7 research outputs found

    Komparasi Data Hematologi pada Beberapa Spesies Macaca

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    Satwa primata merupakan salah satu hewan model yang banyak digunakan dalam penelitian biomedis karena secara anatomi dan fisiologis memiliki kesamaan dengan manusia. Darah merupakan salah satu cairan tubuh ekstraseluler yang berfungsi sebagai alat angkut atau media transport dan pertahanan tubuh. Gangguan keseimbangan yang terdapat pada setiap variabel kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari jenis sel-sel darah dapat menyebabkan validitas suatu penelitian menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data dasar hematologi Macaca siberu dan untuk mendapatkan informasi kekerabatan melalui data sekunder hematologi secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari Macaca leonina, dan Macaca nemestrina. Sampel diambil dari 8 ekor Macaca siberu (5 jantan dan 3 betina) dengan umur yang bervariasi dan tergolong sehat serta telah dipuasakan. Analisis sampel yang dilakukan yaitu berupa pemeriksaan diferensial leukosit, pemeriksaan kuantitatif sel-sel darah, dan indeks eritrosit yang dianalisis secara deskriptif. Profil hematologi pada Macaca siberu secara keseluruhan menunjukkan hasil yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan Macaca nemestrina dan Macaca leonina. Variasi nilai yang ditemukan dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor intrinsik seperti jenis kelamin, nutrisi, aktivitas dan stres, serta faktor ekstrinsik seperti suhu, ketinggian, dan letak geografis

    Karakteristik Sitologi Vagina Selama Siklus Estrus dan Gejala Klinis Estrus pada Banteng (Bos javanicus d’Alton 1823)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari karakteristik gambaran sel-sel ephitelial vagina dan gejala klinis estrus pada banteng. Sebanyak 2 ekor banteng betina yang sehat, sudah dewasa kelamin dan pernah beranak diobservasi secara klinis selama siklus estrus normal dan dilakukan pengambilan sampel ulas vagina. Observasi gejala klinis estrus dan ulas vagina dilakukan tiga kali dalam seminggu dan 5 hari berturut-turut menjelang sampai sesudah estrus. Pemeriksaan fisik ini terdiri atas pemeriksaan simptomatis dengan melihat gejala-gejala yang timbul dari luar seperti gelisah, adanya kebengkakkan, kemerahan, kebasahan pada vulva, naik menaiki, melenguh (meskipun pakan cukup tersedia), keluar lendir jernih transparan. Tingkah laku ketika banteng sedang estrus memperlihatkan perilaku saling naik menaiki sesama banteng dan diam ketika dinaiki, sedangkan tanda klinis lainnya seperti kemerahan, kebengkakan, dan lendir serviks tidak terlihat dengan jelas. Sel-sel ephitel yang diperoleh adalah parabasal, intermediet, superfisial dan kornifikasi. Sel superfisial mendominasi (50,20%) pada saat estrus diikuti sel kornifikasi (38,51%), sel intermediet (26,82%) dan sel parabasal 13,44% selama 3 siklus estrus. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa naik-menaiki sesama banteng pada saat estrus merupakan tanda klinis yang paling jelas terlihat dan teknik sitologi vagina dapat digunakan dalam penentuan siklus estrus banteng

    FA-5 Semen Characteristics of Banteng (Bos javanicus) Collected by Electroejaculation Method

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    Banteng (Bos javanicus) is listed as endangered species in IUCN Redlist. Only few thousand wild banteng survive and their numbers are decreasing as a result of hunting and the loss of habitat due to deforestation and conversion to agricultural land. One of the conservation measures is to preserve this species in ex-situ breeding center. The breeding centre with the largest number of individuals is Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta, with 21 animals. Despite those numbers of individuals available, the sex ratio was far from ideal at 16 males and five females. While in Taman Safari Prigen, there were with 16 individuals and a sex ratio of five males and 11 females [1] Since number of males are usually less than females, and also to avoid inbreeding in order to keep high heterozygosity population, therefore, assisted reproductive technology such as artificial insemination is considered to be necessary.For artificial insemination, semen collection sufficient quantitiy and quality of semen from males are needed. Thus, best semen collection method should be considered. Though transrectal massage procedure does not require the male to be anesthetized  prior to semen collection, semen collected by this technique contains urine contamination. Besides, volume of semen sample obtained by transrectal massage is lesser compared to electroejaculation. Electroejaculation is also suitable for wild animal because in this particular semen collection procedure, males are not required to be trained.The information about semen characteristics of banteng bulls collected by electroejaculation is less known. To date, study done by Johnston et al. (2002) is the only available data. That study only provided data from one semen sample from one 4-year-old banteng bull located at Western Plains Zoo [2]. Moreover such volume parameter and consistency was not reported from that study. Thus, this study is aimed to provide more reliable data from larger number of semen samples  collected by electroejaculation and to add information to previous data that are availabe

    First Study on profiling of gut microbiome in wild and captive Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii)

