22 research outputs found

    A contribution to the physicochemical characterization of Eugenia involucrata DC. fruits to estimate genetic variability

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    Brazil has one of the greatest diversities in native fruit trees, but many species, despite the great environmental and economic potential for small farms, are little studied, such as the cherry-of-the-rio-grande (Eugenia involucrata DC.). The hypothesis of this research was that there is a high genetic diversity due to the propagation by seeds, occurring genotypes that produce better quality fruits which can be used to implement genetic improvement programs and the production of seedlings with better productive performance. So, this study aimed to characterize fruits of this species' genotypes and to evaluate the genetic divergence applying multivariate analysis techniques. Genotypes of different ages found in rural and urban areas of the municipality of Serafina Corrêa, Rio Grande do Sul, were evaluated, with 50 genotypes in 2018 and 38 genotypes in 2019, since twelve did not bear fruit. Data were submitted to determine the mean and standard deviation. To assess genetic diversity, the relative contribution of characters was determined by the Singh method; the average Euclidean distance standardized matrix (UPGMA) and dendrograms were generated; and Tocher's optimization method was applied. Results showed that UPGMA and Tocher clustering methods are more efficient in representing the diversity between genotypes. Fruits characteristics varied from one year to another, due to the combination of biotic and abiotic factors (water regime), resulting in changes of characters with greater contribution in the divergence and formation of similar groups. The content of total soluble solids (TSS) in 2018 and fruit mass in 2019 harvest were characters that most contributed to the genetic divergence. It was concluded that the physicochemical characters of fruits revealed the existence of genetic divergence among genotypes, allowing the selection of agronomically superior plants.O Brasil possui uma das maiores diversidades em frutíferas nativas, mas inúmeras espécies, apesar do grande potencial ambiental e econômico para as pequenas propriedades, são pouco pesquisadas, como a cerejeira-do-rio-grande (Eugenia involucrata DC.). A hipótese desta pesquisa foi de que existe alta diversidade genética, pela propagação por sementes, ocorrendo genótipos produtores de frutos de melhor qualidade, que podem ser utilizados para implementar programas de melhoramento genético e a produção de mudas de melhor desempenho produtivo. Assim, o trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar os frutos de genótipos da espécie e avaliar a divergência genética empregando técnicas de análise multivariada. Foram avaliados genótipos de diferentes idades que se encontravam no meio rural e urbano do município de Serafina Corrêa, Rio Grande do Sul, sendo 50 genótipos em 2018 e 38 genótipos em 2019, pois doze não frutificaram. Os dados foram submetidos à determinação da média e o desvio padrão da média. Para avaliar a diversidade genética foi determinada a contribuição relativa dos caracteres pelo método de Singh; gerada a matriz de distância euclidiana média padronizada (UPGMA) e os dendrogramas; e aplicado o método de otimização de Tocher. Os resultados mostraram que os métodos de agrupamento UPGMA e Tocher são mais eficientes em representar a diversidade entre genótipos. As características dos frutos variaram de um ano para outro, por efeito da combinação de fatores bióticos e abióticos (regime hídrico), resultando em mudanças nos caracteres de maior contribuição na divergência e formação dos grupos similares. O teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), na safra 2018, e a massa fresca dos frutos, na safra 2019, foram os caracteres que mais contribuíram para a divergência genética. Concluiu-se que os caracteres físico-químicos dos frutos revelaram a existência de divergência genética entre genótipos, permitindo a seleção de plantas agronomicamente superiores

    Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl) seedling production and transplanting in different containers / Produção e transplante de mudas de porongo (Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl) em diferentes recipientes

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    The seedling production of gourd in protected environmental may be an alternative to the use of seed directly in crop system. Thus, the study aimed to verify if the production and transplanting of gourd seedlings in different types and sizes of containers may be agronomic alternative to gourd crop. Two experiments were conducted sequentially in time to assess the growth and response of the species to transplanting. In the first experiment with 6 replications, we compared for 38 days the biomasses of the plants grown in tray cells and in black plastic bags. Upon transplanting the seedlings to pots, they were grown for 37 days more in a 2 x 2 bifactorial arrangement with 4 replications. At 24 days after emergence (DAE), the emergence percentage was 50.7% and the seedlings were 8.9 cm high. Seedlings produced in the plastic bag exhibited 30% more biomass than seedlings produced in tray cells. At 61 DAE, the transplanted seedlings produced initially in the larger container exhibited a 100% survival rate and greater height. The viability of transplanting organic seedlings of gourd broadens their use as a multifunctional ornamental plant in sustainable landscaping, in addition to direct planting as a crop.

