333 research outputs found

    Optimizing genomic medicine in epilepsy through a gene-customized approach to missense variant interpretation

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    Gene panel and exome sequencing have revealed a high rate of molecular diagnoses among diseases where the genetic architecture has proven suitable for sequencing approaches, with a large number of distinct and highly penetrant causal variants identified among a growing list of disease genes. The challenge is, given the DNA sequence of a new patient, to distinguish disease-causing from benign variants. Large samples of human standing variation data highlight regional variation in the tolerance to missense variation within the protein-coding sequence of genes. This information is not well captured by existing bioinformatic tools, but is effective in improving variant interpretation. To address this limitation in existing tools, we introduce the missense tolerance ratio (MTR), which summarizes available human standing variation data within genes to encapsulate population level genetic variation. We find that patient-ascertained pathogenic variants preferentially cluster in low MTR regions (P < 0.005) of well-informed genes. By evaluating 20 publicly available predictive tools across genes linked to epilepsy, we also highlight the importance of understanding the empirical null distribution of existing prediction tools, as these vary across genes. Subsequently integrating the MTR with the empirically selected bioinformatic tools in a gene-specific approach demonstrates a clear improvement in the ability to predict pathogenic missense variants from background missense variation in disease genes. Among an independent test sample of case and control missense variants, case variants (0.83 median score) consistently achieve higher pathogenicity prediction probabilities than control variants (0.02 median score; Mann-Whitney U test, P < 1 × 10(-16)). We focus on the application to epilepsy genes; however, the framework is applicable to disease genes beyond epilepsy

    Tonic Activation of GluN2C/GluN2D-Containing NMDA Receptors by Ambient Glutamate Facilitates Cortical Interneuron Maturation

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    Developing cortical GABAergic interneurons rely on genetic programs, neuronal activity, and environmental cuesto construct inhibitory circuits during early postnatal development. Disruption of these events can cause long-term changes in cortical inhibition and may be involved in neurological disorders associated with inhibitory circuit dysfunction. We hypothesized that tonic glutamate signaling in the neonatal cortex contributesto, and is necessary for,the maturation of cortical interneurons. Totestthis hypothesis, we used mice of both sexes to quantify extracellular glutamate concentrations in the cortex during development, measure ambient glutamate-mediated activation of developing cortical interneurons, and manipulatetonic glutamate signaling using subtype-specific NMDA receptor antagonists in vitro and in vivo. We report that ambient glutamate levels are high (100 nM) in the neonatal cortex and decrease (to 50 nM) during the first weeks of life, coincident with increases in astrocytic glutamate uptake. Consistent with elevated ambient glutamate, putative parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the cortex (identified using G42:GAD1-eGFP reporter mice) exhibit a transient, tonic NMDA current at the end of the first postnatal week. GluN2C/GluN2D-containing NMDA receptors mediate the majority of this current and contribute to the resting membrane potential and intrinsic properties of developing putative parvalbumin interneurons. Pharmacological blockade of GluN2C/GluN2D-containing NMDA receptors in vivo during the period of tonic interneuron activation, but not later, leads to lasting decreases in interneuron morphological complexity and causes deficits in cortical inhibition later in life. These results demonstrate that dynamic ambient glutamate signaling contributes to cortical interneuron maturation via tonic activation of GluN2C/ GluN2D-containing NMDA receptor

    A structurally derived model of subunit‐dependent NMDA receptor function

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    NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are tetrameric complexes comprising two glycine‐binding GluN1 and two glutamate‐binding GluN2 subunits. Four GluN2 subunits encoded by different genes can produce up to 10 different di‐ and triheteromeric receptors. In addition, some neurological patients contain a de novo mutation or inherited rare variant in only one subunit. There is currently no mechanistic framework to describe tetrameric receptor function that can be extended to receptors with two different GluN1 or GluN2 subunits. Here we use the structural features of glutamate receptors to develop a mechanism describing both single channel and macroscopic NMDAR currents. We propose that each agonist‐bound subunit undergoes some rate‐limiting conformational change after agonist binding, prior to channel opening. We hypothesize that this conformational change occurs within a triad of interactions between a short helix preceding the M1 transmembrane helix, the highly conserved M3 motif encoded by the residues SYTANLAAF, and the linker preceding the M4 transmembrane helix of the adjacent subunit. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that pre‐M1 helix motion is uncorrelated between subunits, which we interpret to suggest independent subunit‐specific conformational changes may influence these pre‐gating steps. According to this interpretation, these conformational changes are the main determinants of the key kinetic properties of NMDA receptor activation following agonist binding, and so these steps sculpt their physiological role. We show that this structurally derived tetrameric model describes both single channel and macroscopic data, giving a new approach to interpreting functional properties of synaptic NMDARs that provides a logical framework to understanding receptors with non‐identical subunits

