139 research outputs found

    Una experiencia de aprendizaje cooperativo basado en proyectos en una asignatura de diseño de interfaces de usuario

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    Hoy en día el diseño de la interacción tiene profundas implicaciones en la vida diaria de cada vez más gente. Dado este importante alcance del diseño, las asignaturas de disciplinas relacionadas con la interacción deben perseguir cubrir no sólo contenidos puramente técnicos sino también formación en otras cuestiones profesionales. Además, los estudiantes con formación en ingeniería tienen un fuerte sesgo técnico y una baja motivación hacia el lado humano de la interacción persona-ordenador. Otra preocupación es la de las limitaciones temporales que pueden estar asociadas con una asignatura sobre diseño de interacción, lo cual origina un conflicto debido a los muchos e interesantes temas y técnicas que pueden estudiarse en la disciplina de la interacción persona-ordenador. En este artículo se describe un marco de Aprendizaje Cooperativo basado en proyectos que se propone para afrontar estas y otras dificultades que han surgido en una asignatura de diseño de interfaces de usuario que se ha estado impartiendo durante seis años a estudiantes de tercero de ingeniería informática en la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón, España. El problema de las limitaciones temporales se ha resuelto mediante una cuidadosa selección de contenidos, que han evolucionado iterativamente a lo largo de varios años al ir considerando diferentes aspectos, incluyendo las preocupaciones detectadas en los estudiantes. En este sentido se han promocionado habilidades profesionales como el trabajo en equipo y se han enfatizado aspectos de diseño de interfaces por encima de cuestiones de programación de entornos gráficos. Tanto los estudiantes como los profesores consideran la experiencia positiva. Aunque puede resultar más exigente que las clases y metodologías tradicionales, también puede ser, ciertamente, mucho más efectiva en cuanto que permite a los estudiantes no sólo aprender contenidos sino también desarrollar habilidades y actitudes de utilidad tanto académica como profesional. Creemos que la experiencia de aprendizaje propuesta, basada en proyectos y orientada al trabajo en equipo, puede resultar útil, inspiradora o estimulante para otros educadores.Today, interaction design has deep implications on the daily lives of a growing number of people. Given this important scope of design, the subjects in disciplines related with interaction must seek to cover not only purely technical contents but also training in other professional matters. Furthermore, students with training in engineering have a strong technical bias and little inclination towards the human side of person-computer interaction. Another concern is that of the time restraints that may be associated with a subject on interaction design, which gives rise to a conflict due to the fact that there are many interesting topics and techniques that can be studied in the discipline of person-computer interaction. In this paper we describe a Cooperative Learning framework based on projects that is proposed as a way to overcome these and other difficulties that have arisen in a subject on user interface design that has been taught for the last six years to students in the third year of their computer engineering degree at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón, Spain. The problem of the time restraints was resolved by carefully selecting the contents and submitting them to a continual process of development over several years. This ongoing revision has considered different aspects, including the concerns expressed by the students themselves. In this regard, an effort has been made to promote professional skills such as teamwork and emphasis has been placed on aspects of interface design that go beyond merely programming graphic environments. Both students and teachers consider it to be a positive experience. Although this system may be more demanding than traditional classes and methodologies, it can also be far more effective, since it not only allows students to learn contents but also to develop skills and attitudes that are academically and professionally useful to them. We believe that the learning experience proposed here, based on projects and oriented towards working in teams, can be useful, inspiring or stimulating for other educators

    Analysis of single‑ and dual‑dictionary strategies in pedestrian classifcation

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    Sparse coding has recently been a hot topic in visual tasks in image processing and computer vision. It has applications and brings benefts in reconstruction-like tasks and in classifcation-like tasks as well. However, regarding binary classifcation problems, there are several choices to learn and use dictionaries that have not been studied. In particular, how single-dictionary and dual-dictionary approaches compare in terms of classifcation performance is largely unexplored. We compare three single-dictionary strategies and two dual-dictionary strategies for the problem of pedestrian classifcation (“pedestrian” vs “background” images). In each of these fve cases, images are represented as the sparse coefcients induced from the respective dictionaries, and these coefcients are the input to a regular classifer both for training and subsequent classifcation of novel unseen instances. Experimental results with the INRIA pedestrian dataset suggest, on the one hand, that dictionaries learned from only one of the classes, even from the background class, are enough for obtaining competitive good classifcation performance. On the other hand, while better performance is generally obtained when instances of both classes are used for dictionary learning, the representation induced by a single dictionary learned from a set of instances from both classes provides comparable or even superior performance over the representations induced by two dictionaries learned separately from the pedestrian and background classes