    Root traits correlated with soybean yield in a subtropical region

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    Root system plays a crucial role in plants’ anchoring, water and nutrients acquisition and storage of carbohydrates. While it is understood that root system traits contribute to crop yield, little is known about the particular effects of root morphology over crop yield, even on major crops such as soybean (Glycine max). The objective of this study was to investigate if distinct soybean grain yield plants, grown at different sites, displayed differences in their root system morphology. This distinct traits in the root system should be responsible to the differences of yield, thus, showing which traits should be followed in breeding programs to develop higher yield cultivars. The soybean cultivar DM 5958 RSF IPRO was sowing in a randomized complete block design experiment. Treatments comprised three cultivation sites and five soybean grain yield classes. Plant emergence and root system morphology attributes were evaluated. Results showed that late emergence negatively influenced root development. A huge difference among sites over very thin (89%) and thin (85%) roots was found in the high yield class, and since the plants have similar yield, it appeared that the thin and very thin roots length have no impact on the yield, being influenced mostly by the environment. Forks and tips roots didn’t show a pattern. In contrast, roots volume only showed a 22% reduction, demonstrating to be less influenced by the environment, resulting in a greater correlation with the grain yield. Thus identified as the main attribute to be explored when seeking to select new soybean cultivars

    Phenolic compounds in fisalis (Physalis peruviana Linneus) extracts and action of the extracts on the phytopathogen Botrytis cinerea Pers / Compostos fenólicos em extratos fisalis (Physalis peruviana Linneus) e ação dos extratos sobre o fitopatógeno Botrytis cinerea Pers

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    Phenolic acids and flavonoids naturally protect plants against phytopathogenic fungi and, therefore, plant extracts containing phenolic compounds are considered a natural alternative to conventional fungicides. Goldenberry extract was evaluated for its ability to inhibit the growth of the fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. in vitro and in strawberries, cultivar Albion. Caffeic, chlorogenic and ferulic acids and flavonoid quercetin were identified in the goldenberry extract at different concentrations. The different concentrations of the extract tested in vitro resulted in variations in the percentage inhibition of fungal mycelial development. The fungicidal effect was observed when the 5 mL volume of the extract at 20% (v/v) concentration was tested in vitro. The phenolic compounds present in goldenberry extract represents a preventive natural method of control of B. cinerea in vitro and it can be alternative method of control for postharvest strawberries of cultivar Albion

    Uso de bioestimulantes no manejo sustentável de plantas frutíferas: uma revisão narrativa

