237 research outputs found

    Proteomic Exploration of Protein-RNA Interactions in Human Cells

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    The interactions of proteins with RNA are ubiquitous in human cell biology and fundamental to most if not all of life as we know it. Proteins and RNA interact for the purpose of gene expression, where genetic information is encoded within RNA, which serves as template for protein in messenger RNA, as scaffold for the trimming of other RNA within the spliceosome, as a catalyst for the production of protein within the ribosome, and as component of various other processes, many of which we are only beginning to understand. Central to our understanding of such processes is the interplay between proteins and RNA. Protein-RNA interactions are often disrupted by conventional extraction methods and need to be stabilized through crosslinking in order to be appreciated by transcriptomic or proteomic methodology. Crosslinking typically occurs through UV irradiation, which covalently connects protein bound to RNA. However, currently there is no universal method for the extraction of proteincrosslinked RNA available, so that insights can only be gained for certain subsets of the transcriptome or individual RNA-binding proteins, respectively. In this thesis a new method for the extraction of protein-crosslinked RNA from UV-crosslinked cells is described. In order to demonstrate the comprehensive usefulness of the approach, which was termed XRNAX, it is applied for the resolution of several proteomic and transcriptomic problems. First, XRNAX is employed for the purification of ribonucleotide-crosslinked peptides identifying known and unknown protein-RNA interfaces. Next, a comprehensive draft for the human RNA-binding proteome is derived applying XRNAX to three commonly used cell lines. The same approach is applied for the differential quantification of RNA-binding during a timeline of arseniteinduced translational arrest in human cells. Additionally, XRNAX is combined with CLIPseq to monitor the RNA exosome component EXOSC2 processing pre-ribosomal RNA during arsenite stress. At last, XRNAX is used along with TMT-SILAC in order to derive protein half-lives of the human RNA-bound proteome. Half-lives of the RNA-bound proteome are found on average 1.75 fold increased in comparison to the total proteome. For validating the stabilization of protein-RNA complexes, ribosomal assemblies are purified from human cells using polysome profiling and protein half-lives assessed with TMT-SILAC. Stabilization is confirmed, however, only for ribosomal proteins in 80S ribosomes within the 80S or polysome fractions. Further experiments interfering with ribosome biogenesis, the proteasome and autophagy are distilled into a model for the turnover of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal assemblies. In summary, this thesis describes new methodology and biological insight on protein-RNA interactions in human cells

    Russula vinosoflavescens sp. nov., from deciduous forests of Northern Alsace, France

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    Based on morphological, molecular, and ecological data, a new species of Russula sect. Russula, found on several occasions under deciduous trees in Northern Alsace is described and illustrated as: Russula vinosoflavescens, belonging to R. subsect. Sardoninae

    Presentation et applications des mesures implicites de restitution memorielle en marketing.

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    Une mesure implicite est une mesure utilisant un protocole de recueil de données non centré directement sur l'objet d'investigation. Les mesures implicites présentées dans ce papier concernent soit la restitution mémorielle d'un concept unique (i.e. la mémoire implicite) soit la restitution mémorielle d'associations (par exemple le Test d'Associations Implicites). Six domaines d'applications de ces mesures en marketing sont détaillés. Pour chaque domaine, les apports de ces mesures sont clairement identifiés. La validité de ces mesures est également abordée. La conclusion synthétise les différentes raisons d'utilisation des mesures implicites en marketing. Ces raisons concernent, d'une part, la réduction des erreurs de mesures et, d'autre part, l'étude de la cognition implicite (i.e. inconsciente).

    Customer empowerment in the face of perceived Incompetence: Effect on preference for anthropomorphized brands

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    © 2020 Elsevier Inc. Brands often tell consumers that they have power, either directly through slogans such as Burger King\u27s famous “Have it your way” or by allowing them to exert control over the purchasing process (e.g., product and service customization). Yet, not everyone may feel competent enough to handle a sudden increase in empowerment. Would then variations in perceived competence affect how power influences social interactions in the marketplace? In this research, we address this question in relation to brand anthropomorphism given managers’ widespread practice of imbuing brands with human features. In five studies, we found evidence that customer empowerment heightened a sense of social dominance and drove preference for anthropomorphized brands when feelings of competence were high. In contrast, when feelings of competence were threatened, customer empowerment drove people away from anthropomorphized brands because resentment overcame feelings of social dominance

    Président, fais moi rire ! La communication politique entre peur et humour.

