129 research outputs found

    CD73 expression and clinical significance in human metastatic melanoma.

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    CD73 is an ectoenzyme involved in the production of adenosine. It exerts immunosuppressive and protumoral roles and has emerged as a potential immuno-oncology target. CD73 expression was detected in TC in 54% of melanoma metastases, involving < 50% TC in the majority of the cases, with variable intensity. CD73 expression was significantly associated with a lower Breslow's depth of the primary lesion and was more frequent in patients having received prior non-surgical therapies. In an adjusted analysis, CD73 expression in TC (H-score > 37.5 or intensity > 1) significantly correlated to decreased overall survival (OS) from biopsy. Of the samples containing TIMC, 35% presented CD73+ TIMC. Highly infiltrated tumors were more likely to contain CD73+ TIMC. CD73 expression in TIMC (percentage ≄1%) significantly correlated with improved OS from biopsy. Immunohistochemistry detected CD73 expression in more than half of metastatic melanomas. While CD73 expression in TC significantly correlated with decreased OS, CD73 expression in TIMC significantly associated with improved OS. These results encourage the study of anti-CD73 therapies for metastatic melanoma patients. CD73 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in metastatic melanomas from 114 patients. Immunostainings were evaluated in tumor cells (TC) (percentage, intensity (1-3) and H-score) and in tumor-infiltrating mononuclear cells (TIMC) (percentage)

    Immune and Genetic Signatures of Breast Carcinomas Triggering Anti-Yo-Associated Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) with anti-Yo antibodies is a cancer-related autoimmune disease directed against neural antigens expressed by tumor cells. A putative trigger of the immune tolerance breakdown is genetic alteration of Yo antigens. We aimed to identify the tumors' genetic and immune specificities involved in Yo-PCD pathogenesis. METHODS: Using clinicopathologic data, immunofluorescence (IF) imaging, and whole-transcriptome analysis, 22 breast cancers (BCs) associated with Yo-PCD were characterized in terms of oncologic characteristics, genetic alteration of Yo antigens, differential gene expression profiles, and morphofunctional specificities of their in situ antitumor immunity by comparing them with matched control BCs. RESULTS: Yo-PCD BCs were invasive carcinoma of no special type, which early metastasized to lymph nodes. They overexpressed human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) but were hormone receptor negative. All Yo-PCD BCs carried at least 1 genetic alteration (variation or gain in copy number) on CDR2L, encoding the main Yo antigen that was found aberrantly overexpressed in Yo-PCD BCs. Analysis of the differentially expressed genes found 615 upregulated and 54 downregulated genes in Yo-PCD BCs compared with HER2-driven control BCs without PCD. Ontology enrichment analysis found significantly upregulated adaptive immune response pathways in Yo-PCD BCs. IF imaging confirmed an intense immune infiltration with an overwhelming predominance of immunoglobulin G-plasma cells. DISCUSSION: These data confirm the role of genetic alterations of Yo antigens in triggering the immune tolerance breakdown but also outline a specific biomolecular profile in Yo-PCD BCs, suggesting a cancer-specific pathogenesis

    Prognostic value of the expression of C-Chemokine Receptor 6 and 7 and their ligands in non-metastatic breast cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chemokines and chemokine receptors are major actors of leukocytes trafficking and some have been shown to play an important role in cancer metastasis. Chemokines CCL19, CCL20 and CCL21 and their receptors CCR6 and CCR7, were assessed as potential biomarkers of metastatic dissemination in primary breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Biomarker expression levels were evaluated using immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded tissue sections of breast cancer (n = 207).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CCR6 was expressed by tumor cells in 35% of cases. CCR7 was expressed by spindle shaped stromal cells in 43% of cases but not by tumor cells in this series. CCL19 was the only chemokine found expressed in a significant number of breast cancers and was expressed by both tumor cells and dendritic cells (DC). CCR6, CCL19 and CCR7 expression correlated with histologic features of aggressive disease. CCR6 expression was associated with shorter relapse-free survival (RFS) in univariate and but not in multivariate analysis (p = 0.0316 and 0.055 respectively), and was not associated with shorter overall survival (OS). Expression of CCR7 was not significantly associated with shorter RFS or OS. The presence of CCL19-expressing DC was associated with shorter RFS in univariate and multivariate analysis (p = 0.042 and 0.020 respectively) but not with shorter OS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest a contribution of CCR6 expression on tumor cells and CCL19-expressing DC in breast cancer dissemination. In our series, unlike what was previously published, CCR7 was exclusively expressed on stromal cells and was not associated with survival.</p

    Phase II randomized preoperative window-of-opportunity study of the PI3K inhibitor pictilisib plus anastrozole compared with anastrozole alone in patients with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer

