24,788 research outputs found

    Keck Observations of the Hidden Quasar IRAS P09104+4109

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    We present imaging and spectro- polarimetric observations of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy IRAS P09104+4109 using the Keck 10-m Telescope. We detect the clear presence of broad Hb, Hg, and MgII 2800 emission lines in the polarized flux spectra of the nucleus and of an extranuclear emission region ~ 4" away, confirming the presence of a hidden central quasar. The polarization of the broad Mg II emission line is high (~ 29%), consistent with the remarkably high polarization (~ 30%-40%) observed in the extended continuum emission. The narrow emission lines are polarized in a stratified fashion, with the high ionization lines being polarized 0.7%-1.7% and [O II] essentially unpolarized. The line polarizations are positively correlated with critical density, ionization potential, and velocity width of the emission lines. This indicates that the NLR may be partially shadowed by the putative torus, with the higher ionization lines originating closer to the nucleus. One notable characteristic of the extranuclear knot is that all species of Fe are markedly absent in its spectrum, while they appear prominently in the nucleus. Our favored interpretation is that there is a large amount of dust in the extranuclear regions, allowing gaseous refractory metals to deposit. The extended emission regions are most likely material shredded from nearby cluster members and not gas condensed from the cooling flow or expelled from the obscured quasar. Our data provide strong evidence for matter-bounded clouds in addition to ionization-bounded clouds in the NLR. Ionization by pure velocity shocks can be ruled out. Shocks with photoionizing precursors may be present, but are probably not a dominant contributor to the energy input.Comment: 32 pages, including 9 figs and 2 tables, to be published in the Astronomical Journa

    Strength and flexibility properties of advanced ceramic fabrics

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    The mechanical properties of four advanced ceramic fabrics are measured at a temperature range of 23 C to 1200 C. The fabrics evaluated are silica, high-and low-boria content aluminoborosilicate, and silicon carbide. Properties studied include fabric break strengths from room temperature to 1200 C, and bending durability after temperature conditioning at 1200 C and 1400 C. The interaction of the fabric and ceramic insulation is also studied for shrinkage, appearance, bend resistance, and fabric-to-insulation bonding. Based on these tests, the low-boria content aluminoborosilicate fabric retains more strength and fabric durability than the other fabrics studied at high temperature

    Closed-form Absorption Probability of Certain D=5 and D=4 Black Holes and Leading-Order Cross-Section of Generic Extremal p-branes

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    We obtain the closed-form absorption probabilities for minimally-coupled massless scalars propagating in the background of D=5 single-charge and D=4 two-charge black holes. These are the only two examples of extremal black holes with non-vanishing absorption probabilities that can be solved in closed form for arbitrary incident frequencies. In both cases, the absorption probability vanishes when the frequency is below a certain threshold, and we discuss the connection between this phenomenon and the behaviour of geodesics in these black hole backgrounds. We also obtain leading-order absorption cross-sections for generic extremal p-branes, and show that the expression for the cross-section as a function of frequency coincides with the leading-order dependence of the entropy on the temperature in the corresponding near-extremal p-branes.Comment: Latex (3 times), 20 page

    Minimal-order functional observer-based residual generators for fault detection and isolation of dynamical systems

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    This paper examines the design of minimal-order residual generators for the purpose of detecting and isolating actuator and/or component faults in dynamical systems. We first derive existence conditions and design residual generators using only first-order observers to detect and identify the faults. When the first-order functional observers do not exist, then based on a parametric approach to the solution of a generalized Sylvester matrix equation, we develop systematic procedures for designing residual generators utilizing minimal-order functional observers. Our design approach gives lower-order residual generators than existing results in the literature. The advantages for having such lower-order residual generators are obvious from the economical and practical points of view as cost saving and simplicity in implementation can be achieved, particularly when dealing with high-order complex systems. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed fault detection and isolation schemes. In all of the numerical examples, we design minimum-order residual generators to effectively detect and isolate actuator and/or component faults in the system

    A fault detection scheme for time-delay systems using minimum-order functional observers

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    This paper presents a method for designing residual generators using minimum-order functional observers to detect actuator and component faults in time-delay systems. Existence conditions of the residual generators and functional observers are first derived, and then based on a parametric approach to the solution of a generalized Sylvester matrix equation, we develop systematic procedures for designing minimum-order functional observers to detect faults in the system. The advantages of having minimum-order observers are obvious from the economical and practical points of view as cost saving and simplicity can be achieved, particularly when dealing with high-order complex systems. Extensive numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed fault detection scheme. In all the numerical examples, we design minimum-order residual generators and functional observers to detect faults in the system

    Anomalous dephasing of bosonic excitons interacting with phonons in the vicinity of the Bose-Einstein condensation

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    The dephasing and relaxation kinetics of bosonic excitons interacting with a thermal bath of acoustic phonons is studied after coherent pulse excitation. The kinetics of the induced excitonic polarization is calculated within Markovian equations both for subcritical and supercritical excitation with respect to a Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). For excited densities n below the critical density n_c, an exponential polarization decay is obtained, which is characterized by a dephasing rate G=1/T_2. This dephasing rate due to phonon scattering shows a pronounced exciton-density dependence in the vicinity of the phase transition. It is well described by the power law G (n-n_c)^2 that can be understood by linearization of the equations around the equilibrium solution. Above the critical density we get a non-exponential relaxation to the final condensate value p^0 with |p(t)|-|p^0| ~1/t that holds for all densities. Furthermore we include the full self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) terms due to the exciton-exciton interaction and the kinetics of the anomalous functions F_k= . The collision terms are analyzed and an approximation is used which is consistent with the existence of BEC. The inclusion of the coherent x-x interaction does not change the dephasing laws. The anomalous function F_k exhibits a clear threshold behaviour at the critical density.Comment: European Physical Journal B (in print

    Geometrically nonlinear isogeometric analysis of laminated composite plates based on higher-order shear deformation theory

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    In this paper, we present an effectively numerical approach based on isogeometric analysis (IGA) and higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) for geometrically nonlinear analysis of laminated composite plates. The HSDT allows us to approximate displacement field that ensures by itself the realistic shear strain energy part without shear correction factors. IGA utilizing basis functions namely B-splines or non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) enables to satisfy easily the stringent continuity requirement of the HSDT model without any additional variables. The nonlinearity of the plates is formed in the total Lagrange approach based on the von-Karman strain assumptions. Numerous numerical validations for the isotropic, orthotropic, cross-ply and angle-ply laminated plates are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method