7 research outputs found

    Procena trofičkog statusa akumulacije očaga (Lazarevac, Srbija) posredstvom Carlsonovog indeksa

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    Trofički status se može definisati kao ukupna težina živog biološkog materijala (biomase) u nekom vodenom telu na određenom lokalitetu i u određeno vreme. Trofički status nekog vodenog tela može se proceniti na osnovu merenja specifičnih parametara i predstavlja biološki odgovor na spoljašnje faktore, kao što su količina nutrijenata, sezonske promene, ispaša, mešanje vode itd. Procena trofičkog statusa jezera ili akumulacije je od velikog značaja. Postoje različiti kriterijumi za procenu trofičkog stanja jezera, kao što su: koncentracija nutrijenata, produktivnost, kvantitativni i kvalitativni sastav flore i faune, dostupnost kiseonika i morfometrija jezera. Međutim, imajući u vidu da je multiparametarski indeks nepraktičan, Carlson je predložio indekse trofičkog stanja (TSIs) koji su znatno jednostavniji za upotrebu od multiparametarskog indeksa. Ovi indeksi kao bazu za klasifikaciju trofičkih stanja koriste algalnu biomasu. U tom smislu koriste se tri parametra za izračunavanje ovih indeksa: koncentracija hlorofila a, ukupni fosfor i providnost izmerena Secchi diskom. Svaka od ove tri promenljive se može koristiti za klasifikaciju statusa vodenog tela, ali je hlorofila a najznačajniji parametar s obzirom da je direktni pokazatelj algalne biomase. Opseg Carlson-ovog trofičnog indeksa obuhvata vrednosti od 0 do 100. Vrednosti ispod 40 odgovaraju oligotrofnim, od 40 do 50 mezotrofnim, od 50 do 70 eutrofnim, a preko 70 hipereutrofnim jezerima i akumulacijama. Glavna prednost ovog indeksa je što odnos između tri parametra može ukazati na određene uslove koji vladaju u datom jezeru ili akumulaciji, a tiču se faktora koji limitiraju algalnu biomasu ili utiču na izmerene parametre. Iako određivanje trofičkog statusa vode nekog vodenog tela ne treba poistovećivati sa samim kvalitetom vode, ono, svakako, predstavlja značajan aspekt istog. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je određivanje trofičkog statusa jezera Očaga na osnovu Carlson-ovog trofičnog indeksa i ispitivanje veze između izračunatih indeksa za hlorofil a (TSI(CHL)), ukupni fosfor (TSI(TP)) i providnost merenu Secchi diskom (TSI(SD)). Veštačko jezero Očaga nalazi se u blizini Lazarevca i isključivo se koristi za rekreaciju. Ispitivanje vode rađeno je jednom nedeljno tokom jula i avgusta, od 2012. do 2014. godine. Sve analize urađene su u Zavodu za javno zdravlje iz Beograda. Vrednosti dobijenih indeksa (TSIs) varirale su od 41 do 86.25, u ispitanom periodu, a jezero je menjalo status od mezotrofnog, preko eutrofnog do hipereutrofnog, pri čemu su eutrofni uslovi preovladavali. Hipereutrofija je zabeležena tokom avgusta 2013. Godine, kada su bile izmerene i najveće vrednosti sva tri parametra, što je, verovatno, rezultat organskog opterećenja vodenog ekosistema i vremenskih uslova. Prema podacima RHMZ-a, 2013. godina je bila jedna od najtoplijih i najsušnijih godina još od 1951. godine. Nasuprot tome, u avgustu 2014. godine izmerene su najmanje vrednosti svih parametara, što ukazuje na mezotrofne uslove u jezeru te godine. Mezotrofni status jezera je, verovatno, posledica velike količine padavina u prvoj polovini te godine, ali i pražnjenja i ponovnog punjenja jezera nakon majskih poplava

    Immunomodulatory components of Trichinella spiralis excretory-secretory products with lactose-binding specificity.

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    The immunomodulatory potential of Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae excretory-secretory products (ES L1) has been well documented in vitro on dendritic cells (DCs) and in animal models of autoimmune diseases. ES L1 products possess the potential to induce tolerogenic DCs and consequently trigger regulatory mechanisms that maintain immune homeostasis. The use of ES L1 as a potential treatment for various inflammatory disorders proved to be beneficial in animal models, although the precise immunomodulatory factors have not yet been identified. This study aimed at the isolation and characterization of ES L1 components that possess galectin family member properties. Galectin-1-like proteins (TsGal-1-like) were isolated from ES L1 based on the assumption of the existence of a lactose-specific carbohydrate-recognition domain and were recognized by anti-galectin-1 antibodies in Western blot. This TsGal-1-like isolate, similar to galectin-1, induced DCs with tolerogenic properties and hence, the capacity to polarize T cell response towards a regulatory type. This was reflected by a significantly increased percentage of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and significantly increased expression of IL-10 and TGF-β within this cell population. Proteomic analysis of TsGal-1-like isolate by mass spectrometry identified nineteen proteins, seven with annotated function after blast analysis against a database for T. spiralis and the UniProt database. To our surprise, none of the identified proteins possesses homology with known galectin family members. Nevertheless, the isolated components of ES L1 possess certain galectin-1 properties, such as specific lactose binding and the potential to elicit a regulatory immune response, so it would be worth further investigating the structure of sugar binding within isolated proteins and its biological significance

    The effect of meteorological and chemical parameters on summer phytoplankton assemblages in an urban recreational lake

