6 research outputs found

    Kerusakan Perkerasan Lentur Dengan Metode Bina Marga STA 140 + 000 – STA 150 + 000 Batas Sumatera Barat – Riau

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    Metode bina marga adalah metode yang dipakai untuk menentukan jenis kerusakan, yang perlu diperhatikan saat melakukan survei visual adalah kekasaran permukaan, lubang, tambalan, retak, alur dan amblas. Retak adalah suatu gejala kerusakan atau pecahnya permukaan perkerasan sehingga akan menyebabkan air pada permukaan perkerasan masuk ke lapisan dibawahnya. Penentuan nilai kondisi jalan dilakukan dengan menjumlahkan setiap angka dan nilai untuk masing-masing keadaan kerusakan. untuk mengetahui jenis kerusakan jalan dan menganalisa tingkat kerusakan jalan dengan metode bina marga serta bentuk penanganannya, maka harus diadakan pemilihan terhadap jenis dan luas kerusakan yang terjadi. Jenis kerusakan yang dapat ditemukan pada ruas jalan batas Sumatera Barat – Riau STA 140 + 000 – STA 150 + 000 antara lain retak buaya, retak memanjang, tambalan, lubang, amblas dan alur. Tingkat kerusakan jalan dengan metode bina marga serta jenis penanganannya adalah tingkat atau nilai prioritas kerusakan batas Sumatera Barat – Riau STA 140 + 000 – STA 150 + 000 dengan menggunakan metode bina marga adalah 5, menandakan bahwa jalan perlu dimasukkan ke dalam program pemeliharaan berkala

    Perkembangan Struktur dan Elemen-Elemen Pembentuk Ruang Tanah Pilih Pusako Batuah Pusat Kota Jambi

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    Kota tumbuh dan berkembang dalam rentang waktu yang lama, perkembangan kota berkaitan dengan dimensi waktu yaitu aspek kesejarahan yang berperanan penting dalam membentuk morfologi kota. Kota bukan hanya produk tetapi juga merupakan akumulasi proses manifestasi fisik dari kehidupan non fisik, yang dipengaruhi oleh sistem nilai dan norma-norma yang berlaku dalam masyarakat pada masa pembentukannya (Danisworo 1989). Pusat Kota Jambi, Tanah Pilih Pusako Batuah, terletak di cekungan sungai Batanghari yang merupakan urat nadi perekonomian pada masa itu. Pusat kota ini telah ada sejak masa Kesultanan Jambi abad ke-16 dan berfungsi sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan bandar perdagangan yang ramai dengan pelabuhan dagangnya (Pradjoko & Utomo, 2013). Pusat kota Tanah Pilih ini merupakan awal dari kota Jambi pada saat ini telah berkembang setidaknya melalui tiga periode: periode Kesultanan Jambi, Periode Kolonial Hindia Belanda dan Periode Kemerdekaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan struktur dan elemen-elemen pembentuk ruang pusat kota Jambi selama tiga periode tersebut. Elemen-elemen tersebut terdiri dari jalan dan jaringan jalan, tata guna lahan dan bangunan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan morfologi diakronik-sinkronik, dimana penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu keadaan atau fenomena-fenomena kondisi faktual di pusat kota, pendekatan morfologi diakronik mencoba menelusuri asal usul kawasan berdasarkan kesejarahannya dan mencoba untuk me-spasialkan kedalam bentuk ruang kota, sehingga dapat diketahui faktor serta pengaruh adanya perubahan fungsi sekarang dengan masa lalu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya pengaruh perkembangan struktur dan elemen-elemen pembentuk ruang pusat kota dengan kondisi geografis pusat kota, struktur sosial masyarakat dan sistem tatanan ekonomi

    The attraction of Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park Tourism potential as a green tourism-based ecotourism

