15 research outputs found

    Charge density wave and spin 1/21/2 insulating state in single layer 1T-NbS2_2

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    In bulk samples and few layer flakes, the transition metal dichalcogenides NbS2_2 and NbSe2_2 assume the H polytype structure with trigonal prismatic coordination of the Nb atom. Recently, however, single and few layers of 1T-NbSe2_2 with octahedral coordination around the transition metal ion were synthesized. Motivated by these experiments and by using first-principles calculations, we investigate the structural, electronic and dynamical properties of single layer 1T-NbS2_2. We find that single-layer 1T-NbS2_2 undergoes a 13×13\sqrt{13}\times\sqrt{13} star-of-David charge density wave. Within the generalized gradient approximation, the weak interaction between the stars leads to an ultraflat band at the Fermi level isolated from all other bands. The spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation stabilizes a total spin 1/21/2 magnetic state with opening of a 0.150.15 eV band gap and a 0.21μB0.21\mu_B magnetic moment localized on the central Nb in the star. Within GGA+U, the magnetic moment on the central Nb is enhanced to 0.41μB0.41\mu_{B} and a larger gap occurs. Most important, this approximation gives a small energy difference between the 1T and 1H polytypes (only +0.5+0.5 mRy/Nb), suggesting that the 1T-polytype can be synthesized in a similar way as done for single layer 1T-NbSe2_2. Finally we compute first and second nearest neighbors magnetic inter-star exchange interactions finding J1J_1=9.5~K and J2J_2=0.4~K ferromagnetic coupling constants

    Compressed tetragonal phase in XFe2As2 (X = Na, K, Rb, Cs) and in the alloy Na0.5K0.5Fe2As2

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    Motivated by the recent discovery of a high-temperature superconducting phase in KFe2As2 at 16 GPa accompanied by an isostructural phase transition from the tetragonal to the compressed tetragonal phase, we extend the study of pressure effects to the whole XFe2As2 family (X = Na, K, Rb, Cs). We demonstrate that the ionic radius of the X atom determines the transition to the compressed phase which induces relevant changes in electronic properties and the Fermi surface which can enhance the superconducting pairing. Based on these results and in analogy with KFe2As2, we theoretically propose Na0.5K0.5Fe2As2 as a possible new superconductor material in its compressed tetragonal phase which we predict to happen above 6 GPa

    Strain effects in monolayer iron-chalcogenide superconductors

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    Successful fabrication of one monolayer FeSe on SrTiO3 represented a real breakthrough in searching for high-Tc Fe-based superconductors ([1]). Motivated by this important discovery, we studied the effects of tensile strain on one monolayer and bulk iron-chalcogenide superconductors (FeSe and FeTe), showing that it produces important magnetic and electronic changes in the systems. We found that the magnetic ground state of bulk and monolayer FeSe is the block-checkerboard phase, which turns into the collinear stripe phase under in-plane tensile strain. FeTe, in both bulk and monolayer phases, shows two magnetic transitions upon increasing the tensile strain: from bicollinear in the ground state to block-checkerboard ending up to the collinear antiferromagnetic phase which could bring it in the superconducting state. Finally, the study of the mechanical properties of both FeSe and FeTe monolayers reveals their enormous tensile strain limits and opens the possibility to grow them on different substrates

    Ab initio study of the (2 x 2) phase of barium on graphene

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    We present a first-principles density functional theory study on the structural, electronic and dynamical properties of a novel barium doped graphene phase. Low energy electron diffraction of barium doped graphene presents clear evidence of (2 x 2) spots induced by barium adatoms with BaC8 stoichiometry. First principles calculations reveals that the phase is thermodynamically stable but unstable to segregation towards the competitive BaC6 monolayer phase. The calculation of phonon spectrum confirms the dynamical stability of the BaC8 phase indicating its metastability, probably stabilized by doping and strain conditions due to the substrate. Barium induces a relevant doping of the graphene pi states and new barium-derived hole Fermi surface at the M-point of the (2 x 2) Brillouin zone. In view of possible superconducting phase induced by foreign dopants in graphene, we studied the electron-phonon coupling of this novel (2 x 2) obtaining lambda = 0.26, which excludes the stabilization of a superconducting phase

    Why mercury is a superconductor

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    Despite being the oldest known superconductor, solid mercury is mysteriously absent from all current computational databases of superconductors. In this Research Letter, we present a critical study of its superconducting properties based on state-of-the-art superconducting density functional theory. Our calculations reveal numerous anomalies in electronic and lattice properties, which can mostly be handled, with due care, by modern ab initio techniques. In particular, we highlight an anomalous role of spin-orbit coupling in the dynamical stability and of semicore d levels in the effective Coulomb interaction and, ultimately, the critical temperature

