiction, however this often results in unwanted side-effects due to the implication of DA receptors in numerous physiological functions. A growing body of evidence indicates that the physical interaction of DA receptors with other receptors can finely tune their function, making DA receptor heteromers promising targets for more specific treatment strategies. An increasing number of articles highlighted the ability of both D1R and D2R to form heteromers, however, most studies carried out to date stem from observations in heterologous systems and the biological significance of DA receptor heteromers in vivo is only emerging. We focused this review on studies that were able to provide insights into functions on D1R and D2R heteromers in drug-evoked adaptations and discuss the limitations of current approaches to study receptor heteromers in vivo. This article is part of the Special Issue entitled 'Receptor heteromers and their allosteric receptor-receptor interactions'.RĂŽle des heteromĂšres formĂ©s par les rĂ©cepteurs dopamine-glutamate et de signalisation dĂ©pendante du calcium nuclĂ©aire associĂ©e dans l'addictionImpact de la composition lipidique membranaire sur la transmission dopaminergique dĂ©pendante du rĂ©cepteur D2 et la motivationProgram Initiative d’Excellenc

    Detecting G protein-coupled receptor complexes in postmortem human brain with proximity ligation assay and a Bayesian classifier

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    Despite the controversy regarding the existence and physiological relevance of class A G protein-coupled receptor dimerization, there is substantial evidence for functional interactions between the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) and the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR). A2AR-D2R complexes have been detected in rodent brains by proximity ligation assay; however, their existence in the human brain has not been demonstrated. In this study, we used Brightfield proximity ligation assay, combined with a systematic sampling and a parameter-free naive Bayesian classifier, and demonstrated proximity between the D2R and the A2AR in the adult human ventral striatum, consistent with their colocalization within complexes and the possible existence of D2R-A2AR heteromers. These methods are applicable to the relative quantification of proximity of two proteins, as well as the expression levels of individual proteins

    Gene expression profile comparison between bone metastatic and non-metastatic prostate cancer cell lines

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    Astronauts suffer from cardiovascular deconditioning during space flight where they are exposed to microgravity. Alterations under real and simulated microgravity have been found e.g. in the cytoskeleton and apoptosis in endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs)1, 2. P2 receptors play an important role in a variety of vascular functions of ECs and SMCs. However, the functional role of purinergic signalling in ECs and SMCs under microgravity is still unclear. In this study primary ECs and SMCs were isolated from bovine aorta and characterized using specific markers. Additionally, EC growth medium collected during culture under normal gravity was used as conditioned medium for SMCs and vice versa to mimic a co-culture model. Here we show for the first time that the P2-receptor expression pattern is altered in ECs and SMCs under simulated microgravity achieved by a clinostat. Interestingly, conditioned medium compensated the alterations in the expression of specific P2-receptors. P2X7 was down-regulated in ECs after 24h clinorotation but recovered to the gene and protein expression level found under normal gravity when cultured in conditioned medium from SMCs. Our results showed an altered P2-receptor expression pattern under simulated microgravity. The paracrine effect between ECs and SMCs seems to be an important regulator of cell behaviour under altered gravity conditions. Several artificial P2-receptor ligands are already utilized as drugs. Thus it might be reasonable to consider them for drug development for astronaut treatment of cardiovascular deconditioning in the future

    Age-related impairment of declarative memory: linking memorization of temporal associations to GluN2B redistribution in dorsal CA1

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    GluN2B subunits of NMDA receptors have been proposed as a target for treating age‐related memory decline. They are indeed considered as crucial for hippocampal synaptic plasticity and hippocampus‐dependent memory formation, which are both altered in aging. Because a synaptic enrichment in GluN2B is associated with hippocampal LTP in vitro, a similar mechanism is expected to occur during memory formation. We show instead that a reduction of GluN2B synaptic localization induced by a single‐session learning in dorsal CA1 apical dendrites is predictive of efficient memorization of a temporal association. Furthermore, synaptic accumulation of GluN2B, rather than insufficient synaptic localization of these subunits, is causally involved in the age‐related impairment of memory. These challenging data identify extra‐synaptic redistribution of GluN2B‐containing NMDAR induced by learning as a molecular signature of memory formation and indicate that modulating GluN2B synaptic localization might represent a useful therapeutic strategy in cognitive aging