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    Introduction: On a global scale, the obstacles to fruticulture correspond to the lack of skilled labor, the limited amount of available arable land, and the high costs of acquiring fertilizers and pesticides. These inconveniences, linked to environmental impacts and ecotoxicological damage, indicate that scientists, industries, and fruit growers have shown interest in the development of biotools for fruiting crops’ management aiming at orchards’ optimal production, such as biostimulants. This bioinput stimulates plant nutrition processes independently of the product’s nutrient content, aiming to improve efficiency in the use of nutrients, tolerance to abiotic stress, and the quality and availability characteristics of nutrients available in the growth medium. Objective: Thus, this narrative review aims to analyze the state-of-the-art regarding the use of biostimulants in fruticulture, compile information on the proper application of these bioinputs and present alternatives to the diffusion of biostimulants in fruit agroecosystems. The totality of bioestimulants’ action mechanisms still needs to be better understood. Results: The applicability of biostimulants in the management of fruiting crops proved to be a relevant possibility to grant sustainability to production systems in fruticulture and reduce costs, increasing productivity, shelf life, and reducing damage caused by climatic adversities in crops, mainly hydric stress. Conclusions: The development of specific legislation for biostimulants should contribute substantially to generating credibility with farmers in order to differentiate, for example, foliar fertilizers and microbial agents.Introducción: A escala mundial, los obstáculos para la fruticultura corresponden a la falta de mano de obra calificada, la limitada cantidad de tierra cultivable disponible y los altos costos de adquisición de fertilizantes y pesticidas. Estos inconvenientes, ligados a impactos ambientales y daños ecotoxicológicos, indican que científicos, industrias y fruticultores han mostrado interés en el desarrollo de bioherramientas para el manejo de plantas frutales con el objetivo de la producción óptima de los huertos, como los bioestimulantes. Este bioinsumo estimula los procesos de nutrición de las plantas independientemente del contenido de nutrientes del producto, con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los nutrientes, la tolerancia al estrés abiótico y las características de calidad y disponibilidad de los nutrientes disponibles en el medio de cultivo. Objetivo­: Así, esta revisión narrativa tiene como objetivo analizar el estado del arte en cuanto al uso de bioestimulantes en la fruticultura, recopilar información sobre la correcta aplicación de estos bioinsumos y presentar alternativas a la difusión de bioestimulantes en agroecosistemas frutícolas. La totalidad de los mecanismos de acción de los bioestimulantes aún debe comprenderse mejor. Resultados: La aplicabilidad de bioestimulantes en el manejo de cultivos frutales demostró ser una posibilidad relevante para otorgar sostenibilidad a los sistemas productivos en fruticultura y reducir costos, aumentando la productividad, la vida útil y reduciendo los daños causados por las adversidades climáticas en los cultivos, principalmente el estrés hídrico. Conclusiones: El desarrollo de una legislación específica para bioestimulantes debe contribuir sustancialmente a generar credibilidad con los agricultores para diferenciar, por ejemplo, fertilizantes foliares y agentes microbianos.Introdução: Em escala global os entraves da fruticultura correspondem à falta de mão-de-obra especializada, à quantidade limitada de terra arável disponível e aos elevados custos para a aquisição de fertilizantes e pesticidas. Esses inconvenientes, atrelado aos impactos ambientais e aos danos ecotoxicológicos, apontam que cientistas, indústrias e fruticultores têm demonstrado interesse no desenvolvimento de bioferramentas para o manejo de plantas frutíferas visando a ótima produção dos pomares, a exemplo dos bioestimulantes. Esse bioinsumo estimula processos de nutrição das plantas de forma independente ao teor de nutrientes do produto, visando melhorar a eficiência no uso de nutrientes, a tolerância ao estresse abiótico e as características de qualidade e disponibilidade de nutrientes disponíveis no meio de crescimento. Objetivo: Assim, essa revisão narrativa tem como objetivo analisar o estado da arte referente ao uso de bioestimulantes na fruticultura, compilar informações sobre a aplicação adequada desses bioinsumos e apresentar alternativas à difusão dos bioestimulantes nos agroecossistemas frutícolas. A totalidade dos mecanismos de ação dos bioestimulantes ainda precisa ser melhor compreendida. Resultados: A aplicabilidade de bioestimulantes no manejo de culturas frutíferas revelou-se uma relevante possibilidade de conceder sustentabilidade aos sistemas de produção em fruticultura e redução de custos, incrementando a produtividade, a vida de prateleira e a redução de danos causados por adversidades climáticas nas culturas, principalmente estresse hídrico. Conclusões: O desenvolvimento de legislações específicas para bioestimulantes deverá contribuir substancialmente para gerar credibilidade aos agricultores de modo a diferenciar, por exemplo, fertilizantes foliares e agentes microbianos

