8 research outputs found

    Atomic surrounding of Co implanted in AlN at high energy

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    AlN bulk ceramic has been implanted with energetic Co ions. In order to accurately characterise the atomic surrounding of the implanted ions, X-ray absorption measurements were carried out at 80 K in the fluorescence mode at the Co K edge in the as-implanted and annealed states. Simulation of the EXAFS oscillations allowed us to identify a first stage where Co is inserted in the AlN matrix followed by a second stage where Co precipitates form.Fil: Traverse, Agnès. Lure, Universidad Paris-sud; FranciaFil: Delobbe, Anne. Lure, Universidad Paris-sud; FranciaFil: Zanghi, Didier. Lure, Universidad Paris-sud; FranciaFil: Rentería, Mario. Lure, Universidad Paris-sud; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Física La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Física La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gailhanou, Marc. Lure, Universidad Paris-sud; Franci

    La conquête de Soleil

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    Soleil, source de lumière élaborée au Lure, laboratoire d’Orsay, entre 1989 et1999, voit son évolution stoppée par décision du ministre de la Recherche en août 1999. Il faudra un peu plus d’un an de mobilisation des communautés scientifiques nationales et internationales pour inverser la décision. La construction du laboratoire Soleil démarre en 2000 sur le plateau de Saclay et les premiers faisceaux sont extraits en 2006. L’article relate les étapes de cette gestation. Il décrit également les problèmes posés aux personnels par le statut de société civile adopté pour ce grand instrument.The SOLEIL facility, a light source designed in LURE, Orsay laboratory, between 1989 and 1999, has been given up by a governmental decision in august 1999. The national and international scientific communities joined together to change the decision. The building of the laboratory itself started in 2000 and the first beams were extracted in 2006. This article summarizes the construction stages of the french synchrotron center and also describes the problems induced on the employees by the status of public company.

    Structural investigations of Co/ZrO 2 discontinuous multilayers by x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy

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    International audienceX-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is used to probe the evolution of the local order around the cobalt atoms in Co/ZrO 2 discontinuous multilayers as a function of the nominal Co layer thickness. A decrease of the mean number of Co nearest neighbours around Co atoms is observed as the Co layer nominal thickness decreases. XAS analysis is made according to a justified simple model based on two possible Co sites referred to as metallic (cobalt coordinated) and oxide (oxygen coordinated) sites. XAS results are in agreement with the results obtained by other structural characterizations using transmission electron microscopy and by magnetic and transport measurements showing the morphological evolution of the Co layers from the discontinuous state (multilayer of Co nanoparticles embedded in the oxide) to the continuous one by increasing the Co nominal thickness. 1. Introduction The spin dependent tunnel effect has attracted great interest in the last seven years. Besides its fundamental aspect, the tunnel magnetoresistance (MR) of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) could be useful for applications, especially in magnetic random access memories [1-4]. As MTJ(two continuous ferromagnetic electrodes separated by an insulating layer),ferromagnetic nanoparticles embedded in an insulating matrix also exhibit tunnel MR but with a weaker amplitude [1, 5-7]. In order to obtain high MR sensitivity in metal/oxide systems, the ferromagnetic particles can be arranged to form discontinuous multilayers (DCM) [8, 9]. Compared to MTJ, DCM are easier to prepare by physical vapour deposition such as sputtering. Besides the intrinsic physical properties of the magnetic metal and of the oxide, the local atomic order at the metal-oxide interface has been shown to have a strong influence on the spin dependent tunnel mechanisms, in particular on the polarization rate of the tunnelling electrons [10, 11]. Dispersion of the metallic species into the insulating matrix may lead to a drastic change in the magnetic and electronic properties of the metal/oxide/metal device. Moreover, the relative orientation of the magnetic moments of neighbouring particles, which is modified by the applied magnetic field H, also determines the shape of the MR variation [12]. As a result, the variation of the magnetization and of the electrical resistance of the DCM with H is mostly governed by the morphology of the nanogranular metal-oxide layers. This paper presents the results of the characterization of the local structure around the Co atoms and of the morphology of the Co layers in Co/ZrO2 multilayers as a function of the nominal deposited metal thickness (λ) and deposition rate (v). We compare the results obtained by several techniques which are sensitive to different length scales, from 1 to a few tens of Å. The central technique of this study is x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), which appears to be particularly suitable for such systems without long-range order and composed of nanometric particles [13]. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) investigations have been performed at the Co K-edge to probe the structural local environment of the Co atoms. A quantitative analysis of the EXAFS data allows the determination of the nature and the number of nearest atomic neighbours (NN) at distance R from the probed central Co atoms, and the so-called Debye-Waller (DW) factor, corresponding to the mean-square relative displacement of the R distribution. In this paper the sensitivity of the EXAFS signal to the morphology of this nanoscaled metallic layer is stressed. Moreover, the investigation of the pre-edge and XANES features provides information about the electronic structure of the Co atoms and the number that are located in metallic sites. Both structural and morphological results from XAS analyses are compared to those deduced from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs and transport and magnetic measurements