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    International audienceThis research compares the impact of two attention-getting tactics in the context of the last french presidential election: humor versus fear appeals. Borrowing from the marketing communication literature, we propose a set of hypothesis within political communication and test them using a between-subject experiment. As far as attitudes are concerned, results show a moderating effect of political partisanship. Humor should be favored over fear when the message targets undecided voters or supporters whereas fear should be favored when the message targets opponents. Finally, communication habits – previous use of the attention-getting tactic by the candidate – also moderate message effectiveness such as humor is more effective when it is seldom used by the candidate, whereas fear is more effective when it is used on a regular basis.Cette communication compare l'efficacité de deux procédés d'attention : l'humour et la peur dans le cadre des élections présidentielles françaises. Sur la base des résultats mis en avant dans le domaine de la communication commerciale, un corpus d'hypothèses dans le domaine de la communication politique est formulé et testé à l'aide d'une expérimentation intersujets. En matière d'attitude, les résultats mettent en avant le rôle modérateur de l'appartenance politique. L'humour est plus efficace que la peur quand le message s'adresse aux sympathisants et aux indécis. Au contraire, la peur produit une meilleure attitude envers le message chez les opposants au candidat. Finalement, les habitudes de communication – utilisation antérieure du procédé par le candidat - modèrent également l'efficacité du message. L'humour est plus efficace lorsqu'il est utilisé ponctuellement, tandis que la peur est recommandée pour une stratégie de communication à plus long terme

    The Reinvention of Identity in Jeffrey Eugenides’s Middlesex

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    In his second novel, Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides is deep in the Greeks. If Melville in Moby Dick sets up an anthology of whaling, Eugenides builds his collection of Greekness. It may be because the Greeks found a mythical way out of the contradictions and the ambiguities that characterize the fragmented human being in search of unity through Hermaphroditus, the figure of an indivisible duality, quite appropriate to express the diverse reality of American unity. The Pulitzer-prized writer rev..

    Evaluation of a theory of instructional sequences for physics instruction

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    Background of the study is the theory of basis models of teaching and learning, a comprehensive set of teaching models which includes for example learning through discovery and problem solving. The combined use of different teaching models has not been fully investigated and it is frequently not clear under what circumstances a particular teaching model is used by teachers. In contrast, the theory of basis models of teaching and learning gives guidelines for choosing a particular teaching model and provides instructional sequences for each teaching model. Aim of the study is to investigate the implementation of the theory applied to physics instruction and to show if possible effects for the students may be attributed to the use of the theory. Therefore, a theory-oriented education program for 18 physics teachers was developed and implemented in the 2005/06 school-year. Main features of the intervention consisted of coaching physics lessons and video analysis according to the theory. The study follows a pre-treatment-post design with non-equivalent control group. Findings of repeated-measures ANOVAs show large effects for teachers’ subjective beliefs, large effects for classroom actions and small to medium effects for student outcomes such as perceived instructional quality and student emotions. The teachers/classes that applied the theory especially well according to video analysis showed the larger effects. Results of this study showed that differentiating between different teaching aims improves physics instruction. Effects can be followed through to student outcomes. The education program effect was clearer for classroom actions and students’ outcomes than for teachers’ beliefs

    Laurence W. Mazzeno. Becoming John Updike: Critical Reception, 1958-2010

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    John Updike scholarship seems to be thriving. After The John Updike Encyclopedia by Jack De Bellis (2000) another volume of encyclopedic nature has come out this year: Becoming John Updike: Critical Reception, 1958-2010 by Laurence W. Mazzeno, President Emeritus of Alvenia University, whose volumes on Austen, Dickens, Tennyson and Matthew Arnold make his latest one a classic. As its title indicates, the book presents critical reception that covers both journalistic and academic responses to U..

    Mourning and Melancholia in John Updike’s Short Story “His Mother Inside Him”

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    La nouvelle de John Updike “Sa mère en lui” explore l’amour d’objet basé sur l’ambivalence. L’amour filial pour la mère est examiné à travers les quatre concepts psychanalytiques de l’identification, l’introjection, l’incorporation et la  régression, mis en évidence par l’état de deuil et de mélancolie. Au fur et à mesure que le chagrin augmente, le fils régresse au stade infantile. Cette interprétation utilise les travaux de Freud, Abraham, Klein et Lacan et préconise la collaboration entre la psychanalyse et la littérature pour appréhender  cette  nouvelle dénuée d’intrigue, où toute l’action est psychique
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