70 research outputs found

    Non-Kaehler String Backgrounds and their Five Torsion Classes

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    We discuss the mathematical properties of six--dimensional non--K\"ahler manifolds which occur in the context of N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric heterotic and type IIA string compactifications with non--vanishing background H--field. The intrinsic torsion of the associated SU(3) structures falls into five different classes. For heterotic compactifications we present an explicit dictionary between the supersymmetry conditions and these five torsion classes. We show that the non--Ricci flat Iwasawa manifold solves the supersymmetry conditions with non--zero H--field, so that it is a consistent heterotic supersymmetric groundstate.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX; references added; one more reference adde

    Superconformal N=2, D=5 matter with and without actions

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    We investigate N=2, D=5 supersymmetry and matter-coupled supergravity theories in a superconformal context. In a first stage we do not require the existence of a Lagrangian. Under this assumption, we already find at the level of rigid supersymmetry, i.e. before coupling to conformal supergravity, more general matter couplings than have been considered in the literature. For instance, we construct new vector-tensor multiplet couplings, theories with an odd number of tensor multiplets, and hypermultiplets whose scalar manifold geometry is not hyperkaehler. Next, we construct rigid superconformal Lagrangians. This requires some extra ingredients that are not available for all dynamical systems. However, for the generalizations with tensor multiplets mentioned above, we find corresponding new actions and scalar potentials. Finally, we extend the supersymmetry to local superconformal symmetry, making use of the Weyl multiplet. Throughout the paper, we will indicate the various geometrical concepts that arise, and as an application we compute the non-vanishing components of the Ricci tensor of hypercomplex group manifolds. Our results can be used as a starting point to obtain more general matter-couplings to Poincare supergravity.Comment: 67 pages; v2: title of reference changed and small editing corrections; v3: small typing errors corrected, version published in JHEP; v4: typos corrected; v5: additional term in (2.109) and (4.11); v6: change of order of indices in (2.89

    Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology

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    Knowledge of the three-dimensional movement patterns of elasmobranchs is vital to understand their ecological roles and exposure to anthropogenic pressures. To date, comparative studies among species at global scales have mostly focused on horizontal movements. Our study addresses the knowledge gap of vertical movements by compiling the first global synthesis of vertical habitat use by elasmobranchs from data obtained by deployment of 989 biotelemetry tags on 38 elasmobranch species. Elasmobranchs displayed high intra- and interspecific variability in vertical movement patterns. Substantial vertical overlap was observed for many epipelagic elasmobranchs, indicating an increased likelihood to display spatial overlap, biologically interact, and share similar risk to anthropogenic threats that vary on a vertical gradient. We highlight the critical next steps toward incorporating vertical movement into global management and monitoring strategies for elasmobranchs, emphasizing the need to address geographic and taxonomic biases in deployments and to concurrently consider both horizontal and vertical movements

    Relative roles of cortical and trabecular thinning in reducing osteoporotic vertebral body stiffness: a modelling study

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    While the effects of reduced bone density on osteoporotic vertebral strength are well known, the relative roles of cortical shell and trabecular architecture thinning in determining vertebral stiffness and strength are less clear. These are important parameters in investigating the changing biome-chanics of the ageing spine, and in assessing the effect of stiff-ening procedures such as vertebroplasty on neighbouring spinal segments. This work presents the development of a microstructural computer model of the osteoporotic lumbar vertebral body, allowing detailed prediction of the effects of bone micro-architecture on vertebral stiffness and strength. Microstructural finite element models of an L3 human ver-tebral body were created. The cortex geometry was repre-sented with shell elements and the trabecular network with a lattice of beam elements. Trabecular architecture was varied according to age. Each beam network model was validated against experimental data. Models were generated to represent vertebral bodies of age 75y respectively. For all models, an initial cortical shell thickness of 0.5mm was used, followed by reductions in the age >75y models to 0.35mm and 0.2mm to represent cortical thinning in late stage osteoporosis. Loads were applied to simulate in vitro biomechanical testing, compressing the vertebra by 20% of its height. Predicted vertebral stiffness and strength reduced with pro-gressive age changes in microarchitecture, demonstrating a 44% reduction in stiffness and a 43% reduction in strength, between the age 75 models. Reducing cortical thickness in the age >75 models demonstrated a substantial reduction in stiffness and strength, resulting in a 48% reduc-tion in stiffness and a 62% reduction in strength between the 0.5mm and 0.2mm cortical thickness models. Cortical thinning in late stage osteoporosis may therefore play an even greater role in reducing vertebral stiffness and strength than earlier reductions due to trabecular thinning

    Comparative susceptibility of Salmonella Typhimurium biofilms of different ages to disinfectants

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    There is a general consensus that with increasing age a biofilm shows increased resistance to antimicrobials. In this study the susceptibility of 3-, 5- and 7-day-old Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium biofilms to disinfectants was evaluated. It was hypothesized that 7-day-old biofilms would be more resistant to disinfectants compared to 3- and 5-day-old biofilms. Biofilms were formed using the MBEC™ system and treated with six chemical disinfectants for 1 and 5 min. Four disinfectants at the highest concentration available showed 100% reduction in viable cells from all ages of biofilms after exposure for 5 min, and ethanol at 70% v/v was the least effective against biofilms, followed by chlorhexidine gluconate (CG). At the recommended user concentrations, only sodium hypochlorite showed 100% reduction in viable cells from all ages of biofilms. Benzalkonium chloride and CG were the least effective against biofilms, followed by quaternary ammonium compound which only showed 100% reduction in viable cells from 5-day-old biofilms. Overall, the results from this study do not display enhanced resistance in 7-day-old biofilms compared to 3- and 5-day-old biofilms. It is concluded that under the conditions of this study, the age of biofilm did not contribute to resistance towards disinfectants. Rather, the concentration of disinfectant and an increased contact time were both shown to play a role in successful sanitization

    Coherent large-scale structures in high Reynolds number supersonic jets

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