10 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Bali Aga Houses and Settlements’ Concept on Modern Houses and Settlements in Denpasar City

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    Denpasar as the capital city of Bali is facing high population growth each year from urbanization. One impact of this phenomena is decreasing the land provision for settlement. The growth of new settlements in Denpasar city currently featured a different character from the Balinese Traditional Houses of Bali Apanaga (BAP) in general, both from their forms and appearances; spatial patterns; materials and ornaments used. Contemporary houses in Denpasar are considered as a form of violation from traditional concepts and neglecting local identity. This paper investigates the ideas that are being used in modern houses and settlements in Denpasar today. A case study method was applied to several settlements in Denpasar using a qualitative approach for data analysis. Furthermore, reviews of the significant modern concepts were compared to the idea of BAP and Bali Aga (BA). The results show that significant concepts of forms, as well as the spatial patterns of BA houses and settlement houses which represent Balinese indigenous houses, have been more adopted by well-designed modern houses and settlements in Denpasar than the concept of BAP

    The Role of Local Communities in Overcoming River Pollution in Peliatan Village

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    Environmental pollution is a common problem that often affects an area. One of them is river pollution. River pollution also occurred in Peliatan Village. The condition of one of the rivers, namely the Mas River, was once used as a landfill or TPA. The role of the community in helping to overcome pollution problems is an initial step that can become a foundation in overcoming river pollution problems in Peliatan Village. In Bali, the existence of community groups is still closely felt, especially in overcoming and finding a problem. Local community groups have a major role in providing aspirations for the progress of their own region. The theory of community empowerment and community based development is the theoretical basis for implementing this research activity. The quality of the riverside space is measured from the indicators of the quality of the waterfront space according to Sutrisno (1997) and is presented descriptively. Research using qualitative methods with case studies and using observation and interview techniques. This method is used to be able to understand and discover phenomena in the field in depth. The results of the study showed that the condition of the river before handling river pollution was that its banks were filled with garbage and made into a landfill. The condition of the river afterwards is that the river becomes clean, orderly and made more attractive with the addition of wall carvings and sculptures. The reappearance of the bad debt tradition and visits from outside the area to Peliatan Village. The role of the community as the dominant role and in collaboration with the Service Village and Traditional Village. Contributions from local communities both in terms of ideas, ideas and material as an important capital in overcoming problems in their own area. This capital will be very useful for development in villages or cities

    Konsep Desain Rumah Makan dan Kolam Pancing Milik Banjar Adat Abasan, Desa Singapadu Tengah, Gianyar, Bali

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    This brief article describes the results of a community service activity in 2020, namely the design of a restaurant building and fishing pond at Abasan Hamlet, Central Singapadu Village, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. The design of those buildings that have been made will be built on a site that ownered by Abasan Hamlet which is located near from the beautiful rice field areas and a narrow irrigation river. These buildings are supporting buildings for Balinese dance performances and gamelan arts activities which will be staged at the indoor stage, the main building at this site. The building design process begins with site observations and interviews with the head of Abasan Hamlet. This activity aims to measure the site and function of the buildings to be designed. On the next step, the building designing and design consultation with the head of the Abasan Hamlet were carried out. After the design concept is approved, the buildings design is finalized. The design of the building applies several main concepts, namely environmentally friendly, traditional Balinese style architecture, oriented towards natural rice cultivation panorama, and universal design priciples.Artikel singkat ini memaparkan hasil sebuah kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat pada tahun 2020 yang berupa kegiatan perancangan bangunan rumah makan dan kolam pemancingan di Banjar Abasan, Desa Singapadu Tengah, Kabupaten Gianyar, Provinsi Bali. Rancangan bangunan yang telah dibuat tersebut akan dibangun di atas sebuah tapak milik Banjar Abasan yang terletak di dekat areal persawahan yang asri dan sungai irigasi yang sempit. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut merupakan bangunan penunjang bagi kegiatan pertunjukan seni tari Bali dan kegiatan seni gamelan yang akan dipentaskan di sebuah bangunan panggung indoor sebagai bangunan utama di tapak ini. Proses perancangan bangunan diawali dengan observasi lokasi dan wawancara dengan Bapak Klian Banjar Abasan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tapak dan mengetahui fungsi bangunan yang akan dirancang. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan konsultasi desain dan desain bangunan dengan Bapak Klian Banjar Abasan. Setelah konsep desain bangunan tersebut disetujui, desain bangunan selanjutnya difinalisasi. Perancangan bangunan ini menerapkan beberapa konsep utama, yaitu: bangunan yang ramah lingkungan, bangunan berlanggam arsitektur tradisional Bali, bangunan yang berorientasi ke arah panorama alam persawahan, serta bangunan yang menerapkan prinsip desain universal

    An investigation of spatial arrangement, form, and structural system of traditional houses in Pedawa indigenous village - Bali

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    The Balinese traditional architecture has become valuable inheritance from the ancestor which still exists and is preserved until now, it is a symbol of local culture and reflects its characteristics. However, overpopulation has become one of the major challenges for Bali to cope with, and the impact of this phenomena significantly transform the traditional houses both its use and its form. The uniqueness of the architecture of Pedawa village has not yet been investigated in previous research. This paper aims to explore the detail of spatial arrangement, form, and structural system of the traditional houses, and its conservational effort. The case study method is employed for this research. Both primary and secondary data from interview, site observation, and literature data are analysed with qualitative analysis. The results show that the locals make every effort to sustain their values. The unique spatial arrangement, form, and structural system of the houses are strongly influenced by local customs; lifestyles; beliefs, and the environment. Hence, challenges are due to lack of understanding about conservation by the locals of their values and lack of natural resources; lifestyles; beliefs sand the environment

