602 research outputs found


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    This paper revisits the theoretical framework of endogenous economic growth by considering models where human capital accumulation is at the center of the growth process. Our work is in line with Lucas (2015), who calls for not giving “too large a role to exogenous technological change” (p. 86) while advocating that “the contribution of human capital accumulation to economic growth deserves a production function of its own” (p. 87). The main finding of our research provides the long-term behavior of economies, where our main results locate and extend these discussions to infinite-horizon models in several ways. Correction Notice Correction to Tran, N. T. and Thai, H. H. (2023). Human capital as the source of economic growth. Dalat University Journal of Science, 13(4S), 30–41. As initially published, this article contained an error in the author list. In the corrected version of the article, Thai Ha Huy [University of Évry (University of Paris-Saclay), Évry, France] has been removed from the author list as the authorship of the article belongs solely to Tran Nhat Thien [The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Dalat University, Lam Dong, Vietnam]. The author list of this article has been corrected at the request of the Editor-in-Chief because the author list was originally incorrect. In November 2023, the Dalat University Journal of Science (DLU-JOS) became aware that the author/contributor list presented in the article was incorrect. The error was reported to the DLU-JOS by the two authors themselves. One of the authors was not aware that his name had been included in the author list of the article, and both authors agreed to request that the article be retracted. In accordance with the international guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, of which the DLU-JOS is a member, we have determined that these are not grounds for retraction. We have determined that the authorship of the article was disputed but that no reason exists to doubt the validity or reliability of the findings. Therefore, a correction to the author list should sufficiently address the concerns raised by the two authors. To ensure transparency and the accuracy of the scholarly record, we have decided to issue a formal correction to the author/contributor list of the article with the belief that the two authors have provided appropriate proof that such a correction is justified. The authors have agreed to this formal correction notice. The DLU-JOS regrets this incident and extends its apologies to its readers

    The influence of CEO characteristics on corporate environmental performance of SMEs: Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs

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    Drawing on upper echelon theory, this study investigates the impact of CEOs’ (chief executive officers) demographic characteristics on corporate environmental performance (CEP) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We hypothesized that CEO characteristics, including gender, age, basic educational level, professional educational level, political connection, and ethnicity, affect SMEs’ environmental performance. Using the cross-sectional data analysis of 810 Vietnamese SMEs, this study provides evidence that female CEOs and CEOs’ educational level (both basic and professional) are positively related to the probability of CEP. We also find that based on the role of institutional environment on CEP, political connections had a negative effect on CEP in the context of Vietnam. Another finding is that SMEs with chief executives from ethnic minority groups show a higher level of the probability of corporate environmental performance than companies operated by Kinh chief executives. Since CEP is an essential dimension of corporate social responsibility, a strategic decision for SMEs, it is crucial for the company to select appropriate CEOs based on their demographic characteristic

    公共政策のモバイル市場発展に対するインパクト分析 : ベトナム事例

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2480号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2007/6/20 ; 早大学位記番号:新458

    Designing and Implementing a Micro-controller based Primary-side Sensing Flyback Converter for LEDs Driver

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    The fast development of LED and its applications has enabled a new generation of lighting device with higher efficiency and long lifespan. By employing a primary-side sensing flyback converter and the PIC18F micro-controller series, an LED driver could achieve two important features: (1) the compatibility with the available lighting fixtures, and (2) reducing unit price. The flyback converter was chosen for its simplicity, competitive low cost, and its ability to provide a constant output current, a necessarily important factor to an LED driver. Meanwhile, the PIC18F micro-controller series offer numerous advanced features which include but not limited to pulse-width modulation (PWM), 10-bit 13-channel Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) etc., which suitably meet the requirements for regulating a primary-side sensing flyback converter. The design process was first conducted in simulation stage with aid from Matlab®-Simulink and Cadence OrCAD Capture CIS (PSpice). By using PI based control scheme and making full use of built-in Analog Behavioral Modelling (ABM) blocks, the simulation-relevant difficulties due to lacking of appropriate model for the PIC18F series micro-controller were completely solved. The simulation results matched well with the intended design specifications: the output voltage is 32 VDC while the load current is 350 mA. More importantly, the simulation results demonstrated the feasibility of deploying a primary-side sensing flyback converter in conjunction with a PIC18F micro-controller as an LED driver. Next, a demo printed-circuit board (PCB) was layout by using OrCAD PCB Editor. Finally, the PIC18F4550 micro-controller was programmed to undertake control tasks of the LED driver. The experimental results reflect the project\u27s success with all the parts of the driver harmoniously work as expected

    Vietnamese Students Abroad: A Research Framework

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    The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, a critique of the current literature on the acculturation experience of Vietnamese international students is provided. Second, a review of the distinctive cultural-historical traits of Vietnamese international students is presented, demonstrating their differences relative to other Asian sojourning groups as well as other Vietnamese migrant groups. A third purpose of this paper is to present a Vietnamesespecific psychological acculturation framework that might pave the theoretical foundation for investigations on the acculturation experience of Vietnamese international students. This framework is based upon Berry’s (1997) acculturation framework, and De Jong and Fawcett’s (1981) value-expectancy model


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