929 research outputs found

    How the Affordable Care Act Is Helping Young Adults Stay Covered

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    Based on 2010 Biennial Health Insurance Survey data, examines how provisions to extend eligibility for Medicaid and dependent coverage and create insurance exchanges will affect coverage and access to care among young adults

    Timolin: un caso de estudio, el patrimonio de un monasterio en la Irlanda tardomedieval

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    Little archaeological work has been undertaken on nunneries in later medieval Ireland as spaces of female spirituality. This is in part due to the fact that they are generally less well preserved than contemporary male monasteries. Even less research has been done on male or female monastic estates, their topography and the networks they represent. These estates are known to have existed from documentary sources and would have included a variety of land holdings, rights and benefi ces. Through the use of the nunnery of St Mary’s Timolin, Kildare, as a case study, this paper assesses its nunnery estate and concludes that, for the most part, it was a consolidated estate within easy reach of the nunnery itself. This desk-based study using historical evidence hopes to highlight the archaeological research potential of fi eldwork on the Timolin holdings and the future potential to study other nunneries in this way.Es poco el trabajo arqueológico que se ha realizado en los monasterios de mujeres de la Irlanda tardomedieval en tanto que espacios de espiritualidad femenina. Esto se debe en parte al hecho de que generalmente se han conservado peor que los monasterios masculinos contemporáneos. Todavía más escasas son las investigaciones acerca de las propiedades monásticas masculinas o femeninas, de su topografía y de las redes que representan. La existencia de estas propiedades nos es conocida a través de fuentes documentales y sabemos que incluían gran variedad de tierras y de derechos y beneficios. A través del convento de Santa María de Timolin, Kildare, tomado como caso de estudio, este ensayo evalúa sus dominios y concluye que en su mayor parte, se trataba de un sólido conjunto de tierras situadas a poca distancia del propio monasterio. Basado en evidencias históricas, este estudio pretende resaltar el potencial de la investigación arqueológica y del trabajo de campo realizado sobre las explotaciones de Timolin y abrir perspectivas de futuro para el estudio en esta misma dirección de otros monasterios

    Psychophysiology of respiratory disease : clinical considerations for the advanced practice nurse

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the psychophysiology of dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), identify the unique impact of respiratory disease on the female patient, and discuss the relationship of anxiety and depression in disease manifestation. Current COPD assessment and treatment guidelines published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the World Health Organization as well as the National Institute for Health and Care Experience (NICE) will be presented along with implications for the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN). Practitioners treat COPD patients with advanced physiological complications along with psychological comorbidities that worsen the disease perception and progression. Therefore, a recommendation will be made to integrate assessment and evaluation of psychological comorbidities in COPD patients, with particular consideration given to the female patient. Utilizing a holistic, int egrated treatment plan will serve to enhance patient care, alleviate disease burden and impact overall quality of life in the patient with COPD.peer-reviewe

    Gaps in Health Insurance: Why So Many Americans Experience Breaks in Coverage and How the Affordable Care Act Will Help

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    Presents findings from the Health Insurance Tracking Survey of U.S. Adults, including the percentage of those who were uninsured during 2011, reasons for gaps in coverage, access to regular and preventive care, and the impact of federal healthcare reform

    Realizing Health Reform's Potential: When Unemployed Means Uninsured: The Toll of Job Loss on Health Coverage, and How the Affordable Care Act Will Help

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    Examines how the 2010 healthcare reform will significantly expand affordable health coverage options for the unemployed who cannot afford COBRA. Calls for re-establishing COBRA premium subsidies to bridge coverage gaps until it is implemented in 2014

    What Americans Think of the New Insurance Marketplaces and Medicaid Expansion: Findings from the Commonwealth Fund Health Insurance Marketplace Survey, 2013

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    The Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplaces are opening for enrollment on October 1, 2013. The Commonwealth Fund Health Insurance Marketplace Survey, 2013, finds that only two of five adults are aware of the marketplaces or of potential financial help that may be available to them to pay for plans purchased though the marketplaces. However, three of five adults who might be eligible for these new options said they were likely to take advantage of them. The survey also finds broad support for state expansion of the Medicaid program, even in states that have not yet decided to expand their programs. While outreach and education are critical to ensuring that those eligible for the new coverage options will enroll, the survey results suggest that eligible Americans will likely take advantage of the law's insurance reforms in the months and years to come

    A playful approach: want to go on a Boggart hunt?

