26 research outputs found

    Dynamique de la Macrofaune des Bas-fonds Soudanosaheliens dans un Contexte de Changement Climatique: Étude de Cas dans le Sous-bassin Versant du NakanbĂ©-Dem au Centre-nord du Burkina Faso

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    La dĂ©gradation des bassins versants est une preuve du changement environnemental que connait l’Afrique de l’ouest. Elle s‘exprime par la dĂ©gradation des sols de bas-fonds qui demeure une prĂ©occupation rĂ©currente dans les pays sahĂ©liens comme le Burkina Faso. Cette Ă©tude qui analyse la dynamique de la macrofaune des sols de bas-fonds, a pour objectif de contribuer Ă  la gestion durable des bas-fonds du sous-bassin du NakanbĂ©-Dem dans la zone soudano-sahĂ©lienne Un Ă©chantillonnage spatialisĂ© de la macrofaune du sol par la mĂ©thode TSBF a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© pour analyser les principaux facteurs explicatifs de la variabilitĂ© spatiale de la macrofaune dans les bas-fonds. La fertilitĂ© chimique des sols de bas-fonds en milieu plutonique est faible par rapport au degrĂ© moyen de la fertilitĂ© des sols de bas-fonds en milieu de l’ensemble volcano sĂ©dimentaire. L’évaluation de la macrofaune du sol a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les indices de diversitĂ© les plus Ă©levĂ©s ne dĂ©passent guĂšre 2,40 ± 0,09 pour Shannon et 1,09± 0,02 pour PiĂ©lou. La plus grande proportion de la macrofaune est relevĂ©e dans les profondeurs de plus de 20 cm du sol.  L’étude a relevĂ© un Ă©tat dĂ©gradĂ© des bas-fonds dont les sols sont de fertilitĂ© basse Ă  moyenne. La restauration des Ă©cosystĂšmes de ces bas-fonds nĂ©cessite une correction des Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©ficitaires si l’on veut gĂ©rer durablement les sols de ces bas-fonds.   The degradation of watersheds proves the environmental change West Africa is experiencing. It is expressed by the degradation of lowland soils which remains a recurring concern in Sahelian countries such as Burkina Faso. This study analyzes the dynamics of the macrofauna of lowland soils and has the main objective of contributing to the sustainable management of lowlands in the Sudano-Sahelian zone. It was conducted in the NakanbĂ©-Dem sub-watershed in the Center-North of Burkina Faso. The morphological and chemical parameters of lowland soils were determined by the method of soil prospecting according to the top sequence of the lowland including the glacis, the slope, and the central zone. A spatialized sampling of the soil macrofauna by the TSBF method was carried out to analyze the main explanatory factors of the spatial variability of the macrofauna in the lowlands. The chemical fertility of lowland soils in a plutonic environment is low compared to the average degree of fertility of lowland soils in the middle of the sedimentary volcano complex. The evaluation of the soil macrofauna revealed that the highest diversity indices hardly exceed 2.40 ± 0.09 for Shannon and 1.09 ± 0.02 for PiĂ©lou. The most significant proportion of macrofauna is found in depths of more than 20 cm from the ground. The study noted a degraded state of the lowlands whose soils are of low to medium fertility. Restoring the ecosystems of these lowlands requires a correction of the deficit elements if we want to sustainably manage the soils of these lowlands

    Dynamique de la Macrofaune des Bas-fonds Soundano – saheliens dans un Contexte de Changement Climatique: Étude de cas dans le Sous-bassin Versant du NakanbĂ©-Dem au Centre-nord du Burkina

