8 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Specificity of Two Dengue Virus IgG ELISAs after Yellow Fever and Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccination

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    Dengue virus (DENV) antibody assays frequently cross-react with sera from individuals who have been infected with or vaccinated against related flaviviruses. The goal of this study was to determine the specificity of two DENV ELISAs with sera from individuals vaccinated against yellow fever virus (YFV) and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). The Panbio and the Novatec Dengue IgG ELISAs were tested with sera obtained 3–4 weeks or 0.5–6 years after YFV or JEV vaccination and the diagnostic specificity of the assays was determined. As controls, the sera were tested using DENV, YFV, JEV, Zika and West Nile virus neutralization assays. The diagnostic specificity of the Panbio and the Novatec ELISA with sera from YFV-vaccinated subjects was 98.2% and 88.2%, respectively. Cross-reactions were rare in the first 4 weeks despite high YFV-neutralizing antibody titers and were mostly found later. The specificity of the Panbio and Novatec assays with sera from JEV-vaccinated individuals was 100% and 92.9%. Cross-reactions occurred in the early time period after vaccination. The measurement values of the two ELISAs correlated strongly. Thus, the Panbio ELISA showed higher diagnostic specificity and may be suitable for seroprevalence studies in areas with high disease prevalence

    Infektionsmedizinische und chirurgische Herausforderungen durch Carbapenem-resistente bakterielle Erreger bei der Versorgung Kriegsverletzter aus der Ukraine

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    Aufgrund von Hygienedefiziten und dem sehr breiten, kalkulierten Antibiotikaeinsatz bei zeit¬gleich offener Wundbehandlung in ukrainischen Militärkrankenhäusern ist das Risiko für schwerwiegende Wundinfektionen mit multiresis¬tenten Erregern (MRE) bei Übernahme ziviler Kriegsopfer hoch. Insofern kommt der Surveillance mit risikoadaptiertem Screening auf MRE, welches am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig seit 2012 durchgeführt wird, eine große Bedeutung zu. Es werden die Komplexität der Versorgung Kriegsverletzter aus der Ukraine sowie die damit einhergehenden Infektions- und Resistenzprobleme dargestellt und auf die Notwendigkeit eines interdisziplinären und -professionellen Managements hingewiesen.Peer Reviewe

    Schistosoma and Other Relevant Helminth Infections in HIV-Positive Individuals—An Overview

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    For many years, researchers have postulated that helminthic infections may increase susceptibility to HIV, and that immune activation may have contributed to the extensive spread of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. In the meantime, immunological studies have provided some evidence in support of this hypothesis, while cross-sectional clinical studies were able to further support the assumed association between HIV infection and selected helminthic co-infections. However, as many of the helminthic infections relevant to HIV-infected patients belong to the group of “neglected tropical diseases”, as defined by the World Health Organization, a certain lack of attention has inhibited progress in fully scaling up treatment and prevention efforts. In addition, despite the fact that the challenges of co-infections have preoccupied clinicians for over two decades, relevant research questions remain unanswered. The following review aims to provide a concise overview of associations between HIV and selected helminthic co-infections concerning aspects of HIV acquisition and transmission, clinical and immunological findings in co-infected individuals, as well as treatment and prevention efforts

    Diagnostic Specificity of Two Dengue Virus IgG ELISAs after Yellow Fever and Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccination

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    Dengue virus (DENV) antibody assays frequently cross-react with sera from individuals who have been infected with or vaccinated against related flaviviruses. The goal of this study was to determine the specificity of two DENV ELISAs with sera from individuals vaccinated against yellow fever virus (YFV) and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). The Panbio and the Novatec Dengue IgG ELISAs were tested with sera obtained 3–4 weeks or 0.5–6 years after YFV or JEV vaccination and the diagnostic specificity of the assays was determined. As controls, the sera were tested using DENV, YFV, JEV, Zika and West Nile virus neutralization assays. The diagnostic specificity of the Panbio and the Novatec ELISA with sera from YFV-vaccinated subjects was 98.2% and 88.2%, respectively. Cross-reactions were rare in the first 4 weeks despite high YFV-neutralizing antibody titers and were mostly found later. The specificity of the Panbio and Novatec assays with sera from JEV-vaccinated individuals was 100% and 92.9%. Cross-reactions occurred in the early time period after vaccination. The measurement values of the two ELISAs correlated strongly. Thus, the Panbio ELISA showed higher diagnostic specificity and may be suitable for seroprevalence studies in areas with high disease prevalence

    Performance of a SARS CoV-2 antibody ELISA based on simultaneous measurement of antibodies against the viral nucleoprotein and receptor-binding domain

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    SARS CoV-2 antibody assays measure antibodies against the viral nucleoprotein (NP) or spike protein. The study examined if testing of antibodies against both antigens increases the diagnostic sensitivity. Sera (N=98) from infected individuals were tested with ELISAs based on the NP, receptor-binding domain (RBD), or both proteins. The AUROCs were 0.958 (NP), 0.991 (RBD), and 0.992 (NP/RBD). The RBD- and NP/RBD-based ELISAs showed better performance than the NP-based assay. Simultaneous testing for antibodies against NP and RBD increased the number of true and false positives. If maximum diagnostic sensitivity is required, the NP/RBD-based ELISA is preferable. Otherwise, the RBD-based ELISA is sufficient

    Techniques for the Reduction of Iron Ores, Apart from the Blast Furnace

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