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    As outdoor educators, we have a diverse range of roles. Dyer (2004:26) suggests we may be enchanters, as we enhance environments and/or experiences so that participants can connect with nature in creative ways. Barlett (2008:1077) echoes this, calling for increased attention to re-enchantment - ‘the phenomena of sensory, emotional, and nonrational ways of connecting with the earth’s living systems’. In this workshop, we will explore the concepts of playfulness and enchantment, through a mix of discussion and activities, with the aim of understanding why this is important. We will be playful with voice, storytelling and natural art – and responsive to the individual needs of participants and the environment. A Boggart is a fictional character that requires imagination to bring to life and to interpret. They embody a sense of mischievousness and the unexpected (Hayes, 2015). ‘Stories have been told about a race of little people called Boggarts for at least a hundred and fifty years… all the reports say that Boggarts are always bright and cheerful and that they love singing and dancing’ (Mills, 2000). Like dialect, the spelling of Boggart varies depending on location, with the northern Boggart contrasting with the southern Boggit. Wherever they are found, and however they spell their name, they have a favourite past-time of confusing grockles (a grockle is a holidaymaker, found mainly in Devon and Cornwall, although also known to spend time in Cumbria). Join us as we hunt for Boggarts amongst the magical folk, enchanted woods and faraway trees of Plymouth. References Barlett, P.F. (2008) ‘Reason and Reenchantment in Cultural Change: Sustainability in Higher Education’, Current Anthropology Vol. 49, No.6. Pp.1077-1098 Dyer, A. (2004) ‘A Sense of Adventure’. Resurgence. No. 226. Pp. 25-27. Hayes T. (2015) ‘A playful approach to outdoor learning: Boggarts, Bears and Bunny Rabbits!’, in Horton J and Evans B (Eds.) Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being, Vol.9 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Springer, Singapore Hayes, T., Faulkner, A. and Harris, F. (2016) We’re ALL in the Wild. An inclusive guide to supporting young people with SEN/D to discover their local outdoor spaces. Wiltshire: Plantlife Mills, F. (2000) Boggarts. Herts: Oldcastle Book

    ‘It pushed me back into the human race’: evaluative findings from a community Christmas event

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    Many older people in Britain spend Christmas day alone. The Christmas period may be especially difficult for older people who are socially isolated, living with dementia or who have physical impairments, and may feel particularly marginalised at this time of year. This paper draws on evaluative research findings from a community Christmas event held in December 2014 at the University of Salford for older people and their carers who would be on their own on Christmas day. A multi-method approach was employed, seven guests took part in semi-structured interviews to explore their experiences and perceptions of the event, seven staff and student volunteers participated in a group interview to explore and discuss their participation in the event. Data collection took place during April and May 2015. Interview transcripts were subjected to thematic analysis. Three overarching themes were identified from the interviews: ‘reasons for participants attending the event’, ‘a different Christmas day: the impact on guests and volunteers’, and ‘learning, planning and moving forwards’. The findings illustrate that a range of people participated in the Christmas day event for a variety of reasons. The event itself had a positive impact, including the shared experience of social belonging, for all involved. There are tangible longer term benefits as a result of the event, such as ongoing contact between participants and the development of supportive networks in the local community

    Lessons Learned about Mentoring Junior Faculty in Higher Education

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    Mentoring junior faculty in higher education is often thought of as an easy task that every tenured faculty member and college administrator thinks they can effectively do. Most tenured faculty think they know the “tricks of the trade” because they have successfully gone through the process themselves. Most administrators also think they know what to do because they have seen or gained “insight” from viewing the successful and unsuccessful tenure applicants over the last few years. This “lived experience” of tenured faculty and administrators, however, may not be the current “lived experience” of junior faculty in higher education today