1,578 research outputs found

    Future Scenarios of the Food System: Insights from the Consumers’ Perspective

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    Instanton Calculus and Nonperturbative Relations in N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    Using instanton calculus we check, in the weak coupling region, the nonperturbative relation =i\pi\left(\cf-{a\over 2} {\partial\cf\over\partial a}\right) obtained for a N=2 globally supersymmetric gauge theory. Our computations are performed for instantons of winding number k, up to k=2 and turn out to agree with previous nonperturbative results.Comment: 18 pages, latex file, no figure

    Diagrammatic Quantum Monte Carlo for Two-Body Problem: Exciton

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    We present a novel method for precise numerical solution of the irreducible two-body problem and apply it to excitons in solids. The approach is based on the Monte Carlo simulation of the two-body Green function specified by Feynman's diagrammatic expansion. Our method does not rely on the specific form of the electron and hole dispersion laws and is valid for any attractive electron-hole potential. We establish limits of validity of the Wannier (large radius) and Frenkel (small radius) approximations, present accurate data for the intermediate radius excitons, and give evidence for the charge transfer nature of the monopolar exciton in mixed valence materials.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Eikonal phase matrix, deflection angle, and time delay in effective field theories of gravity

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    The eikonal approximation is an ideal tool to extract classical observables in gauge theory and gravity directly from scattering amplitudes. Here we consider effective theories of gravity where in addition to the Einstein-Hilbert term we include non-minimal couplings of the type R3R^3, R4R^4 and FFRFFR. In particular, we study the scattering of gravitons and photons of frequency ω\omega off heavy scalars of mass mm in the limit mωqm\gg \omega \gg |\vec{q}\,|, where q\vec{q} is the momentum transfer. The presence of non-minimal couplings induces helicity-flip processes which survive the eikonal limit, thereby promoting the eikonal phase to an eikonal phase matrix. We obtain the latter from the relevant two-to-two helicity amplitudes that we compute up to one-loop order, and confirm that the leading-order terms in ω\omega exponentiate \`{a} la Amati, Ciafaloni and Veneziano. From the eigenvalues of the eikonal phase matrix we then extract two physical observables, to 2PM order: the classical deflection angle and Shapiro time delay/advance. Whenever the classical expectation of helicity conservation of the massless scattered particle is violated, i.e. the eigenvalues of the eikonal matrix are non-degenerate, causality violation due to time advance is a generic possibility for small impact parameter. We show that for graviton scattering in the R4R^4 and FFRFFR theories, time advance is circumvented if the couplings of these interactions satisfy certain positivity conditions, while it is unavoidable for graviton scattering in the R3R^3 theory and photon scattering in the FFRFFR theory. The scattering processes we consider mimic the deflection of photons and gravitons off spinless heavy objects such as black~holes.Comment: 38 pages. v2: published version, small typos corrected, reference adde

    A multi-channel trigger and acquisition board for TDC-based readout: Application to the cosmic rays detector of the PolarQuEEEst 2018 project

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    In the summer of 2018, the PolarQuEEEst experiment accomplished a measurement of cosmic rays flux in the Arctic. The detector, installed on a sailboat, was based on scintillation tiles read by a total of 16 SiPM. A multi-channel board (called TRB) has been designed to process the discriminated SiPM signals providing both self-trigger capability and time-to-digital conversion; it was based on a Cyclone-V Intel FPGA. Time-to-digital conversion has been implemented both into FPGA and with the HPTDC chip (as a backup). In this document the board will be described, enlightening the main features and the achieved performance. Lastly, the PolarQuEEEst measurement campaigns will be briefly described, showing how the TRB board has proved to be effective for experiments which require low power consumption, integration with position and environmental sensors and great portability as well. Final thoughts on future improvements will be also discussed

    Electron self-trapping in intermediate-valent SmB6

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    SmB6 exhibits intermediate valence in the ground state and unusual behaviour at low temperatures. The resistivity and the Hall effect cannot be explained either by conventional sf-hybridization or by hopping transport in an impurity band. At least three different energy scales determine three temperature regimes of electron transport in this system. We consider the ground state properties, the soft valence fluctuations and the spectrum of band carriers in n-doped SmB6. The behaviour of excess conduction electrons in the presence of soft valence fluctuations and the origin of the three energy scales in the spectrum of elementary excitations is discussed. The carriers which determine the low-temperature transport in this system are self-trapped electron-polaron complexes rather than simply electrons in an impurity band. The mechanism of electron trapping is the interaction with soft valence fluctuations.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Instanton Calculus and SUSY Gauge Theories on ALE Manifolds

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    We study instanton effects along the Coulomb branch of an N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(2) on Asymptotically Locally Euclidean (ALE) spaces. We focus our attention on an Eguchi-Hanson gravitational background and on gauge field configurations of lowest Chern class.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX file. Extended version to be published in Physical Review

    Heterogeneous validity of daily data on symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis recorded by patients using the e-diary AllergyMonitor®

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    Background: Patient-generated symptom and medication scores are essential for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). Previous studies have shown solid consistencies between different scores at population level in real-life data and trials. For clinicians, the evaluation of individual data quality over time is essential to decide whether to rely on these data in clinical decision-making. Objective: To analyze the consistency of different symptom (SS) and symptom medication scores (SMSs) at individual level in two study cohorts with different characteristics and explore individual patient trajectories over time. Methods: Within the pilot phase of the @IT.2020 project on diagnostic synergy of mobile health and molecular IgE assessment in patients with SAR, we analyzed data of 101 children and 93 adults with SAR and instructed them to record their symptoms and medication intake daily via the mobile app AllergyMonitor®. We then assessed the correlation between different SMS and a visual analogue scale (VAS) on the impact of allergy symptoms on daily life at population and individual level. Results: At population level, the Rhinoconjunctivitis total symptom score (RTSS) correlated better with VAS than the combined symptom and medication score (CSMS). At individual level, consistency among RTSS and VAS was highly heterogeneous and unrelated to disease severity or adherence to recording. Similar heterogeneity was observed for CSMS and VAS. Conclusions: The correlation of clinical information provided by different disease severity scores based on data collected via electronic diaries (e-diaries), is sufficient at population level, but broadly heterogeneous for individual patients. Consistency of the recorded data must be examined for each patient before remotely collected information is used for clinical decision making