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    Background and Aim: Orangutans are an “umbrella species” for conserving tropical forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan. There are remarkable changes between the gut microbiomes of wild and captive Sumatran orangutans. This study aimed to profile gut microbiota of wild and captive Sumatran orangutans. Materials and Methods: Nine fecal samples collected from wild orangutans and nine fecal samples collected from captive orangutans were divided into three replicates. Each replicate randomly combined three pieces and were analyzed on the Illumina platform. A bioinformatics study of 16S rRNA according to Qiime2 (Version 2021.4) and microbiome profiling analysis was conducted. Results: The relative abundance of different microbial taxa varied significantly between wild and captive Sumatran orangutans. Among the operational taxonomic units, various proportions of Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Euryarchaeota, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobia predominated. Solobacterium was found only in 19% of captive orangutans. Methanobrevibacter was identified to be prevalent among wild orangutans (16%). Analysis of the core microbiome from the combined wild and captive data revealed seven species as cores. According to linear discriminant analysis effect size, Micrococcus luteus, Bacteroidescaccae, Lachnospiraceae bacterium, Ruthenibacterium lactatiformans, Haemophilus haemolyticus, and Chishuiella spp. were microbiome biomarkers in captive orangutans, whereas Roseburia inulinivorans, Collinsella aerofaciens, Oscillibacter spp., and Eubacterium hallii were microbiome biomarkers in wild orangutans. Conclusion: There were differences in the microbiome biomarkers of wild and captive Sumatran orangutans. This study is important for understanding the role of gut bacteria in the health of Sumatran orangutans

    FA-4 Assessment of Estrous Cycle Using Ultrasound to Determine Time of Insemination In Banteng (Bos javanicus, d’Alton 1823)

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    Banteng is considered as endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Banteng is currently distributed in Java, in Kalimantan [Indonesian Borneo], Sabah [part of Malaysian Borneo], Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and, probably Lao PDR and Vietnam (1). The populations in the Asian mainland have decreased by about 80% in the last decades. The total number of wild banteng is estimated to about 5,000-8,000 animals. No population has more than 500 animals, only a few have more than 50. Reasons for the population decline are reduction of habitat, poaching, hybridisation with domesticated cattle, and infections with cattle diseases (4).Since the wild population has been declining continously and the numbers of individual are getting smaller, therefore captive breeding is urgently needed in order to support the conservation of Banteng sustainably. Although breeding program of Banteng is important, but information about the reproductive biology of Banteng is very limited. Breeding programs in Banteng can be done by natural mating or using assisted reproductive technology such as artificial insemination (AI). The aplication of AI in Banteng can support Banteng conservation program in order to increase heterozygosity, prevent inbreeding and possible to use of the Banteng bulls from different facilities for AI of females in all breeding facilities of Banteng.AI applications require information on the estrous cycle and estrous signs to determine the precise AI time. Clinical signs of estrous in Banteng is difficult to observe, therefore determining the time of AI must be done through rectal palpation and ultrasonography. The objectives of  this research is to assess estrous cycle to determine time of insemination

    FA-5 Semen Characteristics of Banteng (Bos javanicus) Collected by Electroejaculation Method

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    Banteng (Bos javanicus) is listed as endangered species in IUCN Redlist. Only few thousand wild banteng survive and their numbers are decreasing as a result of hunting and the loss of habitat due to deforestation and conversion to agricultural land. One of the conservation measures is to preserve this species in ex-situ breeding center. The breeding centre with the largest number of individuals is Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta, with 21 animals. Despite those numbers of individuals available, the sex ratio was far from ideal at 16 males and five females. While in Taman Safari Prigen, there were with 16 individuals and a sex ratio of five males and 11 females [1] Since number of males are usually less than females, and also to avoid inbreeding in order to keep high heterozygosity population, therefore, assisted reproductive technology such as artificial insemination is considered to be necessary.For artificial insemination, semen collection sufficient quantitiy and quality of semen from males are needed. Thus, best semen collection method should be considered. Though transrectal massage procedure does not require the male to be anesthetized  prior to semen collection, semen collected by this technique contains urine contamination. Besides, volume of semen sample obtained by transrectal massage is lesser compared to electroejaculation. Electroejaculation is also suitable for wild animal because in this particular semen collection procedure, males are not required to be trained.The information about semen characteristics of banteng bulls collected by electroejaculation is less known. To date, study done by Johnston et al. (2002) is the only available data. That study only provided data from one semen sample from one 4-year-old banteng bull located at Western Plains Zoo [2]. Moreover such volume parameter and consistency was not reported from that study. Thus, this study is aimed to provide more reliable data from larger number of semen samples  collected by electroejaculation and to add information to previous data that are availabe

    FA-4 Assessment of Estrous Cycle Using Ultrasound to Determine Time of Insemination In Banteng (Bos javanicus, d’Alton 1823)

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    Banteng is considered as endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Banteng is currently distributed in Java, in Kalimantan [Indonesian Borneo], Sabah [part of Malaysian Borneo], Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and, probably Lao PDR and Vietnam (1). The populations in the Asian mainland have decreased by about 80% in the last decades. The total number of wild banteng is estimated to about 5,000-8,000 animals. No population has more than 500 animals, only a few have more than 50. Reasons for the population decline are reduction of habitat, poaching, hybridisation with domesticated cattle, and infections with cattle diseases (4).Since the wild population has been declining continously and the numbers of individual are getting smaller, therefore captive breeding is urgently needed in order to support the conservation of Banteng sustainably. Although breeding program of Banteng is important, but information about the reproductive biology of Banteng is very limited. Breeding programs in Banteng can be done by natural mating or using assisted reproductive technology such as artificial insemination (AI). The aplication of AI in Banteng can support Banteng conservation program in order to increase heterozygosity, prevent inbreeding and possible to use of the Banteng bulls from different facilities for AI of females in all breeding facilities of Banteng.AI applications require information on the estrous cycle and estrous signs to determine the precise AI time. Clinical signs of estrous in Banteng is difficult to observe, therefore determining the time of AI must be done through rectal palpation and ultrasonography. The objectives of  this research is to assess estrous cycle to determine time of insemination