    Dual role of striatal astrocytes in behavioral flexibility and metabolism in the context of obesity

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    Brain circuits involved in metabolic control and reward-associated behaviors are potent drivers of feeding behavior and are both dramatically altered in obesity, a multifactorial disease resulting from genetic and environmental factors. In both mice and human, exposure to calorie-dense food has been associated with increased astrocyte reactivity and pro-inflammatory response in the brain. Although our understanding of how astrocytes regulate brain circuits has recently flourish, whether and how striatal astrocytes contribute in regulating food-related behaviors and whole-body metabolism is still unknown. In this study, we show that exposure to enriched food leads to profound changes in neuronal activity and synchrony. Chemogenetic manipulation of astrocytes activity in the dorsal striatum was sufficient to restore the cognitive defect in flexible behaviors induced by obesity, while manipulation of astrocyte in the nucleus accumbens led to acute change in whole-body substrate utilization and energy expenditure. Altogether, this work reveals a yet unappreciated role for striatal astrocyte as a direct operator of reward-driven behavior and metabolic control

    The Addiction-Susceptibility TaqIA/Ankk1 Controls Reward and Metabolism Through D2 Receptor-Expressing Neurons

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    Background: A large body of evidence highlights the importance of genetic variants in the development of psychiatric and metabolic conditions. Among these, the TaqIA polymorphism is one of the most commonly studied in psychiatry. TaqIA is located in the gene that codes for the ankyrin repeat and kinase domain containing 1 kinase (Ankk1) near the dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) gene. Homozygous expression of the A1 allele correlates with a 30% to 40% reduction of striatal D2R, a typical feature of addiction, overeating, and other psychiatric pathologies. The mechanisms by which the variant influences dopamine signaling and behavior are unknown. Methods: Here, we used transgenic and viral-mediated strategies to reveal the role of Ankk1 in the regulation of activity and functions of the striatum. Results: We found that Ankk1 is preferentially enriched in striatal D2R-expressing neurons and that Ankk1 loss of function in the dorsal and ventral striatum leads to alteration in learning, impulsivity, and flexibility resembling endophenotypes described in A1 carriers. We also observed an unsuspected role of Ankk1 in striatal D2R-expressing neurons of the ventral striatum in the regulation of energy homeostasis and documented differential nutrient partitioning in humans with or without the A1 allele. Conclusions: Overall, our data demonstrate that the Ankk1 gene is necessary for the integrity of striatal functions and reveal a new role for Ankk1 in the regulation of body metabolism.Altérations du systÚme de récompense dans l'anorexie mentaleRole du biostatus en acides gras polyinsaturés dans les troubles de contrÎle exécuti

    Nucleus accumbens D1- and D2-expressing neurons control the balance between feeding and activity-mediated energy expenditure

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    Accumulating evidence points to dysregulations of the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) in eating disorders (ED), however its precise contribution to ED symptomatic dimensions remains unclear. Using chemogenetic manipulations in male mice, we found that activity of dopamine D1 receptor-expressing neurons of the NAc core subregion facilitated effort for a food reward as well as voluntary exercise, but decreased food intake, while D2-expressing neurons have opposite effects. These effects are congruent with D2-neurons being more active than D1-neurons during feeding while it is the opposite during running. Chronic manipulations of each subpopulations had limited effects on energy balance. However, repeated activation of D1-neurons combined with inhibition of D2-neurons biased behavior toward activity-related energy expenditure, whilst the opposite manipulations favored energy intake. Strikingly, concomitant activation of D1-neurons and inhibition of D2-neurons precipitated weight loss in anorexia models. These results suggest that dysregulations of NAc dopaminoceptive neurons might be at the core of EDs
