20 research outputs found

    Drawing the Lines: A GIS study of enclosure and landscape in Northamptonshire

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    This thesis examines the ways in which Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can be used, together with documentary sources, to advance the study of enclosure and landscape. The study proposes that the much researched subject of enclosure has been the focus of economic and social history and that the importance of its effects upon landscape has been under-appreciated. The study area is the historic county of Northamptonshire, an exceptionally well documented county, with one of the highest percentages of land enclosed in the parliamentary period. Enclosure from all periods is studied, with the focus on the parliamentary period as having the most extensive sources. The primary source is the historic map, from which the landscape has been digitally reconstructed in GIS using the techniques of landscape archaeology. First the methodology is defined which provides a definition of terms and explores the range and uses of the source materials. Then the process of enclosure, with the key elements of chronology, density and determinants, is explored within the context of previous studies. There follows chapters on the pre and post-enclosure landscapes which examines the influence of land owners and land use. It will be demonstrated that before enclosure it was the agricultural system that created and defined the landscape, while afterwards the landowners were the most influential factor. A final chapter uses case studies to establish a methodology for using GIS in landscape conservation and management. This has shown that GIS is essential for identifying historic features in the complexity of the modern landscape. Furthermore, the use of GIS in this study has enabled important new issues to be identified: the unenclosed landscape was not dominated by arable but was, by the mid-eighteenth century, predominantly pasture; there was no distinct enclosed landscape, it was far more nuanced than has been recognised; some features associated with enclosure, dispersed buildings and simplified road networks, were in fact associated with period rather than process

    Een archeologische evaluatie en waardering van het slagveld van Oudenaarde 1708 (Oudenaarde, provincie Oost-Vlaanderen)

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    Dit rapport werd ingediend bij het agentschap samen met een aantal afzonderlijke digitale bijlagen. Een aantal van deze bijlagen zijn niet inbegrepen in dit pdf document en zijn niet online beschikbaar. Sommige bijlagen (grondplannen, fotos, spoorbeschrijvingen, enz.) kunnen van belang zijn voor een betere lezing en interpretatie van dit rapport. Indien u deze bijlagen wenst te raadplegen kan u daarvoor contact opnemen met: [email protected]

    A framework for conceptualising early intervention for eating disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: This paper outlines the evidence base for early intervention for eating disorders; provides a global overview of how early intervention for eating disorders is provided in different regions and settings; and proposes policy, service, clinician and research recommendations to progress early intervention for eating disorders. METHOD AND RESULTS: Currently, access to eating disorder treatment often takes many years or does not occur at all. This is despite neurobiological, clinical and socioeconomic evidence showing that early intervention may improve outcomes and facilitate full sustained recovery from an eating disorder. There is also considerable variation worldwide in how eating disorder care is provided, with marked inequalities in treatment provision. Despite these barriers, there are existing evidence-based approaches to early intervention for eating disorders and progress is being made in scaling these. CONCLUSIONS: We propose action steps for the field that will transform eating disorder service provision and facilitate early detection, treatment and recovery for everyone affected by eating disorders, regardless of age, socioeconomic status and personal characteristics

    Exploration of Shared Genetic Architecture Between Subcortical Brain Volumes and Anorexia Nervosa

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    The 2018-2022 Investigation of the 1461 Battle of Mortimer's Cross

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    This collection comprises images, reports and spreadsheets from an Investigation of the 1461 battle of Mortimers cross. The project was established as a collaboration between the local community, the Battlefields Trust, and the University of Huddersfield, with the encouragement of Historic England. The objective of the wider project was not only to locate and improve knowledge about the battle, but also to develop on-site interpretation and promote conservation of the battlefield. Funding was provided principally by the Heritage Lottery Fund but with in-kind contribution from the University of Huddersfield

    A legacy of kings : the story of Rockingham forest

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    Conflict in the Pre-industrial Landscape

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    This project set out to ascertain how material evidence for military action and the landscape in which it took place can be better integrated into the investigation and management of the UK's historic environment. The project was planned in two stages. Phase One, upon which this volume reports, was designed as a resource assessment focussing primarily upon battles, involving the preparation of a gazetteer, an assessment of condition and potential with more detailed field examination of a number of representative examples, leading to a report that would include a design for Phase Two. The design of Phase One built on substantial experience already gained in Scotland; its outputs are offered to inform policy and assist management of land use change, the work of HERs, planners, and the Portable Antiquities Scheme

    Barnet battlefield project 2015-2018

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