    Clarifying the apparent flattening of the graphene band near the van Hove singularity

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    Graphene band renormalization at the proximity of the van Hove singularity (VHS) has been investigated by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on the Li-doped quasi-freestanding graphene on the cobalt (0001) surface. The absence of graphene band hybridization with the substrate, the doping contribution well represented by a rigid energy shift and the excellent electron-electron interaction screening ensured by the metallic substrate offer a privileged point of view for such investigation. A clear ARPES signal is detected along the M point of the graphene Brillouin zone, giving rise to an apparent flattened band. By simulating the graphene spectral function from the density functional theory calculated bands, we demonstrate that the photoemission signal along the M point originates from the "shadow" of the spectral function of the unoccupied band above the Fermi level. Such interpretation put forward the absence of any additional strong correlation effects at the VHS proximity, reconciling the mean field description of the graphene band structure even in the highly doped scenario

    Superconductivity induced by gate-driven hydrogen intercalation in the charge-density-wave compound 1T-TiSe2

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    Hydrogen (H) plays a key role in the near-to-room temperature superconductivity of hydrides at megabar pressures. This suggests that H doping could have similar effects on the electronic and phononic spectra of materials at ambient pressure as well. Here, we demonstrate the non-volatile control of the electronic ground state of titanium diselenide (1T-TiSe2) via ionic liquid gating-driven H intercalation. This protonation induces a superconducting phase, observed together with a charge-density wave through most of the phase diagram, with nearly doping-independent transition temperatures. The H-induced superconducting phase is possibly gapless-like and multi-band in nature, in contrast with those induced in TiSe2 via copper, lithium, and electrostatic doping. This unique behavior is supported by ab initio calculations showing that high concentrations of H dopants induce a full reconstruction of the bandstructure, although with little coupling between electrons and high-frequency H phonons. Our findings provide a promising approach for engineering the ground state of transition metal dichalcogenides and other layered materials via gate-controlled protonation.ISSN:2399-365

    Coexisting superconductivity and charge-density wave in hydrogen-doped titanium diselenide via ionic liquid gating-induced protonation

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    The doping of correlated materials with various atomic and molecular species is a staple in the tuning and understanding of their electronic ground states and in the engineering of exotic quantum phenomena. In particular, the recent discovery of near-to-room temperature superconductivity in hydrides under pressure has highlighted the potential of hydrogen as a dopant and to tune the electronic and the phononic spectra of a material. Here, we demonstrate the non-volatile control of the electronic ground state of octahedral titanium diselenide (1T-TiSe2_2) by means of electric field-driven hydrogen intercalation via the ionic liquid gating method. We show that in Hx_xTiSe2_2 charge-density waves and superconductivity coexist through most of the phase diagram, with nearly doping-independent transition temperatures. The superconducting phase of Hx_xTiSe2_2 is gapless-like and possibly multi-band in nature, setting it apart from what observed in TiSe2_2 via electrostatic gating and copper- or lithium- intercalation. The uniqueness of hydrogen doping is supported by ab initio calculations showing that its impact is not limited to a rigid electron doping of pristine TiSe2_2, but it can attain a full reconstruction of the band structure. These findings open a new route towards high-temperature superconductivity in hydrogen-rich layered compounds at ambient pressure.Comment: Main text: 11 pages, 5 figures; Supplementary: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Atomic-scale distortions and temperature-dependent large pseudogap in thin films of the parent iron-chalcogenide superconductor Fe1+yTe

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    We investigate with scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations the surface structures and the electronic properties of Fe1+yTe thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Contrary to the regular arrangement of antiferromagnetic nanostripes previously reported on cleaved single-crystal samples, the surface of Fe1+yTe thin films displays a peculiar distribution of spatially inhomogeneous nanostripes. Both STM and DFT calculations show the bias-dependent nature of such features and support the interpretation of spin-polarized tunneling between the FeTe surface and an unintentionally magnetized tip. In addition, the spatial inhomogeneity is interpreted as a purely electronic effect related to changes in hybridization and Fe-Fe bond length driven by local variations in the concentration of excess interstitial Fe cations. Unexpectedly, the surface density of states measured by STS strongly evolves with temperature in close proximity to the antiferromagnetic-paramagnetic first-order transition, and reveals a large pseudogap of 180-250 meV at about 50-65 K. We believe that in this temperature range a phase transition takes place, and the system orders and locks into particular combinations of orbitals and spins because of the interplay between excess interstitial magnetic Fe and strongly correlated d-electrons