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    Purpose: Preclinical data support a key role for the PI3K pathway in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer and suggest that combining PI3K inhibitors with endocrine therapy may overcome resistance. This preoperative window study assessed whether adding the PI3K inhibitor pictilisib (GDC-0941) can increase the antitumor effects of anastrozole in primary breast cancer and aimed to identify the most appropriate patient population for combination therapy. Patients and Methods: In this randomized, open-label phase II trial, postmenopausal women with newly diagnosed operable estrogen receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative breast cancers were recruited. Participants were randomly allocated (2:1, favoring the combination) to 2 weeks of preoperative treatment with anastrozole 1 mg once per day (n = 26) or the combination of anastrozole 1 mg with pictilisib 260 mg once per day (n = 49). The primary end point was inhibition of tumor cell proliferation as measured by change in Ki-67 protein expression between tumor samples taken before and at the end of treatment. Results: There was significantly greater geometric mean Ki-67 suppression of 83.8% (one-sided 95% CI, ≄ 79.0%) for the combination and 66.0% (95% CI, ≀ 75.4%) for anastrozole (geometric mean ratio [combination: anastrozole], 0.48; 95% CI, ≀ 0.72; P = .004). PIK3CA mutations were not predictive of response to pictilisib, but there was significant interaction between response to treatment and molecular subtype (P =.03);for patients with luminal B tumors, the combination:anastrozole geometric mean ratio of Ki-67 suppression was 0.37 (95% CI, ≀ 0.67; P = .008), whereas no significant Ki-67 response was observed for pictilisib in luminal A tumors (1.01; P = .98). Multivariable analysis confirmed Ki-67 response to the combination treatment of patients with luminal B tumors irrespective of progesterone receptor status or baseline Ki-67 expression. Conclusion: Adding pictilisib to anastrozole significantly increases suppression of tumor cell proliferation in luminal B primary breast cancer

    Prognostic value of p53 gene mutations in a large series of node- negative breast cancer patients

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    The most important subgroup of breast cancer patients for which reliable prognostic factors are needed are women without axillary lymph node involvement. Although overall, these patients have a good prognosis, it is known that 20-30% will experience a recurrence of the disease. To determine the prognostic significance of P53 tumor suppressor gene mutation, specimens from 113 primary breast cancers were evaluated for the presence of P53 alterations, as detected by cDNA sequencing of the entire coding sequence of the gene. The median follow-up for patients was 105 months. P53 gene mutation was an independent prognostic marker of early relapse and death. Our results suggest that P53 gene mutations could be an important factor to identify node-negative patients who have a poor prognosis in the absence of adjuvant therapy. Prospective studies should be designed to determine which therapy should be performed in this subgroup of patients

    Mise Ă  jour des recommandations du GEFPICS pour l’évaluation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein en France

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    En Europe, les patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein invasif susceptibles de recevoir un traitement ciblĂ© anti-HER2 sont actuellement sĂ©lectionnĂ©es sur la base d’un test immunohistochimique (IHC). Les techniques d’hybridation in situ (HIS) doivent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour l’évaluation des cas IHC ambigus (2+) et pour l’étalonnage de la technique IHC. Les patientes Ă©ligibles au traitement ciblant HER2 prĂ©sentent un statut HER2 positif dĂ©fini par un test IHC 3+ ou un test 2+ amplifiĂ©. Une dĂ©tection correcte du statut HER2 est indispensable Ă  une utilisation optimale des thĂ©rapeutiques ciblĂ©es puisque leur efficacitĂ© est limitĂ©e aux patientes surexprimant HER2. Il est capital que l’évaluation du statut HER2 soit optimisĂ©e et fiable. Ces recommandations du groupe d’étude des facteurs pronostiques IHC dans le cancer du sein (GEFPICS) dĂ©taillent et commentent les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes des techniques IHC et HIS, les contrĂŽles utilisables et les rĂšgles gĂ©nĂ©rales de l’apprentissage de la lecture. Une fois acquis, ce savoir-faire doit ĂȘtre pĂ©rennisĂ© par l’observation de rĂšgles de bonnes pratiques techniques (utilisation rigoureuse de tĂ©moins internes et externes et participation rĂ©guliĂšre Ă  des programmes d’Assurance qualitĂ© [AQ])., Summary In Europe, patients who may benefit from an HER2 targeted drug are currently selected by immunohistochemistry (IHC). In situ hybridization (ISH) techniques should be used for complementary assessment of ambiguous 2+ IHC cases and for the calibration of the IHC technique. Eligibility to an HER2 target treatment is defined by an HER2 positive status being IHC test 3+ or 2+ amplified. Reliable detection of HER2 status is essential to the appropriate usage of HER2 targeted drugs because its specificity is limited to tumors overexpressing HER2. It is essential that the IHC evaluation of the HER2 status of a mammary carcinoma is optimized and reliable. This GEFPICS’ guidelines look over the different steps of the IHC technique, the controls and, the rules for interpretation. Once acquired, this knowledge must be perpetuated by the observation of rules of good technical practice (internal and external controls, quality assurance programs)

    Mise Ă  jour 2014 des recommandations du GEFPICS pour l’évaluation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein en France

