336 research outputs found

    This is Research; Tranum: CleanCube Project

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    The CleanCube Project is built on a holistic model designed to provide an accessible, affordable source of clean water to people who need it most. Currently in the prototype stage, the CleanCube product is a dissolvable cube made of natural plant-based material that can be added to stored drinking water to kill 100% of E. coli bacteria. This product is part of a larger system that includes small batch production, community-based education, alternative marketing and distribution strategies, and appropriate pricing that fit the realities of CleanCube’s target users. The image on the left above is from a community-based education event. The CleanCube research team developed a narrated story that was projected onto a backdrop. Using storytelling, music, traditional dance, and magic tricks, the success of this pilot event proved that this approach is a powerful medium for education and capacity building within the community. The image on the right above is from a children’s activity book created based on this same story. The book is part the CleanCube Ambassador Kit. Meeting with women in their homes, Ambassadors demonstrate safe water handling practices including how to use the CleanCube product to remove bacteria from water. Ambassadors connect daily water usage to sacred traditions and underscore the importance of clean water. The goal of this systems approach is to create a fully sustainable model that can create social and economic impact. The CleanCube model is designed to reflect the local community while also allowing to be adapted and implemented in other communities to order reach measurable scale over the long term

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    Protecting Sensitive Data from System Administrators

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    Oppgaven analyserer og presenterer en praktisk løsning på problemet med å sikre personsensitiv data ved det Norske Kreftregisteret fra tilgang for Systemadministratorer som ikke er autorisert for slik tilgang


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