    Sanggah Kemulan Nganten dan Pelangkiran: obyek penentu keberlangsungan rumah tinggal tradisional Desa Pedawa, Bali

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    Balinese traditional architecture’s form and character are associated to its culture, custom and religious system of the Balinese. Traditional Balinese house as part of the Nusantara Architecture are inherited from our ancestors and have become the evident of our history. Tri Hita Kharana is the concept which reflect a close relationship between the Balinese with the nature and the God, which become the foundation of traditional setllement in Bali Aga vilages, thus it also become the main concept in preserving Balinese traditional architecture. The unique character of traditional house in desa Pedawa formed by people’s belief of their ancestor; their tradition as palm sugar maker; their nature and surrounding areas; and their way of life. This research aimed to discover the important factor from this traditional house which preserve this house to this moment. Case study method includes field observation, interview and historical study with the use of descriptive analysis has presented that Sanggah Kemulan Nganten and Pelangkiran are the two most important factors in preserving the traditional house in Desa Pedawa. Keywords: traditional house, Pelangkiran, Sanggah Kemulan Ngante

    Preserving Cultural Heritage of Denpasar: Local Community Perspectives

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    AbstractBali is well known as the Island of Paradise on earth. Its unique landscape and cultural practices attract large number of tourists from all over the world. Bali's cultural heritage is the main attraction for tourists and tourism is the main source of the local economy. Population growth in Bali due to tourism and migration is undeniable and it has led to several new developments in Denpasar city to accommodate the growth. New developments have noticeably transformed the identity of Denpasar. Urban development strategies, in general, do not necessarily take into account urban character and identity. Urban character and identity is important because it adds to the strength of the city and differentiates it from others. This paper brings out the significance of cultural heritage as an important planning element to preserve the character and identity of Denpasar. The planning aspiration of Denpasar city “Denpasar is a Cultural City based on the harmony between God, Human and the Nature” which has come about in recent years after the population boom. Nevertheless, lack of guidelines about appropriate policies suggest that current policies are not effective in tackling the ongoing multi-layered threats of urban development on cultural heritage conservation. This paper seeks to identify suitable conservation strategies for Denpasar. This paper uses descriptive analysis to gain knowledge from place and its community. NVivo 10 software helps to capture views and perspectives about the importance of cultural heritage and evolve strategies to retain the cultural identity and heritage of Denpasar through the interview of various heads of local communities in Denpasar. It concludes with ways of conserving cultural heritage and how it could improve planning and development policies of Denpasar


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    As built environment, development in Kemiren Village as traditional tourism village, community feels benefits. Those developments dynamically encourage changes, especially in characteristics and environmental quality, this cause of community space growth and some areas function. There is control to maintain characteristics of threat to change It is necessary to conduct study to identify settlement characteristics from cultural significance and environmental quality influence, which results can be utilize to make more appropriate directtion for traditional settlements preservation in Kemiren Village, which makes potential characteristics and environment feasibility as purpose to preserving community areas.Research conducted with rationalistic-qualitative, descriptive and exploratory methods, data collection techniques by field observations, interviews and documentation. Furthermore, data obtained will be map into tables, including mapping environmental conditions, characteristics, cultural meanings, and environmental quality.Based on evaluation analysis, settlements cultural significance reaches an average of 60%, with aesthetic, scarcity, and exceptional variables being elements that have high value of unique characteristics, caused by presence factor of Kemiren House, which has historical value and has potential to become cultural heritage building. Then the value of environmental quality, which is below an average of 50%, poses threat to physical formations, which can visually reduce aesthetic value and unusual environment of settlement

    Territoriality characteristics in housing of Kampung Bugis, Buleleng Regency, Bali

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    One of the less well-organized residential areas in Buleleng is the Kampung Bugis settlement. The development of the Bugis Village settlement as one of the densest settlements in Buleleng does not get good regulation and control so that the village environment tends to be slum, disorganized, uncomfortable and unhealthy. The existence of Bugis Village which is increasingly dense by residents also has an impact on the density of buildings in residential areas. Unfortunately, this condition is not balanced with the arrangement and sufficient land area. Due to the high environmental pressure, residents become spatially motivated by creating “new spaces” to meet their individual needs. This is very interesting to examine so that in the future it can be used as a reference for the development of residential areas in the future. Territoriality characteristics that occur in Bugis Village are as follows, land ownership status does not really affect the formation of territorial boundaries, boundary elements are not always a marker of social identity, space that has the highest privacy always has firm territorial boundaries, space resulting from territorial expansion tends to use semi-fixed elements as a territorial marker. This happens because there is still awareness from the residents of the settlements that the expanded land is legally not their property. The territoriality formed in settlements is generally to fulfill six main needs/activities, namely: drying, gathering/playing, trading, storing goods, parking and socializing. Apart from being a territorial marker, some of the boundary elements are an embodiment of aesthetic needs