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    La dĂ©gradation des bassins versants est une preuve du changement environnemental que connait l’Afrique de l’ouest. Elle s‘exprime par la dĂ©gradation des sols de bas-fonds qui demeure une prĂ©occupation rĂ©currente dans les pays sahĂ©liens comme le Burkina Faso. Cette Ă©tude analyse la dynamique de la macrofaune des sols de bas-fonds et a pour objectif principal de contribuer Ă  la gestion durable des bas-fonds de la zone soudano-sahĂ©lienne. De façon spĂ©cifique, il s’est agi de (i) Ă©valuer la richesse spĂ©cifique de la macrofaune des sols de bas-fonds, (ii) dĂ©terminer la composition de cette macrofaune et (iii) analyser sa distribution selon les sous unitĂ©s gĂ©omorphologiques des bas-fonds et la profondeur du sol. L’étude a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans le sous-bassin versant du NakanbĂ©-Dem au Centre-nord du Burkina Faso. Un Ă©chantillonnage spatialisĂ© de la macrofaune du sol par la mĂ©thode TSBF a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© pour analyser les principaux facteurs explicatifs de la variabilitĂ© spatiale de la macrofaune dans les bas-fonds. La fertilitĂ© chimique des sols de bas-fonds en milieu plutonique est faible par rapport au degrĂ© moyen de la fertilitĂ© des sols de bas-fonds en milieu de l’ensemble volcano sĂ©dimentaire. L’évaluation de la macrofaune du sol a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les indices de diversitĂ© les plus Ă©levĂ©s ne dĂ©passent guĂšre 2,40 ± 0,09 pour Shannon et 1,09± 0,02 pour PiĂ©lou. La plus grande proportion de la macrofaune est relevĂ©e dans les profondeurs de plus de 20 cm du sol.  L’étude a relevĂ© un Ă©tat dĂ©gradĂ© des bas-fonds dont les sols sont de fertilitĂ© basse Ă  moyenne. La restauration des Ă©cosystĂšmes de ces bas-fonds nĂ©cessite une correction des Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©ficitaires si l’on veut gĂ©rer durablement les sols de ces bas-fonds.   The degradation of watersheds is proof of the environmental change that West Africa is experiencing. It is expressed by the degradation of lowland soils which remains a recurring concern in Sahelian countries such as Burkina Faso. This study analyzes the dynamics of the macrofauna of lowland soils and has the main objective of contributing to the sustainable management of lowlands in the Sudano-Sahelian zone. It was conducted in the NakanbĂ©-Dem sub-watershed in the Center-North of Burkina Faso. The morphological and chemical parameters of lowland soils were determined by the method of soil prospecting according to the toposequence of the lowland including the glacis, the slope and the central zone. A spatialized sampling of the soil macrofauna by the TSBF method was carried out to analyze the main explanatory factors of the spatial variability of the macrofauna in the lowlands. The chemical fertility of lowland soils in a plutonic environment is low compared to the average degree of fertility of lowland soils in the middle of the sedimentary volcano complex. The evaluation of the soil macrofauna revealed that the highest diversity indices hardly exceed 2.40 ± 0.09 for Shannon and 1.09 ± 0.02 for PiĂ©lou. The greatest proportion of macrofauna is found in depths of more than 20 cm from the ground. The study noted a degraded state of the lowlands whose soils are of low to medium fertility. The restoration of the ecosystems of these lowlands requires a correction of the deficit elements if we want to sustainably manage the soils of these lowlands

    Dynamique de la Macrofaune des Bas-fonds Soundano – saheliens dans un Contexte de Changement Climatique: Étude de cas dans le Sous-bassin Versant du NakanbĂ©-Dem au Centre-nord du Burkina