    Potencial fitoquímico de bagas: uma visão geral

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    Introduction: Phytochemicals, or secondary metabolites, present in small fruits are responsible for improving the health of consumers when included in the daily diet. All edible forms of berries are considered safe functional foods because they have nutritional properties and therapeutic potential. Objective: Therefore, this narrative review aims to analyze the state of the art on the phytochemical potential of the six main small fruits (blackberry, physalis, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and grape), to gather information on the application of strategies to obtain berries with higher concentrations of biomolecules and to present the benefits of phytochemicals to the consuming public. Methodology: In the first stage of this narrative review, the cultivation scenario of these six main berries is contextualized. Subsequently, a temporal metasynthesis on berry phytochemicals is performed. In the last part of this review, we detail the biomolecule profile of blackberry, physalis, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry and grape and focus on their action against diseases. Results: The consumption of these six berries triggers anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-obesity, anti-microbial, anti-ulcer and radioprotective, neuroprotective and glucoregulatory actions. Despite scientific and clinical evidence on the positive effects of small fruit consumption on human health, their consumption remains low. Conclusions: The creation of public policies will contribute to improve the scenario of berry intake because it will involve the entire small fruit production chain: scientists, producers, food and pharmaceutical industries, and consumers.Introducción: Los fitoquímicos, o metabolitos secundarios, presentes en las frutas pequeñas son los responsables de mejorar la salud de los consumidores cuando se incluyen en la dieta diaria. Todas las formas comestibles de bayas se consideran alimentos funcionales seguros porque tienen propiedades nutricionales y potencial terapéutico. Objetivo­: Por lo tanto, esta revisión narrativa tiene como objetivo analizar el estado del arte sobre el potencial fitoquímico de los seis principales frutos pequeños (mora, physalis, frambuesa, arándano, fresa y uva), para recopilar información sobre la aplicación de estrategias que permitan obtener bayas con mayores concentraciones de biomoléculas y presentar los beneficios de los fitoquímicos al público consumidor. Metodología: En la primera etapa de esta revisión narrativa, se contextualiza el escenario de cultivo de estas seis bayas principales. Posteriormente, se realiza una metasíntesis temporal sobre fitoquímicos en bayas. En la última parte de esta revisión, se detalla el perfil de biomoléculas de mora, physalis, frambuesa, arándano, fresa y uva y nos enfocamos en su acción contra las enfermedades. Resultados: El consumo de estas seis bayas desencadena acciones antidiabéticas, antiinflamatorias, anticancerígenas, antienvejecimiento, antiobesidad, antimicrobianas, antiulcerosas y radioprotectoras, neuroprotectoras y glucorreguladoras. A pesar de las evidencias científicas y clínicas sobre los efectos positivos del consumo de frutos pequeños en la salud humana, su consumo sigue siendo bajo. Conclusiones: La creación de políticas públicas contribuirá a mejorar el escenario de la ingesta de berries porque involucrará a la totalidad de la cadena productiva de la pequeña fruta: científicos, productores, industrias alimenticia y farmacéutica y consumidores.Introdução: Os fitoquímicos, ou metabolitos secundários, presentes nos pequenos frutos são responsáveis por melhorar a saúde dos consumidores quando incluídos na dieta diária. Todas as formas comestíveis de bagas são consideradas alimentos funcionais seguros, pois possuem propriedades nutricionais e potencial terapêutico. Objetivo: Assim, esta revisão narrativa tem como objetivo analisar o estado da arte sobre o potencial fitoquímico dos seis principais pequenos frutos (amora, physalis, framboesa, mirtilo, morango e uva), reunir informação sobre a implementação de estratégias para a obtenção de bagas com maiores concentrações de biomoléculas e apresentar os benefícios dos fitoquímicos ao público consumidor. Metodologia: Na primeira fase desta revisão narrativa, contextualiza-se o cenário de cultivo destas seis principais bagas. Segue-se uma meta-síntese temporal dos fitoquímicos presentes nas bagas. Na última parte desta revisão, detalhamos o perfil de biomoléculas da amora, physalis, framboesa, mirtilo, morango e uva e focamos a sua ação contra doenças. Resultados: O consumo destas seis bagas desencadeia acções anti-diabéticas, anti-inflamatórias, anti-cancerígenas, anti-envelhecimento, anti-obesidade, anti-microbianas, anti-úlcera e radioprotectoras, neuroprotectoras e glucoreguladoras. Apesar das evidências científicas e clínicas sobre os efeitos positivos do consumo de pequenos frutos na saúde humana, o seu consumo continua a ser baixo. Conclusões: A criação de políticas públicas contribuirá para melhorar o cenário de consumo de frutos vermelhos, pois envolverá toda a cadeia produtiva dos pequenos frutos: cientistas, produtores, indústrias alimentícias e farmacêuticas e consumidores.

