185 research outputs found

    Étude acoustique des segments dans les séquences consonantiques du vietnamien

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    National audienceIn this paper, we study the acoustic realization of Vietnamese final stops (/p/ /t/ /k/) and nasals (/m/ /n/), often unreleased, in the consonant sequences, starting from the corpus of 140 monosyllabic and dissyllabic items. This is the first stage of discovering the responsible factors explaining for the difficulty of producing the French consonant clusters faced by Vietnamese leaner

    Acetate wheat starch improving blood glucose response and bilan lipid on obesity dyslipidemia mice

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    Resistant starch is particularly concerned with beneficial effects in regulating blood glucose concentration and lipid metabolism, reducing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. This study aimed to validate the effects of wheat starch acetate containing 32.1% resistant starch on postprandial blood glucose response and lipid profile on obesity, dyslipidemia Swiss mice induced by a high-fat diet. The result showed that there was a restriction on postprandial hyperglycemia and remained stable for 2 hours after meal efficiently comparing with the control group fed natural wheat starch. Simultaneously, when maintaining the dose of 5g/kg once or twice a day for 8 weeks, wheat starch acetate to be able to reduce body weight and blood glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol levels compared to the control group (p<0.05)


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Crude oil-utilizing strain Desulfovibrio vulgaris D107G3, a mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from Bach Ho gas-oil field in Vung Tau, Vietnam

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    Some of anaerobic, mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria that produce H₂S and cause microbial metal corrosion can degrade crude oil in anaerobic conditions. In this study, a mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacterial strain D107G3 isolated from Bach Ho gas-oil field in Vung Tau, Vietnam that is able to utilize crude oil in the anaerobic condition is reported. The strain D107G3 was classified as a Gram-negative bacterium by using Gram staining method. Basing on scanning microscopy observation, the cell of a strain D107G3 had a curved rod shape. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that the strain D107G3 was identified as Desulfovibrio vulgaris with 99.7% identity. The suitable conditions for its growth that was determined via estimating its H₂S production was the modified Postgate B medium containing 1% (v/v) crude oil, 1% NaCl (w/v), pH 7 and 300C incubation. In these conditions, the strain D107G3 can consume 11.4 % of crude oil total and oxidize heavy crude oil (≥ C45) for one month at anoxic condition. These obtained results not only contribute to the science but also continue to warn about the dangers of mesophilic sulfate reducing bacteria to the process of crude oil exploitation, use, and storage in Vung Tau, Vietnam.Trong bài báo này, chủng vi khuẩn khử sunphat (KSF) ưa ấm D107G3 phân lập từ giếng khoan dầu khí mỏ Bạch Hổ, Vũng Tàu, Việt Nam có khả năng sử dụng dầu thô trong điều kiện kị khí được công bố. Chủng D107G3 được xác định là vi khuẩn Gram âm nhờ phương pháp nhuộm Gram. Quan sát trên kính hiển vi điện tử quét cho thấy tế bào chủng D107G3 có hình que cong. Kết quả phân tích trình tự gen 16S rRNA đã xác định được chủng D107G3 thuộc loài Desulfovibrio vulgaris với độ tương đồng 99.7%. Thông qua đánh giá lượng H₂S tạo thành đã khám phá được điều kiện thích hợp cho sinh trưởng của chủng D107G3: môi trường Postgate B cải tiến chứa 1% (v/v) dầu thô, 1 % NaCl (gL⁻¹), pH 7 và nuôi cấy ở 30°C. Trong điều kiện đó, chủng D107G3 đã sử dụng được 11.4 % hàm lượng dầu tổng số, thành phần dầu bị phân huỷ là các n-parafin có mạch C≥45 sau 1 tháng nuôi cấy kỵ khí. Các kết quả này đóng góp về mặt khoa học và tiếp tục cảnh báo mối nguy hại của KSF ưa ấm đến việc khai thác, sử dụng và bảo quản dầu mỏ ở Vũng Tàu, Việt Nam


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Dynamic association between energy transition technologies, renewable energy production, trade openness, green investment, carbon tax, and carbon neutrality: empirical evidences from China