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    In line with the dynamics of its development, tourism has penetrated various terminology such as ecotourism. Ecotourism is an approach to tourism development that seeks to ensure environmental preservation and keep the natural conditions around tourist destinations. Taman Hutan Raya Bung Hatta (The Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park) is a potential area to be developed into more valuable with more quality in ecotourism. However, the problem is that this site lacks attractiveness and regulations regarding environmental conservation and natural resources of flora and fauna as a valuable attraction in Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park. This study aims to assess the potential development of Taman Hutan Raya Bung Hatta in developing its attractiveness as ecotourism based on green tourism. The analysis in this study uses an observational approach and a deductive-descriptive method. The analyzes done in this research are an analysis of the physical condition of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, an analysis of the attractiveness of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, an analysis of the facilities and infrastructure of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, an analysis of the Potential and Problems of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park. Those analyses are carried out with the concept of green-based ecotourism. The assessment of Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park attractiveness potential is from the potential for developing a natural museum, developing a natural laboratory as a means of education, providing a trekking area as an effort to integrate with nature and camping in the natural area of ​​the Bung Hatta Grand Forest without destroying nature. All of this is done while maintaining the sustainability and uniqueness of the vegetation in Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park.In line with the dynamics of its development, tourism has penetrated various terminology such as ecotourism. Ecotourism is an approach to tourism development that seeks to ensure environmental preservation and keep the natural conditions around tourist destinations. Taman Hutan Raya Bung Hatta (The Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park) is a potential area to be developed into more valuable with more quality in ecotourism. However, the problem is that this site lacks attractiveness and regulations regarding environmental conservation and natural resources of flora and fauna as a valuable attraction in Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park. This study aims to assess the potential development of Taman Hutan Raya Bung Hatta in developing its attractiveness as ecotourism based on green tourism. The analysis in this study uses an observational approach and a deductive-descriptive method. The analyzes done in this research are an analysis of the physical condition of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, an analysis of the attractiveness of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, an analysis of the facilities and infrastructure of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, an analysis of the Potential and Problems of the Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park. Those analyses are carried out with the concept of green-based ecotourism. The assessment of Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park attractiveness potential is from the potential for developing a natural museum, developing a natural laboratory as a means of education, providing a trekking area as an effort to integrate with nature and camping in the natural area of ​​the Bung Hatta Grand Forest without destroying nature. All of this is done while maintaining the sustainability and uniqueness of the vegetation in Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park

    Drivers decision model at an onset of amber period at signalised intersections

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    Driving is a complex task and, probably, the most dangerous activity on roadways because it involves instantaneous decision making by drivers. A traffic signal–controlled intersection is one of road facilities which require drivers to make an instantaneous decision at the onset of amber period. This paper describes the application of a regression approach to evaluate the factors that influence the decision made by a driver whether to proceed or to stop at the stop line at the onset of amber period at signalised intersections. More than 2,700 drivers approaching the stop–line at the onset of amber period at six intersections installed with a fixed–time traffic signal–control system were observed. Two video cameras were used to record the movements of vehicles approaching the intersection from a distance of about 150 metres. The data was abstracted from the video recordings using a computer event recorder program. The parameters considered in the analysis include vehicles’ approaching speed, distance from the stop line at the onset of amber, the position in the platoon as well as the types of vehicles driven. The result of the analysis shows that about 13.43% of the drivers tend to accelerate to clear the intersection at the onset of amber period and about 26.32% of the drivers ended up with running the red light. A binary logistic model to explain the possible decision made by a driver for a given set of conditions was developed. The analysis shows that the probability of drivers’ decision either to stop or proceed at an onset of amber period is influenced by his/her distance from the stop line and his/her position in the platoon

    The application of market appeal-robusticity matrix as a tool for cultural heritage and tourism management (case study : Melaka historic city)

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    Tourism carrying capacity refers to the concept of preserving and maintaining an area or asset in its original state, taking into consideration the ability and capability of resources to withstand the effects of tourist activities. The city of Melaka is cultural tourism destination heritage that has attracted local and foreign tourist. The city of Melaka is a destination that serves various roles and functions. The aim of this research is to evaluate the development of tourism in Melaka, and assess the impact of tourism activities on the tourism carrying capacity. This study will also determine the balance between the cultural heritage management and cultural tourism to plan a tourism management technique. The Market Appeal – Robusticity Matrix Method was used as a method based on the indicators that have been identified which can contribute to the development of tourism cultural heritage. The indicators consist of aspects, such as fragility or robustness of asset, product promotion, activity, aesthetic value, history, facilities availability and accessibility. It also involves education and tourism management system from the government and NGOs. The result of this study identified the cultural tourism asset that has a great potential for development based on the carrying capacity according to certain levels (A1, A2, C1, C2 and D1). Recommendations are given including the tourism management technique, the management carrying capacity, tourism promotion, policies, guidelines and strategies