    Rock powder as a tool in the production of arugula seedlings in substrates

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    The interaction between rock powder and substrates in arugula and the amount to be used of this remineralizer are not elucidated. Thus, the objective of the study was to investigate whether substrates associated with rock powder interfere with the phytometric morphology of seedlings and to understand the effect of remineralizer proportions, added to commercial substrate, on the development of arugula seedlings. We performed two experiments. In experiment I, the treatments were three substrates in the absence and presence of rock powder (30% of the container volume), designed in randomized blocks, with three replications. In experiment II, the treatments were six rock powder proportions (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of the container volume), designed in randomized blocks, with three replications. In experiment I, the seedlings produced in the substrate Horta 2® had better phytometric quality. In experiment II, shoot fresh mass and seedling root volume increased until the addition of 15% rock powder to the Horta 2® substrate and decreased with proportions of 20% and 25%. It is concluded that substrates with greater water retention enhance the quality of seedlings. Increasing the proportion of this remineralizer up to 15% of the container volume improves aerial biomass and root volume of arugula seedlings.La interacción entre el polvo de roca y los sustratos en la rúcula y la cantidad a utilizar de este remineralizador no están dilucidadas. Así, el objetivo del estudio fue investigar si los sustratos asociados a polvo de roca interfieren en la morfología fitométrica de las plántulas y comprender el efecto de las proporciones de remineralizante, añadidas en sustrato comercial, sobre el desarrollo de plántulas de rúcula. Realizamos dos experimentos. En el experimento I, los tratamientos fueron tres sustratos en ausencia y presencia de polvo de roca (30% del volumen del contenedor), diseñados en bloques al azar, con tres repeticiones. En el experimento II, los tratamientos fueron seis proporciones de polvo de roca (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% y 25% del volumen del recipiente), diseñados en bloques al azar, con tres repeticiones. En el experimento I, las plántulas producidas en el sustrato Horta 2® tuvieron mejor calidad fitométrica. En el experimento II, la masa fresca de brotes y el volumen de raíces de las plántulas aumentaron hasta la adición de un 15% de polvo de roca al sustrato Horta 2® y disminuyeron con proporciones de 20% y 25%. Se concluye que los sustratos con mayor retención de agua mejoran la calidad de las plántulas. Aumentar la proporción de este remineralizador hasta un 15% del volumen del contenedor mejora la biomasa aérea y el volumen de raíces de las plántulas de rúcula.The interaction between rock powder and substrates in arugula and the amount to be used of this remineralizer are not elucidated. Thus, the objective of the study was to investigate whether substrates associated with rock powder interfere with the phytometric morphology of seedlings and to understand the effect of remineralizer proportions, added to commercial substrate, on the development of arugula seedlings. We performed two experiments. In experiment I, the treatments were three substrates in the absence and presence of rock powder (30% of the container volume), designed in randomized blocks, with three replications. In experiment II, the treatments were six rock powder proportions (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of the container volume), designed in randomized blocks, with three replications. In experiment I, the seedlings produced in the substrate Horta 2® had better phytometric quality. In experiment II, shoot fresh mass and seedling root volume increased until the addition of 15% rock powder to the Horta 2® substrate and decreased with proportions of 20% and 25%. There is no interactive effect between substrates and rock powder in the production of arugula seedlings in containers. Substrates with greater water retention enhance the quality of arugula seedlings because they improve their phytometric morphology. Proportions of rock powder added to the Horta 2® substrate interfere with the shoot and root system morphology of the seedlings. The increase in the proportion of this remineralizer up to 15% of the container volume, added to the growth medium, improves the aerial biomass and the root volume of arugula seedlings, ‘Donatella’ cultivar

    Arbuscular mycorrhiza potentiates the quality of fruits but does not influence the precocity of goldenberry plants / A micorriza arbuscular potencializa a qualidade de frutos mas não influencia a precocidade de plantas de fisális

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    The alternative to minimize the impacts to the agroecosystem and to establish a sustainable management for the goldenberry cultivation (Physalis peruviana L.) corresponds to the use of inoculants based on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). However, this biotechnological tool is lacking and unknown to producers. The objective of the research was to investigate whether goldenberry plants in the absence and presence of inoculation with AMF differ in their horticultural potential. The treatments were absence of inoculation (control) and three mycorrhizal inoculants, arranged in a randomized block design, with five replications. The phyllochron, mycorrhizal colonization and fruit quality were evaluated. Non-mycorrhized plants had a higher leaf appearance rate and, therefore, a lower phyllochron value. Mycorrhizal colonization was greater in roots of plants produced with Glomus intraradices. Less acid and more tasty fruits were produced by plants inoculated with AMF, regardless of the fungal treatment used. In conclusion, goldenberry plants in the absence and presence of inoculation with AMF have different horticultural potential. Plants devoid of arbuscular mycorrhiza are earlier to start flowering. The fungal species G. intraradices is more effective in colonizing the roots of the plant host. Plants submitted to mycorrhizal biotechnology potentiate the chemical quality of berries

    Performance of the root system of tomato plants inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and submitted to the grafting technique