    Fast Inhibition of Glutamate-Activated Currents by Caffeine

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    Background: Caffeine stimulates calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) in many cell types. In neurons, caffeine stimulates CICR presynaptically and thus modulates neurotransmitter release. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique we found that caffeine (20 mM) reversibly increased the frequency and decreased the amplitude of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) in neocortical neurons. The increase in mEPSC frequency is consistent with a presynaptic mechanism. Caffeine also reduced exogenously applied glutamate-activated currents, confirming a separate postsynaptic action. This inhibition developed in tens of milliseconds, consistent with block of channel currents. Caffeine (20 mM) did not reduce currents activated by exogenous NMDA, indicating that caffeine block is specific to non-NMDA type glutamate receptors. Conclusions/Significance: Caffeine-induced inhibition of mEPSC amplitude occurs through postsynaptic block of non-NMDA type ionotropic glutamate receptors. Caffeine thus has both pre and postsynaptic sites of action at excitatory synapses

    Block of NMDA receptor channels by endogenous neurosteroids: implications for the agonist induced conformational states of the channel vestibule

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    N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) mediate synaptic plasticity, and their dysfunction is implicated in multiple brain disorders. NMDARs can be allosterically modulated by numerous compounds, including endogenous neurosteroid pregnanolone sulfate. Here, we identify the molecular basis of the use-dependent and voltage-independent inhibitory effect of neurosteroids on NMDAR responses. The site of action is located at the extracellular vestibule of the receptor's ion channel pore and is accessible after receptor activation. Mutations in the extracellular vestibule in the SYTANLAAF motif disrupt the inhibitory effect of negatively charged steroids. In contrast, positively charged steroids inhibit mutated NMDAR responses in a voltage-dependent manner. These results, in combination with molecular modeling, characterize structure details of the open configuration of the NMDAR channel. Our results provide a unique opportunity for the development of new therapeutic neurosteroid-based ligands to treat diseases associated with dysfunction of the glutamate system

    TARP Îł-7 selectively enhances synaptic expression of calcium-permeable AMPARs

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    Regulation of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) is crucial in normal synaptic function and neurological disease states. Although transmembrane AMPAR regulatory proteins (TARPs) such as stargazin (γ-2) modulate the properties of calcium-impermeable AMPARs (CI-AMPARs) and promote their synaptic targeting, the TARP-specific rules governing CP-AMPAR synaptic trafficking remain unclear. We used RNA interference to manipulate AMPAR-subunit and TARP expression in γ-2–lacking stargazer cerebellar granule cells—the classic model of TARP deficiency. We found that TARP γ-7 selectively enhanced the synaptic expression of CP-AMPARs and suppressed CI-AMPARs, identifying a pivotal role of γ-7 in regulating the prevalence of CP-AMPARs. In the absence of associated TARPs, both CP-AMPARs and CI-AMPARs were able to localize to synapses and mediate transmission, although their properties were altered. Our results also establish that TARPed synaptic receptors in granule cells require both γ-2 and γ-7 and reveal an unexpected basis for the loss of AMPAR-mediated transmission in stargazer mice