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    La dĂ©gradation des bassins versants est une preuve du changement environnemental que connait l’Afrique de l’ouest. Elle s‘exprime par la dĂ©gradation des sols de bas-fonds qui demeure une prĂ©occupation rĂ©currente dans les pays sahĂ©liens comme le Burkina Faso. Cette Ă©tude analyse la dynamique de la macrofaune des sols de bas-fonds et a pour objectif principal de contribuer Ă  la gestion durable des bas-fonds de la zone soudano-sahĂ©lienne. De façon spĂ©cifique, il s’est agi de (i) Ă©valuer la richesse spĂ©cifique de la macrofaune des sols de bas-fonds, (ii) dĂ©terminer la composition de cette macrofaune et (iii) analyser sa distribution selon les sous unitĂ©s gĂ©omorphologiques des bas-fonds et la profondeur du sol. L’étude a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans le sous-bassin versant du NakanbĂ©-Dem au Centre-nord du Burkina Faso. Un Ă©chantillonnage spatialisĂ© de la macrofaune du sol par la mĂ©thode TSBF a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© pour analyser les principaux facteurs explicatifs de la variabilitĂ© spatiale de la macrofaune dans les bas-fonds. La fertilitĂ© chimique des sols de bas-fonds en milieu plutonique est faible par rapport au degrĂ© moyen de la fertilitĂ© des sols de bas-fonds en milieu de l’ensemble volcano sĂ©dimentaire. L’évaluation de la macrofaune du sol a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les indices de diversitĂ© les plus Ă©levĂ©s ne dĂ©passent guĂšre 2,40 ± 0,09 pour Shannon et 1,09± 0,02 pour PiĂ©lou. La plus grande proportion de la macrofaune est relevĂ©e dans les profondeurs de plus de 20 cm du sol.  L’étude a relevĂ© un Ă©tat dĂ©gradĂ© des bas-fonds dont les sols sont de fertilitĂ© basse Ă  moyenne. La restauration des Ă©cosystĂšmes de ces bas-fonds nĂ©cessite une correction des Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©ficitaires si l’on veut gĂ©rer durablement les sols de ces bas-fonds.   The degradation of watersheds is proof of the environmental change that West Africa is experiencing. It is expressed by the degradation of lowland soils which remains a recurring concern in Sahelian countries such as Burkina Faso. This study analyzes the dynamics of the macrofauna of lowland soils and has the main objective of contributing to the sustainable management of lowlands in the Sudano-Sahelian zone. It was conducted in the NakanbĂ©-Dem sub-watershed in the Center-North of Burkina Faso. The morphological and chemical parameters of lowland soils were determined by the method of soil prospecting according to the toposequence of the lowland including the glacis, the slope and the central zone. A spatialized sampling of the soil macrofauna by the TSBF method was carried out to analyze the main explanatory factors of the spatial variability of the macrofauna in the lowlands. The chemical fertility of lowland soils in a plutonic environment is low compared to the average degree of fertility of lowland soils in the middle of the sedimentary volcano complex. The evaluation of the soil macrofauna revealed that the highest diversity indices hardly exceed 2.40 ± 0.09 for Shannon and 1.09 ± 0.02 for PiĂ©lou. The greatest proportion of macrofauna is found in depths of more than 20 cm from the ground. The study noted a degraded state of the lowlands whose soils are of low to medium fertility. The restoration of the ecosystems of these lowlands requires a correction of the deficit elements if we want to sustainably manage the soils of these lowlands

    Etude de la dynamique de la macrofaune du sol sous culture de deux variétés de patate douce (Ipomea batatas) avec utilisation de différents modes de désherbage

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    Les communautĂ©s de la macrofaune du sol sous culture de deux variĂ©tĂ©s de patate douce (BF 11 et Ejumula 2) ont Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©es huit semaines aprĂšs le repiquage des boutures. Les expĂ©rimentations ont Ă©té conduites en 2014 sur des parcelles du Centre de Formation et de Recherches Environnementales et Agricoles et de Formation de KamboinsĂ© de l’Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA). L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’identifier les diffĂ©rentes espĂšces de la faune du sol et de dĂ©terminer l’influence des diffĂ©rentes pratiques agricoles sur la faune du sol. Les termites ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©chantillonnĂ©s par la mĂ©thode des monolithes et par transect ; les vers de terre ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©chantillonnĂ©s uniquement par monolithes. Au total, quinze (15) espĂšces d’insectes et deux (02) espĂšces de vers de terre ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es sous les traitements de la variĂ©tĂ© F0. Pour les insectes, les espĂšces identifiĂ©es sont : Microtermes pusillus, Feronia sp, Capsus sp, Amara sp, Amara auliae, Philontus marginatus, Dromius sp, Dromius quadrimaculatus, Xestobium sp, Pachycondyla analis, Paederus sp, Trinervitermes sp, Monyomorium abyssinicumi, Dyschirius globusus, Amitermes stephensoni. Les vers de terre identifiĂ©s sont Milsonia inermis et Dichogaster affininis. Les traitements sans dĂ©sherbage ou dĂ©sherbage tardif (aprĂšs la huitiĂšme semaine) ont connu une meilleure installation de la macrofaune du sol. Les termites ont Ă©tĂ© les organismes favorisĂ©s dans les cas d’absence totale de dĂ©sherbage. Le type de variĂ©tĂ© de patate douce n’a pas eu d’effet sur les communautĂ©s des la macrofaune du sol.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Patate douce, macrofaune du sol, dĂ©sherbage, traitementEnglish Title: Study of the dynamics of soil macrofauna under cultivation of two varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) using different modes of weedingEnglish AbstractThe communities of soil macrofauna under cultivation of two varieties of sweet potato (BF 11 and Ejumula 2) were surveyed eight weeks after cuttings transplanting. The experiments were conducted in 2014 on plots of the Training Centre for Environmental Research and Agricultural of KamboinsĂ©, Training Institute for the Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA). The objective of this study was to identify the different species of soil fauna and determine the influence of different agricultural practices on soil fauna. The termites were sampled by the monoliths and transect method; earthworms were sampled only by monoliths. Fifteen (15) species of insects and two (02) species of earthworm have been registered in the treatment of F0 variety. For insects, the species identified are: Microtermes pusillus, Feronia sp Capsus sp sp Amara, Amara auliae, Philontus marginatus, Dromius sp Dromius quadrimaculatus Xestobium sp Pachycondyla analis, Paederus sp sp Trinervitermes, Monyomorium abyssinicumi, Dyschirius globosus , Amitermes stephensoni. Earthworms identified are Milsonia inermis and Dichogaster affininis. The treatment without weeding or late weeding (after the eighth week) had a better installation of the soil macrofauna. Termites were the favored organisms in the event of total absence of weeding. The type of variety of sweet potato hadn’t any effect on the communities of soil macrofauna.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Sweet potato, soil macrofauna, weeding, treatmen

