65 research outputs found


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    Extreme psychological and physical traumas cause dramatic symptom patterns which are insufficiently described by the psychiatric diagnostic criteria of post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Additionally, due to the neurobiological proximity and similarity of processing mechanisms of physical and psychological pain stimulation and extremely negative emotions, the patients often suffer from persistent pains even after the somatic healing process is completed. Epidemiological studies confirm the joint occurrence of pain and PTSD. The close relationship and the etiological and behavioral similarities of both disorders have led to the development of joined vulnerability and mutual maintenance models. The particular suffering of patients with PTSD due to chronic pain necessitates pain-therapeutic interventions. On the other hand, in chronic pain patients, the etiological role of severe traumas should be considered.Extreme psychische und körperliche Traumatisierungen bewirken dramatische Symptommuster, die durch die psychiatrischen Diagnosekriterien der Posttraumatischen Belastungstörung (PTBS) nur unzureichend beschrieben werden. Aufgrund ähnlicher neurophysiologischer Verarbeitungen von psychischer und körperlicher Schmerzen und intensiver, negativer Emotionen leiden Menschen nach Traumatisierungen oft unter persistierenden Schmerzen – auch wenn die körperlichen Folgen der Traumata geheilt sind. Die vorliegenden epidemiologischen Studien bestätigen das simultane Auftreten von PTBS und chronischen Schmerzen. Die enge Beziehung zwischen Schmerzen und Symptomen der PTBS führten zu gemeinsamen Krankheitsmodellen zur Vulnerabilität und gegenseitigen Aufrechterhaltung der Symptome (vulnerability and mutual maintenance models). Daraus folgt die Notwendigkeit das Schmerzleiden von Patienten mit PTBS spezifisch schmerztherapeutisches zu behandeln. Andererseits sollte der ätiologischen Bedeutung von traumatischen Ereignissen für die Schmerzentstehung und – aufrechterhaltung bei Schmerzpatienten beachtet werden

    Neural correlates of the perception of dynamic versus static facial expressions of emotion

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    Aim: This study investigated brain areas involved in the perception of dynamic facial expressions of emotion

    Facial emotion recognition and alexithymia in adults with somatoform disorders

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    The primary aim of this study was to investigate facial emotion recognition (FER) in patients with somatoform disorders (SFD). Also of interest was the extent to which concurrent alexithymia contributed to any changes in emotion recognition accuracy. Twenty patients with SFD and 20 healthy, age, sex and education matched, controls were assessed with the Facially Expressed Emotion Labelling Test of FER and the 26-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Patients withSFD exhibited elevated alexithymia symptoms relative to healthy controls.Patients with SFD also recognized significantly fewer emotional expressions than did the healthy controls. However, the group difference in emotion recognition accuracy became nonsignificant once the influence of alexithymia was controlled for statistically. This suggests that the deficit in FER observed in the patients with SFD was most likely a consequence of concurrent alexithymia. It should be noted that neither depression nor anxiety was significantly related to emotion recognition accuracy, suggesting that these variables did not contribute the emotion recognition deficit. Impaired FER observed in the patients with SFD could plausibly have a negative influence on these individuals’ social functioning

    The influence of neuroticism and psychological symptoms on the assessment of images in three-dimensional emotion space

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    Objective: The present study investigated the influence of neuroticism (NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI)) and psychological symptoms (Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)) on pleasure, arousal, and dominance (PAD) ratings of the International Affective Picture System (IAPS)

    The influence of neuroticism and psychological symptoms on the assessment of images in three-dimensional emotion space

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    Objective: The present study investigated the influence of neuroticism (NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI)) and psychological symptoms (Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)) on pleasure, arousal, and dominance (PAD) ratings of the International Affective Picture System (IAPS)

    The impact of sex differences on odor identification and facial affect recognition in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

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    Background: Social interactive functions such as facial emotion recognition and smell identification have been shown to differ between women and men. However, little is known about how these differences are mirrored in patients with schizophrenia and how these abilities interact with each other and with other clinical variables in patients vs. healthy controls. Methods: Standardized instruments were used to assess facial emotion recognition [Facially Expressed Emotion Labelling (FEEL)] and smell identification [University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT)] in 51 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 79 healthy controls; furthermore, working memory functions and clinical variables were assessed. Results: In both the univariate and the multivariate results, illness showed a significant influence on UPSIT and FEEL. The inclusion of age and working memory in the MANOVA resulted in a differential effect with sex and working memory as remaining significant factors. Duration of illness was correlated with both emotion recognition and smell identification in men only, whereas immediate general psychopathology and negative symptoms were associated with emotion recognition only in women. Conclusion: Being affected by schizophrenia spectrum disorder impacts one’s ability to correctly recognize facial affects and identify odors. Converging evidence suggests a link between the investigated basic and social cognitive abilities in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders with a strong contribution of working memory and differential effects of modulators in women vs. men
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