288 research outputs found

    Surgical treatment of trochanteric fractures: An Ivorian experience

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    Background: Trochanteric fractures have become a major focus of orthopaedic interest. Surgical management is the best option for treating such fractures. Objective: To present our experience with the surgical treatment of trochanteric fractures with special attention to short-term results. Design: A retrospective study performed between 1993 and 2002. Setting: Department of orthopaedics surgery, Yopougon teaching hospital, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Patients and methods: There were 48 men and 17 women with a mean age of 44 years at the moment of the injury. Road traffic accident was the main cause of fractures accounting for 42 cases. Mean preoperative delay was 22 days. Surgical implants used were the Judet screw plate and Küntscher nail. Results: Postoperative death occurred in three cases. Fracture healing was achieved in 57 patients at an average of four months. Malunion and displacement into varus was noticed in 11.7% of patients. Infection occurred in seven patients, wound hematoma in eight and decubital ulcer in five. Conclusions: Trochanteric fractures in our environment are caused by severe trauma. These injuries could be managed surgically with simple methods that are readily available with immediate satisfactory outcome. Keywords: trochanteric fractures, surgical care Judet screw plate, Küntscher nail, complications Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Vol. 7(1&2) 2005: 187–19

    Investigation of an outbreak of type 3 wild poliovirus in Cote d'Ivoire in 2011

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    Background: Côte d'Ivoire had no type 3 wild poliovirus (WPV3) outbreak since 1999. In 2011, the country was reinfected by WPV3. The objective of this study is to explore the reasons behind the occurrence of WPV3 outbreak in Côte d'Ivoire in 2011.Method: Data on WPV3 cases were obtained from specific investigation records during the outbreak investigation. Data on AFP cases was obtained from AFP routine investigation forms. Information on polio immunization was extracted from National EPI databases and documents. Univariate analyses were done to summarize characteristics of AFP and WPV3 cases. Bivariate and multivariable analyses were done to compare polio cases to non-polio AFP cases. Finally, the proportion of non-vaccinated children in routine immunization from 2006 to 2010 was calculated.Results: In the Côte d'Ivoire outbreak, from January to July 2011, 36 WPV3 cases were notified. The median age was two years old (interquartile range two to four years old). Among these cases, 29 had received less than three polio vaccine doses. The majority of WPV3 cases were living in precarious socio-economic conditions. Regarding vaccination status of AFP cases, the polio cases had a statistically significant higher risk to have less than three doses of polio vaccine compared to non-polio cases, OR: 16.9 [95% CI: 2.3 – 125.0]. More than 27% of the children of less than one year old who were expected to be vaccinated in the country were not vaccinated from 2006 to 2010.Conclusion: Despite the limitations, this study shows that a country that has interrupted polio transmission for one type of poliovirus can still be at high risk for polio outbreaks of this same type following an importation. This can occur when routine immunization coverage is low, polio supplementary immunization activities are done with only the poliovirus vaccine against the circulating poliovirus, people live in precarious socio-economic conditions and AFP surveillance is poorly performed. Côte d'Ivoire experienced this outbreak as many of these conditions occurred together.Keywords: Wild poliovirus, epidemic, occurrence, Côte d'Ivoir

    Profile of sensitivity and resistance to antibiotics of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from patients fluids in medical biology department of National Public Health Laboratory of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterial specie that opposed more resistance again many antibiotics. This study aimed to determine the resistance profile of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from biological patient’s liquids. A total of 303 samples including urine and vaginal pus samples from human were collected. The susceptibility of antibiotic resistance profile of isolated strains was determined in agar medium by the diffusion method. The highest sensitivity was observed with gentamicin (25/25), vancomycin (24/25), rifampicin (24/25) and fusidic acid (25/25). The most important resistances were obtained with cotrimoxazole (15/25), nalidixic acid (17/25), oxacillin (20/25) and penicillins G (23/25). Age and sex of patients have few impacts on the resistance  profile.Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus; resistance; sensibility; antibiotics; Burkina Faso

