187 research outputs found

    Leksikografisk tradition og fornyelse: tre revolutioner pĂĄ 100 ĂĄr?

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    Viewed over the last 20 years, the development in lexicography has been overwhelming: many products have changed completely and so has the way of producing lexicographic products. The Internet, computer technology and publication forms are all different today from what they were just a few years ago, and like everyone else lexicographers have to deal with the situation. In many ways it is exciting times and many have probably asked themselves: is it really a paradigm shift we are going through, or is the whole thing just hot air? In this article I focus on three potential “revolutions” and assess in what way they have changed the conditions for practical lexicographic work and the way we think about dictionaries

    State-of-the-art on monolingual lexicography for Denmark (Danish)

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    This minireview provides an overview of the lexicographic situation in Denmark, introducing the most important dictionary works. The major historical dictionaries are mentioned but the main focus is on contemporary lexicography and the companies and institutions currently active in the field. In particular, it is noted whether dictionaries are digitally available and if they are subject to regular updating

    Karl Hårbøl m.fl.: Dansk Fremmedordbog

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    Anmeldt værk:Karl Hårbøl m.fl.: Dansk Fremmedordbog, København: Munksgaards Forlag 1997

    Normering af ord uden normering – i teori og praksis

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    Normering og deskription i Den Danske Ordbog – mere eller mindre?

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    As a corpusbased dictionary, The Danish Dictionary has constantly during itscompilation been confronted with the gap between the norm of the standardlanguage and the variability of language use observed in natural texts. In this article,the problems involved are discussed in relation to four selected areas where thedifficulties are particularly pronounced: orthography, inflection, meaning and lemmaselection. Editorial considerations as well as lexicographic examples are discussed,and possible solutions are suggested that try to balance the need for uniformity andrecommendations of the dictionary user, on the one hand, with the diversity of thelinguistic reality that serves as the descriptive basis of the dictionary, on the other

    Kommentar til Henning Bergenholtz & Vibeke Vrang: Den Danske Ordbog bind 2 (E–H) og 3 (I–L) – en ordbog for folket eller for akademikere?

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    I deres anmeldelse af Den Danske Ordbog’s bind 2 og 3 brugerHenning Bergenholtz og Vibeke Vrang en del plads på at gentage enrække kritikpunkter som de har fremført tidligere (Bergenholtz/Vrang2004a, 2004b) vedrørende lemmabestand, proskription/deskription,forkortelser, fleksionsangivelser og en generel opfattelse af at ordbogener for lærd. Vi har i redaktionen med tilfredshed noteret os at vores svar(Lorentzen/Trap-Jensen 2004a, 2004b) har ført til en revision afkritikken mod lemmabestanden, men vil i øvrigt ikke her gentage voressvar på kritikken. De er uændrede og fremgår af ovennævnte referencer.I stedet vil vi i det følgende koncentrere os om de nye punkter eller nyeaspekter som tages op af Bergenholtz/Vrang. Det drejer sig omsynonymangivelser, kollokationer samt citater og især kildeangivelserhertil

    Tilgangs- og henvisningsstruktur i digitale ordbøger Overvejelser baseret på ordnet.dk

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    The concept of structure cannot be transferred from the printed book to the digital medium:the alphabetical ordering principle does not apply to a digital dictionary, hyperlinksare possible in the digital medium only, and conditions of spatial orientation, overviewand browsing are different in the two media. Therefore, a digital dictionary must seeknew solutions to provide user-friendly access to its contents. In this article, the task isviewed from two angles: Various solutions employed by existing online dictionaries areanalyzed and evaluated as viewed by the user, and from the perspective of the dictionarymaker,special attention is devoted to the possible need to rearrange the (print-based) datastructure underlying the presentation displayed on the screen

    Fra historisk værk til moderne onlineresurse: NAOB som netordbog

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    I denne artikel vil jeg først og fremmest vurdere NAOB som en net­ordbog for moderne brugere. Som ikke-norsktalende har jeg i sagens natur en begrænset viden om og indsigt i de helt sprognære beslutninger redaktionen har skullet træffe, herunder ikke mindst de valg af morfologiske varianter (opslagsformer, varianter og bøjningsformer) som har skullet træffes for at omdanne en ordbog over riksmålet til en ordbog for moderat bokmål. Mit kendskab til norsk sprogdebat er til gengæld stort nok til at jeg afholder mig fra at have en mening om dette aspekt og trygt overlader det til andre og mere kyndige at kommentere den side af NAOB

    Virtuelle perspektiver for ordbogsredigering: muligheder, strategier og virkelighedens begrænsning

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    The electronic medium offers improved search facilities and allows much moreinformation in comparison with the paper dictionary. Some of these possibilities areoutlined and discussed in relation to ordnet.dk, a Danish electronic reference workthat combines three existing lexicographic resources into one site available on theInternet. The project involves digitalization of the 28-volume historical dictionaryOrdbog over det danske Sprog (ODS, Dictionary of the Danish Language) andintegrating it with its 5 supplementary volumes. The ODS together with the modern,corpus-based Den Danske Ordbog (The Danish Dictionary) provide dictionarycoverage of the Danish language from c. 1700 to the present. The integration of thetwo dictionaries with the corpus web site Korpus 2000 will enable the user to accessfurther linguistic material, and will enable lexicographers to utilize corpus materialin new and more focused ways in the individual entries. Given the limits of amedium-sized project (4–5 lexicographers, 6 years) the editorial staff need to make anumber of strategic choices among the options available. At present, priority is givento developing onomasiological search facilities and exploring ways of integratingcorpus and dictionary material

    Nødvendigt, tilstrækkeligt, typisk? – nogle tanker om definitionspraksis

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    This paper deals with the general issue of writing good definitions,taking a specific starting point in the principles formulated in thestyle guide of The Danish Dictionary. After a brief historical surveyof definitional practice in selected Danish dictionaries, the paperconcentrates partly on the principles and problems of the classicaldictionary definition, partly on descriptions of the function and useof words and phrases. Giving their personal view on good and baddefinitions based on ideas of prototypicality rather than exhaustivenessand completeness, the authors end by raising the issue of differentdefinitions for different users, drawing on results from a usersurvey of the online version of The Danish Dictionary
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