301 research outputs found

    Dialogue in education

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    What is the meaning of “dialogue” in education? Why is dialogue important in learning processes? Tran proposes a short review of the literature, starting with Vygotsky and ending with a new field of research in informal learning - conversations among the public visiting museums as a collaborative environment for learning

    Database Localization in a Test Environment

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    One of the most significant challenges facing database software publishers is globalizing their products to tap into potentially profitable overseas business opportunities. The challenges of making products work overseas are many, ranging from budgeting for globalization projects to requiring developers to be skilled in localization. Over the years, software publishers have developed and implemented various tools and processes for globalization and localization. While there is considerable literature available on software development lifecycles and case studies, few studies have focused on globalization of database software. This thesis will examine the extent to which database publishers are using internationalization tools and processes to help them solve globalization challenges. Thesis deliverables will be specified tool evaluations and workarounds for database localization

    Enhancing Children’s Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Early Childhood: A Handbook for Parents Based on Authentic Activities

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    This project presents a literature review of the role of social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in children’s development, including an overview of Vygotsky’s constructivist theory, the definition of SEL skills, the benefits of SEL for children, and the role of parents in children’s SEL development. The purpose of this project was to provide parents with a keen awareness of the role that they play in their children’s SEL development, and to create a practical handbook that parents can use to encourage children’s engagement in SEL activities in their home environment. Presenting home-based activities, the implementation of the handbook included in this project can benefit children’s SEL skills and overall well-being

    Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Business Risk of Joint Stock Commercial Banks: Evidence from Vietnam

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    The nearer Vietnamese New Year festival comes, the more foreign currency is demanded in order to respond for imports and exports. This need leads to an effervescent market in foreign exchange business of Join Stock Commercial Banks. The fundamental objective of this paper is to answer the three questions.  First, does joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam have to face foreign currency difficulties? Second, which factors impact on exchange rate? And finally, what solutions Joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam should follow in order to reduce exchange rate risk in foreign exchange business? The paper proceeds as follows. First this research will give some information about the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate in 2014. Next we will try to answer the question what make foreign exchange rate fluctuate by establishing one model using data from 2005 to 2014. The final part shows the derivative instruments that commercial banks in Vietnam often use for hedging foreign exchange rate risk. Keywords: Exchange rate, Exchange Rate Risk, Commercial Banks, Derivative Instrument

    Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rate by using ARIMA Model: A Case of VND/USD Exchange Rate

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    Forecasting foreign exchange rate is one work that supports to foreign exchange rate risk of commercial joint stock banks in Vietnam. By using real foreign exchange rate data from the first day of 2013 to the last day of 2015, this paper introduces Arima model with four steps to forecast foreign exchange rate between VND/USD in the next twelve months of 2016. After having forecasted foreign exchange data, we compare them with real foreign exchange rate data to check the suitable level of Arima model for forecasting foreign exchange rate in Vietnam and the results show that Arima model is suitable for estimating foreign exchange rate in Vietnam in short-time period. Keywords: Arima, Exchange Rate, Exchange Rate Forecasting, Stationary.

    Producer Services: A Hub for STEM and an Engine for Job Growth

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    The producer services sector, which includes professional and technical services such as accounting, engineering, computer programming, advertising and consulting, is the fastest growing, high-wage segment of the U.S. economy. Producer services employment grew by 15 percent nationwide from 2008 through 2017 but only by 5 percent in Nebraska. Nebraska growth lagged the nation in part because the state has smaller metropolitan areas. Producer service businesses tend to congregate in larger cities. To grasp more opportunities in this growing, high wage sector, Nebraska needs to train more workers in STEM occupations, encourage the development of small businesses in the sector, and continue to improve the state\u27s quality of life


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    This dissertation would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study. First and foremost, I would like to express my very great appreciation to Dr Sally McKechnie, my research supervisor, for her patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement, useful critiques and offering suggestions for improvement of this research work. Secondly, I am deeply indebted to the Department of Marketing for providing the valuable knowledge during my study and giving me permission to commence this dissertation. I have furthermore to extend my thanks to the University of Nottingham for their outstanding study environment. Finally, I wish to thank my dearest parents, siblings and friends for their support and encouragement

    The use of questions in exhibit labels to generate explanatory conversation among science museum visitors

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    Research suggests that conversations at museums contribute to as well as serve as evidence for learning. Many museums use labels to provide visitors with information as well as stimulate conversation about exhibit topics. However, most studies on exhibit labels do not centre on conversations. This investigation uses a Vygotskian framework to examine the ways questions in exhibit labels can stimulate conversations in a science museum. We examined the questions and explanations that appeared in conversation occurring under three label conditions (current label, added question: 'Why is this here?', and simplified text plus question) at three exhibits in a science museum. Each exhibit (a model of a Victorian workshop, a sectioned 1959 Austin Mini Cooper, and a bowl which survived the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan) was videotaped for approximately six hours in each condition. Findings based on 464 conversations at these exhibits indicated that our guiding question affected visitors' conversations; however, adding the question had different effects at different exhibits. For example, at the Mini-Cooper exhibit, people asked more open-ended questions with the question added than in the current label condition. At this exhibit there were also more open-ended questions used in conjunction with explanatory responses when the question was present. In contrast, the guiding question at the Hiroshima bowl exhibit had no effect. These results imply that it is important to consider the nature of the exhibit when designing labels that will optimally facilitate learning conversations

    The Sharing Economy and Collaborative Finance: the Case of P2p Lending in Vietnam

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    Peer-to-peer Online Lending (P2PO) has received increasing attention over the last years, not only because of its disruptive nature and its disintermediation of nearly all major banking functions, but also because of its rapid growth and expanding breadth of services. This model offers a new way of investing in addition to investing in traditional channels such as banking or financial company. The transaction process is done online, the personal information and terms of mobilization are completely transparent and secure in the best way. The strong development of P2PO also raises a number of issues that require careful attention to promote positive and to limit negative aspects. The research aims to highlight particular aspects of this new business model and to analyze the opportunities and risks for lenders and borrowers in Viet Nam. The research combines qualitative analysis and data survey to serve descriptive statistics about P2PO in Viet Nam. The research show the potential of online peer lending is enormous but the regulators will restrict the Sharing economy model in general and P2PO lending in particula

    Dividends or share repurchases? Investigation of factors affecting the decisions: Empirical study on FTSE 350 companies

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    Payout policy has remained as one of the most pertinent aspects for firms. When it comes to the decision of paying stockholders, firms have to take into account many different factors. Since cash dividend has been the dominant form of payout, the emergence of share repurchase as another form of payout has raised many questions. This paper examines the common determinants of dividend and share repurchase decisions for the components of FTSE 350 Index, consisting of the 350 largest companies by market capitalization listed on the London Stock Exchange, over a twenty-year period, from 1991 to 2010. Out of all the variables chosen as factors affecting the decisions of dividend and share repurchase, which are firm size, profitability, investment opportunity, tax, debt-to-equity ratio, and retained earnings, the three main factors showing the strongest effect are firm size, profitability, and investment opportunity. This is in line with Fama and French’s research (2001), and other literature. Although dividend per share has some certain influence on share repurchase, the relationship is positive, quite contrary to expectation. The decision of dividend payout is also affected by the amount of tax paid and retained earnings; whereas, share repurchase decision seems to be irrelevant to those factors
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