    Vegetation improvement and soil biological quality in the Sahel of Burkina Faso

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    Soil living environment contains macro-fauna that play important role in the soil structure and chemical composition, the degradation process of organic matter and in the resilience of ecosystems. Few studies evaluated the impact of the “re-greening” trend observed in the Sahel on soil biological quality. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the “re-greening” of the Sahel on soil macro-fauna population and diversity. The method of Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) was used to assess macro-fauna abundance and diversity in different land use types (cropland, shallow land, degraded land and forest). Four sites were selected, in the Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso, with contrasted Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). In each site, four repetitions were taken for each land use type. In total, 64 plots samples were used to assess the abundance of macro-fauna. Results showed that there were more individuals (64.92%) and higher macro-fauna density in re-greening zones compared to the degrading zones. There was dominance of Arthropoda phylum (60.85%), Insecta class (59.03%) and Isoptera order (46.97%) in macro-fauna population. There were more species in the shallow land and cropland in re-greening zones and all trophic groups are represented in all sites. Despite this abundance, composition and diversity, it was observed that the re-greening processes have not significantly improved soil biological quality. It is concluded that vegetation improvement might be at the beginning stage in the Sahel, especially in croplands, and clear change of soil biological quality is not perceptible but may be tangible in the future.Keywords: Macro-fauna, ecosystem, soil quality, re-greening, degradation