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    [EN] This work of degree aims to know in depth and documenting the work of the Valencian painter Peiró Coronado (1932- 2011). The study this raised around a collection documentary on the life and works of the artist supported by interviews with people close to Peiró,among other sources such as the bibliographic or audiovisual, and thus, place it in its sociocultural context. On the other hand, is essential in the study of the work to analyze the narrative of the work , the intention of the artist around the message and to your viewer, the meaning of his work and the outcome of the same. It is indispensable to know closely and with accuracy the intention of the artist and obtain a firm structure of what unmoveable in their works. Will extend also in the physical character of the work, studied the main techniques and resources used by the artist,with the intention that it will serve as this collection of support for future interventions or consultations on the work.[ES] Este trabajo de grado pretende conocer en profundidad y documentar la obra del pintor valenciano Peiró Coronado (1932- 2011). El estudio esta planteado en torno a una recopilación documental de la vida y obra del artista apoyada por entrevistas a gente cercana a Peiró,entre otras fuentes como la bibliográfica o audiovisual, y así, situarlo en su contexto sociocultural. Por otra parte, es fundamental en el estudio de la obra analizar la narrativa de la obra , la intención del artista en torno al mensaje y a su espectador, el significado de su obra, y el resultado del mismo. Es indispensable conocer de cerca y con exactitud la intención del artista y obtener una estructura firme de lo inamovible en sus obras. Se adentrará también en el carácter físico de la obra, estudiado las técnicas y recursos principales utilizados por el artista,con la intención de que sirva esta recopilación de apoyo para futuras intervenciones o consultas sobre la obra.Traver Vicente, B. (2018). ESTUDIO CONSERVATIVO DE PEIRÓ CORONADO ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/109325TFG

    Propuesta de Arquitectura de Referencia de Sistemas de e-Salud y e-Inclusión

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    Las organizaciones necesitan adaptarse cada vez más de una manera más flexible a un entorno en el que cambian permanentemente los requisitos del usuario y los objetivos de negocio y especialmente, en un ámbito como el sociosanitario. Esto requiere capacidad de influir en todas las actividades del ciclo de vida de un sistema TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación), desde la organización estructural hasta la infraestructura de redes [DOE03]. Para ello, es esencial la existencia de una metodología y una arquitectura que permita la descripción y visualización del sistema desde diferentes dominios y sus relaciones con los actores en los ámbitos de la e-salud y la e-inclusión . Actualmente, grandes y medianas organizaciones son ya conscientes del problema que supone carecer de un marco arquitectural de referencia para sus sistemas. La tesis pretende resolver este problema con la propuesta de una metodología, una arquitectura marco de referencia y una serie de herramientas para uso de los diferentes actores en las diversas fases por las que pasa un sistema durante su ciclo de vida. Para ello, se presentan los resultados de esta tesis, plasmados en: o un estudio del estado del arte alrededor de la e-salud y la e-inclusión, sus sistemas software y sus arquitecturas; o una propuesta de marco de referencia arquitectural en el ámbito de los sistemas sociosanitarios, que incluye las plantillas para documentar dicha arquitectura; o una descripción de dos sistemas, HEALTHMATE y CONFIDENT haciendo uso de la metodología propuesta; o y una evaluación del marco de referencia y de las descripciones arquitecturales La existencia de la arquitectura software de un sistema de e-salud o de e-inclusión plasmada en las diferentes vistas permite también: una documentación del sistema que facilita la comunicación entre los diferentes actores, la detección de fallos en la arquitectura en sus etapas iniciales y la respuesta ante cambios en cualquier módulo del sistema, con la cTraver Salcedo, V. (2005). Propuesta de Arquitectura de Referencia de Sistemas de e-Salud y e-Inclusión [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1846Palanci

    Evaluating the Social Media Performance of Hospitals in Spain: A Longitudinal and Comparative Study