    An Alternating GluN1-2-1-2 Subunit Arrangement in Mature NMDA Receptors

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    NMDA receptors (NMDARs) form glutamate-gated ion channels that play a critical role in CNS physiology and pathology. Together with AMPA and kainate receptors, NMDARs are known to operate as tetrameric complexes with four membrane-embedded subunits associating to form a single central ion-conducting pore. While AMPA and some kainate receptors can function as homomers, NMDARs are obligatory heteromers composed of homologous but distinct subunits, most usually of the GluN1 and GluN2 types. A fundamental structural feature of NMDARs, that of the subunit arrangement around the ion pore, is still controversial. Thus, in a typical NMDAR associating two GluN1 and two GluN2 subunits, there is evidence for both alternating 1/2/1/2 and non-alternating 1/1/2/2 arrangements. Here, using a combination of electrophysiological and cross-linking experiments, we provide evidence that functional GluN1/GluN2A receptors adopt the 1/2/1/2 arrangement in which like subunits are diagonal to one another. Moreover, based on the recent crystal structure of an AMPA receptor, we show that in the agonist-binding and pore regions, the GluN1 subunits occupy a “proximal” position, closer to the central axis of the channel pore than that of GluN2 subunits. Finally, results obtained with reducing agents that differ in their membrane permeability indicate that immature (intracellular) and functional (plasma-membrane inserted) pools of NMDARs can adopt different subunit arrangements, thus stressing the importance of discriminating between the two receptor pools in assembly studies. Elucidating the quaternary arrangement of NMDARs helps to define the interface between the subunits and to understand the mechanism and pharmacology of these key signaling receptors

    ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels Exhibit Variance in the Number of Open Channels below the Limit Predicted for Identical and Independent Gating

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    In small cells containing small numbers of ion channels, noise due to stochastic channel opening and closing can introduce a substantial level of variability into the cell's membrane potential. Negatively cooperative interactions that couple a channel's gating conformational change to the conformation of its neighbor(s) provide a potential mechanism for mitigating this variability, but such interactions have not previously been directly observed. Here we show that heterologously expressed ATP-sensitive potassium channels generate noise (i.e., variance in the number of open channels) below the level possible for identical and independent channels. Kinetic analysis with single-molecule resolution supports the interpretation that interchannel negative cooperativity (specifically, the presence of an open channel making a closed channel less likely to open) contributes to the decrease in noise. Functional coupling between channels may be important in modulating stochastic fluctuations in cellular signaling pathways

    Pin1-dependent signaling negatively affects GABAergic transmission by modulating neuroligin2/gephyrin interaction

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    The cell adhesion molecule Neuroligin2 (NL2) is localized selectively at GABAergic synapses, where it interacts with the scaffolding protein gephyrin in the post-synaptic density. However, the role of this interaction for formation and plasticity of GABAergic synapses is unclear. Here, we demonstrate that endogenous NL2 undergoes proline-directed phosphorylation at its unique S714-P consensus site, leading to the recruitment of the peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase Pin1. This signalling cascade negatively regulates NL2' s ability to interact with gephyrin at GABAergic post-synaptic sites. As a consequence, enhanced accumulation of NL2, gephyrin and GABA A receptors was detected at GABAergic synapses in the hippocampus of Pin1-knockout mice (Pin1\ufffd/\ufffd) associated with an increase in amplitude of spontaneous GABA A -mediated post-synaptic currents. Our results suggest that Pin1-dependent signalling represents a mechanism to modulate GABAergic transmission by regulating NL2/gephyrin interaction. \ufffd 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    D1R/GluN1 complexes in the striatum integrate dopamine and glutamate signalling to control synaptic plasticity and cocaine-induced responses.

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    Convergent dopamine and glutamate signalling onto the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway in medium spiny neurons (MSNs) of the striatum controls psychostimulant-initiated adaptive processes underlying long-lasting behavioural changes. We hypothesised that the physical proximity of dopamine D1 (D1R) and glutamate NMDA (NMDAR) receptors, achieved through the formation of D1R/NMDAR complexes, may act as a molecular bridge that controls the synergistic action of dopamine and glutamate on striatal plasticity and behavioural responses to drugs of abuse. We found that concomitant stimulation of D1R and NMDAR drove complex formation between endogenous D1R and the GluN1 subunit of NMDAR. Conversely, preventing D1R/GluN1 association with a cell-permeable peptide (TAT-GluN1C1) left individual D1R and NMDAR-dependent signalling intact, but prevented D1R-mediated facilitation of NMDAR-calcium influx and subsequent ERK activation. Electrophysiological recordings in striatal slices from mice revealed that D1R/GluN1 complexes control the D1R-dependent enhancement of NMDAR currents and long-term potentiation in D1R-MSN. Finally, intra-striatal delivery of TAT-GluN1C1 did not affect acute responses to cocaine but reduced behavioural sensitization. Our findings uncover D1R/GluN1 complexes as a major substrate for the dopamine-glutamate interaction in MSN that is usurped by addictive drugs to elicit persistent behavioural alterations. They also identify D1R/GluN1 complexes as molecular targets with a therapeutic potential for the vast spectrum of psychiatric diseases associated with an imbalance between dopamine and glutamate transmission