    Use of ChAd3-EBO-Z Ebola virus vaccine in Malian and US adults, and boosting of Malian adults with MVA-BN-Filo: a phase 1, single-blind, randomised trial, a phase 1b, open-label and double-blind, dose-escalation trial, and a nested, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    SummaryBackgroundThe 2014 west African Zaire Ebola virus epidemic prompted worldwide partners to accelerate clinical development of replication-defective chimpanzee adenovirus 3 vector vaccine expressing Zaire Ebola virus glycoprotein (ChAd3-EBO-Z). We aimed to investigate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of ChAd3-EBO-Z in Malian and US adults, and assess the effect of boosting of Malians with modified vaccinia Ankara expressing Zaire Ebola virus glycoprotein and other filovirus antigens (MVA-BN-Filo).MethodsIn the phase 1, single-blind, randomised trial of ChAd3-EBO-Z in the USA, we recruited adults aged 18–65 years from the University of Maryland medical community and the Baltimore community. In the phase 1b, open-label and double-blind, dose-escalation trial of ChAd3-EBO-Z in Mali, we recruited adults 18–50 years of age from six hospitals and health centres in Bamako (Mali), some of whom were also eligible for a nested, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of MVA-BN-Filo. For randomised segments of the Malian trial and for the US trial, we randomly allocated participants (1:1; block size of six [Malian] or four [US]; ARB produced computer-generated randomisation lists; clinical staff did randomisation) to different single doses of intramuscular immunisation with ChAd3-EBO-Z: Malians received 1 × 1010 viral particle units (pu), 2·5 × 1010 pu, 5 × 1010 pu, or 1 × 1011 pu; US participants received 1 × 1010 pu or 1 × 1011 pu. We randomly allocated Malians in the nested trial (1:1) to receive a single dose of 2 × 108 plaque-forming units of MVA-BN-Filo or saline placebo. In the double-blind segments of the Malian trial, investigators, clinical staff, participants, and immunology laboratory staff were masked, but the study pharmacist (MK), vaccine administrator, and study statistician (ARB) were unmasked. In the US trial, investigators were not masked, but participants were. Analyses were per protocol. The primary outcome was safety, measured with occurrence of adverse events for 7 days after vaccination. Both trials are registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, numbers NCT02231866 (US) and NCT02267109 (Malian).FindingsBetween Oct 8, 2014, and Feb 16, 2015, we randomly allocated 91 participants in Mali (ten [11%] to 1 × 1010 pu, 35 [38%] to 2·5 × 1010 pu, 35 [38%] to 5 × 1010 pu, and 11 [12%] to 1 × 1011 pu) and 20 in the USA (ten [50%] to 1 × 1010 pu and ten [50%] to 1 × 1011 pu), and boosted 52 Malians with MVA-BN-Filo (27 [52%]) or saline (25 [48%]). We identified no safety concerns with either vaccine: seven (8%) of 91 participants in Mali (five [5%] received 5 × 1010 and two [2%] received 1 × 1011 pu) and four (20%) of 20 in the USA (all received 1 × 1011 pu) given ChAd3-EBO-Z had fever lasting for less than 24 h, and 15 (56%) of 27 Malians boosted with MVA-BN-Filo had injection-site pain or tenderness.Interpretation1 × 1011 pu single-dose ChAd3-EBO-Z could suffice for phase 3 efficacy trials of ring-vaccination containment needing short-term, high-level protection to interrupt transmission. MVA-BN-Filo boosting, although a complex regimen, could confer long-lived protection if needed (eg, for health-care workers).FundingWellcome Trust, Medical Research Council UK, Department for International Development UK, National Cancer Institute, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Federal Funds from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

    Étude de la diversitĂ© de la macrofaune du sol sous culture de 03 morphotypes de gombo (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, 1794) dans la RĂ©gion du Centre du Burkina Faso

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    La macrofaune du sol sous cultures de 03 morphotypes de gombo (KG24-1, KG24-2 et KG24-3) a Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©e 60 jours aprĂšs semis par la mĂ©thode des monolithes, mĂ©thode standard TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility). Selon un dispositif expĂ©rimental de type Bloc Ficher Ă  trois traitements et Ă  trois rĂ©pĂ©titions conduit au Centre de Recherches Environnementales et Agricoles et de Formation de KamboinsĂ© de l’Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles. L’objectif de l’étude Ă©tait d’étudier la diversitĂ© de la macrofaune du sol sous cultures des morphotypes, et son lien avec la production des semences. Pour la macrofaune du sol, 375 individus appartenant Ă  4 classes et 12 groupes taxonomiques ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s. Une diversitĂ© plus importante de la macrofaune sous culture de KG24-3 (H’=1,65) a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e par rapport Ă  KG24-2 (H’=0,83) et KG24-1 (H’=1 ,12). Les semences des morphotypes ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es par pesĂ©e grĂące Ă  une balance de prĂ©cision. Une diffĂ©rence significative n’a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e entre la production des diffĂ©rents morphotypes. La diversitĂ© de la macrofaune du sol n’a pas influencĂ© non plus la production des semences des diffĂ©rents morphotypes de gombo

    Effet de différents types de fertilisants sur la dynamique de la macrofaune du sol et les rendements en culture de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) au Centre du Burkina Faso