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    [EN] BACKGROUND: Social media is changing the way in which citizens and health professionals communicate. Previous studies have assessed the use of Health 2.0 by hospitals, showing clear evidence of growth in recent years. In order to understand if this happens in Spain, it is necessary to assess the performance of health care institutions on the Internet social media using quantitative indicators. OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to analyze how hospitals in Spain perform on the Internet and social media networks by determining quantitative indicators in 3 different dimensions: presence, use, and impact and assess these indicators on the 3 most commonly used social media - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Further, we aimed to find out if there was a difference between private and public hospitals in their use of the aforementioned social networks. METHODS: The evolution of presence, use, and impact metrics is studied over the period 2011- 2015. The population studied accounts for all the hospitals listed in the National Hospitals Catalog (NHC). The percentage of hospitals having Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube profiles has been used to show the presence and evolution of hospitals on social media during this time. Usage was assessed by analyzing the content published on each social network. Impact evaluation was measured by analyzing the trend of subscribers for each social network. Statistical analysis was performed using a lognormal transformation and also using a nonparametric distribution, with the aim of comparing t student and Wilcoxon independence tests for the observed variables. RESULTS: From the 787 hospitals identified, 69.9% (550/787) had an institutional webpage and 34.2% (269/787) had at least one profile in one of the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) in December 2015. Hospitals' Internet presence has increased by more than 450.0% (787/172) and social media presence has increased ten times since 2011. Twitter is the preferred social network for public hospitals, whereas private hospitals showed better performance on Facebook and YouTube. The two-sided Wilcoxon test and t student test at a CI of 95% show that the use of Twitter distribution is higher (P<.001) for private and public hospitals in Spain, whereas other variables show a nonsignificant different distribution. CONCLUSIONS: The Internet presence of Spanish hospitals is high; however, their presence on the 3 main social networks is still not as high compared to that of hospitals in the United States and Western Europe. Public hospitals are found to be more active on Twitter, whereas private hospitals show better performance on Facebook and YouTube. This study suggests that hospitals, both public and private, should devote more effort to and be more aware of social media, with a clear strategy as to how they can foment new relationships with patients and citizens.The authors wish to acknowledge the ITACA Institute (Universitat Politècnica de València) for making possible the publication of this paper through the Excellence Support program for the publication in high-impact international journals.S11119

    Students’ dedication in a cooperative, project-based learning context: measurements, analysis and implications

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    Discovering the effort students devote to their studies is of key importance for an appropriate design of courses and syllabus. Although over the last years many studies have been carried out in this respect, few of them have focused on the more complex cases of cooperative and project-based learning. The main contributions of our work are: (i) the investigation of the connection between students’ work habits and the learning methodologies being used; (ii) the usage of a web application to make easier data gathering and analysis; and (iii) the validation of students-provided data so that better conclusions can be derived

    Recognizing white blood cells with local image descriptors

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    Automatic and reliable classification of images of white blood cells is desirable for inexpensive, quick and accurate health diagnosis worldwide. In contrast to previous approaches which tend to rely on image segmentation and a careful choice of ad hoc (geometric) features, we explore the possibilities of local image descriptors, since they are a simple approachthey require no explicit segmentation, and yet they have been shown to be quite robust against background distraction in a number of visual tasks. Despite its potential, this methodology remains unexplored for this problem. In this work, images are therefore characterized with the well-known visual bag-of-words approach. Three keypoint detectors and five regular sampling strategies are studied and compared. The results indicate that the approach is encouraging, and that both the sparse keypoint detectors and the dense regular sampling strategies can perform reasonably well (mean accuracies of about 80% are obtained), and are competitive to segmentation-based approaches. Two of the main findings are as follows. First, for sparse points, the detector which localizes keypoints on the cell contour (oFAST) performs somehow better than the other two (SIFT and CenSurE). Second, interestingly, and partly contrary to our expectations, the regular sampling strategies including hierarchical spatial information, multi-resolution encoding, or foveal-like sampling, clearly outperform the two simpler uniform-sampling strategies considered. From the broader perspective of expert and intelligent systems, the relevance of the proposed approach is that, since it is very general and problem-agnostic, it makes unnecesary human expertise to be elicited in the form of explicit visual cues; only the labels of the cell type are required from human domain experts

    Estimating Patient Empowerment and Nurses' Use of Digital Strategies: eSurvey Study

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    [EN] Patient empowerment is seen as the capability to understand health information and make decisions based on it. It is a competence that can improve self-care, adherence and overall health. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for information and has also reduced the number of visits to health centers. Nurses have had to adapt in order to continue offering quality care in different environments such as the digital world, but this entails assessing the level of their patients¿ empowerment and adapting material and educational messages to new realities. The aim of this study is, on the one hand, to assess nurses¿ use of digital resources to provide reinforcing information to their patients and, on the other hand, to evaluate how they assess the level of empowerment of their patients. To perform the study, 850 nurses answered 21 questions related to their own digital literacy and patients¿ empowerment. The ability to make decisions is the characteristic most selected by nurses (70%) as useful in measuring patient empowerment, whereas 9.19% do not measure it in any way. Printed material is most often used by nurses to offer additional information to patients (71.93%), mobile applications are the least used option (21.58%), and elder nurses are those who most recommend digital resources. In this study, younger nurses make little or no use of technology as a resource for training and monitoring patients. In spite of some limitations concerning the study, digital health needs to be promoted as an indisputable tool in the nurse¿s briefcase in the future to ensure that older patients can manage electronic resources in different fields.Navarro Martínez, O.; Igual García, J.; Traver Salcedo, V. (2021). Estimating Patient Empowerment and Nurses' Use of Digital Strategies: eSurvey Study. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 18(18):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18189844S116181