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    The existing millennium documents the most adverse consequences of global warming which in contrast to pre-industrial era are more devastating. Thus, these prevailing consequences raise numerous concerns regarding the well-being of future and current generation. Scholars, in this regard, are putting efforts punctiliously towards methods that could halt the surging emissions. This paper also attempts to contributes to existing literature by reporting the empirical evidences regarding the role of energy transition technologies, renewable energy production (REP), trade openness, green investment, and carbon taxes in carbon neutrality in Chinse economy covering the time span of 1980–2020. By employing Dynamic Auto-regressive Distributed Lags (DARDL) model to check the association, findings exposed that electricity production from water sources, electricity production from solar sources, REP, trade openness, green investment, and carbon taxes are negatively correlated with CO2 emissions. Study offers policymakers a help in formulating policies related to achieve carbon neutrality using renewable sources of energy production, carbon taxes, and green investmen


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    In this work, we report the synthesis of the hierarchical structure of a CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 electrode for photoeletrochemical water splitting application. The photoanode was synthesized via the hydrothermal and atomic layer deposition methods. The morphological and structural properties of CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 nanoplates were carefully investigated by using SEM, TEM, and XRD techniques. The CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3-based photoelectrode has a photocurrent density of 8,5 mA·cm-2 and a photoconversion efficiency of 7.9% at a supplied potential of –0,85 V in a 0.5 M Na2S solution. This photocurrent density is twice higher than that of the CdS/ZnO/FTO electrode. Due to built-in potential and efficiently collecting the photo-carriers generated from the ZnO/CdS heterojunction under illumination, the CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 electrode exhibits enhanced performance of the photoelectrochemical cell. This is a promising approach to the synthesis of heterojunction layers of semiconductor together with nanostructures for fabricating photoelectrodes of the photoelectrochemical cell to enhance hydrogen production efficiency.Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi nghiên cứu chế tạo điện cực có cấu trúc 3D phân lớp dị thể (cây – cành – nhánh) CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3 ứng dụng cho tách nước quang điện hóa. Điện cực được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp thủy nhiệt và lắng đọng lớp nguyên tử. Hình thái học, cấu trúc tinh thể, và thành phần nguyên tố của điện cực này được nghiên cứu bằng kính hiển vi điện tử quét (FE–SEM), kính hiển vị điện tử truyền qua (HR–TEM) và nhiễu xạ tia X (XRD). Nghiên cứu tính chất quang điện hóa của cấu trúc CdS/ZnO/Pt/WO3, chúng tôi thu được mật độ dòng quang điện là 8,5 mA·cm-2 và hiệu suất chuyển đổi năng lượng ánh sáng mặt trời thành năng lượng hydro 7,9 %% tại thế cung cấp –0,85 V trong dung dịch chất điện ly Na2S với nồng độ 0,5 mol/L. Cấu trúc 3D phân lớp này có mật độ dòng quang điện của điện cực cao hơn gấp hai lần so với các cấu trúc CdS/ZnO trên điện cực thủy tinh phủ oxit thiếc pha tạp bằng flo. Đây là một hướng tiếp cận rất hứa hẹn tổng hợp các cấu trúc nano phân lớp dị thể nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả sản xuất hydro

    The Relationship between Online Learning and Student Satisfaction with Training Quality in Private Universities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to explore the relationship between the influential factors of online learning and the satisfaction of economics and business majors with the quality of their training in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 900 students in private universities completed a questionnaire. The principal findings of this research are that the students are satisfied with their online learning and that learning conferencing software is the most important driving factor leading to the students’ satisfaction when compared with learning conditions and learning devices. Another interesting finding is that the experience of using learning conferencing software results in a slight difference in the students’ perceived level of satisfaction, adding that users with more than two years’ experience are more satisfied with their training quality than users with less than one year’s experience. However, the results also show that students want to switch to offline learning when the pandemic is over. This study should, therefore, be of value to higher education authorities wishing to understand their students’ perceptions of online learning. In addition, results from the study suggest more managerial approaches as well as improve the online teaching quality during the pandemic