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    Au Burkina Faso, la culture de tomate constitue un vĂ©ritable crĂ©neau horticole offrant un potentiel Ă©levĂ© de rĂ©duction de la pauvretĂ© et de lutte contre la pauvretĂ© et le dĂ©veloppement rural, tout en amĂ©liorant la diversitĂ© de l'alimentation. Cependant, la majoritĂ© des producteurs de tomates ne produisent pas des fruits de bonne qualitĂ© avec un rendement Ă©levĂ© en raison du manque de connaissances sur les technologies de production amĂ©liorĂ©es, y compris l'utilisation d'engrais organiques et inorganique. L’apport rĂ©gulier de matiĂšres fertilisantes permet d’amĂ©liorer ou de maintenir les caractĂ©ristiques biologiques et physico-chimiques du sol et optimiser l’absorption par les plantes des Ă©lĂ©ments nutritifs. L’ensemble des services fournis aux plantes par les engrais se fait avec la participation d’un large Ă©ventail d’organismes du sol de taille diverses dont les effets sont encore relativement peu explorĂ©s. Les relations entre la diversitĂ© de la macrofaune du sol et les rendements de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) a ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s sous l’effet de diffĂ©rentes combinaisons et de moment d’application de fertilisants minĂ©raux (NPK, Yara Mila Winner et Yara Mila Actyva). L’objectif Ă©tait d’étudier l’influence de diffĂ©rents types de fertilisants minĂ©raux sur la dynamique de la macrofaune du sol et les rendements de la tomate. La macrofaune a Ă©tĂ© inventoriĂ©e huit semaines aprĂšs le repiquage de la tomate par la mĂ©thode des monolithes, mĂ©thode standard TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility). Les rendements ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s Ă  la fin de la rĂ©colte par pesĂ©e. L’inventaire de la macrofaune du sol a recensĂ©, cinq groupes au total sous l’ensemble des traitements (ColĂ©optĂšres, HymĂ©noptĂšres, IsoptĂšres, AraignĂ©es et vers de terre). Les apports des fertilisants minĂ©raux de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale ont entrainĂ© une plus grande abondance de la macrofaune (09 Ă  14 individus) quelle que soit la forme de combinaison des engrais. La population de macrofaune la plus diversifiĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e sous le traitement T2 combinant Yara Mila Winner/Yara Mila Actyva avec quatre groupes (ColĂ©optĂšres, HymĂ©noptĂšres, IsoptĂšres et vers de terre). Par contre le traitement T4 combinant le NPK et l’urĂ©e a prĂ©sentĂ© la macrofaune la plus abondante mais moins diversifiĂ©e (un seul groupe, les ColĂ©optĂšres). Du point de vue des rendements de la culture de tomate, le rendement le plus Ă©levĂ© a Ă©tĂ© obtenu Ă©galement sous le traitement (T2) combinant Yara Mila Winner/Yara Mila Actyva avec apport de Yara Mila Winner avant floraison (3,08 t.ha-1 de rendement fruit et 44,25 g de poids moyen des fruits). Par contre, le traitement combinant Yara Mila Actyva/Yara Mila Winner avec apport de Yara Mila Actyva avant floraison (T3) prĂ©sente un rendement nettement infĂ©rieur aux traitements avec apport de NPK combinĂ© Ă  l’urĂ©e (T4) ou au Yara Mila Actyva (T1). Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que l’application des diffĂ©rents types d’engrais a eu un impact sur la macrofaune du sol et les rendements de la tomate. Le traitement T2 a Ă©tĂ© celui qui a abritĂ© la macrofaune la plus diversifiĂ©e et le meilleur rendement de la tomate

    Variability of vitamins B1, B2 and minerals content in baobab (<i>Adansonia digitata</i>) leaves in East and West Africa

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    The regional variability and age–age correlation on vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and minerals (Ca, Mg, P, K, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, and Zn) concentration in baobab leaves were investigated. Baobab was cultivated from seeds from 11 countries including Benin, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Tanzania, Togo, Senegal, and Sudan. Vitamins B1 and B2 content were assessed using microbiological VitaFast kits methods and minerals by atomic absorption and flame spectrometry methods. Overall, the results showed a higher content of vitamin B2 compared to vitamin B1 with the highest vitamin B2 content (1.04 ± 0.05 mg/100 g DM) from Senegal. The highest iron (Fe) content of 26.39 mg/100 g was found in baobab leaves from Mali. For age–age correlation, adult baobab leaves of Nankoun in Burkina Faso provided the highest calcium (Ca) content of 3373 mg/100 g. However, for provenance trial, young plants from three communities of Burkina Faso showed the highest calcium (Ca) and potassium (K) content. The study demonstrated that vitamins B1 and B2 and mineral contents in baobab leaves vary with the country and the age of the tree. Vitamin B1 content was higher in baobab leaves from ascendants compared to those from descendants, while in contrast vitamin B2 content was higher in the leaves from the descendants compared to their ascendants (mother tree)