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    Information about the combined use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in grafted horticultural crops are scarce, as is the case of tomato. Therefore, we investigated if the association between AMF and the grafting technique modifies the performance of the root system of tomato plants grown on substrate. The treatments, outlined in a two-factorial scheme, were absence of inoculation and two inoculants of AMF (Rhizophagus clarus and mycorrhizal community) inserted in grafted and non-grafted tomato plants. The experiment was designed entirely at random, with five replications. The evaluations in the root system of the plants were carried out at 30 and 120 days after transplantation (DAT). Grafted plants evaluated at 30 DAT showed greater mycorrhizal colonization when cultivated with R. clarus. However, in the 120 DAT evaluation, the greatest mycorrhizal colonization was observed in non-grafted plants produced with the mycorrhizal community. At 120 DAT, the plants produced with the mycorrhizal community showed a more developed root system in relation to non-mycorrhized plants. The root system of plants non-grafted at 120 DAT was more robust when compared to grafted plants. In conclusion, the AMF-grafting interface interferes in the mycorrhizal colonization of the root system of tomato plants. The grafting technique does not improve the development of the root system. The inoculation of tomato plants with the mycorrhizal community enhances the development of roots at 120 DAT.Information about the combined use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in grafted horticultural crops are scarce, as is the case of tomato. Therefore, we investigated if the association between AMF and the grafting technique modifies the performance of the root system of tomato plants grown on substrate. The treatments, outlined in a two-factorial scheme, were absence of inoculation and two inoculants of AMF (Rhizophagus clarus and mycorrhizal community) inserted in grafted and non-grafted tomato plants. The experiment was designed entirely at random, with five replications. The evaluations in the root system of the plants were carried out at 30 and 120 days after transplantation (DAT). Grafted plants evaluated at 30 DAT showed greater mycorrhizal colonization when cultivated with R. clarus. However, in the 120 DAT evaluation, the greatest mycorrhizal colonization was observed in non-grafted plants produced with the mycorrhizal community. At 120 DAT, the plants produced with the mycorrhizal community showed a more developed root system in relation to non-mycorrhized plants. The root system of plants non-grafted at 120 DAT was more robust when compared to grafted plants. In conclusion, the AMF-grafting interface interferes in the mycorrhizal colonization of the root system of tomato plants. The grafting technique does not improve the development of the root system. The inoculation of tomato plants with the mycorrhizal community enhances the development of roots at 120 DAT

    Strawberry cultivars fruit production and postharvest from two types of saplings

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    The establishment of strawberry crops in southern Brazil is conditioned on the delivery of bare-root saplings imported from Argentina and/or Chile. An alternative to reduce dependence on the acquisition of these saplings is their replacement by clod-rooted saplings that form a clod. However, information on the agronomic performance of clod-rooted saplings is scarce. The aim of this work was to investigate whether the association between types of saplings and strawberry cultivars alters fruit production and postharvest. The treatments were three cultivars (Fronteras, Monterey and Portola) and two types of saplings (bare-root and rooted in a clod), arranged in a randomized block design, with three replications. The productive potential and chemical quality of fruits were evaluated. Plants from saplings rooted in clods showed higher number and fruit production. Plants from bare -root saplings produced larger fruits. The postharvest of fruits was not altered by the treatments. It is concluded that the productive potential and postharvest of fruits of strawberry cultivars is not associated with the types of saplings studied. Regardless of the cultivar, plants from saplings rooted in clods are more productive. The three cultivars tested, of saplings with bare-roots or rooted in clods, present a balanced relationship between sugar and acidity, giving the desired flavor to the fruits in their postharvest period.The establishment of strawberry crops in southern Brazil is conditioned on the delivery of bare-root saplings imported from Argentina and/or Chile. An alternative to reduce dependence on the acquisition of these saplings is their replacement by clod-rooted saplings that form a clod. However, information on the agronomic performance of clod-rooted saplings is scarce. The aim of this work was to investigate whether the association between types of saplings and strawberry cultivars alters fruit production and postharvest. The research was carried out at the Horticulture Sector of the University of Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from March to December 2020, in a greenhouse. The plant material for the research consisted of saplings with bare-roots and saplings rooted in clods. The treatments were three cultivars (‘Fronteras’, ‘Monterey’ and ‘Portola’) and two types of saplings (bare-root and rooted in a clod), arranged in a randomized block design, with three replications and ten plants per plot. The productive potential and chemical quality of fruits were evaluated. Plants from saplings rooted in clods showed higher number and fruit production. Plants from bare -root saplings produced larger fruits. The postharvest of fruits was not altered by the treatments. The productive potential and postharvest of fruits of strawberry cultivars are not associated with the different types of saplings studied. Regardless of the cultivar used, plants from saplings rooted in clods have greater productive potential compared to plants from bare-root saplings. The fruits of the three cultivars tested in this study, from saplings with bare-roots or rooted in clods, present a balanced relationship between sugar and acidity, which makes the strawberries suitable for consumption