51 research outputs found

    I Use the Student Recreation Center, but I Would Use It More if…: Understanding Male and Female Constraints to Student Recreation Center Use

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    Studies have found that there is a positive relationship between the number of student visits to campus recreation and academic outcomes such as rates of graduation and grade point average (Huesman, Brown, Lee, Kellogg, & Radcliffe, 2009). Despite the strong correlation between use of fitness facilities and academic performance some students choose not to visit, while some who use the facilities may not be maximizing such use due to constraints (barriers). The purpose of this study was to understand the constraints to using the campus recreation facility at a midsized New England university. Moreover, this study sought to understand the types of management actions that would help increase use of the recreation center by current users. An online survey was distributed to a random sample (N = 2,400) of all campus recreation visitors in fall of 2013 using a modified Dillman method of distribution (2009). A total of 882 respondents completed the survey for a response rate of nearly 37%. Important results from this study included that female students were much more likely than male students to report being constrained by not knowing how to use the free weight section safely (M = 3.40, SD = 1.143; M = 2.68, SD = 1.166, respectively) and that male students suggested that they were more likely to participate than female students (M = 3.07, SD = 1.182; M = 2.96, SD = 1.235, respectively) at the Student Recreation Center (SRC) if they were not as involved with other activities. This information can be used to guide the expansion planning of future SRC projects and to help improve the participation habits of students at the case institution

    Constraints and Negotiations to Student Recreational Sport Center Usage

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    Studies have shown that student recreational sports centers offer a variety of benefits to emerging adult students. Previous research has identified the presence of constraints to physical activity and student recreational sports center (SRSC) usage (Flood & Parker, 2014; Stankowski, Trauntvein, & Hall, 2017; Young, Ross, & Barcelona, 2003). However, little research has examined the negotiation strategies which students use to increase their physical activity levels through use of the SRSC. This study focused on the constraints and negotiation strategies which affected both users and infrequent users of the SRSC at a mid-size, public university in the northeastern United States. Results suggested that constraints and negotiation strategies differed significantly between user groups and that several constraints and negotiations predict frequency of visitation to the SRSC. Findings suggest the importance of management actions which help students to create social networks, improve their planning and prioritization, and develop self-efficacy with regard to physical activity at the SRSC

    Camp Organizational Support for Creativity Among New and Returning Camp Counselors

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    Creativity supports interest, imagination, empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and overall engagement. Satisfied employees, who are supported in their creativity, have increased performance, motivation, and commitment. Residential summer camp is a demanding 24-hour job in which camp counselors use creativity on a regular basis via lesson planning, teaching activities, resolving conflict, and living within close proximity to coworkers. The purpose of the current study was to explore organizational support for creativity among first-year and returning staff at the beginning and end of one season of employment. Camp counselors (n = 113) participated in the current study utilizing quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative analysis compared pretest data on creativity to posttest items using paired samples t-tests. First-year and returning counselors indicated significant decreases in perceptions of the camp organization valuing creativity. Counselors’ self-identification as a creative employee significantly decreased among returning employees. Qualitative data analysis produced 46 independent responses and 3 content areas describing barriers to creativity, including personal (intimidation, inexperience), structural (time/money), and camp traditions (status quo) barriers. Summer camps should prioritize support for creativity as a vital component needed for a positive work culture. Ultimately, a camp mission, culture, and training, which support creativity may empower counselors (of various experience levels) to create new ideas, camp traditions, and activities

    Understanding Hunting Constraints and Negotiation Strategies: A Typology of Female Hunters

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    This article examined a typology of female hunters, factors constraining participation, and negotiation strategies females used to overcome constraints. A survey of Oregon hunters was conducted in the summer of 2010 to understand hunting characteristics using the 2008 big game license database (n = 392). We created a typology of female hunters using a cluster analysis of Recreation Experience Preference items. Four clusters were identified: less-engaged, family oriented, nature-sport, and all around enthusiast. Analysis of variance revealed differences among female hunter segments. Differences existed among the four groups on both constraints and negotiation strategies. One of the notable groups was the family-oriented hunter. This type of hunter was the most likely to perceive constraints and the most likely to utilize negotiation strategies to increase their participation in hunting. Findings reveal nuanced differences between types of female hunters. These findings can assist managers with outreach strategies and facilitate future female hunting participation