    Empowering Patients Living With Chronic Conditions Using Video as an Educational Tool: Scoping Review

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    [EN] Background: Video is used daily for various purposes, such as leisure, culture, and even learning. Currently, video is a tool that is available to a large part of the population and is simple to use. This audio-visual format has many advantages such as its low cost, speed of dissemination, and possible interaction between users. For these reasons, it is a tool with high dissemination and educational potential, which could be used in the field of health for learning about and management of chronic diseases by adult patients. Objective: The following review determines whether the use of health educational videos by adult patients with chronic diseases is effective for their self-management according to the literature. Methods: An electronic literature search of the PubMed, CINAHL, and MEDLINE (via the EBSCOhost platform) databases up to April 2020 was conducted. The systematic scoping review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) methodology. Results: After reviewing 1427 articles, 12 were selected as the most consistent with the proposed inclusion criteria. After their review, it was found that the studies showed that video is effective as a tool for improving care related to chronic diseases. Conclusions: Video is effective in improving the care and quality of life for patients with chronic diseases, whether the initiative for using video came from their health care professionals or themselves.This study was supported in part by Universidad Catolica San Vicente Martir.Navarro, O.; Escrivá, M.; Faubel, R.; Traver Salcedo, V. (2021). Empowering Patients Living With Chronic Conditions Using Video as an Educational Tool: Scoping Review. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH. 23(7):1-9. https://doi.org/10.2196/26427S1923

    Aplicación de herramientas TIC en secundaria: Diseño de un portafolio con video-tutoriales y gamificación

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP509. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017En el presente trabajo se expone una colección de herramientas basadas en las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) aplicadas a la docencia. Este TFM se encuadra en la modalidad de materiales didácticos, con el objetivo de proporcionar al docente una serie de recursos que fomenten el uso de herramientas TIC en secundaria. Con su aplicación y puesta en práctica, también se pretende motivar al alumnado y facilitar su aprendizaje. Para ello, se presenta el desarrollo, creación y aplicación de un portafolio, que contendrá toda la información tratada en una unidad didáctica, además de la inserción de formularios que facilitarán la interacción con el/la alumno/a. También se grabarán video-tutoriales que serán incluidos en el portafolio, y servirán de material para realizar un seguimiento de las sesiones, basadas en la metodología Flipped Classroom. Todo esto, será aplicado en un curso de tercero de secundaria, en la asignatura de Matemáticas, para explicar la unidad didáctica de Probabilidad, y posteriormente, se evaluarán los resultados obtenidos con respecto al resto de calificaciones finales del curso. Además, también se pondrán en práctica dos plataformas basadas en el juego como son Kahoot y Plickers. Después de evaluar los resultados obtenidos tras la puesta en práctica de estas herramientas, se presentan las conclusiones de su aplicación, indicando los beneficios para el aprendizaje de los/las alumnos/as en el nivel académico de secundaria.The following dissertation presents a collection of tools based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which were applied in a secondary school classroom. In order to do so, a didactic material was developed with the objective of providing the teacher with a series of resources that may encourage the use of said tools as well as with the intention of motivating and facilitating the overall learning process. The development, creation and application of a portfolio, which contains all the information included in the previously mentioned didactic material, is hereby presented as well as the insertion of forms so as to facilitate teacher/student interaction. Recorded video tutorials have also been included in the portfolio and will serve as material to track the sessions based on the Flipped Classroom methodology. All of the above has been applied in a third year course, within the subject of Mathematics, in order to explain the present didactic unit related to probability problems. The achieved results were evaluated and compared to the rest of the results obtained at the end of term. In addition to this, and as will be further discussed, game platforms such as Kahoot and Plickers were also put in to practice. Finally, the corresponding conclusions with regards to the application of said tools will be made. Here, the benefits for their use and how they may enhance the learning process at the secondary level will be indicated