    Distribution of bovine Fasciola gigantica (Cobbold, 1885) in the district des Savanes, northern CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    Fascioliasis, caused by an infection with liver flukes of the genus Fasciola, is an important disease of livestock in most parts of the world. However, little is known about the distribution of fascioliasis in sub-Saharan Africa. We report results of a cross-sectional study conducted in 2014 in the district des Savanes in the northern part of Cote d'Ivoire. We obtained 275 livers from bovine suspected with fascioliasis and 51 unsuspected livers from 24 slaughterhouses. Livers were dissected using a standard operating procedure and all Fasciola gigantica flukes were removed from the tissues of the liver and the biliary ducts. We found F. gigantica in 125 livers from bovines suspected with fascioliasis (45.5%) in 10 departments of the district des Savanes. Among the unsuspected livers, five were positive for F. gigantica (9.8%). The distribution of fascioliasis showed considerable spatial heterogeneity, both at regional (ranging from 18.0% to 52.3%) and departmental level (ranging from 14.3% to 64.0%). Poro region was the most affected (52.3%) with a relatively homogeneous distribution. The departments most affected by fascioliasis were M'Bengue (64.0%), Sinematiali (62.1%) and Ferkessedougou (52.9%). Our study confirms that fascioliasis is an important veterinary disease in the northern part of Cote d'Ivoire, and hence, high-risk areas need to be targeted for prevention and control measures

    Echangeur de chaleur “air-terre” pour la climatisation passive de locaux : Etude de cas réalisée au Burkina Faso

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    An Earth Air Heat Exchanger is a novel way to cool and heat buildings using the ground temperature. Earth Air Heat Exchangers are cheaper and they use less energy than traditional air conditioning. These factors make it a perfect technology to cool houses and buildings in Burkina Faso, a developing country with a major indoor cooling demand. This study shows that in Burkina Faso it is possible to build a simple EAHX to cool down ambient air by 10°C which in turn can cool down a room by 1°C-5°C. The EAHX will be 30 meters long, buried 1.5 meters in the ground and use a ventilator with a flow rate of 90 m3/h. In total the EAHX will cost CFA 300,000 ($US 600)

    Distribution of bovine Fasciola gigantica (Cobbold, 1885) in the district des Savanes, northern CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    Fascioliasis, caused by an infection with liver flukes of the genus Fasciola, is an important disease of livestock in most parts of the world. However, little is known about the distribution of fascioliasis in sub-Saharan Africa. We report results of a cross-sectional study conducted in 2014 in the district des Savanes in the northern part of Cote d'Ivoire. We obtained 275 livers from bovine suspected with fascioliasis and 51 unsuspected livers from 24 slaughterhouses. Livers were dissected using a standard operating procedure and all Fasciola gigantica flukes were removed from the tissues of the liver and the biliary ducts. We found F. gigantica in 125 livers from bovines suspected with fascioliasis (45.5%) in 10 departments of the district des Savanes. Among the unsuspected livers, five were positive for F. gigantica (9.8%). The distribution of fascioliasis showed considerable spatial heterogeneity, both at regional (ranging from 18.0% to 52.3%) and departmental level (ranging from 14.3% to 64.0%). Poro region was the most affected (52.3%) with a relatively homogeneous distribution. The departments most affected by fascioliasis were M'Bengue (64.0%), Sinematiali (62.1%) and Ferkessedougou (52.9%). Our study confirms that fascioliasis is an important veterinary disease in the northern part of Cote d'Ivoire, and hence, high-risk areas need to be targeted for prevention and control measures

    Abcès post-traumatique du psoas compliqué d’une hydronéphrose: à propos d’un cas et revue de littérature

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    L’abcès du psoas est une entité clinique relativement rare, en général secondaire à un foyer infectieux de voisinage (gastro-intestinal, génito-urinaire ou ostéo-articulaires). L’abcès post traumatique est rare. La clinique est complexe en l’absence de tableau clinique typique. Le diagnostique est basé sur la clinique et les données radiologiques. Le traitement associe le drainage percutané et l’antibiothérapie. Nous rapportons un cas d’abcès post traumatique du psoas compliqué d’hydronéphrose et traité par abord chirurgical

    Characteristics of Jatropha Oil and Prospective for its Valorization as Feedstock for the Development of Biodiesel Technology in Guinea

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    The continuous depletion of fossil fuel and petroleum products, their limited resources and environment concerns are a matter of concern. The tendency in energy sector represents a challenge as well as an opportunity to look for alternatives of fossil fuels for sustainable development and environmental benefits. Study of biodiesel has become a key objective in the effort towards energy self-reliance. Since Jatropha oil cannot be used in the food industry, its use as energy source becomes very attractive. Before oil extraction, 1000-seed weight of Jatropha was investigated on the point of view of temperature and rainfalls. Seeds were grounded and defatted by extraction using a Soxhlet device. The lipid fraction of Jatropha oil seed were extracted and analyzed for their chemical composition and properties. The content of fatty acid in the extracted lipid was determined by use of Gas Chromatography (GC). Oleic acid (44.7%) and Oinoleic acid (32.8%) represent the dominant fatty acids while palmitic and stearic ones were the saturated fatty acids in the Jatropha oil. The crude oil from an average sample was transformed into biodiesel by transesterification in which a primary alcohol replaces glycerol from crude oil molecules
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