    Visitor Perceptions of Benefits of Local Park

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    Recent research regarding the perceived benets of local parks has been limited, posing a problem for recreation and park directors who must promote the value of and gain support for aging park facilities. To collect evidence concerning the value of local parks and the impact of park upgrades, we conducted a study with one local park to (a) document behavioral changes that have occurred as a result of renovation, and (b) determine the perceived benets of having a community park. Two-thirds of respondents reported visiting the park more frequently since renovations were completed. When asked why they visit the park and what makes it an attractive or appealing place to visit, they indicated that the park has a great atmosphere, is a great place to play, is a “third place,” is a safe play space, reduces playground fatigue, and has meaning for individuals of all ages

    Recreation Participation and Conservation Attitudes: Differences Between Mail and Online Respondents in a Mixed-Mode Survey

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    This study reports a comparison of demographics, outdoor recreation activity patterns, and attitudes toward conservation issues collected via mail and online survey methods within a mixed-mode survey. Pennsylvania residents, randomly sampled by Survey Sampling, Inc., were invited in a pre-survey letter to complete the survey online, or through a paper survey mailed to their homes. Differences in outdoor recreation participation were generally small for wildlife-related activities, and were greater among non-wildlife-related outdoor recreation activities, with the Internet respondents generally reporting higher rates of participation. Analyses controlling for demographic variables showed a confounding influence on the relationships examined. Internet respondents tended to be younger, better educated, and more affluent. Conservation- related attitudes did not differ between the mail and online survey respondents and were more weakly related to demographic factors. Results suggest that online surveys can yield valid results when using appropriate sampling designs and implementing quality control procedures

    Summer Camp as a Force for 21st Century Learning: Exploring Divergent Thinking in a Residential Camp Setting

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    This study investigated change in divergent thinking (DT), an indicator of creative potential, at two gender-specific residential summer camps. Additionally, this study examined whether the change in DT varied by gender and by the type of activities campers self-select. Quantitative methods, using a quasi-experimental design was used in order to understand differences in camper scores. A total of 189 youth, 100 girls, 89 boys, between the ages of 9 and 14 years participated in the current study. Participants were administered a modified version of Guilford\u27s (1967) alternate uses task, a measure of DT, in which respondents were asked questions such as name all of the uses for a brick or name all of the uses for a plate before the camp session started, and then again at the end of the two-week session. Results indicate overall mean significant increases in DT across all scoring methods of fluency, flexibility, and originality. Participants who self-selected one or more artistic activities (e.g., drama, arts and crafts, dance) had significant increases on the tasks as opposed to participants who did not select any artistic activities (e.g., basketball, baseball, archery). Finally, girls significantly increased across all scoring methods, whereas boys slightly increased in fluency and flexibility but not in originality. These results indicate residential summer camp may provide a creativity benefit for youth in attendance, especially those who participate in certain activities. Practitioners should use this study to understand their own programming in terms of creativity, activity offerings, and camp culture

    Winds of Change – Predicting Water-Based Recreationists\u27 Support and Opposition for Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Great Lakes

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    This study examined the factors influencing water-based recreationists\u27 perceptions of support and opposition towards off-shore wind energy development (OWD) on Lake Erie. Much of the proposed or future Lake Erie OWD infrastructure may either be within or adjacent to public lands, waters, and protected areas, raising concerns about the potential environmental and social impacts upon recreation stakeholders. The limited body of OWD research within the United States has suggested there are numerous factors that may influence overall perceptions of support and opposition such as political orientation and beliefs in climate change. Moreover, recent research has proposed that the perceived recreation impact of OWD may be the most important predictor of support and opposition. This study confirmed this premise and found the perceived recreation impact of OWD to be the strongest predictor of support. Results of a multiple linear regression suggested that political orientation (β = 0.135), beliefs in the anthropogenic causation of climate change (β = 0.207), beliefs in the occurrence of climate change (β = 0.213), and the perceived recreation impact of OWD among water-based recreationists (β = 0.439) were significant predictors of support for OWD on Lake Erie (R2 = 0.46). Study findings corroborated previous research which suggested that regional climate change beliefs and political attitudes may influence support for OWD. From a policy and management standpoint, study results highlight the importance of assessing and communicating recreation experience and use impacts when planning, developing, and managing OWD and related decisions in the United States

    National Parks in the US and China

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