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    De nouvelles recommandations internationales pour l’évaluation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein, basĂ©es sur plus de dix ans d’expĂ©rience et sur les rĂ©sultats d’études cliniques et de concordance entre les diffĂ©rentes techniques de dĂ©tection, viennent tout juste de voir le jour. Le prĂ©sent article a pour objet de faire le point sur ces nouvelles recommandations, Ă  la lumiĂšre de la publication rĂ©cente du groupe de travail de l’American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) et du CollĂšge des pathologistes amĂ©ricains (CAP), adaptĂ©es Ă  la pratique de la pathologie en France et revues par le groupe GEFPICS. À l’ùre de la mĂ©decine personnalisĂ©e, la dĂ©termination du statut HER2 reste un Ă©lĂ©ment phare dans le panel des biomarqueurs thĂ©ranostiques des cancers du sein. Si l’interprĂ©tation du statut HER2 dans les cancers du sein est aisĂ©e dans la majoritĂ© des cas, un certain nombre de situations anatomocliniques est d’interprĂ©tation plus dĂ©licate, telles que la possibilitĂ© rare mais rĂ©elle de l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© intra-tumorale du statut de HER2, les formes Ă  diffĂ©renciation micropapillaire ou la rĂ©-Ă©valuation du statut des biomarqueurs lors de la rechute mĂ©tastatique. Ces nouvelles recommandations abordent ces diffĂ©rentes questions, reprĂ©cisent les conditions prĂ©-analytiques optimales et les critĂšres d’interprĂ©tation (notamment des cas 2+), afin de rĂ©duire au maximum le risque de faux nĂ©gatifs. Plus que jamais, la mobilisation de la spĂ©cialitĂ© d’anatomo-cytopathologie autour de la qualitĂ© des tests thĂ©ranostiques tĂ©moigne de son implication dans la chaĂźne des soins en cancĂ©rologie., Summary International guidelines on HER2 determination in breast cancer have just been updated by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and College of American Pathologists (CAP), on the basis of more than ten-year practice, results of clinical trials and concordance studies. The GEFPICS group, composed of expert pathologists in breast cancer, herein presents these recommendations, adapted to the French routine practice. These guidelines highlight the possible diagnosis difficulties with regards to HER2 status determination, such as intra-tumor heterogeneity, special histological subtypes and biomarker re-evaluation during metastatic relapse. Pre-analytical issues and updated scoring criteria (especially for equivocal cases) are detailed, in order to decrease the occurrence of false negative cases. In the era of personalized medicine, pathologists are more than ever involved in the quality of oncotheranostic biomarker evaluation.

    Recommandations du GEFPICS concernant la phase prĂ©-analytique pour l’évaluation de HER2 et des rĂ©cepteurs hormonaux dans le cancer du sein : mise Ă  jour 2014

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    Les tumeurs fixĂ©es et incluses en paraffine sont quotidiennement utilisĂ©es pour l’évaluation des biomarqueurs nĂ©cessaires au traitement des patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein invasif. Les nouvelles recommandations internationales sur la phase prĂ©-analytique ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment revues, confirmant l’importance de la prise en charge optimale des prĂ©lĂšvements pour garantir des tests d’immunohistochimie ou d’hybridation in situ de qualitĂ©, quel que soit le biomarqueur envisagĂ©. Incluant les procĂ©dĂ©s de fixation et de prĂ©paration des tissus, toutes les procĂ©dures prĂ©-analytiques doivent ĂȘtre validĂ©es, standardisĂ©es et tracĂ©es. Elles nĂ©cessitent la collaboration et la formation de toutes les personnes impliquĂ©es dans le circuit du prĂ©lĂšvement, du prĂ©leveur jusqu’au technicien de pathologie et au pathologiste en passant par l’infirmiĂšre, ou le coursier. La prise en charge initiale optimale des piĂšces et une fixation de qualitĂ© sont des Ă©tapes majeures Ă  maĂźtriser dans la phase prĂ©-analytique. Cette mise Ă  jour des recommandations du groupe d’étude des facteurs pronostiques immunohistochimiques dans le cancer du sein (GEFPICS) dĂ©taille et commente les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes prĂ©-analytiques. L’observation de ces rĂšgles de bonne pratique, l’utilisation rigoureuse de tĂ©moins internes et externes et la participation rĂ©guliĂšre Ă  des programmes d’assurance qualitĂ© sont autant de garanties pour une Ă©valuation correcte et pĂ©renne des biomarqueurs oncothĂ©ranostiques., Summary Biomarker assessment of breast cancer tumor samples is part of the routine workflow of pathology laboratories. International guidelines have recently been updated, with special regards to the pre-analytical steps that are critical for the quality of immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization procedures, whatever the biomarker analyzed. Fixation and specimen handling protocols must be standardized, validated and carefully tracked. Cooperation and training of the personnel involved in the specimen workflow (e.g. radiologists, surgeons, nurses, technicians and pathologists) are of paramount importance. The GEFPICS’ update of the recommendations herein details and comments the different steps of the pre-analytical process. Application of these guidelines and participation to quality insurance programs are mandatory to ensure the correct evaluation of oncotheranostic biomarkers