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    The summer phytoplankton community was studied across both vertical and temporal scales in relation to environmental factors in the shallowrecreational Sava Lake. The sampling was conducted weekly at four depths from mid-July until mid-September 2014, in order to detect short-term changes within the assemblages. Besides physical and chemical parameters, meteorological data was also included in the investigation, as that year was characterized with extreme rainfall, which caused serious flooding in the region. The community succession was characterized by a reverse in the cyanobacteria (Codon M) and chlorococcal green algae (Coda F and J). Statistical analyses (RDA) indicated that changes in the community composition and successional pattern could have been due to the mixing regime variations in the reservoir, most likely induced by weather disturbances, especially high precipitation and wind events. These events did not permit massive cyanobacterial development, although they most likely caused resuspension of dissolved phosphorus from the sediment. When observing functional groups, three groups could be distinguished by their response to the above-mentioned parameters: the first prefers high temperature and insolation(Lm, Y, Lo, Xph, W2andM), the second is correlated with precipitation and wind (Td, C, K, MP and X2), while the third group tolerates cloudiness (H1, F, N, X1, D, J and P)

    Modal hedges in para-pharmaceutical product instructions: some examples from English and Serbian

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    The paper investigates how modal hedges (Coates 1983) understood as expressions of procedural meaning, i.e. expressions which instruct the addressee/reader how to process the propositional content of an utterance/statement (Watts 2004) are used in product descriptions, advertisements and consumer instructions leaflets for a number of products belonging to the Consumer Health Care category for the purposes of complying with consumer protection laws on the one hand and serving as an implicit disclaimer of manufacturer’s responsibility on the other. The analysis is carried out contrastively for two languages, English and Serbian. The results obtained are discussed and viewed as a matter of cultural variety and difference, especially taking into consideration the fact that consumer protection laws seem to be equally strict in US, UK and Commonwealth, Europe and Serbia.

    Periphyton Developed on Artificial Substrates: Effect of Substrate Type and Incubation Depth

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of substrate type and incubation depth on periphyton that had developed on artificial substrates. Uniform rectangular tiles made out of artificial substrates: glass, ceramic, willow tree and yew tree, were fixed on a floating buoy and deployed at three different depths in a photic zone of the Sava Lake (Belgrade, Serbia). Non-taxonomic attributes in the developed biofilm were estimated week-by-week from the start of the experiment in July, until its end in September 2014. Through assessment of substrate type and depth of incubation effect we concluded that these parameters for the fact influence periphyton development and composition. Glass was preferred by autotrophic component over ceramic and wooden substrates. In general, substrate type effect was diminished by increasing incubation depth. When non-taxonomic parameters are to be used in biomonitoring studies, our results suggest that glass substrate and shallow layer of water column (up to 50 cm) for incubation should be preferred

    Structure and succession of periphyton in an urban reservoir: artificial substrate specificity

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    Substrate specificity of the periphyton community is usually underestimated in both periphyton ecology and biomonitoring studies, thus different kinds of both natural and artificial substrates (of organic and inorganic origin) are employed. Periphyton colonization and successional trajectories are particularly debatable processes when different kinds of substrates are considered. In our field experiment, we deployed four kinds of artificial substrates (two inorganic ones - glass and ceramic, and two organic ones - willow and yew wooden tiles) for the development of periphyton in an urban reservoir referred to as Lake Savsko (Belgrade, Serbia). We comparatively investigated the structure, colonization process, diversity and successional trajectories of periphyton. We also assessed the relationship between the dynamics of algae growth forms (ecological groups) on different substrates and selected abiotic limnological factors. Our objective was to determine whether the type of substrate affects periphyton characteristics at various levels and whether an artificial substrate potentially affects the bioindication capacity of ecological groups. We concluded that all substrates behave similarly at the level of structure and colonization phases, but when considering diversity and successional trajectories, the substrate specificity was demonstrated. Our results suggest that communities developed on inert substrates (glass and ceramic) could provide more realistic insight into complex environmental changes

    Applications for zoosporic parasites in aquatic systems (ParAqua)

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    Zoosporic parasites (i.e. fungi and fungi-like aquatic microorganisms) constitute important drivers of natural populations, causing severe host mortality. Economic impacts of parasitic diseases are notable in the microalgae biotech industry, affecting production of food ingredients, biofuels, pharma- and nutraceuticals.While scientific research on this topic is gaining traction by increasing studies elucidating the functional role of zoosporic parasites in natural ecosystems, we are currently lacking integrated and interdisciplinary efforts for effectively detecting and controlling parasites in the microalgae industry. To fill this gap we propose to establish an innovative, dynamic European network connecting scientists, industries and stakeholders to optimize information exchange, equalize access to resources and to develop a joint research agenda. ParAqua aims at compiling and making available all information on the occurrence of zoosporic parasites and their relationship with hosts, elucidate drivers and evaluate impacts of parasitism in natural and man-made aquatic environments. We aim to implement new tools for monitoring and prevention of infections, and to create protocols and a Decision Support Tool for detecting and controlling parasites in the microalgae biotech production. Applied knowledge on zoosporic parasites can feed back from industry to ecology, and we therefore will explore whether the developed tools can be applied for monitoring lakes and reservoirs. Short-Term Scientific Missions and Training Schools will be organised specifically for early stage scientists and managers – with a specific focus on ITC – with the aim to share and integrate both scientific and applied expertise and increase exchange between basic and applied researchers and stakeholders